[biofuels-biz] Re: [biofuel] U.S. Energy Policy 11 years ago

2002-12-13 Thread murdoch

The difference is more than semantic; it obscures the fact that what 
America suffers from is not so much a lack of conservation as a broad 
array of government programs aimed at fostering hyper-consumption. 
The same day that Matthew Wald was holding forth on the national 
appetite, Washington Post energy reporter Thomas W. Lippman wrote 
that Bush administration officials had nixed various conservation 
measures because they deviate[d] from the administration's 
free-market, anti-tax philosophy--begging the question how a system 
dependent on vast, unreimbursed government outlays for highways and 
other services could possibly be described as free market.

Thanks, both this and the Amtrak article were particularly welcome, as
they focus in part on what I have come to believe is an important (if
not the important) Achiles Heel Hypocrisy of those who equate their
supposed free market advocacy with their anti-progressive vehicles
stances.  It is to get down and dirty and analyze, and really
understand and disect, where there are hidden subsidies (i.e.
NON-free-market mechanisms) to favored transportation or energy
solutions over others).

We are so often faced with free market advocates who claim to be
interested in a level playing field and in ending subsidies to
alternative energy proposals and alternative fuel proposals.  Yet,
are they *really* interested in advocating a level playing field.

I suggest that, even if some of them are, they are unwittingly (or
irresponsibly and not wisely) allowing others to hide in their skirts
whose interest is not free market advocacy but advocacy of their pet
industry or company while taking the cause celebre of free market
advocacy as being enormously sociologically expedient by which to
smuggle in what is really, for them, an agenda of favoritism toward
their company or industry.

Anyway, both articles taken a somewhat uncompromising stance, with
which I am not in agreement, that is roughly increased taxation and
subsidization is absolutely critical, given the unfair advantages
quietly accorded to competing technologies, though this may be a
somewhat unfair brief summary.  I think at least I could concede their
point that when journalists cover these issues they have failed to
allow for increased taxes and subsidies and the public policy points
those mechanisms *seem* to make in some economies.  In the meantime
what I think is over-ridingly important, as well, is the continued
analysis and discussion of secret, hidden messy hard-to-define
subsidization of some of our markets and industries and companies, and
the need to debate and discuss those subsidies.  

I.e., there are two ways to level the playing field, one by raising
everyone's advantages (fair or unfair, as the reader may be judge) or
two, by eliminating everyone's advantages (fair or unfair, as the
reader may judge).  Also, this may be simplistic.  Perhaps there are
other ways to look at it, such as whether in some cases the playing
field should not be level but whether there are cases calling for
societal intervention (such as a wartime need to manipulate fuel
technologies so as to win the war rather than continuing to enrich
one's enemies or claimed-enemies by buying fuel from them).

I wonder if the U.S. continued to buy fuel from any Axis powers after
Pearl Harbor in WW II?  If so, how much?

As to the Amtrak article, likewise, I thought it was terrific.


The Washington Post was guilty of a particularly telling 
juxtaposition on Feb. 21. On page A5, it ran an update on the Bush 
energy plan, followed by an article on page A6 about the 
administration's new $105.4-billion highway construction 
program--with no hint in either story that there might be a 
connection between the two.

There are a number of reasons for such institutional 
short-sightedness. Given that taxes remain a dirty word inside 
Washington, reporters tend to view Japanese or West European-style 
gas taxes as simply beyond the pale and therefore not even worth 

In addition, the reigning political conformism and cultural 
insularity in most newsrooms promotes the assumption that anything 
America does is natural, right, and proper, no matter how out of step 
with the rest of the world, and taht any problems that might arise 
are merely incidental. Cheap gas, cars, and highways 
are--unquestionably--the American way.

