[swinog] A team helping whistleblowers (OT!)

2021-10-11 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

Some years back, when I was net admin, I was surprised how easy it was to
make you shut your mouth about whatever problem you find disgusting in our
society. A big DDoS in the dark corner of your network, et voilà, affaire

Those peoples seems able to help you in such case.


Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

[swinog] changing a DNS PTR record for a swisscom SME customer

2020-06-06 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Hello Swinog,

I’d like to change some DNS PTR records for a swisscom SME customer with at 
least one fixed IP address per site, is there some web app provided by swisscom 
where I can operate this kind of DNS config change?

Thanks in advance!

Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] 44 Terabits/s !

2020-05-24 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

> Le 24 mai 2020 à 11:15, roger mgz  a écrit :
> Not to mention the Switch Fabrics needed for such speed :(


a less formal article:



Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

[swinog] 44 Terabits/s !

2020-05-23 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

Duh we need to upgrade FAST those lousy 400gig/s interfaces!


Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] aside from my economical warfare problems: a simple, python pexpect based cisco config archiver to SVN (not using SFTP but the CLI).

2012-01-11 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
yuk must be difficult to get one single dime from a cisco config archiver :-)

more seriously, I prefer a 4 pages code I can comprehend and bend at my taste.

it was sent to this list when doing some housekeeping of my HDD and oohh, this 
one may still be usefull to someone else.

Le 11 janv. 2012 à 14:34, Peter Siegrist a écrit :

 for a few dollars more ... take a look at the *MyConf* Cisco config backup, 
 archive and copmpare tool at http://www.myport-tools.ch
 Its not using cvs or svn like rancid but using its own archive structure and 
 in addition it has a graphical web interface.
 kind regards
 Philippe Strauss wrote:
 code is small enough to be bende according to your taste:
 Philippe Strauss
 swinog mailing list
 swinog mailing list

Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] aside from my economical warfare problems: a simple, python pexpect based cisco config archiver to SVN (not using SFTP but the CLI).

2012-01-11 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
python is terribly dificult to decipher, you're right stanislav.

it is as it is, not more, not less, there's two paths to adapt, the right 
amount of comments, and you must run the configtree.py to get an idea of the 
traversal of the tree for building the configuration data.

if you prefer git rather than SVN, it's probably 3 lines to adapt, haven't 

Le 11 janv. 2012 à 19:07, Stanislav Sinyagin a écrit :

 a 4-page script with no documentation, no revision control, and hardcoded 
 Some people call it a dirty hack :)
 For a real software, have a look at 
 It's not released yet, but already used in a couple of production 
 installations. Plenty of documentation is available. Config backup is just a 
 small part of what it can do :)
 From: Philippe Strauss phi...@philou.ch
 To: swinog@lists.swinog.ch 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 3:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [swinog] aside from my economical warfare problems: a simple, 
 python pexpect based cisco config archiver to SVN (not using SFTP but the 
 yuk must be difficult to get one single dime from a cisco config archiver :-)
 more seriously, I prefer a 4 pages code I can comprehend and bend at my taste.
 it was sent to this list when doing some housekeeping of my HDD and oohh, 
 this one may still be usefull to someone else.
 Le 11 janv. 2012 à 14:34, Peter Siegrist a écrit :
 for a few dollars more ... take a look at the *MyConf* Cisco config backup, 
 archive and copmpare tool at http://www.myport-tools.ch/
 Its not using cvs or svn like rancid but using its own archive structure and 
 in addition it has a graphical web interface.
 kind regards
 Philippe Strauss wrote:
 code is small enough to be bende according to your taste:
 swinog mailing list

Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

[swinog] aside from my economical warfare problems: a simple, python pexpect based cisco config archiver to SVN (not using SFTP but the CLI).

