[SWCollect] Planetfall 2

2000-12-09 Thread Jim Leonard

As we all know, this was never completed, dropped by Activision in
1995.  But I recently ran across a non-interactive demo (a movie,
essentially) that Activision put together to 'demo' Planetfall 2.  It's
7MB zipped up; would anyone like me to make it available via an FTP or

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Re: [SWCollect] Planetfall 2

2000-12-09 Thread Trantor

I would love to see it, if you could upload it somewhere and send out 
the URL, I'd be there in no time.

Jim Leonard wrote:

 As we all know, this was never completed, dropped by Activision in
 1995.  But I recently ran across a non-interactive demo (a movie,
 essentially) that Activision put together to 'demo' Planetfall 2.  It's
 7MB zipped up; would anyone like me to make it available via an FTP or
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