Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-11 Thread Keith Addison
Real modern history, all this, villains and victims and no heroes.

A Strange Echo From History
By Adam Curtis
June 08, 2010 "BBC" -- Here is a strange echo from history. It is a 
documentary made by the BBC in 1973 about the story of the ship, the 
Exodus. It was the ship full of Jewish refugees - many of them 
survivors of the Holocaust - that tried to break the British blockade 
of Palestine in 1947. The participants from both sides appear and 
describe in detail how British soldiers boarded the ship 21 miles off 
the coast of Palestine killing 3 of the refugees and wounding others. 

>I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>"peaceful" means to them.
>To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>Happy Happy,
>- - - - - - - -
>Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>Orlando Sentinel
>Remember the dead during peace time
>We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>hostile act during peace time.
>On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.  
>At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>ship since World War II.  
>John W
>Donald C
>Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>without signposts. 
>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>insane by those who could not hear the music.
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>The best portion of a good man's life -
>His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-10 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Chris

>your oil and israel post is an incredible piece of writing, keith.

Why thankyou. :-) I guess I'd just had enough of it - I mean, what 
utter crap, criticising Israel is anti-Semitic. Highly toxic crap at 
that. It was Arthur Sauerhaft who dunnit, calling people Nazis. 
Somebody dubbed him an "armchair Holocaust survivor". (Or maybe that 
was me.)

Anyway, it was useful, I thought, and it led to further discussions 
which shed some light on some darkness. "Holocausts are a dime a 
dozen these days." Indeed... Such as one child dying of hunger every 
three seconds, in this richest of all worlds where there's more than 
enough food for everybody. Or is it one every five seconds? That 
wouldn't be quite so bad, eh? A 40% improvement. We had a good 
argument about holocaust ratings - is a holocaust where six million 
people are killed three times as bad as one where only two million 
are killed? Fritz ended it: "Even ONE is too many!" Yes!

Hey... is NOTHING sacred?? No - either that or everything is.

>you so obviously went into the right profession.

I fell into it!

>tried checking out
>the arundhati roy link, but seems lannan has revamped their website in
>the intervening years, and the transcript is no longer offered in

My, it's still in the same place at ZNet, where it first appeared, fancy that:

I'll post it in full, next message - we should have it in the archives, IMHO.

>will have to make arrangements to download the pdf because she
>is one hell of a writer.

She's excellent!

There's an interview with her here, if you're interested (I haven't 
listened to it yet).

All best


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-10 Thread Keith Addison
It's great to hear from you Gustl. Sorry I've been so quiet. How many 
times have we said that to each other? Well, we both understand, eh? 
Sorry too that you're feeling poorly. I wish well-wishing would help. 
Maybe it does?

All best to you


>I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>"peaceful" means to them.
>To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>Happy Happy,
>- - - - - - - -
>Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>Orlando Sentinel
>Remember the dead during peace time
>We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>hostile act during peace time.
>On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.  
>At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>ship since World War II.  
>John W
>Donald C
>Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>without signposts. 
>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>insane by those who could not hear the music.
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>The best portion of a good man's life -
>His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-10 Thread Chris Burck
your oil and israel post is an incredible piece of writing, keith.
you so obviously went into the right profession.  tried checking out
the arundhati roy link, but seems lannan has revamped their website in
the intervening years, and the transcript is no longer offered in
html.  will have to make arrangements to download the pdf because she
is one hell of a writer.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

[Biofuel] more mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith and all,
first time i see a major Newspaper coming out with an article puting the crimes 
of Israel in the rigth ligth!
Its all in french but worth reading it fore the ones able to.
The tide is changing

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
While we're at it, why not try this for size?

Re: Oil and Israel - Keith
Keith Addison
3 Jun 2004

Six years later, it's at last getting a bit of an airing:

"Brothers in Arms"
Israel's Most Illicit Affair
By Glenn Frankel
May 28, 2010 "Foreign Policy" -- History is a great teacher, but 
sometimes it packs a nasty sense of irony. A case in point: South 
African Prime Minister John Vorster's visit to the Yad Vashem 
Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem in April 1976, where he laid a wreath 
to the victims of the German Reich he once extolled. [more]



