Re: [swinog] Port 25 Blockade @ Swisscom (Bluewin)

2010-03-08 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
Spam coming through Bluewin ADSL is not something new.
Doing whatever action to stop spam in an early stage (aka years ago) would
not had result in a shitload of support calls.
But the guys at Swisscom waited long enough to implement this, so they don¹t
deserve my empathy...

I know enough ISPs which implemented the ³forced own SMTP² already on
dial-in accesses (so you see which decade I¹m talking about).

Finally I just wonder which alternative ISP will the swiss-spammers choose
to continue to mess up the internet.
Keep looking your spam-filter logs for a mass shift :-)


On 3/8/10 2:26 PM, wrote:

 Blocking port 25 for *everybody* will just help to induce one shitstorm of
 a support-nightmare. It doesn't even make a difference if you have a
 grace-period or not (people ignore this stuff anyway).
 Steven can probably provide numbers about how many people are still using
 25 vs. 587.
 It's probably millions.
 What happens if millions of people call the support-hotline?
 Yep, I hate the privacy implications. But with 100k abuse complaints/month
 - what would you do, besides going postal?
 The only thing that could be done is a government-mandate to cut-off
 people with zombies in their LANs from the net and have a state-licensed
 PC-techie come over and clean-out the PC(s). For 200 CHF per hour. Plus 37
 CHF court costs and administrative fees. ;-)
 It works for cars, so it should work for PCs, too, right?
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Re: [swinog] BGP over xDSL ... is evil? says who?

2009-03-05 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
Lukas Beeler wrote:
 Now, even expensive FB-DIMM memory by vendors like HP and IBM only
 costs around 360 CHF for 4 GB. And even small two way x86 boxes max
 out at around 32 - 48 GB. Even if Cisco and Juniper charge 10x as
 much, that'd still be only 3600 CHF.
 I understand that routers use ASICs and probably faster memory than
 servers, but i can't really imagine it to be a problem to pop 4GB
 memory into a router that's connected directly to the internet.
 Now, where am i mistaken?

There still a lot of hardware around which is at the memory expansion limit.
And (talking about Cisco) the IOS images don't tend to get smaller...
So finally you end up replacing the whole router or NM-engine for some kilo-$ 
instead of a relative cheap memory upgrade...

I agree with Fredy's concerns about link stability and flapping, especially for 
residential services.
BGP on DSL can although be deployed as backup solution or, if you're close 
enough to the BBCS owner, as main link.
The major problem you face there is getting a skilled person when you're in 
The help-desk guy/girl you get at the phone does usually don't even know how to 
spell B-G-P and will ask you why you have 4 of them :-)


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Re: [swinog] a NAZI in the vaud state police experimentatingBRAINWASHING

2008-12-21 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
That's a personal opinion.
Read the charter at


Gaston Shepard wrote:
 Look one screen height above the .png, from january 2007, it's only 
 about human networks in the computer network engineering field.
 And my goal is to say beware.
 Of the military sons around you.
 The right wing policeman.
 And banking pseudo-ethical freaks (mine masquerade herself has a 
 psychiatrist lately to network other peoples and have more trust from 
 them it seems).
 Le 19 décembre 2008 02:15, Steven Glogger a écrit :
 i just read this mail and take a short look at the website.
 i dont think swinog is the right platform for those topics..what do
 you think?
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Re: [swinog] a NAZI in the vaud state police experimentatingBRAINWASHING

2008-12-18 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
This has really nothing to do with Swinog.
No comment.


