Re: [biofuels-biz] Energy Bill Bankrupts Our Future

2003-07-03 Thread Michael Allen

I would imagine that a belief in the imminent arrival of the Armageddon 
negates most of the arguments put forward in this article . . . .

Is the US Energy policy now perhaps formulated by Fundmentalist Christians 
who actually believe that the Second Coming Is Nigh?. Who precisely do 
they suppose should Be Repenting Because The Day Of Judgement Is At Hand 
? Apparently you, me and all our children unto (at least) the seventh 
generation . . . .

It's a worry folks . . . . .

On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 01:24:18 +0900, Keith Addison 

 Energy Bill Bankrupts Our Future

 By Charles Sheehan-Miles, AlterNet
 June 23, 2003

 In what may be the worst piece of legislation the Senate has passed in 
 decades (and they've had some whoppers), the Senate voted last week for a 
 huge corporate boondoggle that will not only help bankrupt our country, 
 but will guarantee long-term environmental damage, a rise in cancer rates 
 and thousands of years of monitoring of toxic and radioactive waste. They 
 did this without a single public hearing, without a debate, and without 
 much of a conscience.

 The energy bill is a major attack on our country and our world's future. 
 First, it authorizes the spending of taxpayer dollars to help build six 
 or more new nuclear reactors - reactors that the utilities couldn't 
 afford to build on their own. The utilities and proponents of nuclear 
 power would have us believe that per megawatt, nuclear power is both the 
 cheapest and the cleanest form of energy available.

 In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the 
 last five commercial reactors cost 11 times as much to build per kilowatt 
 as natural gas plants. Furthermore, they aren't at all responsible for 
 the cost of long-term storage of the nuclear waste they create - waste 
 that will have to be stored, monitored and maintained for the next 
 100,000 years.

 Mind-boggling, considering that all of recorded human history is only a 
 fraction of that time. Imagine your reaction if your annual tax bill 
 carried a surcharge to maintain toxic waste left behind by Ptolemy II and 

 Worse, the bill indefinitely extends the Price-Anderson Act, passing on 
 the liability for accidents at nuclear plants to the very people who will 
 suffer the consequences - you and me. George Woodwell, one of the 
 preeminent scientists in America today, recently pointed out that if it 
 weren't for Price-Anderson, there wouldn't be a single commercial nuclear 
 reactor in the U.S., because they couldn't afford the insurance. As it 
 stands, reactor operators are required to carry $200 million of liability 
 coverage per reactor; damages beyond that amount are passed on to the 

 Ironically, in a 1992 study by Sandia National Labs, commissioned in the 
 wake of the Three Mile Island near-meltdown, the cost of damage from a 
 single nuclear accident is estimated to range as high as $560 billion in 
 current articles. Who pays? We do.

 But that's not all. Behind curtain number three is a pilot pebble bed 
 nuclear reactor. The utilities call pebble bed reactors inherently 
 safe, because if they loose their coolant, they don't melt down. In 
 fact, say the utilities, they are so safe that the engineers don't 
 believe they need containment structures. Of course, if the graphite 
 coatings on the pebbles are exposed to, say, oxygen, they'll catch on 
 fire, which is precisely what caused most of the radiation exposure from 
 Chernobyl. But don't worry, say the utilities - it's inherently safe. 
 If so, why do taxpayers need to substantially bear the burden of 
 liability in case of accidents?

 Let's not forget that if the 9/11 hijackers had taken a detour and 
 crashed into the Indian Point cooling pool (they flew right over it), 
 they would likely have killed 100,000 people instead of 3,000 if the wind 
 was blowing in the right direction.

 Outraged yet? Keep reading. The bill, which must seem like a godsend to 
 the utilities, authorizes the pilot construction of a nuclear plant to 
 produce hydrogen for fuel cells. Forget that we can produce hydrogen with 
 wind power at almost no cost; instead, the Bush Administration has in 
 store a plan to build hundreds of nuclear plants to produce hydrogen. 
 We'll have clean power for our cars, at the price of hundreds of millions 
 of tons of nuclear waste spread all over the country. How helpful is 
 that? In fact, this plan is simply a backdoor to build more nuclear 
 plants while they posture at being environmentally friendly.

