[Biofuel] Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

2012-11-22 Thread Keith Addison

Believe it or not...


Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

Monday, 19 November 2012 16:02

By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks , The Daily Take | News Analysis

At around 11:25 pm EST on election night, Karl Rove knew something 
had gone terribly wrong.

Minutes earlier, Fox News called the key battleground state of Ohio 
for President Obama, sealing his re-election. But as the network took 
live shots of jubilant Obama supporters celebrating their victory 
camped outside the Obama re-election headquarters in Chicago, Karl 
Rove began building a case against the call his employer network had 
just made.

Rove explained that when Fox called Ohio, only 74% of the vote was in 
showing President Obama with a lead of roughly 30,000 votes. But, as 
Rove contended, with 77% reporting according to the Ohio Secretary of 
State office, the President's lead had been slashed to just 991 

We gotta be careful about calling the thing, Rove said, I'd be 
very cautious about intruding in on this process.

Rove was supremely confident that the numbers coming in from Ohio 
throughout the night that favored President Obama weren't indicative 
of who would win Ohio when all the votes were ultimately tabulated by 
the state's computers. With a quarter of the vote still out there, 
Rove was anticipating a shift to the Right just after 11 pm, which, 
coincidentally, is exactly what happened in 2004.

That year, John Kerry and the entire nation were watching Ohio just 
after the 11pm hour. Florida had just been called for George W. Bush 
and according to the Electoral College math whoever won Ohio would 
win the election. And considering that exit polls from the state 
showed John Kerry with a substantial lead, there were a lot of tense 
moments for Karl Rove and the Republicans that night.

Then the clock struck 11:14pm, and the servers counting the votes in 
Ohio crashed. Election officials had planned for this sort of thing 
to happen and already contracted with a company in Chattanooga, 
Tennessee called SMARTech to be the failsafe should the servers in 
Ohio go down.

As journalist Craig Unger lays bare in his book, Boss Rove, SMARTech 
was drenched in Republican politics. One of the early founders of the 
company was Mercer Reynolds who used to the finance chairman of the 
Republican Party. SMARTech's top client was none other than the 
Bush-Cheney campaign itself and SMARTech also did work for Jeb Bush 
and the Republican National Committee. And it was Ohio's Republican 
Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell, who ensured that SMARTech received 
the contract to count votes on election night should the servers go 
down, which they did at exactly 11:14pm.

Sixty long seconds later the servers came back up in Ohio, but now 
with vote rerouted through SMARTech in Chattanooga. 
And, coincidentally, Bush's prospects for re-election were suddenly 
a lot brighter. The vote totals that poured into the system from 
SmartTECH's computer in Chattanooga were flipping the exit polls on 
their head. The lead Kerry had in the exit polls had magically 
reversed by more than 6%, something unheard of in any other nation in 
the developed world, giving Bush the win in Ohio and the presidency 
for another four years.

Unger further explains in his book that the only independent analysis 
of what happened in Ohio was done by Richard Hayes Phillips and 
published in the book, Witness to a Crime. Phillips and his team 
analyzed more than 120,000 ballots, 127 polls books, and 141 
signature books from Ohio's 2004 election.

Phillips found zero irregularities in vote totals from all the 
counties that reported results before the servers crashed at 11:14pm. 
But of the fourteen counties that came in after the crash connected 
Ohio's election computers to SmartTECH's computers in Chattanooga, 
every single one of them showed voter irregularities - that all 
favored George W. Bush.

For example, consider Cleveland's Fourth Ward. In 2000, Al Gore won 
95% of that ward's vote. But in 2004, the county reported its results 
after the 11:14 pm crash, and it showed that Kerry had only won 59% 
of the vote - a 35% drop without any explanation. There were several 
other abnormalities across Ohio's post-server crash that delivered 
the state to Bush.

John Kerry never protested the election and to this day, these 2004 
voter abnormalities have never been addressed.

So the question is: on election night this year, when Karl Rove was 
protesting the call his network had just made in Ohio, was Rove 
anticipating a wave of unpredicted vote totals to swing the election 
back to Mitt Romney after a statewide server crash, just as had 
happened in 2004?

