Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-06 Thread Michael Redler

I could give you the benefit of the doubt, that it was meant sarcastically. It's the rhetoric that followed that has my attention.
MikeAppal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ms. Simpson,These are your original words that you coupled with the fake Robin Williams text:Lisa Simpson wrote:> You gotta love Robin Williams... Leave it to Robin> Williams to come up with the perfect plan .. what we> need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and> repeat this message.Please square "the perfect plan" as you describe it with this remark.Lisa Simpson wrote:> [notice I never said anything to support it]It would appear that you either have forgotten your own words and the context in which you placed them, or would prefer to not ackowledge them and then distance yourself from them.It was you who plowed and sewed the field, giving you no legitimate right to bitch about what others have taken notice of.Perhaps you'll choose your seed a little more carefully the next time you
 plant?Todd Swearingenlisa simpson wrote:>The point of posting the "robin williams" fluff piece>was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice>I never said anything to support it] but rather to>illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant>'Merican bashing which seems to characterize>'political correctness' among the globalized liberal>elite. What seems to have gone completely over the>heads of most readers is that both are of the same>vein. Failing to grasp that point and retorting with>personal accusations only illustrates the point>further. One does not further one's position by>cutting others down, but rather by showing a better>way.>>What 'you' think of 'me' has nothing to do with an>objective discussion of any subject. Try posting>something objective without using the word
 'you'.>>ls>>__>Do You Yahoo!?>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > >>___>Biofuel mailing list>>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):> >___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to
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Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-06 Thread Appal Energy

Ms. Simpson,

These are your original words that you coupled with the fake Robin 
Williams text:

Lisa Simpson wrote:

 You gotta love Robin Williams... Leave it to Robin
 Williams to come up with the perfect plan .. what we
 need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and
 repeat this message.

Please square "the perfect plan" as you describe it with this remark.

Lisa Simpson wrote:

[notice I never said anything to support it]

It would appear that you either have forgotten your own words and the context 
in which you placed them, or would prefer to not ackowledge them and then 
distance yourself from them.

It was you who plowed and sewed the field, giving you no legitimate right to 
bitch about what others have taken notice of.

Perhaps you'll choose your seed a little more carefully the next time you plant?

Todd Swearingen

lisa simpson wrote:

The point of posting the "robin williams" fluff piece
was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice
I never said anything to support it] but rather to
illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant
'Merican bashing which seems to characterize
'political correctness' among the globalized liberal
elite.  What seems to have gone completely over the
heads of most readers is that both are of the same
vein.  Failing to grasp that point and retorting with
personal accusations only illustrates the point
further.  One does not further one's position by
cutting others down, but rather by showing a better

What 'you' think of 'me' has nothing to do with an
objective discussion of any subject.  Try posting
something objective without using the word 'you'.


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Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-06 Thread Keith Addison


The point of posting the "robin williams" fluff piece
was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice
I never said anything to support it] but rather to
illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant
'Merican bashing which seems to characterize
'political correctness' among the globalized liberal

Did you or did you not know it was a fraud? Did you or did you not 
check it first? You're still squirming, and it's very apparent to 
all. That's not why you posted it, and you know it very well. So do 
we know it.

Here is a post that might be construed as "'Merican bashing", though 
in fact it's not, and I believe many or most of the Americans here 
will agree with that. 

[Biofuel] Re: was Robin's solution... was: DA Drops...

It's the one and only such post in the list archives, out of 50,000 
over five years. What it is is criticism, and it's well-founded. What 
this US-bashing BS is all about is that in the lethally polarised US 
of today there are a large number of people who simply cannot abide 
any view that differs from their own, let alone criticism. When faced 
with anything that challenges their cherished notions they lash out. 
Such behaviour is extremely un-American, anti-American even, though 
it's invariably dressed up as patriotism (the refuge of scoundrels"). 
This list has never accepted that and never will.

Robert said this a few days ago: "Most of us agree on far more than 
we disagree.  Sometimes it's hard to read what is written in this 
forum, but like you, I learn a LOT here from people who come from 
other places.  We Americans have a perspective that many in the rest 
of the world simply don't share, but they care about us, and we would 
do well to listen to our friends."

Nor is political correctness something you'll find here - when it 
arises, it's challenged.

So, please provide archives links to "'Merican bashing" content, and 
state why it's bashing and not valid and useful criticism. Please do 
not try your usual squirm by claiming you didn't specify that it 
happens here or that you were not implying that it happens here, that 
it's not this list and its knee-jerk US-bashing that you're 
attacking. I'll let you off the political correctness bit.

What seems to have gone completely over the
heads of most readers is that both are of the same
vein.  Failing to grasp that point and retorting with
personal accusations only illustrates the point
further.  One does not further one's position by
cutting others down, but rather by showing a better

What better way have you shown?

What 'you' think of 'me' has nothing to do with an
objective discussion of any subject.  Try posting
something objective without using the word 'you'.

Why don't you try taking your own advice?

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


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Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread robert luis rabello

lisa simpson wrote:

The point of posting the "robin williams" fluff piece
was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice
I never said anything to support it] but rather to
illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant
'Merican bashing which seems to characterize
'political correctness' among the globalized liberal

	First of all, the post didn't illustrate anything, aside from the 
mindless, evangelical anti Christian, jingoistic reactionism common to 
the rabid right in the United States and wrongfully attributed to a 
famous personality in a feeble attempt to give credence to a flaccid 
perspective.  Secondly, in this particular forum, some of the harshest 
criticism of America comes from Americans who observe the state of our 
nation with grief and dismay, both conservative AND liberal.  Perusal 
of the archives will confirm this.

	If you honestly believe that such a thing as the "globalized liberal 
elite" exists, the burden of proof falls on your shoulders to 
demonstrate that anything more than thoughtful disagreement with 
knee-jerk Americentrism is at work.  When a friend tells you that a 
course of action may harm you or others in your way, he is being a 
true friend.

Real Americans listen.

 What seems to have gone completely over the
heads of most readers is that both are of the same
vein.  Failing to grasp that point and retorting with
personal accusations only illustrates the point
further.  One does not further one's position by
cutting others down, but rather by showing a better

	Then please make a point.  Write it in your own words.  There are 
some very sharp minds who contribute to the discussion in this forum, 
many of them from nations other than our own.  I would strongly 
suggest that you take Keith's advice VERY seriously.  Humility is the 
first step to learning the "better" way.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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Re: [Biofuel] pointless bashing.. was robin's solution

2005-06-05 Thread lisa simpson
The point of posting the "robin williams" fluff piece
was not to extoll it's questionable 'validity' [notice
I never said anything to support it] but rather to
illustrate the shallow pointlessness of the incessant
'Merican bashing which seems to characterize
'political correctness' among the globalized liberal
elite.  What seems to have gone completely over the
heads of most readers is that both are of the same
vein.  Failing to grasp that point and retorting with
personal accusations only illustrates the point
further.  One does not further one's position by
cutting others down, but rather by showing a better

What 'you' think of 'me' has nothing to do with an
objective discussion of any subject.  Try posting
something objective without using the word 'you'.


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