Steven Glogger wrote:
 i just read this mail and take a short look at the website.
 i dont think swinog is the right platform for those topics..what do you 
 [] *On Behalf Of *Gaston Shepard
 *Sent:* Friday, December 19, 2008 12:15 AM
 *Subject:* [swinog] a NAZI in the vaud state police
 Guys, here is an account of my life in this business, with a cop,
 used to be a friend of mine at school, became a real NAZI.
 It's a tale of service secret, and the worst you can imagine.
 It's happening in switzerland, not under a dictature.
 It's in french. Please feel free to translate it in german, it's
 worth it.
 Short synopsis
 Les services secrets: un gateau a la merde dont ont me sert une
 tranche par jour depuis 6 ans
 Mon premier emploi, chez un ISP, des droles de zozo nous tournent
 autour, lors de sorties en soiree
 dans les restaurant de la region, avec 3 collegues et amis. A cette
 epoque je ne me rend compte de
 rien, c'est plus tard que j'ouvrirai les yeux sur ces phenomenes.
 Printemps 2001, un type m'en parle, pas de la maniere la plus
 simple. J'oublie dans les minutes qui
 suivent notre conversation.
 Fin du printemps 2002, suite a des sortes de minis pieces de theatre
 dans des lieux pour moi habituels,
 je commence a devenir conscient. Pendant quelques jours c'est
 relativement marrant. Au bout de 3 a 4 semaines
 il me paraissent imbeciles et grossier au possible a de tres rares
 S'enchaine tres rapidement un episode digne d'une insondable
 connerie humaine: en fin d'une journee
 de test pour la ville de Lausanne, mon amie me tend un joint
 petite feuille bien rempli de mix.
 Je le fume sans me douter de rien. Il a une amertume inhabituel mais
 je ne me doute pas de
 la suite des evenements. Une minute a peine apres avoir terminer le
 joint, la montee est particuliere: mon
 pouls monte tres rapidement a env. 160 - 170 pulsations minutes,
 sans aucune activite physique.
 S'ensuit une inquietude quant a mon poul, degenerant en un grave
 acces psychotique.
 Un empoisonement avec une substance genre stimulant cardiaque ou
 vasodilatateur puissant. Une vrai
 saloperie, un bad trip impossible a obtenir avec du cannabis.
 Hopital regional. Sa ne se calme guere. Hopital psychiatrique.
 Neuroleptique dosage maximal.
 Dehors, dans la rue, le plan des cretins organises en reseau
 continue a exister pour me montrer du pays,
 a quel point je suis petit face a l'immenste sociale de vieux
 patriotes d'arriere garde.
 Il va s'eterniser sur 3 (!) longues et penibles annees.
 Gravement soumis par la peur, je vais commettre ma seule erreur: ne
 pas oser en parler.
 Meler a la peur de tous les instant, je perd mes capacites de
 concentration et m'enfonce
 dans une depression severe, a trois reprise la tentation du suicide
 est forte a tres forte.
 Je vais perdre 2 jobs successifs, apres quoi je refais un sejour en
 hopital psychiatrique.
 La comme par enchentement, les imbeciles cessent leur demonstration
 de force, des ma sortie de
 La peur va enfin me quitter, laissant place a une emotivite vive,
 une sursensibilite
 au moindre alea de mon environnement, puis je vais m'enfoncer dans
 une melancolie tournant a la depression
 durant encore 2 ans.
 C'est seulement debut 2008 que je remonte a la surface, avec encore
 quelques trous d'airs en terme
 d'humeur et une ribambelle d'hurluberlu m'influencant pour me faire
 Un systeme de conditionnement et controle de l'humain deguise en
 autre chose, a la guise, en fonction
 du soldat a integrer (les pretextes trop divers sont la seul
 raison du secret).
 Une ribambelle d'imbeciles convaincus d'etres des agents secrets,
 un laisser faire politique bien pratique pour maintenir une chape de
 plomb et continuer
 a etre une place de reglement d'affaires financieres a l'abri des
 critiques (je parlai
 a mon entourage de la taxe tobin et du risque systemique peu avant
 la decompensation).
 A titre personnel, 6 annees de vie perdue, a regresser
 professionellement pendant 3 ans, pour
 combler mon retard les 3 suivantes. 4 sous neuroleptique.
 3 ans ou ma personnalite va se dissodre dans le bain acide de la
 peur. Suive 2.5 ans de lourds
 sequels de _DEPERSONNALISATION_, rien de moins.
 Un pote disait: la vie est un enorme gateau a la merde dont ont te

Re: [swinog] Netclean - news

2008-12-10 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
I see this like another example of fighting evil at the wrong end.
Of course it is important to fight such content but is filtering websites the 
right method ?
I don't think so.

Let be realistic, how many ISPs worldwide are gonna deploy a Whitebox ?
Filtering locally simply means stopping end users to access illegal sites.
Ok, but the sites are still there and everybody else will still have access !
What do we wanna fight ? The access to illegal content or the publishing of 
them ?
Just because some ISPs will filter-out those sites will not reduce the amount 
of kids being abused.
What is worser ? Someone looking at kids being abused or someone who abuse them 

I see already Netclean press releases claiming the big success as the list of 
sites will increase,
as at the same time, the guys who manage those sites will not notice any 
decrease in hits...

The Netclean solution is better than nothing but definitely this is not gonna 
make the difference.


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Re: [swinog] I miss you spam...

2008-12-08 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

And here we go with a new wave of spam coming from DSL and Cable bots...
My spamfilter was getting bored...

Benoit Panizzon wrote:

Am Dienstag, 4. November 2008 08:54 schrieb Benoit Panizzon:

Am Dienstag, 4. November 2008 08:46 schrieb Adrian Kägi:

About 2 weeks we receive approx. 30% less Spam on our Firewall.

someone knows the same phenomenon?

