Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

2024-08-02 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson


Yes. Thank you. Sorry about the delay. (I'll spare you the excuses: travel, 
COVID, etc.) Working on it...

On 7/23/24 05:16, Allen Johnson wrote:


We have the 2024 edition of the Valera 1602 Purificada text available 
(attached). Can you please update it on your end as previously discussed?

Can we change the abbreviation to V1602P or VP and the ID to SPAV1602P or 
SPAVP? There is another version with the abbreviations RVP and the R stands for 
Reina which is not in our title. Thanks!

Once available, I assume we can point people your way (links on our site)? 

*Gracias / Thanks*

*valera logo jpg* <>

PO Box 1781 - Mt Vernon, KY 40456 - (865) 773-2347 <>

*From: *Michael Johnson 
*Date: *Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 2:22 AM
*To: *Allen Johnson , David Rez , SWORD 
Developers' Collaboration Forum 
*Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

Thank you, Allen!

The Valera 1602 Purificada is online in the Sword repository and on <>.

On 2/21/24 09:54, Allen Johnson wrote:

Thanks for writing.

 1. Yes, permission is granted as we want to distribute the text in as many 
ways possible.

 2. We are happy to provide a working file but:

 1. Forgive my ignorance but I do the layout in InDesign. Previously, I 
have exported as a text file for others to develop the digital modules for 
E-sword, online bible, and Bible Analyzer. I currently do not see any of the 
formats mentioned in my export or save as options. I will do some research but 
thought you might already know what steps I would need to take.

 2. We are actually in the middle of further revision work, to be 
completed in March or April. Perhaps it would be best to wait for the updated 
file, rather than using the current 2019 edition and then having to update it 
later or being “stuck” with an “older” edition while other programs hopefully 
update theirs.

I look forward to your feedback on these matters. Thanks, and God bless.

Allen Johnson


*Gracias / Thanks*

*valera logo jpg* <>

PO Box 1781 - Mt Vernon, KY 40456 - (865) 773-2347 <>

*From: *Kahunapule Michael Johnson  
*Date: *Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:35 PM
*To: *David Rez  <>, SWORD Developers' 
Collaboration Forum  <>, 
*Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

Hello David and all,

To add the Valera 1602 Purificada to the Sword project would require (1) 
permission, and (2) digital files in an acceptable format (OSIS, USFM, USX, or 

It looks like the permission granted in
 is functionally equivalent to a CC-BY-ND-NC license, so the permission part is 

Whoever reads email: do you have some digital files of 
this Bible translation in USFM, USX, OSIS, or something easy to convert to one 
of those formats? If so, could we please have a copy so that we can make it 
available to users of the Sword Project family of apps, including AndBible?


On 2/20/24 12:14, David Rez wrote:


 I was wondering if you all can add a Spanish Bible version called Reina Valera 
Purificada 1602? It's a Spanish Bible created to read more like to the king James 
version. I use the "and Bible" app and they said to ask you all. Thank you


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bi

Re: [sword-devel] How to secure a work on a a

2024-05-10 Thread Michael Johnson

Hello Fr Cyrille (& all),

It looks to me like you already have a valid copyright and CC BY-SA 
license on your Sainte Bible néo-Crampon Libre, with the copyright owned 
by Fraternité de Tibériade. (Earlier drafts were listed as copyrighted 
by the Crosswire Bible Society, but that is probably not a problem, 
because the license is the same.) To copyright a work, you don't 
actually need to do anything, even provide a copyright notice. In 
practice, however, a copyright notice is important in the process of 
trying to defend a copyright, so it should be done. To secure a Creative 
Commons license, all you have to do is state clearly that the work is 
released under whichever specific license you chose. I do that 
automatically in all formats on when I have the copyright and 
permissions fields filled out in Haiola.

Because of your clear copyright and permission notice, and because your 
work is independent and was published online before theirs was 
published, they cannot *legally* claim to own the copyright on your 
work. Of course, they could try to make an illegal claim. Such things 
are common, since there are not usually significant consequences in the 
law for making false claims of copyright ownership. However, it is 
extremely unlikely that anyone could get away with trying to enforce a 
false claim of copyright. Besides, lawyers probably wouldn't see a good 
way to get paid by suing someone who has taken a vow of poverty. ;-)

To make sure you are covered, legally, the main thing is to keep the 
copyright and license notice on your published works, as they are in the 
Sword module and in the other formats distributed from 
Technically, the copyright notice is not required, but it is helpful and 
makes defending the copyright and open access license much easier.