Perhaps. He did make the point that the race was about to drastically 
narrow according to the Secretary of State's office. And as The Free 
Press reports, a number of odd similarities with 2004 began 

Re: [Biofuel] Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

2012-11-22 Thread Chris Burck
ha, i was about to post this one.  an investigation into the '04 ohio
election results was opened, but stalled and was then dropped (i'm not
clear on why).  it was then picked up by some attorneys (again, somewhat
murky:  what was their competence?  haven't had a chance yet to try and dig
for these details) who, it seems, may have been on the verge of 'flipping'
the IT guy at the center of all this.  he had allegedly been threatened if
he didn't take the fall.  so these attorneys inform the relevant govt
attorneys' offices of the need to give this guy protection.  not much
later, he dies in a small aircraft accident (shades of paul wellstone).

these stories are linked in the tom hartmann article.

anyway, a new twist on old news. . . .
On Nov 22, 2012 10:55 AM, Keith Addison ke...@journeytoforever.org

 Believe it or not...


 Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

 Monday, 19 November 2012 16:02

 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks , The Daily Take | News Analysis

 At around 11:25 pm EST on election night, Karl Rove knew something had
 gone terribly wrong.

 Minutes earlier, Fox News called the key battleground state of Ohio for
 President Obama, sealing his re-election. But as the network took live
 shots of jubilant Obama supporters celebrating their victory camped outside
 the Obama re-election headquarters in Chicago, Karl Rove began building a
 case against the call his employer network had just made.

 Rove explained that when Fox called Ohio, only 74% of the vote was in
 showing President Obama with a lead of roughly 30,000 votes. But, as Rove
 contended, with 77% reporting according to the Ohio Secretary of State
 office, the President's lead had been slashed to just 991 votes.
 We gotta be careful about calling the thing, Rove said, I'd be very
 cautious about intruding in on this process.

 Rove was supremely confident that the numbers coming in from Ohio
 throughout the night that favored President Obama weren't indicative of who
 would win Ohio when all the votes were ultimately tabulated by the state's
 computers. With a quarter of the vote still out there, Rove was
 anticipating a shift to the Right just after 11 pm, which, coincidentally,
 is exactly what happened in 2004.

 That year, John Kerry and the entire nation were watching Ohio just after
 the 11pm hour. Florida had just been called for George W. Bush and
 according to the Electoral College math whoever won Ohio would win the
 election. And considering that exit polls from the state showed John Kerry
 with a substantial lead, there were a lot of tense moments for Karl Rove
 and the Republicans that night.

 Then the clock struck 11:14pm, and the servers counting the votes in Ohio
 crashed. Election officials had planned for this sort of thing to happen
 and already contracted with a company in Chattanooga, Tennessee called
 SMARTech to be the failsafe should the servers in Ohio go down.

 As journalist Craig Unger lays bare in his book, Boss Rove, SMARTech was
 drenched in Republican politics. One of the early founders of the company
 was Mercer Reynolds who used to the finance chairman of the Republican
 Party. SMARTech's top client was none other than the Bush-Cheney campaign
 itself and SMARTech also did work for Jeb Bush and the Republican National
 Committee. And it was Ohio's Republican Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell,
 who ensured that SMARTech received the contract to count votes on election
 night should the servers go down, which they did at exactly 11:14pm.

 Sixty long seconds later the servers came back up in Ohio, but now with
 vote rerouted through SMARTech in Chattanooga. And, coincidentally, Bush's
 prospects for re-election were suddenly a lot brighter. The vote totals
 that poured into the system from SmartTECH's computer in Chattanooga were
 flipping the exit polls on their head. The lead Kerry had in the exit polls
 had magically reversed by more than 6%, something unheard of in any other
 nation in the developed world, giving Bush the win in Ohio and the
 presidency for another four years.

 Unger further explains in his book that the only independent analysis of
 what happened in Ohio was done by Richard Hayes Phillips and published in
 the book, Witness to a Crime. Phillips and his team analyzed more than
 120,000 ballots, 127 polls books, and 141 signature books from Ohio's 2004

 Phillips found zero irregularities in vote totals from all the counties
 that reported results before the servers crashed at 11:14pm. But of the
 fourteen counties that came in after the crash connected Ohio's election
 computers to SmartTECH's computers in Chattanooga, every single one of them
 showed voter irregularities - that all favored George W. Bush.

