Re: Wes - RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-08 Thread r

You're welcome.



Hi Ryan

Keith wrote:

And there are people who demand to know: "What's all this off-topic 
political crap got to do with BIOFUELS???", which usually turns out 
to be another way of saying they disagree with it and want it censored.

Keith, I for one will put in my 2 cents and say quite honestly that I 
wouldn't be glued to my computer reading email updates of this list 
if it weren't for the political discussion.  I live in the South 
Dakota, USA.  Most people here are Red state type of people who don't 
want change as long as there is a conservative in office pretending 
he/she cares.  I love that we can all speak freely, and I especially 
love that I can read what people from around the world think, 
especially about America...I agree with most of them.  I am also 
thankful that you post so many articles, I would not be exposed to 
this information otherwise.  This list has changed my world view for 
the better.  Thank you for your hard work, and thank you to all the 

Thanks so much for taking the time to say so, it's much appreciated, 
and you're most welcome.

Best wishes



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: Wes - RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-08 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Keith, Friends,

Thursday, 07 July, 2005, 17:19:26, you wrote:
>>You will notice that Keith, for instance, seems to offer solutions.
KA> ... thanks for saying so! Though not always, I can be "negative" too
KA> where necessary, but I do try to point to alternatives. More than 
KA> that I'd say I'm trying to provide useful information. This forum and 
KA> these issues are all about empowerment, IMHO, but there's hundreds of 
KA> billions spent every year on PR, advertising and all the other forms 
KA> of message massage to try to prevent exactly that, empowerment. And 
KA> perhaps especially around anything to do with fossil-fuels. Lots of 
KA> blind alleys, much confusion and frustration, and here in the 
KA> Information Age most of the information is just noise and smoke to 
KA> keep you baffled. Good information helps, it's empowering.

I  have only been reading sporadically as I am not yet fully shipshape
and  Bristol fashion but there is a place for people who recognize the
problems and point them out without solutions as long as they are just
doing  that,  pointing  the  problems  out,  recognizing them, but not
attacking   randomly.   Sometimes   we  have  a  difficult  time  even
recognizing  the  real  root cause of something and we go for treating
symptoms rather than curing the disease. It is a matter of how and why
it  is  done,  of  whether  it is to help as one is able or to attack,
criticize and defend a partisan position. Makes a world of difference.
It's  sort of like automobile electrics. It may help to change the bad
bulb  repeatedly  but  the  problem  won't be fixed until you find the
short and repair that and then replace the bulb.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: Wes - RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-08 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Ryan

Keith wrote:

And there are people who demand to know: "What's all this off-topic 
political crap got to do with BIOFUELS???", which usually turns out 
to be another way of saying they disagree with it and want it 

Keith, I for one will put in my 2 cents and say quite honestly that 
I wouldn't be glued to my computer reading email updates of this 
list if it weren't for the political discussion.  I live in the 
South Dakota, USA.  Most people here are Red state type of people 
who don't want change as long as there is a conservative in office 
pretending he/she cares.  I love that we can all speak freely, and I 
especially love that I can read what people from around the world 
think, especially about America...I agree with most of them.  I am 
also thankful that you post so many articles, I would not be exposed 
to this information otherwise.  This list has changed my world view 
for the better.  Thank you for your hard work, and thank you to all 
the contributers.

Thanks so much for taking the time to say so, it's much appreciated, 
and you're most welcome.

Best wishes



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: Wes - RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-07 Thread Ryan Hall

Keith wrote:
And there are people who demand to 
know: "What's all this off-topic political crap got to do with BIOFUELS???", 
which usually turns out to be another way of saying they disagree with it and 
want it censored.
Keith, I for one will put in my 2 cents and say quite honestly that I 
wouldn't be glued to my computer reading email updates of this list if it 
weren't for the political discussion.  I live in the South Dakota, 
USA.  Most people here are Red state type of people who don't want change 
as long as there is a conservative in office pretending he/she cares.  I 
love that we can all speak freely, and I especially love that I can read what 
people from around the world think, especially about America...I agree with most 
of them.  I am also thankful that you post so many articles, I would not be 
exposed to this information otherwise.  This list has changed my world view 
for the better.  Thank you for your hard work, and thank you to all the 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Wes - RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-07 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Wes

I agree with you, sort of, but it's quite difficult. For my part...

