Author: jhb
Date: Fri Jun 12 23:10:30 2020
New Revision: 362135

  Various optimizations to software AES-CCM and AES-GCM.
  - Make use of cursors to avoid data copies for AES-CCM and AES-GCM.
    Pass pointers into the request's input and/or output buffers
    directly to the Update, encrypt, and decrypt hooks rather than
    always copying all data into a temporary block buffer on the stack.
  - Move handling for partial final blocks out of the main loop.
    This removes branches from the main loop and permits using
    encrypt/decrypt_last which avoids a memset to clear the rest of the
    block on the stack.
  - Shrink the on-stack buffers to assume AES block sizes and CCM/GCM
    tag lengths.
  - For AAD data, pass larger chunks to axf->Update.  CCM can take each
    AAD segment in a single call.  GMAC can take multiple blocks at a
  Sponsored by: Netflix
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sys/opencrypto/cryptosoft.c
--- head/sys/opencrypto/cryptosoft.c    Fri Jun 12 23:02:34 2020        
+++ head/sys/opencrypto/cryptosoft.c    Fri Jun 12 23:10:30 2020        
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ swcr_encdec(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *
        struct enc_xform *exf;
        int i, blks, inlen, ivlen, outlen, resid;
        struct crypto_buffer_cursor cc_in, cc_out;
-       const char *inblk;
-       char *outblk;
+       const unsigned char *inblk;
+       unsigned char *outblk;
        int error;
        bool encrypting;
@@ -404,11 +404,12 @@ CTASSERT(INT_MAX <= (uint64_t)-1);        /* GCM: 
 static int
 swcr_gmac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp)
-       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
+       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(AES_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
        u_char *blk = (u_char *)blkbuf;
-       u_char aalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
-       u_char iv[EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN];
+       u_char tag[GMAC_DIGEST_LEN];
+       u_char iv[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
        struct crypto_buffer_cursor cc;
+       const u_char *inblk;
        union authctx ctx;
        struct swcr_auth *swa;
        struct auth_hash *axf;
@@ -419,7 +420,9 @@ swcr_gmac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *cr
        axf = swa->sw_axf;
        bcopy(swa->sw_ictx, &ctx, axf->ctxsize);
-       blksz = axf->blocksize;
+       blksz = GMAC_BLOCK_LEN;
+       KASSERT(axf->blocksize == blksz, ("%s: axf block size mismatch",
+           __func__));
        /* Initialize the IV */
        ivlen = AES_GCM_IV_LEN;
@@ -428,37 +431,49 @@ swcr_gmac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *cr
        axf->Reinit(&ctx, iv, ivlen);
        crypto_cursor_init(&cc, &crp->crp_buf);
        crypto_cursor_advance(&cc, crp->crp_payload_start);
-       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc, len, blk);
-               bzero(blk + len, blksz - len);
+       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid >= blksz; resid -= len) {
+               len = crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc);
+               if (len >= blksz) {
+                       inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc);
+                       len = rounddown(MIN(len, resid), blksz);
+                       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc, len);
+               } else {
+                       len = blksz;
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc, len, blk);
+                       inblk = blk;
+               }
+               axf->Update(&ctx, inblk, len);
+       }
+       if (resid > 0) {
+               memset(blk, 0, blksz);
+               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc, resid, blk);
                axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
        /* length block */
-       bzero(blk, blksz);
+       memset(blk, 0, blksz);
        blkp = (uint32_t *)blk + 1;
        *blkp = htobe32(crp->crp_payload_length * 8);
        axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
        /* Finalize MAC */
-       axf->Final(aalg, &ctx);
+       axf->Final(tag, &ctx);
        error = 0;
        if (crp->crp_op & CRYPTO_OP_VERIFY_DIGEST) {
-               u_char uaalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
+               u_char tag2[GMAC_DIGEST_LEN];
                crypto_copydata(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   uaalg);
-               if (timingsafe_bcmp(aalg, uaalg, swa->sw_mlen) != 0)
+                   tag2);
+               if (timingsafe_bcmp(tag, tag2, swa->sw_mlen) != 0)
                        error = EBADMSG;
-               explicit_bzero(uaalg, sizeof(uaalg));
+               explicit_bzero(tag2, sizeof(tag2));
        } else {
                /* Inject the authentication data */
-               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, aalg);
+               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, tag);
        explicit_bzero(blkbuf, sizeof(blkbuf));
-       explicit_bzero(aalg, sizeof(aalg));
+       explicit_bzero(tag, sizeof(tag));
        explicit_bzero(iv, sizeof(iv));
        return (error);
@@ -466,11 +481,13 @@ swcr_gmac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *cr
 static int
 swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp)
-       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
+       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(AES_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
        u_char *blk = (u_char *)blkbuf;
-       u_char aalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
-       u_char iv[EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN];
+       u_char tag[GMAC_DIGEST_LEN];
+       u_char iv[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
        struct crypto_buffer_cursor cc_in, cc_out;
+       const u_char *inblk;
+       u_char *outblk;
        union authctx ctx;
        struct swcr_auth *swa;
        struct swcr_encdec *swe;
@@ -483,7 +500,9 @@ swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
        axf = swa->sw_axf;
        bcopy(swa->sw_ictx, &ctx, axf->ctxsize);
-       blksz = axf->blocksize;
+       blksz = GMAC_BLOCK_LEN;