2012-01-08 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
code is small enough to be bende according to your taste:



Philippe Strauss

swinog mailing list

[swinog] Beware : Sorte de service secret fachisant dans les telecoms

2011-12-19 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

(NB: synopsis au préalable réservé aux instances judiciaires avant d'avoir 
dispatché par internet tel une bouteille à la mer - aussi, synopsis dont je ne 
suis pas conscient, élément disparates dans mon esprit, en 2002 - 2003)

Etranges activités de type services secrets dans les télécoms

A l'été 2001, lors d'un entretien d'embauche pour la ville de Lausanne, un RH 
(ci-après identifié GADLU) me parle de services secrets. Il positive le 
domaine, m'attire à accepter de faire partie de la cellule RE-NATO. J'ai testé 
pour vous, ils sont, sans exagération aucune, assimilables à des DANGERS 

Un service secret dans les télécoms assimilables à des dangers publics

J’ai un vécu plutôt singulier dans ce domaine professionnel : quelques semaines 
avant de travailler entre autre avec RE-NATO à la création de la SSI INC. sàrl, 
on m’empoisonne probablement à l’aide d'adrénaline de synthèse, ayant un 
puissant effet sur mon rythme cardiaque, partant au plafond, soit 200-210 chez 
moi, pendant quelques dizaines de minutes, pour rester aux alentours de 180 
pendant plusieurs heures.
C’était le 19 ou 20 août 2002.

Une démonstration de type réseau humain sécuritaire avait lieu autour de moi 
depuis quelques mois. Celle-ci durera encore la bagatelle de trois ans.
Durant mes études d’ingénieur en télécommunication à ce qui est aujourd’hui 
l’HEIG-VD, probablement en 1995 ou 1996, un professeur, MJATS, ex-employé de 
Siemens, nous parle du protocole GSM. Ce dernier nous fait part de données 
intéressantes propre à l’aspect de synchronisation du protocole, exploitables 
pour géolocalisation de l’abonné si quelques recoupements de bases de données 
étaient effectués. Quelques semaines ou mois plus tard, celui-ci sera victime 
d’une crise cardiaque. A 45-48 ans, adepte de grimpe en montagne, de cols des 

Selon une convesation avec GADLU, RH au Service électrique de la Ville de 
Lausanne, conversation dans laquelle il y aura eût à boire et à manger, RE-NATO 
aurait été réinscrit de la filière informatique à la filière télécoms à 
l’HEIG-VD, durant l’été 1993, été de nos écoles de recrues respectives. Le père 
de RE-NATO est instructeur à l’armée suisse, retraité.

Plus récemment, l’ex-amis de ma soeur semble avoir été réseauté par bouche à 
oreille afin de lui faire faire des scènes de ménages quelques peu 
théatralisées. But : me faire peur. Dans le même laps de temps, quelques appels 
téléphoniques que je passe à un amis ne déclencheront pas la sonnerie de son 
côté, par contre j’entendrai à l’appareil l’environnement sonore autour de 
cette amis. Autre gadget sécuritaire concocté par le team RE-NATO semble-t-il : 
un moyen d’établir une conversation téléphonique à sens unique, sans déclencher 
la sonnerie. Outil d’espionnage auquel j’aurait du adhérer afin de surveiller le 
couple de ma soeur et son ex-amis, par ce biais adhérer aux métohdes de la 
cellule RE-NATO.

Il y eut énormément de douleurs chez moi durant les 5.5 années ayant suivi 
l’empoisonnement, probablement plus encore chez MJATS. La notion de danger 
public concernant RE-NATO et ses sbires n’est de loin pas une exagération.

Dans mon cas, l’empoisonnement est probablement un préalable visant à me 
constituer un dossier psychiatrique de paranoïaque en début de démonstration du 
team des sécuritaires zélés, d’avoir de leur côté de quoi me décrédibiliser 
dans cette affaire au cas ou j’ouvrais trop les yeux sur leurs activités.