Thus, a front-page Los Angeles Times (2/13/91) on chaotic suburban 
sprawl was fairly frank concerning such problems as traffic 
congestion, three-hour commutes, etc. Yet it was remarkably cursory 
as to the reasons why. The paper cited white flight, fear of crime, 
desire to own one's own home, and so on as reasons that middle-class 
Southern Californians are settling in ever more far-flung 

Yet it made no mention of the seamless web of public subsidies that 
make rampant suburbanization all but inevitable--everything from free 
highways and parking to suburban infrastructure grants and 

[biofuel] U.S. Energy Policy 11 years ago

2002-12-13 Thread Keith Addison


May/June 1991

Press Ignores the Obvious in U.S. Energy Policy

By Daniel Lazare

Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the Wall Street Journal 
(9/10/90) reported on why Japan has been so much more successful in 
conserving oil than the U.S. The report focused on the role of 
Japan's government in coordinating energy programs and compelling 
corporations to install energy-saving machinery. Yet it managed to 
overlook what Ronald Morse, an energy specialist quoted in the 
article, subsequently described to EXTRA! as the most important 
reason of all: a tax policy that keeps Japanese energy prices high 
and demand low.

The omission was indicative of the daily press' persistent myopia 
concerning energy issues. While showing passing interest in auto 
fuel-efficiency standards, alternative fuels, and other oil 
conservation programs, the mainstream press has exhibited near-zero 
interest in what distinguishes U.S. energy consumption from that of 
virtually all other industrial economies: the comprehensive system of 
tax breaks and subsidies in the U.S. that supports domestic oil 
production and encourages energy consumption

No nation provides motorists with a more elaborate highway system 
than the U.S., supplies more government-mandated low-cost parking, or 
is more tolerant of auto-related environmental damage. No country has 
committed itself to tens of billion of dollars in annual military 
expenditures to ensure an uninterrupted flow of oil from the Mideast.

Yet no country demands so little from motorists by way of taxes. 
Average state and federal gas taxes in the U.S. stand at a little 
over 30 cents a gallon, with prices at the pump slightly more than a 
buck. In Japan, by contrast, gas taxes total $1.60 a gallon, boosting 
prices overall to about $3.40. In France motorists have paid upwards 
of $5 a gallon, while Helmut Kohl recently proposed boosting gas 
prices by 67 cents to more than $4 a gallon to help cover the growing 
cost of German unification.

The debate over fuel efficiency regulations notwithstanding, the 
relatively free ride provided to U.S. motorists is the chief reason 
that Americans consume roughly three times as much gas per capita as 
(West) Germans, four times as much as the French, and five times as 
much as the Japanese. It's also why Americans have the least adequate 
mass transit. This is fairly obvious, yet it somehow manages to 
escape the mainstream press.

In a page-one report on American energy consumption on Jan. 30, the 
Wall Street Journal zeroed in on big cars, high speeds, and other 
individualistic concerns, while side-stepping the politically charged 
issue of taxation. New York Times energy reporter Matthew L. Wald 
observed (2/9/91) that because the Bush administration's long-awaited 
National Energy Strategy short-changed conservation, it is aimed 
mainly at supplying the American appetite, rather than curbing it -- 
as if the nation's energy appetite has not been developed and 
nurtured over the years by a non-stop stream of federal investments.

The difference is more than semantic; it obscures the fact that what 
America suffers from is not so much a lack of conservation as a broad 
array of government programs aimed at fostering hyper-consumption. 
The same day that Matthew Wald was holding forth on the national 
appetite, Washington Post energy reporter Thomas W. Lippman wrote 
that Bush administration officials had nixed various conservation 
measures because they deviate[d] from the administration's 
free-market, anti-tax philosophy--begging the question how a system 
dependent on vast, unreimbursed government outlays for highways and 
other services could possibly be described as free market.

The Washington Post was guilty of a particularly telling 
juxtaposition on Feb. 21. On page A5, it ran an update on the Bush 
energy plan, followed by an article on page A6 about the 
administration's new $105.4-billion highway construction 
program--with no hint in either story that there might be a 
connection between the two.

There are a number of reasons for such institutional 
short-sightedness. Given that taxes remain a dirty word inside 
Washington, reporters tend to view Japanese or West European-style 
gas taxes as simply beyond the pale and therefore not even worth 

In addition, the reigning political conformism and cultural 
insularity in most newsrooms promotes the assumption that anything 
America does is natural, right, and proper, no matter how out of step 
with the rest of the world, and taht any problems that might arise 
are merely incidental. Cheap gas, cars, and highways 
are--unquestionably--the American way.