 For example, consider Cleveland's Fourth Ward. In 2000, Al Gore won 95% of

Re: [Biofuel] Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

2012-11-22 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Chris

ha, i was about to post this one.

Please don't let that discourage you!

Follow-up below.

All best


an investigation into the '04 ohio
election results was opened, but stalled and was then dropped (i'm not
clear on why).  it was then picked up by some attorneys (again, somewhat
murky:  what was their competence?  haven't had a chance yet to try and dig
for these details) who, it seems, may have been on the verge of 'flipping'
the IT guy at the center of all this.  he had allegedly been threatened if
he didn't take the fall.  so these attorneys inform the relevant govt
attorneys' offices of the need to give this guy protection.  not much
later, he dies in a small aircraft accident (shades of paul wellstone).

these stories are linked in the tom hartmann article.

anyway, a new twist on old news. . . .
On Nov 22, 2012 10:55 AM, Keith Addison ke...@journeytoforever.org

  Believe it or not...


 Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

 Monday, 19 November 2012 16:02

 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks , The Daily Take | News Analysis

 At around 11:25 pm EST on election night, Karl Rove knew something had

  gone terribly wrong.



Why Anonymous' Claims about Election-Rigging Can't Be Ignored

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 15:18

By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take | News Analysis

As laid out in the previous article, Anonymous, Karl Rove and the 
2012 Election Fix?, it's possible that Karl Rove used SmartTECH's 
servers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip the vote totals in Ohio in 
2004 and thus steal the election that year for George W. Bush - and 
just as possible that he tried to do the same thing this year on 
Romney's behalf but was thwarted by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Many people have responded to these claims with a variation on: 
That's impossible. A presidential candidate committing treason? 
That would never happen, and, if it did, it would be front-page news. 
Everybody would know about it, right?


Consider some simple history.

In 1952 Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidency - and 
there's not a hint of scandal associated with that election.  Maybe 
that's because he supported a 91% top marginal income tax rate on the 
rich and approved of very popular New Deal programs like Social 
Security and unemployment benefits. As he told his brother in a 
letter in 1954, Should any political party attempt to abolish social 
security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm 
programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political 
history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you 
can do these thingsŠa few other Texas oil millionaires, and an 
occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number 
is negligible and they are stupid.

But Eisenhower was the last legitimately elected Republican president.

Richard Nixon, who won the 1968 election against Vice President 
Hubert Humphrey, followed Eisenhower.  At the time, the Vietnam War 
was raging, millions of students were in the streets, and President 
Lyndon Johnson, throughout 1968, was working desperately to bring a 
negotiated end to that war.  He'd gotten both the North and the South 
Vietnamese to agree to terms of peace, and, by late September, there 
was only a meeting in Paris to seal the deal.

And then the CIA brought LBJ a wiretap they'd intercepted between the 
Nixon for President Campaign and the office of the President of South 
Vietnam, Nguy?n V?n Thi?u.  Nixon basically told them that if they 
refused to go to the peace talks, or at least refused to go along 
with the peace agreement Johnson had worked out with them, then Nixon 
would give them a much better deal after the election.

LBJ was furious.  This was treason, and because he could listen to 
the CIA phone intercepts, he knew that Richard Nixon was at the heart 
of it. So he called the senior Republican in the US Senate, Everett 
Dirksen, one of the most honorable men to hold a Senate leadership 
position in generations, and told him what was going on.

I'm reading their hand, Everett, LBJ said, I don't want to get 
this in the campaign. This is treason!

LBJ continued, I can identify them because I know who's doing this. 
I don't want to identify it - I think it would shock America if a 
principled candidate was playing with a source like this on a matter 
this important.

Everett Dirksen promised to contact Nixon personally and try to put a 
stop to it, and in later conversations reported back to LBJ that 
Nixon wouldn't even discuss it with him.  General Thi?u dug in his 
heels, the war continued, Humphrey lost, and Nixon won the election.

