Re: [Biofuel] From Norway, an eco-alternative to teak

2009-07-09 Thread Chip Mefford

I'm sorry I'm so contrary,

But if this technology isn't something 'we' can do with lumber 'we' can
cut and transport to our mill by ourselves without 'big energy' inputs,
and without 'any' pollutant outputs, then it is hardly eco-friendly,
nor is it remotely sustainable.

There is not reason to be harvesting teak and mahogany and exporting it
all over the globe now. No reason at all that matters. Yeah, sure it's
great stuff, no argument there. But since there is no actual /need/
that I can see, I don't see a /need/ for an alternative.

> * Story Highlights 
> * Norwegian  company has developed eco-friendly way to simulate hardwood 
> * Kebony uses  sustainable wood including maple, pine and beech 
> * Wood is treated to give  it the same look, performance as tropical 
> hardwood 
> * Product widely used in  Norway, now the company is expanding 
> internationally 
>>From Norway, an eco-alternative to  teak 
> _
> CText_ 
> (
Chip Mefford

Before Enlightenment;
  chop wood
  carry water
After Enlightenment;
  chop wood
  carry water
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[Biofuel] From Norway, an eco-alternative to teak

2009-07-06 Thread SurpriseShan2

* Story Highlights 
* Norwegian  company has developed eco-friendly way to simulate hardwood 
* Kebony uses  sustainable wood including maple, pine and beech 
* Wood is treated to give  it the same look, performance as tropical 
* Product widely used in  Norway, now the company is expanding 
>From Norway, an eco-alternative to  teak 

By Hilary Whiteman CNN 

LONDON, England (CNN) -- The sleek, dark wood has all the  characteristics 
of endangered mahogany from Peru's Amazon rainforest. 

In reality, it was manufactured in Norway, in a five-day  process that 
instills all the qualities of rare, tropical hardwood into  sustainable 

The company that makes it, Kebony, says it comes with none  of the 
environmental cost. 

**This is a mega turn, people have to act,** Kebony CEO  Christian Jebsen 
told CNN. **We have a green solution for the tropical wood  market and we are 
there to take that market or at least be part of it.**  VideoChristian 
Jebsen talks to CNN » 

The global market for wood products from tropical forests  is estimated to 
be worth some $20 billion each year, according to the  International 
Tropical Timber Organization. 

Most of the wood on the world market now comes from  Southeast Asia and 
Africa, according to the Rainforest Foundation Norway.  Tighter controls on 
logging in Brazil have reduced the amount of hardwood being  shipped out of the 
Amazon, once a popular source for the finest quality  mahogany, teak and 

**Each tree is worth maybe $25,000-$40,000 on the  international market. 
And there are lots of trees being taken out [worldwide] --  so this is a large 
business, a huge business,** said Lars Løvold, director of  the Rainforest 
Foundation Norway. 

The United Nations estimates some 13 million hectares of  forest are lost 
worldwide each year, equivalent to an area the size of Greece or  Nicaragua. 
Their absence is said to contribute more carbon emissions each year  than 
the global transport sector. 

Demand for luxury hardwood is by no means the main cause  of deforestation. 
Clearing land for agriculture and the collection of wood for  fuel are the 
main drivers, but Løvold said the lucrative market for hardwood  provides a 
compelling incentive for loggers to move into previously untouched  areas. 

**Almost all deforestation starts with the logging,**  Løvold told CNN. 
**The logging doesn't necessarily end up in the total clearance  of an area, it 
just opens up the area, it takes out all the valuable trees and  makes it 
much easier.** 

Kebony*s move into the global wood market follows more  than a decade of 
research started in the late 1990s by Canadian scientist Marc  Schneider of 
the University of New Brunswick. 

Rigorous testing took place before the first trial  production in 2004. 
Strong demand for the product convinced the company to build  a new plant with 
ten times the production capacity, which opened in January. 

**What we are doing with our technology is to permanently  transform the 
wood so it doesn*t change. Our process is 100 percent  environmentally 
friendly,** Jebsen told CNN. 

The process involves injecting softwood with a patented  formula which 
includes Furfuryl alcohol, a waste by-product of sugar cane  production. 

The wood is then subjected to pressure, heated and dried  before being 
cured at high temperatures to create a product that the company  says is 
stronger, more stable than untreated softwood and weather-proof. 

Kebony*s environmental credentials have been endorsed with  the receipt of 
the Nordic region's eco-label, the Swan. It's also received  Norway*s n
ational environmental prize, the **Glass Bear.** 

On a cost basis, the company says it can compete with the  price of 
authentic teak on the European market. 

**You can buy a cubic meter of teak in Europe for anything  between 3,000 
euros ($4,000) up to 10,000 euros ($14,000), depending on the  quality. I 
would say we are competitive with that,** Jebsen said. 

Kebony is **slightly more expensive** when compared to  pressure-treated 
wood, but it doesn*t contain any of the potentially harmful  metals or 
pesticides that are commonly used to improve the wood's durability. 

Jebsen sees some of the company's best opportunities in  the boat-building 
industry, where rare teak from Myanmar is being used at the  luxury end of 
the market. 

**We believe multiple boat manufacturers will start to use  Kebony very 
soon -- some have already started,** he said. 

The company is also planning a move into the U.S. decking  market where 
it*s scouting for clients and recruiting distributors. 

**The U.S. decking market, which is using toxic  impregnated, metal-based 
wood modification methods, together with t