You will notice that Keith, for
instance, seems to offer solutions.

... thanks for saying so! Though not always, I can be "negative" too 
where necessary, but I do try to point to alternatives. More than 
that I'd say I'm trying to provide useful information. This forum and 
these issues are all about empowerment, IMHO, but there's hundreds of 
billions spent every year on PR, advertising and all the other forms 
of message massage to try to prevent exactly that, empowerment. And 
perhaps especially around anything to do with fossil-fuels. Lots of 
blind alleys, much confusion and frustration, and here in the 
Information Age most of the information is just noise and smoke to 
keep you baffled. Good information helps, it's empowering.

I think I am seeing a pattern here. I have noticed that some folks seem to
think that whatever is being done is bad... end of story .  not just in this
forum, but it seems to be abundant here.

I don't think the everything's-bad outlook is abundant here. Mostly 
with these discussions, regardless of how it starts on any one 
occasion, it doesn't just go round and round in a sterile circle, it 
goes somewhere, people share their views and it changes their 
outlook. Many people here will tell you that. Or they've told me that 
anyway, and said so onlist too, some of them.

I would like to suggest to anyone
who witnesses this tendency that they withhold criticism until they feel
they can offer a solution.

But such "criticism" can contribute to finding a solution. Criticism 
is such a loaded word, it's come to mean "negative criticism", 
otherwise you have to specify "positive criticism". A critical 
appraisal is an attempt to be objective, it's not positive or 
negative in itself, though its findings might be. We don't get very 
far in any of these issues without a critical appraisal that's as 
honest and probing as we can make it. When we work together it's 
easier to overcome each other's blind spots and "delicate 
sensibilities". A list member's initial criticisms might be negative 
and despairing, but if he's open to discussion he might end up better 
informed with a more constructive outlook, and even if not he might 
enrich the discussion no matter how negative he is.

A previous member here attacked us for being "too rigorous", she said 
we should have more respect for some people's (yes) "delicate 
sensibilities". She kept saying there are very negative people here, 
yet they were often the ones offering what you're calling 
constructive solutions. Her idea of being "negative" was even to 
discuss issues with a downside to them, a positive attitude was just 
to blind-eye the downside and rely on sheer bubbling optimistic 
positiveness to conquer all, or something like that anyway. Very 
negative attitude, I thought, and I wasn't the only one.

There are also people who say we "hate Americans" and we're "US 
bashers", they won't stand for any criticism of America, even when 
it's American members who're doing it.

And there are people who demand to know: "What's all this off-topic 
political crap got to do with BIOFUELS???", which usually turns out 
to be another way of saying they disagree with it and want it 

These last two are inclined to lash out when they encounter something 
that doesn't fit their world view, discussion is usually futile or 

Different as they are, what all four cases have in common, including 
yours, is that they're all calling for restricted discussion, and 
that won't happen. The list as a whole decided that for themselves 
more than four years ago, and it's been constantly reaffirmed since 
then. The List rules say this:

"There aren't a lot of rules, but that is one of them: no calls for 
restricted discussion. It's a discussion list, not a less-discussion 

The List rules are here: 

Please take note Wes.

I try to exercise this method with myself, and I
suggest it may be helpful to others.   You will notice that Keith, for
instance, seems to offer solutions.  Others can only describe what they feel
is wrong with the system.

Well, step by step. You have to identify the problems before you can 
solve them. More important is what it amounts to in the end - does it 
lead to solutions being applied or just more whingeing? Often it does 
lead on to something constructive, there are plenty of examples of it.

This is not a complete solution to a negative personality, but should go a
long way in making life more pleasant for all.   I enjoy the constructive
criticism and solutions offered here, but am slightly frustrated when folks
endlessly tell us that everything in the world is wrong.

Not endlessly, not everything in the world. Two sides of a coin, if 
you took it away I wonder how much less constructive criticism and 
solutions the