+       KASSERT(axf->blocksize == blksz, ("%s: axf block size mismatch",
+           __func__));
        swe = &ses->swcr_encdec;
        exf = swe->sw_exf;
@@ -503,10 +522,22 @@ swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
        /* Supply MAC with AAD */
        crypto_cursor_init(&cc_in, &crp->crp_buf);
        crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, crp->crp_aad_start);
-       for (resid = crp->crp_aad_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
-               bzero(blk + len, blksz - len);
+       for (resid = crp->crp_aad_length; resid >= blksz; resid -= len) {
+               len = crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_in);
+               if (len >= blksz) {
+                       inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_in);
+                       len = rounddown(MIN(len, resid), blksz);
+                       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, len);
+               } else {
+                       len = blksz;
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
+                       inblk = blk;
+               }
+               axf->Update(&ctx, inblk, len);
+       }
+       if (resid > 0) {
+               memset(blk, 0, blksz);
+               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, resid, blk);
                axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
@@ -520,22 +551,40 @@ swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
                crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, crp->crp_payload_output_start);
        } else
                cc_out = cc_in;
-       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               if (len < blksz)
-                       bzero(blk, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
+       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid >= blksz; resid -= blksz) {
+               if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_in) < blksz) {
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, blksz, blk);
+                       inblk = blk;
+               } else {
+                       inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_in);
+                       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, blksz);
+               }
                if (CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
-                       exf->encrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk);
-                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, len);
-                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, len, blk);
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_out) < blksz)
+                               outblk = blk;
+                       else
+                               outblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_out);
+                       exf->encrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, inblk, outblk);
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, outblk, blksz);
+                       if (outblk == blk)
+                               crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, blksz, blk);
+                       else
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, blksz);
                } else {
-                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, len);
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, inblk, blksz);
+       if (resid > 0) {
+               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, resid, blk);
+               if (CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
+                       exf->encrypt_last(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk, resid);
+                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, resid, blk);
+               }
+               axf->Update(&ctx, blk, resid);
+       }
        /* length block */
-       bzero(blk, blksz);
+       memset(blk, 0, blksz);
        blkp = (uint32_t *)blk + 1;
        *blkp = htobe32(crp->crp_aad_length * 8);
        blkp = (uint32_t *)blk + 3;
@@ -543,18 +592,17 @@ swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
        axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
        /* Finalize MAC */
-       axf->Final(aalg, &ctx);
+       axf->Final(tag, &ctx);
        /* Validate tag */
        error = 0;
        if (!CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
-               u_char uaalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
+               u_char tag2[GMAC_DIGEST_LEN];
-               crypto_copydata(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   uaalg);
+               crypto_copydata(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, tag2);
-               r = timingsafe_bcmp(aalg, uaalg, swa->sw_mlen);
-               explicit_bzero(uaalg, sizeof(uaalg));
+               r = timingsafe_bcmp(tag, tag2, swa->sw_mlen);
+               explicit_bzero(tag2, sizeof(tag2));
                if (r != 0) {
                        error = EBADMSG;
                        goto out;
@@ -563,24 +611,38 @@ swcr_gcm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
                /* tag matches, decrypt data */
                crypto_cursor_init(&cc_in, &crp->crp_buf);
                crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, crp->crp_payload_start);
-               for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0;
-                    resid -= len) {
-                       len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-                       if (len < blksz)
-                               bzero(blk, blksz);
-                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
-                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk);
-                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, len, blk);
+               for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > blksz;
+                    resid -= blksz) {
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_in) < blksz) {
+                               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, blksz, blk);
+                               inblk = blk;
+                       } else {
+                               inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_in);