This is historical fact.  So, why doesn't every American know that 
Nixon committed treason in 1968 to win the 

Re: [Biofuel] Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

2012-11-22 Thread Chris Burck
lol, no worries, keith.

tom hartmann's been hitting this issue on his radio program, too.  i
wondered if he'd put the lbj stuff in writing (thanks again for doing the
legwork).  i wish I had the time to follow his work more closely because
he's quite good.  as it is, if i'm lucky i get to hear a part of his radio
slot once or twice a week.  oh, well, it is what it is. . . .
On Nov 22, 2012 4:48 PM, Keith Addison ke...@journeytoforever.org wrote:

 Hi Chris

  ha, i was about to post this one.

 Please don't let that discourage you!

 Follow-up below.

 All best


  an investigation into the '04 ohio
 election results was opened, but stalled and was then dropped (i'm not
 clear on why).  it was then picked up by some attorneys (again, somewhat
 murky:  what was their competence?  haven't had a chance yet to try and
 for these details) who, it seems, may have been on the verge of 'flipping'
 the IT guy at the center of all this.  he had allegedly been threatened if
 he didn't take the fall.  so these attorneys inform the relevant govt
 attorneys' offices of the need to give this guy protection.  not much
 later, he dies in a small aircraft accident (shades of paul wellstone).

 these stories are linked in the tom hartmann article.

 anyway, a new twist on old news. . . .
 On Nov 22, 2012 10:55 AM, Keith Addison ke...@journeytoforever.org

   Believe it or not...


  Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix?

  Monday, 19 November 2012 16:02

  By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks , The Daily Take | News Analysis

  At around 11:25 pm EST on election night, Karl Rove knew something had

   gone terribly wrong.



 Why Anonymous' Claims about Election-Rigging Can't Be Ignored

 Tuesday, 20 November 2012 15:18

 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take | News Analysis

 As laid out in the previous article, Anonymous, Karl Rove and the 2012
 Election Fix?, it's possible that Karl Rove used SmartTECH's servers in
 Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip the vote totals in Ohio in 2004 and thus
 steal the election that year for George W. Bush - and just as possible that
 he tried to do the same thing this year on Romney's behalf but was thwarted
 by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

 Many people have responded to these claims with a variation on: That's
 impossible. A presidential candidate committing treason? That would never
 happen, and, if it did, it would be front-page news. Everybody would know
 about it, right?


 Consider some simple history.

 In 1952 Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidency - and there's
 not a hint of scandal associated with that election.  Maybe that's because
 he supported a 91% top marginal income tax rate on the rich and approved of
 very popular New Deal programs like Social Security and unemployment
 benefits. As he told his brother in a letter in 1954, Should any political
 party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and
 eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party
 again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course,
 that believes you can do these thingsŠa few other Texas oil millionaires,
 and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number
 is negligible and they are stupid.

 But Eisenhower was the last legitimately elected Republican president.

 Richard Nixon, who won the 1968 election against Vice President Hubert
 Humphrey, followed Eisenhower.  At the time, the Vietnam War was raging,
 millions of students were in the streets, and President Lyndon Johnson,
 throughout 1968, was working desperately to bring a negotiated end to that
 war.  He'd gotten both the North and the South Vietnamese to agree to terms
 of peace, and, by late September, there was only a meeting in Paris to seal
 the deal.

 And then the CIA brought LBJ a wiretap they'd intercepted between the
 Nixon for President Campaign and the office of the President of South
 Vietnam, Nguy?n V?n Thi?u.  Nixon basically told them that if they refused
 to go to the peace talks, or at least refused to go along with the peace
 agreement Johnson had worked out with them, then Nixon would give them a
 much better deal after the election.

 LBJ was furious.  This was treason, and because he could listen to the CIA
 phone intercepts, he knew that Richard Nixon was at the heart of it. So he
 called the senior Republican in the US Senate, Everett Dirksen, one of the
 most honorable men to hold a Senate leadership position in generations, and
 told him what was going on.

 I'm reading their hand, Everett, LBJ said, I