 This isn't just about us. It's about our children, and their children, 
 going forward to all future generations. For some perspective, Julius 
 Caesar was assassinated by disgruntled senators a mere 2,000 years ago. 
 By law, we have to maintain and protect the waste produced by these 
 plants for fifty times that. The entire sweep of human history 

[biofuels-biz] Energy Bill Bankrupts Our Future

2003-07-01 Thread Keith Addison

Energy Bill Bankrupts Our Future

By Charles Sheehan-Miles, AlterNet
June 23, 2003

In what may be the worst piece of legislation the Senate has passed 
in decades (and they've had some whoppers), the Senate voted last 
week for a huge corporate boondoggle that will not only help bankrupt 
our country, but will guarantee long-term environmental damage, a 
rise in cancer rates and thousands of years of monitoring of toxic 
and radioactive waste. They did this without a single public hearing, 
without a debate, and without much of a conscience.

The energy bill is a major attack on our country and our world's 
future. First, it authorizes the spending of taxpayer dollars to help 
build six or more new nuclear reactors - reactors that the utilities 
couldn't afford to build on their own. The utilities and proponents 
of nuclear power would have us believe that per megawatt, nuclear 
power is both the cheapest and the cleanest form of energy available.

In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the 
last five commercial reactors cost 11 times as much to build per 
kilowatt as natural gas plants. Furthermore, they aren't at all 
responsible for the cost of long-term storage of the nuclear waste 
they create - waste that will have to be stored, monitored and 
maintained for the next 100,000 years.

Mind-boggling, considering that all of recorded human history is only 
a fraction of that time. Imagine your reaction if your annual tax 
bill carried a surcharge to maintain toxic waste left behind by 
Ptolemy II and Nebuchadnezzar.

Worse, the bill indefinitely extends the Price-Anderson Act, passing 
on the liability for accidents at nuclear plants to the very people 
who will suffer the consequences - you and me. George Woodwell, one 
of the preeminent scientists in America today, recently pointed out 
that if it weren't for Price-Anderson, there wouldn't be a single 
commercial nuclear reactor in the U.S., because they couldn't afford 
the insurance. As it stands, reactor operators are required to carry 
$200 million of liability coverage per reactor; damages beyond that 
amount are passed on to the taxpayer.

Ironically, in a 1992 study by Sandia National Labs, commissioned in 
the wake of the Three Mile Island near-meltdown, the cost of damage 
from a single nuclear accident is estimated to range as high as $560 
billion in current articles. Who pays? We do.

But that's not all. Behind curtain number three is a pilot pebble bed 
nuclear reactor. The utilities call pebble bed reactors inherently 
safe, because if they loose their coolant, they don't melt down. In 
fact, say the utilities, they are so safe that the engineers don't 
believe they need containment structures. Of course, if the graphite 
coatings on the pebbles are exposed to, say, oxygen, they'll catch 
on fire, which is precisely what caused most of the radiation 
exposure from Chernobyl. But don't worry, say the utilities - it's 
inherently safe. If so, why do taxpayers need to substantially bear 
the burden of liability in case of accidents?

Let's not forget that if the 9/11 hijackers had taken a detour and 
crashed into the Indian Point cooling pool (they flew right over it), 
they would likely have killed 100,000 people instead of 3,000 if the 
wind was blowing in the right direction.

Outraged yet? Keep reading. The bill, which must seem like a godsend 
to the utilities, authorizes the pilot construction of a nuclear 
plant to produce hydrogen for fuel cells. Forget that we can produce 
hydrogen with wind power at almost no cost; instead, the Bush 
Administration has in store a plan to build hundreds of nuclear 
plants to produce hydrogen. We'll have clean power for our cars, at 
the price of hundreds of millions of tons of nuclear waste spread all 
over the country. How helpful is that? In fact, this plan is simply a 
backdoor to build more nuclear plants while they posture at being 
environmentally friendly.

This isn't just about us. It's about our children, and their 
children, going forward to all future generations. For some 
perspective, Julius Caesar was assassinated by disgruntled senators a 
mere 2,000 years ago. By law, we have to maintain and protect the 
waste produced by these plants for fifty times that. The entire sweep 
of human history pales in comparison to the time this stuff will be 
around, leaking into the environment, causing cancer and birth 
defects and possibly extinction. It won't reach its peak 
radioactivity for another 100,000 years.

I hope those campaign contributions from the energy companies make 
the Senators who voted for this bill feel better, because countless 
future generations will be cursing them, giving this Senate its own 
brand of immortality. It's not a legacy I'd want to live with.

Charles Sheehan-Miles is executive director of the Nuclear Policy 
Research Institute and the author of Prayer at Rumayla: A Novel of 