Ok, I must correct my statement. Since mccolo etc. are down, spam has 
considerably dropped:

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Re: [swinog] I miss you spam...

2008-11-03 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

I can confirm this behavior.
Although I don't expect that the spammers gave finally up...


Adrian Kägi wrote:

About 2 weeks we receive approx. 30% less Spam on our Firewall.

someone knows the same phenomenon?

Is the Bot-Master in holidays? ;-)


Best wishes



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Re: [swinog] Bluewin and Prestige 650ME

2008-10-28 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
Ensure that the distance between splitter and modem is no more than 2m and it 
will work fine...


Josh Geisser wrote:
 Hi Swinog
 is there an issue with those old Zyxel Prestive 650ME modem/routers? I 
 have that 650 configured as modem and want to use PPPoE from a pfSense.
 works fine for 10minutes until the connection breaks and i do have to 
 reboot either the pfSense, or restart the 650. then it works again for 
 i wonder whether this is a bluewin issue, or a 650 problem?
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Re: [swinog] RBL's (again) (Was: Anyone from Green here?)

2008-10-17 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
...and beside that, is really strange that 90% of the professional spam cleaner 
(I'm talking about services not appliances) extensively use greylisting.

I'm using greylisting (with some self made scripts to auto learn to withe and 
blacklist) since 2 1/2 years and I never missed a single mail.

Someone said that greylisting is a religion.
No, it's not.
It's just a pretty effective method of keep the spam out.
There are lot of tools, scripts and applications to do that but most of them 
are quite cpu intensive.
98% of the incoming spam is catched by the greylisting engine with almost zero 
cpu, only the remaining 2% need to be analyzed.

And so fair as I am, I also put a notice in the 450 and 554 error code 
explaining why it is delayed or rejected.
That's not true for notorious spammers which will hangs for hours in my tarpit 
(and thus saving some other people from being spammed).
I know that spammers don't cares about logs but I expect a serious mail-admin 
does (at least the non M$ admins) and can react on it.

As long as the internet community does not efficiently fight spam at the source 
I will put my efforts on fighting spam at the destination !
My personal opinion is that no consumer hoster or ISP (xDSL/Docsis) should 
allow their customers to send SMTP directly (beside some exceptions).
Just a matter of keep the mess out of the net.
We all know that most of the spam comes from bot pc which are on residential 
I guess that if every ISP would apply a mandatory SMTP-relay we would have at 
least 70% less spam !

And now I stop before we start another never ending flame-up discussion :-)

Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
 actually greylisting works pretty well, and the whitelist 
 of exceptions is relatively small (not more than 300 entries as 
 far as I remember). Also if you communicate the value 
 of it to the customers, they tend to agree that having 90% of spam 
 filtered before entering the system is worth waiting for half an hour 
 for email from a new source. 
 It's also a matter of resources: if you don't want or cannot enable 
 greylisting, you have to invest more resources into a more sophisticated 
 mail filtering software. Even if it's available for free, still developing 
 and maintaining your solution might become too expensive.
 so, basically as we discussed it already last week in regards to Skype:
 use the right tools for the right task :-)
 - Original Message 
 From: Tonnerre Lombard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:27:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [swinog] RBL's (again) (Was:  Anyone from Green here?)

 Salut, Per,

 On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:47:48 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
 Another option is to disable greylisting just for that one
 This implies that either you know all servers hosting broken scripts
 (NP-complete I think) or your customers will always communicate
 problems. Usually they encounter them and rant about it on their
 Stammtisch and then change provider to someone with one hell of a lot
 of SPAM.

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Re: [swinog] Firewall recommendation for a rack of webservers?

2008-06-19 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

pfSense HAS commercial support !
It is provided by BSD Perimeter and Centipede Networks
Take a look at under support.

Open-source and unsupported are two different words.


Manuel Krummenacher wrote:


On Wed, June 18, 2008 2:06 pm, Olivier Mueller wrote:

Is there anything you can recommend in this case?  It if was only me,
I would take something there:
and start with that.  But the customer would also like to see some non
open-source-based solutions... :

I would go with pfSense, but a Zyxel Zywall could also be an option if it
should be a commercial solution. Reasonable price, many features,
rackmount kit available and very good support.



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Re: [swinog] Firewall recommendation for a rack of webservers?

2008-06-18 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

Beat Siegenthaler wrote:

In this case You will be forced to deploy M$-ISA ;-)

He's talking about firewalls... :-)

Oliver, I have pfSense in use and you can also have commercial support from 
It's stable and you can run inline-snort with autoblacklist or simple log.
I guess for your purpose it's not a bad solutions.

If you want to impress your customers go for Secure Computing Sidewinder G2...
...but get a sponsor before !


