In objective-c I have come across something like this a lot where a 
NSDictionary has been created from JSON an a NSNull is used to represent an 
actual null in the source JSON versus the absence of the key, most of the time 
I have had to just convert the NSNull to a nil, but I did have a situation 
where I had to treat the two differently with the absence of key falling back 
to a default value but NSNull meaning explicitly null, in swift you could have 
an actual nil in the dictionary.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 May 2016, at 6:16 AM, Jens Alfke via swift-users 
> <> wrote:
> Thinking about it, I can’t see much use for a dictionary of optionals. What’s 
> the difference between “x has no value” and “x has a value of nil”? I guess 
> it’s that when you iterate the keys you see x. This seems like a tricky use 
> that could easily confuse someone reading the code (who could be you, a year 
> later!) Personally I’d prefer a different, clearer solution, unless this was 
> something performance-critical that led to faster code. In which case I’d add 
> lots of comments!
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