Thus, a front-page Los Angeles Times (2/13/91) on chaotic suburban 
sprawl was fairly frank concerning such problems as traffic 
congestion, three-hour commutes, etc. Yet it was remarkably cursory 
as to the reasons why. The paper cited white flight, fear 

Re: [biofuel] U.S. Energy Policy 11 years ago

2002-12-13 Thread murdoch

The difference is more than semantic; it obscures the fact that what 
America suffers from is not so much a lack of conservation as a broad 
array of government programs aimed at fostering hyper-consumption. 
The same day that Matthew Wald was holding forth on the national 
appetite, Washington Post energy reporter Thomas W. Lippman wrote 
that Bush administration officials had nixed various conservation 
measures because they deviate[d] from the administration's 
free-market, anti-tax philosophy--begging the question how a system 
dependent on vast, unreimbursed government outlays for highways and 
other services could possibly be described as free market.

Thanks, both this and the Amtrak article were particularly welcome, as
they focus in part on what I have come to believe is an important (if
not the important) Achiles Heel Hypocrisy of those who equate their
supposed free market advocacy with their anti-progressive vehicles
stances.  It is to get down and dirty and analyze, and really
understand and disect, where there are hidden subsidies (i.e.
NON-free-market mechanisms) to favored transportation or energy
solutions over others).

We are so often faced with free market advocates who claim to be
interested in a level playing field and in ending subsidies to
alternative energy proposals and alternative fuel proposals.  Yet,
are they *really* interested in advocating a level playing field.

I suggest that, even if some of them are, they are unwittingly (or
irresponsibly and not wisely) allowing others to hide in their skirts
whose interest is not free market advocacy but advocacy of their pet
industry or company while taking the cause celebre of free market
advocacy as being enormously sociologically expedient by which to
smuggle in what is really, for them, an agenda of favoritism toward
their company or industry.

Anyway, both articles taken a somewhat uncompromising stance, with
which I am not in agreement, that is roughly increased taxation and
subsidization is absolutely critical, given the unfair advantages
quietly accorded to competing technologies, though this may be a
somewhat unfair brief summary.  I think at least I could concede their
point that when journalists cover these issues they have failed to
allow for increased taxes and subsidies and the public policy points
those mechanisms *seem* to make in some economies.  In the meantime
what I think is over-ridingly important, as well, is the continued
analysis and discussion of secret, hidden messy hard-to-define
subsidization of some of our markets and industries and companies, and
the need to debate and discuss those subsidies.  

I.e., there are two ways to level the playing field, one by raising
everyone's advantages (fair or unfair, as the reader may be judge) or
two, by eliminating everyone's advantages (fair or unfair, as the
reader may judge).  Also, this may be simplistic.  Perhaps there are
other ways to look at it, such as whether in some cases the playing
field should not be level but whether there are cases calling for
societal intervention (such as a wartime need to manipulate fuel
technologies so as to win the war rather than continuing to enrich
one's enemies or claimed-enemies by buying fuel from them).

I wonder if the U.S. continued to buy fuel from any Axis powers after
Pearl Harbor in WW II?  If so, how much?

As to the Amtrak article, likewise, I thought it was terrific.


The Washington Post was guilty of a particularly telling 
juxtaposition on Feb. 21. On page A5, it ran an update on the Bush 
energy plan, followed by an article on page A6 about the 
administration's new $105.4-billion highway construction 
program--with no hint in either story that there might be a 
connection between the two.

There are a number of reasons for such institutional 
short-sightedness. Given that taxes remain a dirty word inside 
Washington, reporters tend to view Japanese or West European-style 
gas taxes as simply beyond the pale and therefore not even worth 

In addition, the reigning political conformism and cultural 
insularity in most newsrooms promotes the assumption that anything 
America does is natural, right, and proper, no matter how out of step 
with the rest of the world, and taht any problems that might arise 
are merely incidental. Cheap gas, cars, and highways 
are--unquestionably--the American way.

Thus, a front-page Los Angeles Times (2/13/91) on chaotic suburban 
sprawl was fairly frank concerning such problems as traffic 
congestion, three-hour commutes, etc. Yet it was remarkably cursory 
as to the reasons why. The paper cited white flight, fear of crime, 
desire to own one's own home, and so on as reasons that middle-class 
Southern Californians are settling in ever more far-flung 

Yet it made no mention of the seamless web of public subsidies that 
make rampant suburbanization all but inevitable--everything from free 
highways and parking to suburban infrastructure grants and