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Re: [swinog] Switzerlandwide Internet problem

2008-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

Well, as I called the helpdesk on thursday they told me that they got a 
swiss-wide outage.
We have a dual DSL link with BGP and both link never went down and the remote 
/30 was all the time reachable.
Simply over 30 min we got no prefixes being announced and also the default 
route was not present.
I guess they messed up some routing, at least in the ZH big area.
Anyway, I don't expect any (plausible) RFO from them.


Tonnerre Lombard wrote:

Salut, Michele,

On Fri, 6 Jun 2008 15:00:11 +0200, Michele Capobianco wrote:

A friend just told me that Cybernet told him there is a
Switzerlandwide Internet Problem. Does anybody know something?

I did notice two short interruptions, but other than that, I didn't see
any major outage expect on Cybernet's side. So I think this is a
typical case of Oh look, the entire rest of the internet is down!


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Re: [swinog] New cisco dealer ?

2007-10-28 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

Do I get Coop SuperPoints by buying ? :-)
Or will they organize a Catalyst Trophy ? :-)



i was speakless ..



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Daniele Guazzoni
Senior Network Engineer, CCNP, CCNA

Linux and AMD-x86_64 or do you still with Windows and Intel ?

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Re: [swinog] BGP problems at Cablecom?

2006-12-03 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

Use ORSN (Open Root Server Network) public nameservers:



Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:

as a home user of Cablecom, I can't reach many American sites
since about 11am this Sunday.

These are not reachable:

Most of Swiss (and surprisingly Russian :) sites are reachable.

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Re: [swinog] smtp attacks

2006-11-27 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni

Uhm, my private detected spam count is still average:
150 spam/24h which means 87% of total mails received.
Also nothing special here.

This is not spam. To unsubscribe to this mail please reply with the 
words shut up in the subject, directly to me :-)


Matthias Hertzog wrote:

Yes, same here. We had to blacklist several domains to keep our
inbound clean.

Matthias Hertzog

mhs @ internet AG
Zürcherstrasse 204, CH - 9014 St. Gallen
Phone +41 71 274 93 93, Fax +41 71 274 93 94

- Original Message - From: Rene Luria [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 5:58 PM
Subject: [swinog] smtp attacks

Hi folks,

We are currently experiencing a heavy load on all our smtp inbound
servers since saturday.

It is due to bounces coming from everywhere. Spamers using fake email
addresses from domains for which we are the MX.

The amount of such emails (which we almost all reject, user unknown,
etc.. because of the fake email addresses) is enormous compared to
normal traffic (like 10 times what we have in general).

Do any of you experience the same problem ?

Rene Luria
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Re: [swinog] CCNP

2005-08-30 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni


is really a matter of self discipline and motivation.
I did CCNA and CCNP almost on my own (2 courses at Getronics), the main 
effort using Cisco press and related books, CCO and of course hands-on 
on some real hardware...

Personally I use the kick in the ass method:
1) set the exam date
2) study / try / repeat
3) pass the exam (are there alternatives ?...)

This way I have the kick and a real target to focus on.

Until now I used to success with them, I will see next monday if I also 
get the CCIE qualification that way...

My suggestion to you (I don't know your actual knowledge level):
get some Boson tests (real test simulation) and walk through.
That way you can find out where are your weak points and you can get 
specific self-study books and/or get training.

Save the 16k for the CCIE track...


Zoran Brakus wrote:


 I'm looking for a best way to upgrade my CCNA and become a CCNP. At
 the moment, I have the following options on my mind:

 a) CCNP academy
- it costs around 16k CHF; a lot of money, isn't it?
- is CCNP course organized somewhere in Zürich or Zug (preferably
  on weekends)?
- can I expect to have academy lessons in English language or only

 b) to make my own lab (ebay), buy all books and try to become a home
made CCNP? :-)

 c) ?

 I would appreciate any info and/or suggestions.



best regards

Daniele Guazzoni
Senior Network Engineer, CCNA, CCNP

Ackersteinstrasse 203
CH-8049 Zurich
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
William Jennings Bryan

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[swinog] subscribed e-mail change

2005-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Daniele Guazzoni
Could the list admin contact directly Tan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?
He would like to change his existing subscribed e-mail and therefore
solve the out-of-office reply.


best regards

Daniele Guazzoni
Network  System Engineer
Cisco Certified Network Professional

Audatex Systems GmbH
An ADP Company
Zollstrasse 62
CH-8021 Zürich

Phone:  +41 44 278 87 54
Fax:+41 44 278 85 15
I still don't know what the window keys on my keyboard are for.
 Neither Linux, openBSD, freeBSD nor Solaris reacts on it...
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