En annexe le log de la démonstration du team RE-NATO au fil des années, dont ont 
m’a volé le document source à l’été 2009. Les hypothèses de ce document sont 
celles de la fin du printemps 2009. Le document étant long, c'est la lecture 
des points 22 à 29b, 33, 46 à 50, 55, 63 à 88 qui est recommandée, (!) le point 
84c est emblématique du niveau de stratégie de la cellule RE-NATO, soit enrôler 
quelques personnes de mon environnement et leur faire commettre des actes 
accessoires dans l'ensemble, puis leur faire croire que j'en rajoute, 
consciemment ou pas, afin de me faire passer pour malade mental.


Le contenu de ce message est aussi disponible sur le site suivant:


http://helvetic-park.bravehost.com/ (version antérieure)


Philippe STRAUSS
ingénieur en télecoms
ancien directeur technique d'Urbanet

Av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne



Combien de tels fanatiques de domination mentale nous reste-t-il dans les 
administrations suisses ?
Combien de victimes, passées à l'adrénaline et lavage de cerveau façon STASI ?
Combien de hauts fonctionnaires d'officines sécuritaires, vaudoises, suisses, 
se sont fait corrompre de zèle extrème ?

7.12.2011 10h45: pas impossible qu'un fonctionnaire ait désiré lancer des 
ballons sondes quant au réseautage des ingénieurs systèmes s'occupant de 
serveurs emails dès 1999 déjà, ce afin de leur demander des

Re: [Fwd: [swinog] SwiNOG #16 Questionaire]

2008-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:25:55PM +0200, Fredy Kuenzler wrote:
 REMINDER: if you haven't done it, please fill in the SwiNOG #16 
 IMPORTANT: if you could not attend, please fill it in nevertheless. We 
 especially want to know how many could not attend because the 
 registration was already full.

Just FYI,

I'had a quick look at it and gived up seeing that on the first question
there was no I've never been informed or deleted by mistake the
announcement of the registration opening.


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] and someone gently arp flooding the CIXP

2008-04-17 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] cixp l2 loop/flood: it's fixed

2008-04-17 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] someone from Colt on this list?

2007-11-16 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
with BGP and ripe-robot knowledge before my nerves get exhausted

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] verrizon and swisscom in the schoolyard

2007-11-07 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
rustine:/etc/smokeping# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  fa0-0.rt1.plo1.dfinet.net (  1.500 ms  0.675 ms  0.875 ms
 2  fa0-6.sw-bb2.cc.dfinet.net (  1.093 ms  1.556 ms  0.847 ms
 3  gi0-1.rt-b1.cc.dfinet.net (  1.117 ms  1.020 ms  0.847 ms
 4  POS8-1-0.GW2.GVA2.ALTER.NET (  2.361 ms  1.036 ms  1.503 ms
 5  GigabitEthernet3-0.CR3.GVA2.ALTER.NET (  0.998 ms  2.059 ms  
0.921 ms
 6  so-2-2-0.XR1.ZUR4.ALTER.NET (  5.754 ms  4.690 ms  5.358 ms
 7  so-2-0-0.TL2.ZUR3.ALTER.NET (  5.090 ms  4.691 ms  4.775 ms
 8  so-4-0-0.IR1.NYC12.ALTER.NET (  91.318 ms  91.107 ms  91.291 
 9  0.so-0-2-0.IL3.NYC9.ALTER.NET (  91.972 ms  92.164 ms  92.144 
10  0.so-7-0-0.XL3.NYC4.ALTER.NET (  91.724 ms  91.529 ms  91.444 
11  510.ATM6-0.IG4.NYC4.ALTER.NET (  91.472 ms  91.618 ms  91.574 
12  swisscom-oc3-gw.customer.alter.net (  95.619 ms  95.028 ms  
94.691 ms
13  i79zhb-005-pos4-0.bb.ip-plus.net (  221.616 ms  209.767 ms  
216.794 ms
14  tge3-3.bwrt1inb.bluewin.ch (  98.431 ms  98.851 ms  98.780 ms
15  if98.ip-plus.bluewin.ch (  98.910 ms  98.789 ms  99.633 ms
16  ge0-1.bwrtrip1zhb.bluewin.ch (  98.896 ms  98.716 ms  
98.524 ms
17  ge0-2.bwrtrip1zhh.bluewin.ch (  98.790 ms  98.805 ms  99.091 
18  ge0-2.bwadf2zhh.bluewin.ch (  99.276 ms  100.072 ms  99.006 
19 (  111.280 ms  112.007 ms  
111.729 ms
20  * * *

behave yourself, boys!