>liberty +israel
>68 matches
>>wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
>>list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
>>is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
>>years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
>>had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
>>the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
>>committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
>>say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.
>>On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>   Hallo,
>>>   I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>>>   under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>>>   military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>>>   Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>>>   It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>>>   deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>>>   folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>>>   spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>>>   the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>>>   what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>>>   "peaceful" means to them.
>>>   To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>>>   major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>>>   excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>>>   chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>>>   you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>>>   My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>>>   brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>>>   Happy Happy,
>>>   Gustl
>>>   - - - - - - - -
>>>   Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>>>   and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>>>   Orlando Sentinel
>>>   Remember the dead during peace time
>>>   We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>>>   hostile act during peace time.
>>>   On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>>>   The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>>>   Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>>>   missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
>>>   At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>>>   ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>>>   Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>>>   One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>>>   cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>>>   ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>>>   Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>>>   were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>  >>  ship since World War II.
>>>   John W
>>>   Donald C
>>>   --
>>>   Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>>>   We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>>>   The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>>>   soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>>>   without signposts.
>>>   C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>>>   Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>>>   daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>>>   gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>>>   And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>>>   insane by those who could not hear the music.
>>>   Friedrich Nietzsche
>>>   The best portion of a good man's life -
>>>   His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness a

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

liberty +israel
68 matches

>wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
>list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
>is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
>years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
>had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
>the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
>committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
>say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.
>On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hallo,
>>  I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
>>  under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
>>  military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
>>  Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
>>  It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
>>  deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
>>  folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
>>  spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
>>  the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
>>  what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
>>  "peaceful" means to them.
>>  To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
>>  major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
>>  excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
>>  chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
>>  you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
>>  My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
>>  brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
>>  Happy Happy,
>>  Gustl
>>  - - - - - - - -
>>  Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
>>  and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
>>  Orlando Sentinel
>>  Remember the dead during peace time
>>  We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
>>  hostile act during peace time.
>>  On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
>>  The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
>>  Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
>>  missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
>>  At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
>>  ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
>>  Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
>>  One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
>>  cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
>>  ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
>>  Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
>>  were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
>>  ship since World War II.
>>  John W
>>  Donald C
>>  --
>>  Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>>  We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>>  The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>>  soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>>  without signposts.
>>  C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>>  Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>>  daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>>  gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>>  And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>>  insane by those who could not hear the music.
>>  Friedrich Nietzsche
>>  The best portion of a good man's life -
>>  His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>  > William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Burck
wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this
list.  the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and
is slowly penetrating the american pryche.  i first heard of it many
years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who
had just published a tell-all book.  his take was that israel attacked
the ship in order to cover up rather heinous war crimes being
committed against egyptian military personnel.  the prequel, you might
say, to the infamous 'highway to hell' during desert storm.

On 6/9/10, Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
> under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
> military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
> Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
> It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
> deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
> folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
> spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
> the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
> what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
> "peaceful" means to them.
> To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
> major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
> excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
> chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
> you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.
> My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
> brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.
> Happy Happy,
> Gustl
> - - - - - - - -
> Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
> and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)
> Orlando Sentinel
> Remember the dead during peace time
> We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
> hostile act during peace time.
> On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
> The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
> Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
> missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.
> At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
> ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
> Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.
> One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
> cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
> ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
> Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
> were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
> ship since World War II.
> John W
> Donald C
> --
> Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
> We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
> The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
> soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
> without signposts.
> C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
> Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
> daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
> gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
> And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
> insane by those who could not hear the music.
> Friedrich Nietzsche
> The best portion of a good man's life -
> His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
> William Wordsworth
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

I  belong  to  an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked
under  the  command  of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the
military  are  represented  as  well as the 3 letter civilian outfits.
Many  things  are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified.
It is purely social in nature. Below is an email from the list. I have
deleted  last names and email addresses to maintain the privacy of the
folks  in  the mail. I know neither of them. I am not endorsing either
spying  or  violence,  but rather pointing out what "defense" means to
the  Israeli  government.  If  they do this to their "allies" consider
what  they  are  prepared  to do to their "enemies", and what the word
"peaceful" means to them.

To  those  of  you  who know me, no, I'm not dead yet but do have some
major  health  problems  and  my  activities are restricted. Typing is
excruciating.  Even  using  a  fork and spoon are let alone a knife or
chopsticks.  I apologize for not answering emails, but Keith will tell
you that they tend to be lengthy and this one is plenty long enough.

My best wishes to all my good friends on this list, particularly to my
brother Keith. You are in my thoughts and daily prayers.

Happy Happy,


- - - - - - - -

Letters  to  the Editor (This was submitted to the newspaper by John W
and forwarded to the spook list by Don C.)

Orlando Sentinel

Remember the dead during peace time

We  must  not  forget  those who died, not in war but as a result of a
hostile act during peace time.

On  June  8, 1967, a highly sophisticated intelligence-gathering ship,
The  USS  Liberty  was in international waters off the coast of Egypt.
Its  mission  was  to  ascertain  if Russians or Egyptians were flying
missions against Israel during its war against Egypt.   