Although they have been working on it for 20 years, if it was just 
published, then it is probably safe to say that you were not copying 
their work, because you would not have seen it. There is independent 
evidence of your work going on earlier at

I don't see how inserting invisible characters in the text would be 
helpful in most scenarios. It is easy enough to check for direct copying 
by comparing the text. Even the ancient diff program can check for 
identical texts easily enough.

Does this help?

On 5/8/24 03:01, Fr Cyrille wrote:

I'm wondering how to secure with a CC license a work updating a bible 
in the public domain, without someone being able to claim that it 
belongs to them?

I'm asking because I'm doing this work on the Crampon, and a French 
publisher has just published a revised Crampon. They've been working 
on it for 20 years, and I'm afraid that the day my work is ready (it 
is already), they'll claim it as their own?

Do I need to do anything special to make sure no one puts it under a 
restrictive license?

I've also thought of inserting invisible characters in the text at 
specific points, but isn't that excessive?

Thanks for your advises.

Br Cyrille


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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[sword-devel] Sword developer's mailing list mail 100% labeled as spam

2024-04-05 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

It seems that DKIM validation is always failing for this mailing list. Is there 
something we can do to the mailing list software to stop invalidating DKIM 
signatures? I really don't want to turn of DKIM validation on my in box, as 
that would result in a flood of spam. On the other hand, daily digging good 
emails out of the junk folder to keep in touch with you all is getting a bit 


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] OSHB module

2024-03-14 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

Right now, all modules on force Strong's numbers to be G or H 
followed by 4 or 5 digits, with leading zeroes as necessary to make 4 digits. 
The reason for this is that Paratext and the DBL software choke on any other 
format. The decision was forced on me, really.

Ideally, I would consider the Real Solution to be that any process that READS Strong's numbers should tolerate the presence or absence of leading zeroes. Indeed, the G or H, if missing, should be inferred from the Testament in which it is found. (Tagging of the longer Esther and Daniel should require an explicit G or H.) But if you write Strong's numbers, maximum compatibility would come from sticking to the Paratext/DBL pattern. Maximum encoding efficiency, of course, would be in the other direction, 
stripping out the redundant leading zeroes and implied G or H would save space, but at this point, I think maximum compatibility is more important.

Right now, asking for all modules to be rebuilt one way or another is a really 
big ask. It is probably easier to preprocess all Strong's numbers to make the 
format consistent within the back end. That way a string comparison in the 
search should work just fine. We would just have to decide what the search 
format should be. G or H should be supplied to disambiguate when necessary, and 
leading zeroes either supplied or stripped. Make sense?

Of course, if a strong consensus on Strong's number formatting could be 
obtained and manifested in code in all relevant Sword Project front and back 
end software, I could go either way. My Bible translation source would still 
have the Paratext/DBL format, but stripping out leading zeroes in writing OSIS 
files is not hard. For now, though, I must agree with Karl about the 
probability of his trademarked Real Solution coming to pass. Sigh.

On 3/14/24 11:23, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
Quite honestly, the Real Solution™ to this problem is to bite the bullet, make a concrete decision that Strong's numbers are to be encoded in exactly one way, and re-work all existing modules to conform to that standard. Personally, I advocate that such a standard would stipulate Strong's numbers to be encoded in minimal (natural) digits: Encoding an OT reference as "1" means a Heb Strong's dictionary key of "1" and an NT "1401" means a Grk Strong's dictionary key of "01401", that is, zeroes to create 
dictionary module keys are prepended to natural numbers to fill exactly 5 digits.

I've never bothered to attempt a final fix to this problem in Xiphos for exactly the reason that, no matter which direction I might take, it will be an unreliable hack; that in turn is because the very concept of a leading '0' as a weak discriminant between Heb and Grk Strong's numbers is itself an unreliable hack. Whenever the subsequent conceptual change came along, to distinguish Heb/Grk numbers according to a leading H or G (that is, lucene search using e.g. "lemma:G1401"), /that/ was the point at 
which the leading-zero-encoding nonsense should have been forced into the trash bin.

It was not, and here we are.

Probability of the Real Solution™ coming to pass: Vanishingly close to zero.

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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[sword-devel] Automated Sword module creation hard failures

2024-03-11 Thread Michael Johnson

The following translations cause osis2mod to fail hard (i.e. crash 
or go into an infinite loop):


To see what the translations are, append the ID above to the URL

Currently the versification selection algorithm in Haiola looks for the least bad match by first selecting the versification that has the smallest number of missing books. In case of a tie, it looks for the smallest number of missing chapters. In case of a tie, it looks for the smallest number of missing verses. It has been refined beyond that to swap Daniel (Greek) with Daniel and Esther (Greek) with Esther when the shorter, Hebrew-only book is absent. There are other failures, too, where books turn up 
missing, mislabeled, or in the wrong order, but those 5 are the ones that I cannot support in the Sword project at all.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] Brenton Crosswire

2024-03-11 Thread Michael Johnson

On 3/8/24 03:01, you wrote:

 Name-> Paul Singleton
 Subject-> Brenton Crosswire
 Form URL->
 Remote IP->
It appears that the link is broken.  Will it be updated?