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] quiet a bit of eastern europe traffic in a blackhole

2007-09-24 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Anyone having routed around _3327_ successfully?
(me not :-/)

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] zyxel ENET encap

2007-09-18 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

What is the ENET encap found in these wonderfully well
designed/engineered/manufactured products that the Zyxel xDSL line of
modems/router are? ;-)

Is it IP right over RFC1483-Routed over AAL5? (IP over ATM)

(I would like to compare it's encap overhead relative to others


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] _1273_8342$

2007-09-04 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Anyone else with problems on this AS-PATH?
(I just needed to lower its local-pref)


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] swisscom ADSL outage

2007-06-06 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

We just had a big swisscom BBCS/ADSL outage here in Geneva.
~half of our ADSL customers affected.
No feedback from swisscom yet.
Anyone else?


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] AS1233: cixp peers

2007-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Hello, AS12333 (DFi) is about to make maintenance work affecting
CIXP peers. It should be offline just a few minutes.

Have a nice week-end.

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] AS6730 unreachable from some parts of the net ??

2007-05-11 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss

AS6730 is unreachable for at least us (DFi, AS12333) and

I've tried our both upstreams AS702 and AS5511 with the same

verified using www.romandie.com ( and www.sunrise.ch as 
( target adresses.

BGP table looks fine.

Anyone else?

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] AS6730 unreachable from some parts of the net ??

2007-05-11 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 05:24:48PM +0200, Xaver Aerni wrote:
 I don't think it ist an AS Problem
 www.pop.ch is also on AS6730 ist reachable.
 The www.sunrise.ch and www.romandie.com isn't I think is a Server Problem 
 by Sunrise.
 X. Aerni

I can reach www.pop.ch from AS12333

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] PoE injector recommendation

2007-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Hello swinogers,

Who knows a good supplier for PoE injectors? 48 ports preferably.
(48 port 10/100 without power, toward the switch, power supply,
and 48 port 10/100 with PoE toward phones)
With good experiences in the field!

Thanks, regards.

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] ULL presentation

2007-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 11:39:21AM +0200, JIm Romaguera wrote:
 I saw that the upcoming Swinog agenda has a free slot at 11:15-12:00 (at 
 least I guess it's free - stated reserved). It would be interesting 
 for me, and I think the provider community as well, to see Swisscom give 
 a presentation on ULL. Something like Technical Aspects of Provider's 
 implementing the current Swisscom defined ULL. The timing of Swinog and 
 the current Swisscom deadlines for ULL make the theme very actual. BTW: 
 I don't expect Swisscom to come and defend the commercial aspect - just 
 elaborate upon the technical aspects.
 If the Swinog Core Team agrees and can find space in the agenda, plus 
 some of our Swisscom colleagues on the list can coordinate internally 
 within Swisscom, maybe someone suitable within Swisscom could be found 
 to give such a presentation?

very good idea indeed!

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] cacti multiple rra settings

2007-02-06 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
Hello swinogers,

does anyone know if there is a way, with cacti, to use
different RRA settings for different RRD archive?
I've only found one global template for the whole cacti
installation, and sometimes I would like to setup some RRD
to keep one month of 5minutes sampled data, but it doesnt
seem to be possible to have differents RRA templates.