At  about  2  that afternoon, two Israeli Mirage fighters attacked the
ship.  Other aircraft followed, dropping napalm on the Liberty's deck.
Israeli torpedo boats followed, launching their projectiles.

One  of  the  five  torpedoes  hit  the  ship,  killing  a  number  of
cryptologists. The attack lasted less than an hour and a half, and the
ship sustained 821 shell holes plus a 40-foot hole by the torpedo. The
Liberty  had  a  complement of 294 men. Thirty-four died, and some-170
were  wounded  - a 70 percent casualty rate and the highest for a U.S.
ship since World War II.   

John W

Donald C

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could not hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Posted by stevebenen at 12:17 pm

June 6, 2010


Neocons Deem Key U.S. Alley Turkey "the Enemy"

This post originally appeared on Washington Monthly.

On Friday, Liz Cheney blasted the White House for "sending a clear 
signal to the Turkish-Syrian-Iranian axis that their methods for 
ostracizing Israel will succeed." For most of us, the fact that 
Turkey is part of an "axis" with Syria and Iran was rather startling 

As Glenn Greenwald noted, we're watching as Cheney and others 
"instantaneously transform" Turkey into "The Enemy" in the wake of 
recent violence off the coast of Gaza.

Cheney did it again this morning, once again linking Turkey to Iran 
and Syria as nations that "threaten to destroy Israel."

Even for Liz Cheney, this is pretty nutty. Turkey is not only a NATO 
member and long-time ally of the United States, it's also been a 
key Israeli ally. Obviously, the May 31 raid has pushed the 
relationship to the breaking point, but labeling Turkey as a country 
that "threatens to destroy" Israel ignores years of history.

As the NYT recently explained, Turkey "has long been Israel's closest 
friend in the Muslim world, with $2.5 billion in trade in 2009 and 
strong ties between the countries' militaries and governments."

Her entire analysis is completely absurd, but if recent months are 
any indication, this is a trend worth watching - how soon will other 
conservatives start characterizing another U.S. ally as an enemy?

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Published 23:28 08.06.10

Latest update 23:28 08.06.10

Tony Blair: Israel has a right to defend itself

Quartet envoy tells Channel 10: When it comes to security, I'm 100% 
on Israel's side. Israel has a right to inspect what goes into Gaza.

Special envoy of the Quartet of Middle East peace mediators, Tony 
Blair, said Tuesday that any investigation into Israel's raid on a 
Gaza-bound flotilla last week had to be "full and impartial" and that 
Israel had the right to defend itself.

In the May 31 raid, Israeli commandos rappelled onto the deck of one 
of the ships trying to break Israel's three-year-old blockade of 
Gaza. The soldiers were intercepted by a crowd of activists, setting 
off a clash that killed nine men - eight Turks and a Turkish American.

Israel says its soldiers began shooting only after a mob of 
pro-Palestinian activists attacked them - a version backed up by 
video footage released by the army. But the activists and their 
supporters say Israeli commandos needlessly opened fire.

The incident triggered a storm of criticism of Israel, followed by 
countless calls for an international investigation into the incident. 
Israel has so far rejected an international probe, but is taking 
steps to establish a commission of investigation within Israel, 
possibly with international observers.

Speaking with Channel 10 a week after the deadly clash, Blair said 
that he believed the Israeli blockade on Gaza should be lifted but at 
the same time he also understands Israel's security concerns.

"There's no question that there are rockets fired from Gaza and that 
there are people in Gaza who want to kill innocent Israelis," he 
said. "When it comes to security, I'm 100 percent on Israel's side. 
Israel has the right to inspect what goes into Gaza."

Blair said he was troubled by Turkey's recent shift in policy that 
has led to a deterioration of the Turkey-Israel relationship.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, Blair said that there was no doubt that 
Iran should be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons.

"Iran with nuclear weapons is not something we should contemplate or 
allow," he said.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison

Poll: 49% of Americans Blame Pro-Palestinian Activists for Flotilla Deaths

By Haaretz

June 08, 2010 "Haaretz" -- Ramussen poll: Only 19% of Americans 
believe Israel is to blame for the clash aboard Gaza-bound aid ship 
Mavi Marmara last week.

Nearly half - 49 percent - of likely U.S. voters believe that 
pro-Palestinian activists were to blame for the deaths that occurred 
when the Israel Defense Forces raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla last 
week, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Only 19 percent believe that Israel was to blame. Another 32 percent 
said they were not sure.

Nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed on May 31 when the IDF 
intercepted six Gaza-bound aid ships. All the deaths occurred on the 
Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara vessel. The IDF said its soldiers opened 
fire in self-defense after being attacked by activists with knives 
and other weapons.