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, blksz);
+                       }
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_out) < blksz)
+                               outblk = blk;
+                       else
+                               outblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_out);
+                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, inblk, outblk);
+                       if (outblk == blk)
+                               crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, blksz, blk);
+                       else
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, blksz);
+               if (resid > 0) {
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, resid, blk);
+                       exf->decrypt_last(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk, resid);
+                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, resid, blk);
+               }
        } else {
                /* Inject the authentication data */
-               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   aalg);
+               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, tag);
        explicit_bzero(blkbuf, sizeof(blkbuf));
-       explicit_bzero(aalg, sizeof(aalg));
+       explicit_bzero(tag, sizeof(tag));
        explicit_bzero(iv, sizeof(iv));
        return (error);
@@ -589,21 +651,17 @@ out:
 static int
 swcr_ccm_cbc_mac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp)
-       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
-       u_char *blk = (u_char *)blkbuf;
-       u_char aalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
-       u_char iv[EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN];
-       struct crypto_buffer_cursor cc;
+       u_char tag[AES_CBC_MAC_HASH_LEN];
+       u_char iv[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
        union authctx ctx;
        struct swcr_auth *swa;
        struct auth_hash *axf;
-       int blksz, error, ivlen, len, resid;
+       int error, ivlen;
        swa = &ses->swcr_auth;
        axf = swa->sw_axf;
        bcopy(swa->sw_ictx, &ctx, axf->ctxsize);
-       blksz = axf->blocksize;
        /* Initialize the IV */
        ivlen = AES_CCM_IV_LEN;
@@ -617,33 +675,27 @@ swcr_ccm_cbc_mac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryp
        ctx.aes_cbc_mac_ctx.cryptDataLength = 0;
        axf->Reinit(&ctx, iv, ivlen);
-       crypto_cursor_init(&cc, &crp->crp_buf);
-       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc, crp->crp_aad_start);
-       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc, len, blk);
-               bzero(blk + len, blksz - len);
-               axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
-       }
+       error = crypto_apply(crp, crp->crp_payload_start,
+           crp->crp_payload_length, axf->Update, &ctx);
+       if (error)
+               return (error);
        /* Finalize MAC */
-       axf->Final(aalg, &ctx);
+       axf->Final(tag, &ctx);
-       error = 0;
        if (crp->crp_op & CRYPTO_OP_VERIFY_DIGEST) {
-               u_char uaalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
+               u_char tag2[AES_CBC_MAC_HASH_LEN];
                crypto_copydata(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   uaalg);
-               if (timingsafe_bcmp(aalg, uaalg, swa->sw_mlen) != 0)
+                   tag2);
+               if (timingsafe_bcmp(tag, tag2, swa->sw_mlen) != 0)
                        error = EBADMSG;
-               explicit_bzero(uaalg, sizeof(uaalg));
+               explicit_bzero(tag2, sizeof(tag));
        } else {
                /* Inject the authentication data */
-               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, aalg);
+               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, tag);
-       explicit_bzero(blkbuf, sizeof(blkbuf));
-       explicit_bzero(aalg, sizeof(aalg));
+       explicit_bzero(tag, sizeof(tag));
        explicit_bzero(iv, sizeof(iv));
        return (error);
@@ -651,23 +703,27 @@ swcr_ccm_cbc_mac(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryp
 static int
 swcr_ccm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp)
-       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
+       uint32_t blkbuf[howmany(AES_BLOCK_LEN, sizeof(uint32_t))];
        u_char *blk = (u_char *)blkbuf;
-       u_char aalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
-       u_char iv[EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN];
+       u_char tag[AES_CBC_MAC_HASH_LEN];
+       u_char iv[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
        struct crypto_buffer_cursor cc_in, cc_out;
+       const u_char *inblk;
+       u_char *outblk;
        union authctx ctx;
        struct swcr_auth *swa;
        struct swcr_encdec *swe;
        struct auth_hash *axf;
        struct enc_xform *exf;
-       int blksz, error, ivlen, len, r, resid;
+       int blksz, error, ivlen, r, resid;
        swa = &ses->swcr_auth;
        axf = swa->sw_axf;
        bcopy(swa->sw_ictx, &ctx, axf->ctxsize);
-       blksz = axf->blocksize;
+       blksz = AES_BLOCK_LEN;
+       KASSERT(axf->blocksize == blksz, ("%s: axf block size mismatch",
+           __func__));
        swe = &ses->swcr_encdec;
        exf = swe->sw_exf;
@@ -692,14 +748,10 @@ swcr_ccm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
        axf->Reinit(&ctx, iv, ivlen);
        /* Supply MAC with AAD */
-       crypto_cursor_init(&cc_in, &crp->crp_buf);
-       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, crp->crp_aad_start);
-       for (resid = crp->crp_aad_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
-               bzero(blk + len, blksz - len);
-               axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
-       }
+       error = crypto_apply(crp, crp->crp_aad_start, crp->crp_aad_length,
+           axf->Update, &ctx);
+       if (error)
+               return (error);
        exf->reinit(swe->sw_kschedule, iv);
@@ -711,69 +763,104 @@ swcr_ccm(struct swcr_session *ses, struct cryptop *crp
                crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, crp->crp_payload_output_start);
        } else
                cc_out = cc_in;
-       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0; resid -= len) {