I tried, BUT its versification is incompatible with the Sword engine to the 
point where it crashes the osis2mod utility. I have pruned the dead link.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
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Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

2024-03-02 Thread Michael Johnson

Thank you, Allen!

The Valera 1602 Purificada is online in the Sword repository 
and on

On 2/21/24 09:54, Allen Johnson wrote:

Thanks for writing.

 1. Yes, permission is granted as we want to distribute the text in as
many ways possible.

 2. We are happy to provide a working file but:

 1. Forgive my ignorance but I do the layout in InDesign.
Previously, I have exported as a text file for others to
develop the digital modules for E-sword, online bible, and
Bible Analyzer. I currently do not see any of the formats
mentioned in my export or save as options. I will do some
research but thought you might already know what steps I would
need to take.

 2. We are actually in the middle of further revision work, to be
completed in March or April. Perhaps it would be best to wait
for the updated file, rather than using the current 2019
edition and then having to update it later or being “stuck”
with an “older” edition while other programs hopefully update

I look forward to your feedback on these matters. Thanks, and God bless.

Allen Johnson


*Gracias / Thanks*

*valera logo jpg* <>

PO Box 1781 - Mt Vernon, KY 40456 - (865) 773-2347 <>

*From: *Kahunapule Michael Johnson 
*Date: *Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:35 PM
*To: *David Rez , SWORD Developers' 
Collaboration Forum , 

*Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

Hello David and all,

To add the Valera 1602 Purificada to the Sword project would require 
(1) permission, and (2) digital files in an acceptable format (OSIS, 

It looks like the permission granted in 
is functionally equivalent to a CC-BY-ND-NC license, so the permission 
part is handled.

Whoever reads email: do you have some digital 
files of this Bible translation in USFM, USX, OSIS, or something easy 
to convert to one of those formats? If so, could we please have a copy 
so that we can make it available to users of the Sword Project family 
of apps, including AndBible?


On 2/20/24 12:14, David Rez wrote:


 I was wondering if you all can add a Spanish Bible version called
Reina Valera Purificada 1602? It's a Spanish Bible created to read
more like to the king James version. I use the "and Bible" app and
they said to ask you all. Thank you


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • 
<> • WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> 
• PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>

Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: <>


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: <>
sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

2024-02-21 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

On 2/21/24 09:54, Allen Johnson wrote:

Thanks for writing.

 1. Yes, permission is granted as we want to distribute the text in as many 
ways possible.

Thank you very much! Would it be OK to standardize the license text using the 
closest matching Creative Commons license? See and for the wording. I 
think this matches your intent, but with very well-thought-out legal wording. 
(If not, we could just copy what you wrote in your PDF file.)

 2. We are happy to provide a working file but:

 1. Forgive my ignorance but I do the layout in InDesign. Previously, I 
have exported as a text file for others to develop the digital modules for 
E-sword, online bible, and Bible Analyzer. I currently do not see any of the 
formats mentioned in my export or save as options. I will do some research but 
thought you might already know what steps I would need to take.

If you mean that the master copy, or most authoritative text is in InDesign, then you can simply send me the InDesign file and/or an HTML export of that file. I have a copy of InDesign, and can experiment with the export options to get something close enough that I can write a custom script to convert to the format I really need. The large file can go directly to just me at, or if it is too large to attach, share it with Google Drive, Dropbox, or similar service. We don't need to 
clutter the Sword Developer's mailing list with a large file.

 2. We are actually in the middle of further revision work, to be completed 
in March or April. Perhaps it would be best to wait for the updated file, 
rather than using the current 2019 edition and then having to update it later 
or being “stuck” with an “older” edition while other programs hopefully update 

Since my strategy is to use a script to convert, with little manual labor, and 
lower chances of making mistakes, running an updated copy through the same 
script would be little additional work. So it may be best to start with what 
you have, then run your update through the same script when it is ready. Just 
please remember to send me the update when it is ready, as I might not think to 
ask for it, then. (I maintain well over a thousand Bible modules.)

I look forward to providing our Spanish-speaking readers with another good 
Bible translation option.

Any questions?

I look forward to your feedback on these matters. Thanks, and God bless.