51 percent of those surveyed said Israel should allow an 
international investigation of the incident. 25 percent rejected the 
idea of an international probe and another 24 percent were undecided.

49 percent of U.S. voters agreed that, generally speaking, most 
countries are too critical of Israel. 21 percent said countries are 
not critical enough and 17 percent said neither.

Israel is one of only five countries that a majority of Americans are 
willing to defend militarily.

70 percent of voters said they have been following news reports about 
the Gaza flotilla incident at least somewhat closely. 28 percent have 
not been following closely, if at all.

73 percent of voters think it is unlikely that a lasting peace 
agreement will be reached between Israel and the Palestinians in the 
next ten years.

58 percent view Israel as a U.S. ally and two percent as an enemy, 
with 32 percent saying the country is somewhere in between the two.

By comparison, just 30 percent see the United Nations as an ally of 
the United States. 16 percent see the UN as America's enemy, and 49% 
put it somewhere in between.

The survey was based on interviews with 1,000 likely U.S. voters and 
had a +/-3 percent sampling error margin.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-04 Thread Keith Addison

American, 19, Among Those Killed By Israeli Troops - Furkan Dogan Was 
Shot Four Times in Head
June 3, 2010 "ABC News"
A Canadian on board, Farooq Burney, described watching an elderly man 
bleed to death. The head of a Turkish charity that organized the aid 
flotilla said an Indonesian doctor was shot in the stomach and a 
photographer was shot in the forehead.

Biden: Israel right to stop Gaza flotilla from breaking blockade
VP Biden tells Charlie Rose that the Israel Navy might not have 
needed to drop commandos onto the Gaza-bound ship, but insists that 
Israel is entitled to defend its security.
By Natasha Mozgovaya
June 03, 2010 "Haaretz"
In contrast to the barrage of condemnations all over the globe, many 
in the U.S. Congress expressed support for Israel.

Aid Ship Sailing Towards Gaza, Prefers U.N. Escort:
By Reuters
Thu Jun 3, 2010
Israeli Foreign Minister, "No ship will reach Gaza. The Rachel Corrie 
will not reach Gaza," he told Israel Radio.

Call to Defend the Rachel Corrie:
By Robert Naiman
Policy Director of Just Foreign Policy
June 03, 2010 "Huffington Post"
Former UN Assistant Secretary called on Irish-Americans to lobby the 
Obama Administration: "We also feel there is a role for the Irish 
diaspora here, in the US and elsewhere to lobby politicians over this 
continued illegal blockade of Gaza, which is causing such hardship to 
the Palestinian people."

Activists on the Ship 'Rachel Corrie' Challenge Israel's Unjust Gaza 
Blockade and Zionist Myths
By Ira Chernus
June 02, 2010 "AlterNet"
As the MV Rachel Corrie approaches Gaza to confront the Israeli 
blockade, it forces the Israeli government to confront this dilemma. 
Perhaps at last, under this pressure, the Israelis will see that both 
of the dominant Zionist myths have reached a dead end.

UN Orders Israel to lift Gaza Blockade
By NineMSN
June 03, 2010 "MSN"
UN chief Ban Ki-moon has demanded that Israel lift its blockade of 
the Gaza Strip immediately in the wake of a deadly raid on a 
Gaza-bound aid flotilla.


Israel: Spinning the Attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla

Mel Frykberg | Posted: June 02, 2010

Inter Press Service

The Israeli government's spin machine has launched into full-throttle 
as the country faces yet another diplomatic crisis and harsh 
international criticism for Monday's raid on the Free Gaza (FG) 
humanitarian aid flotilla that left 19 people dead and about 50 

However, whether Israel's slick and well-oiled publicity machine, and 
the various lobby groups that support the Jewish state, will be able 
to overcome the huge international fallout, which comes in the wake 
of the devastating Goldstone Report into the Gaza war, remains to be 

"Israel has shot itself yet again in the foot. This was a disastrous 
operation with so many killed and wounded in international waters. It 
was totally unjustifiable," says Prof. Moshe Maoz from Jerusalem's 
Hebrew University.

"The damage Israel has done to itself is enormous and it is a wound 
which will just grow. It has irreparably damaged its relationship 
with the international community and with the Muslim world. The 
Israeli government is going from bad to worse," Maoz told IPS.

"Israel's behaviour has given Hamas more positive publicity than the 
organisation could ever give itself," Samir Awad, an academic at the 
Birzeit University, near Ramallah, told IPS.