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] dns10.register.com

2006-10-25 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
following my own post,

switch and nordunet bgp looking glass return network not in table,
RIPE looking glass return a default route, but is reachable via traceroute:

Traceroute from RRC00 to

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1  gw.dev.nsrp.ripe.net (  0.428 ms  0.390 ms  0.381 ms
 2  GigabitEthernet3-2.core2.ams1.level3.net (  2.508 ms  
202.686 ms  1.990 ms
 3  ge-7-0-0.mp2.Amsterdam1.Level3.net (  1.095 ms 
ge-0-0-0.mp2.Amsterdam1.Level3.net (  74.588 ms 
ge-7-0-0.mp2.Amsterdam1.Level3.net (  1.085 ms
 4  ae-0-0.bbr2.NewYork1.Level3.net (  74.247 ms  74.028 ms  73.995 
 5  ae-23-52.car3.NewYork1.Level3.net (  74.067 ms 
ae-13-55.car3.NewYork1.Level3.net (  74.204 ms 
ae-13-51.car3.NewYork1.Level3.net (  74.171 ms
 6  ggr2-p360.n54ny.ip.att.net (  288.354 ms 
att-level3-oc192.NewYork1.Level3.net (  88.747 ms  122.789 ms
 7  tbr1-p010401.n54ny.ip.att.net (  75.670 ms  75.901 ms  76.346 ms
 8  gar4-p300.n54ny.ip.att.net (  253.718 ms  150.569 ms  113.689 ms
 9  mdf16-gsr12-2-pos-7-0.nyc2.attens.com (  295.640 ms  296.016 
ms  295.561 ms
10  mdf19-bi8k-2-eth-1-2.nyc2.attens.net (  295.347 ms  296.296 ms 
 295.773 ms
11 (  297.601 ms  296.192 ms  296.644 ms
12  * * *
13  dns10.register.com (  296.623 ms  295.915 ms  296.313 ms

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] [Fwd: [Full-disclosure] DNS Smurf revisited]

2005-05-31 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 10:49:00AM +0200, Beat Rubischon wrote:
 Am 30.05.05 schrieb Philippe Strauss:
   sunrise freesurf used to allow this also, didn't try for some time.
   (it even let source address be in the private address space)
  amazing to still see this in 2005!
 Each filter takes some CPU cycles. And CPU-Power is still really
 expensive on a Cisco device.
 A word stolen from the IBM world: You will never have
 performance problems. You may habe financial problems, but you
 will never have performance problems.

a simple search on google, I find a paper
about a routing table lookup algorithm, on standard CPU,
able to do 30Millions lookup per second (on a 500MHz cpu).
with current CPU frequency, it would rather be 120Millions/s
on such commodity pc the bottleneck is the bus architecture, though.

2Gbit/s of traffic translate to roughly 40 packets per second
that leaves a lot of spare cpu time.

Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] [Fwd: [Full-disclosure] DNS Smurf revisited]

2005-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 09:55:39AM +0200, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
 On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 09:31:32PM +0200, Simon Leinen wrote:
  I can spoof packets from my home broadband connection (and probably
  the 299'999 other broadband customers of that Swiss ISP can do so as
  well :-).  Hopefully other Swiss ISPs do this better.
 sunrise freesurf used to allow this also, didn't try for some time.
 (it even let source address be in the private address space)

amazing to still see this in 2005!
is there valuable argument from these ISP or is it
ignorance / badly designed networks??

on the leaf interfaces of the ISP routing topology:

ip verify unicast reverse-path

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ethN/rp_filter

there is still this good paper from cisco, it's a bit
dated but probably mean no real valuable features was added
in IOS since 2001:



Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] [Fwd: [Full-disclosure] DNS Smurf revisited]

2005-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 05:59:35PM +0200, Jean-Pierre Schwickerath wrote:
  is there valuable argument from these ISP or is it
  ignorance / badly designed networks??
 Once someone told me they couldn't do it because it would add too much
 delay to the packet and that their hardware would would have to throttle
 the throughput if they wanted to do that on gigabit links. 

performances problems on an operation which is basically a routing lookup
4 bytes aside the usual place? funky.

 But then someone has to explain me how other people manage to do full
 NIDS inspection on gigabit links. 


Philippe Strauss
av. de Beaulieu 25
1004 Lausanne
swinog mailing list

[swinog] bad dog

2005-05-12 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Strauss
now there's a dog with a rather bad attitude looking at
my cats. I don't know what to do.

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