-               len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-               if (len < blksz)
-                       bzero(blk, blksz);
-               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
+       for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid >= blksz; resid -= blksz) {
+               if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_in) < blksz) {
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, blksz, blk);
+                       inblk = blk;
+               } else {
+                       inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_in);
+                       crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, blksz);
+               }
                if (CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
-                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, len);
-                       exf->encrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk);
-                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, len, blk);
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_out) < blksz)
+                               outblk = blk;
+                       else
+                               outblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_out);
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, inblk, blksz);
+                       exf->encrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, inblk, outblk);
+                       if (outblk == blk)
+                               crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, blksz, blk);
+                       else
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, blksz);
                } else {
                         * One of the problems with CCM+CBC is that
                         * the authentication is done on the
-                        * unecncrypted data.  As a result, we have to
+                        * unencrypted data.  As a result, we have to
                         * decrypt the data twice: once to generate
                         * the tag and a second time after the tag is
                         * verified.
-                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk);
-                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, len);
+                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, inblk, blk);
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, blksz);
+       if (resid > 0) {
+               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, resid, blk);
+               if (CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, resid);
+                       exf->encrypt_last(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk, resid);
+                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, resid, blk);
+               } else {
+                       exf->decrypt_last(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk, resid);
+                       axf->Update(&ctx, blk, resid);
+               }
+       }
        /* Finalize MAC */
-       axf->Final(aalg, &ctx);
+       axf->Final(tag, &ctx);
        /* Validate tag */
        error = 0;
        if (!CRYPTO_OP_IS_ENCRYPT(crp->crp_op)) {
-               u_char uaalg[AALG_MAX_RESULT_LEN];
+               u_char tag2[AES_CBC_MAC_HASH_LEN];
                crypto_copydata(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   uaalg);
+                   tag2);
-               r = timingsafe_bcmp(aalg, uaalg, swa->sw_mlen);
-               explicit_bzero(uaalg, sizeof(uaalg));
+               r = timingsafe_bcmp(tag, tag2, swa->sw_mlen);
+               explicit_bzero(tag2, sizeof(tag2));
                if (r != 0) {
                        error = EBADMSG;
                        goto out;
                /* tag matches, decrypt data */
                exf->reinit(swe->sw_kschedule, iv);
                crypto_cursor_init(&cc_in, &crp->crp_buf);
                crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, crp->crp_payload_start);
-               for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > 0;
-                    resid -= len) {
-                       len = MIN(resid, blksz);
-                       if (len < blksz)
-                               bzero(blk, blksz);
-                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, len, blk);
-                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk);
-                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, len, blk);
+               for (resid = crp->crp_payload_length; resid > blksz;
+                    resid -= blksz) {
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_in) < blksz) {
+                               crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, blksz, blk);
+                               inblk = blk;
+                       } else {
+                               inblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_in);
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_in, blksz);
+                       }
+                       if (crypto_cursor_seglen(&cc_out) < blksz)
+                               outblk = blk;
+                       else
+                               outblk = crypto_cursor_segbase(&cc_out);
+                       exf->decrypt(swe->sw_kschedule, inblk, outblk);
+                       if (outblk == blk)
+                               crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, blksz, blk);
+                       else
+                               crypto_cursor_advance(&cc_out, blksz);
+               if (resid > 0) {
+                       crypto_cursor_copydata(&cc_in, resid, blk);
+                       exf->decrypt_last(swe->sw_kschedule, blk, blk, resid);
+                       crypto_cursor_copyback(&cc_out, resid, blk);
+               }
        } else {
                /* Inject the authentication data */
-               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen,
-                   aalg);
+               crypto_copyback(crp, crp->crp_digest_start, swa->sw_mlen, tag);
        explicit_bzero(blkbuf, sizeof(blkbuf));
-       explicit_bzero(aalg, sizeof(aalg));
+       explicit_bzero(tag, sizeof(tag));
        explicit_bzero(iv, sizeof(iv));
        return (error);
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