Gideon Levy, a journalist from the Israeli daily 'Haaretz' and 
acerbic critic of Israeli government policy, caustically summed up 
the country's Mediterranean misadventure as "the freedom flotilla 
trapping the Israeli ship of fools in a sea of stupidity."

Approximately 700 people from 40 countries, including journalists and 
about 35 parliamentarians, on six boats were attempting to deliver 
10,000 tonnes of aid to the besieged civilian population of Gaza.

However, before they had even left international waters one of the 
boats, the 'Mavi Marmara', was attacked by heavily-armed Israeli 

Some of the activists fought back with crude instruments, and a 
disputed number were left dead after the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) 
soldiers opened fire.

Foreign journalists have been unable to verify the exact number 
killed or the nationalities and names of all of the wounded due to a 
military blackout on the information.

Despite the disproportionate use of force by the commandos, the 
Israeli foreign ministry and military have been working overtime to 
make the commandos appear the victims of "violent peac

[Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-01 Thread Keith Addison
(With thanks to Tom Feeley of ICH)

Israel Kills 20 : Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet
Must Watch Video Reports
Israel Navy troops opened fire on pro-Palestinian activists aboard a 
six-ship aid flotilla sailing for the Gaza Strip early Monday.

International Activists Cause Their Own Deaths By Attacking 
Non-confrontational Israeli Commandos?
By Belén Fernández
At a press briefing this morning following the massacre by Israel 
Defense Forces (IDF) commandos of passengers on board the Mavi 
Marmara, one of the boats pertaining to the Freedom Flotilla 
attempting to break the siege of Gaza, IDF spokeswoman Avital 
Liebovitch claimed that the passengers had engaged in "severe 
violence against our soldiers."

Israeli Butchery at Sea
An institutional failure of a morbid society
By Gilad Atzmon
Considering the fact that Israel stormed naval vessels sailing under 
Irish, Turkish and Greek flags. Both NATO members and EU countries 
must immediately cease their relationships with Israel and close 
their airspace to Israeli airplanes.

Gaza Aid Convoy Attack:
A Horrendous Moment of Truth for US Policy
By Finian Cunningham
What the world has witnessed is an outrageous act of sea piracy 
bordering on an act of war that transgresses the diplomatic rights of 
50 countries and the premeditated, cold-blooded murder of civilians.

Israeli police say 16 Gaza-bound activists sent to jail:  (scroll down)
Israel has said it will deport the roughly 700 activists in the 
flotilla. But those who refuse to cooperate will be jailed. About 80 
activists have been brought to shore so far.

US 'regrets' deaths in Israeli raid on Gaza aid boats:
"The United States deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries 
sustained and is currently working to understand the circumstances 
surrounding this tragedy," White House spokesman Bill Burton said in 
a statement.

Irish citizens 'kidnapped' in international waters:
The Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs has accused Israel of 
kidnapping Irish citizens in international waters.

Erdogan: Aid ship raid is Israeli state terrorism:
Turkish PM says raid on Gaza-bound aid flotilla 'totally contrary to 
principles of international.' Merkel speaks with Netanyahu, Erdogan 
in bid to ease tensions. Irish PM: Israel de facto occupying force in 

Turkey vows response to Israeli attack:
"It should be known that we will not stay silent and unresponsive in 
the face of this inhuman state terror," he was quoted as saying by 
AFP on Monday. - "International law has been trampled underfoot," 
Erdogan argued.

Turkey seeks Security Council meeting, condemns Israel:
Turkey canceled joint military exercises with Israel and called for 
an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council after pro-Palestinian 
activists were killed when Israeli marines stormed a Turkish aid ship 
bound for Gaza.

Live coverage: Israel's flotilla raid:
We'll be live-blogging the aftermath of this incident throughout the 
day; keep checking back for international reaction, news from our 
correspondents on the ground, photos and video

Turks rally against Israeli attack:
Around 10,000 people marched from the Israeli consulate in Istanbul 
towards the city's main square shouting slogans and waving banners 
saying "Killer Israel".

Rage in London at Israel's killing of peace activists:
Protesters in London have blocked traffic from moving along 
Whitehall. People are continuing to join the demonstration.

In pictures: Flotilla protest outside UN building, Beirut:
Demonstrators gathered outside the main UN office in Beirut, ESCWA, 
today to protest against Israel's attack on the humanitarian aid 
flotilla heading to Gaza. According to media reports, at least 19 
people have been killed.

At least 12 nations summon Israeli ambassadors:
A host of governments have summoned Israeli ambassadors to provide a 
full explanation on the assault. The countries include...

In case you missed it:
Gaza Strip facing humanitarian tragedy, warns UN expert:
Gaza is facing a humanitarian disaster, the spokesman for U