Allen Johnson


*Gracias / Thanks*

*valera logo jpg* <>

PO Box 1781 - Mt Vernon, KY 40456 - (865) 773-2347 <>

*From: *Kahunapule Michael Johnson 
*Date: *Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 8:35 PM
*To: *David Rez , SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
*Subject: *Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

Hello David and all,

To add the Valera 1602 Purificada to the Sword project would require (1) 
permission, and (2) digital files in an acceptable format (OSIS, USFM, USX, or 

It looks like the permission granted in
 is functionally equivalent to a CC-BY-ND-NC license, so the permission part is 

Whoever reads email: do you have some digital files of this 
Bible translation in USFM, USX, OSIS, or something easy to convert to one of 
those formats? If so, could we please have a copy so that we can make it 
available to users of the Sword Project family of apps, including AndBible?


On 2/20/24 12:14, David Rez wrote:


 I was wondering if you all can add a Spanish Bible version called Reina Valera 
Purificada 1602? It's a Spanish Bible created to read more like to the king James 
version. I use the "and Bible" app and they said to ask you all. Thank you


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 
sword-devel mailing list:

Re: [sword-devel] Adding another Bible version

2024-02-20 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

Hello David and all,

To add the Valera 1602 Purificada to the Sword project would require (1) 
permission, and (2) digital files in an acceptable format (OSIS, USFM, USX, or 
It looks like the permission granted in
 is functionally equivalent to a CC-BY-ND-NC license, so the permission part is 

Whoever reads email: do you have some digital files of this 
Bible translation in USFM, USX, OSIS, or something easy to convert to one of 
those formats? If so, could we please have a copy so that we can make it 
available to users of the Sword Project family of apps, including AndBible?


On 2/20/24 12:14, David Rez wrote:


 I was wondering if you all can add a Spanish Bible version called Reina Valera 
Purificada 1602? It's a Spanish Bible created to read more like to the king James 
version. I use the "and Bible" app and they said to ask you all. Thank you


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 
sword-devel mailing list:
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

Re: [sword-devel] Catholic versification / inter-versification mappings

2024-02-20 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
ers of other books also be necessary?

And would such a change be acceptable to others?

The catholic bibles I've encountered "in the wild" are the dutch
Willibrordvertaling of 1975 and the neovulgate. Both of these appear to
follow canon_catholic3.h everywhere except in Esther, where they have 16

I think at some point it would be nice to have per-book versifications
or some other way to deal with bibles that don't follow a "standard"
versification, but for now we'll have to make do with what we got

Kind regards,

Fr Cyrille  writes:
> Hello,
> Recently a person interested in the Catholic bible in French told me
> about the mapping problems between Catholic versification and the kjva
> concerning Esther. So I'm bringing up the question of a new Catholic
> versification that could better deal with this kind of problem and at
> the same time incorporate some of the errors in current Catholic
> versifications. I should mention that two versifications for French
> Bibles have been added since my proposal for a new Catholic
> versification, which was made long before these versifications were
> added, and which was not favorably received at the time. In our case,
> the number of Bibles that follow this versification is simply
> enormous, since the majority of Catholic Bibles do. I would also add
> that the LXX versification is not entirely correct. There are no LXX
> today that put 16 chapters to Esther. Ralph's already uses letters to
> integrate Greek passages into the text.
> In fact, Catholic versification simply follows Ralph's. So I suggest
> that we seriously reopen this question with concrete suggestions.
> For my part, the suggestion is simple: convert the numbers in the
> Greek passages into verses and offset the numbered verses in the same
> chapters. I'll copy you on what that might look like.
> Br Cyrille
> [2. text/x-chdr; canon_catholic3.h]...
> ___
> sword-devel mailing list:
> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 
sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] Catholic versification / inter-versification mappings

2024-02-19 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
t don't follow a "standard"

If everyone is open to the idea, I'd like to work in the next few months on an extension 
of the OSIS standard to define "modular" versifications, ie. versifications 
that can be built by composing other versifications and applying a diff.
Then each bible could, in its document header, not only reference a standard 
versification with refSystem, but include its own specific changes and how they 
map to the standard.

Before I spend time on the topic though, is there anyone in particular I should 
ask to approve the general idea, and who would be interested in reviewing 
proposals on the topic ?

Thanks all and best regards,


Le jeu. 25 janv. 2024 à 16:35, pinoaffe  a écrit :


I don't know much about catholic bibles or sword, but just out of
curiosity: would your use-case be served if canon_catholic.h was
modified to increase the verse counts in Esther to 39, 23, 22, 47, 29,
14, 10, 41, 32, 14?  Or would the decreases in verse counts in other
chapters of other books also be necessary?

And would such a change be acceptable to others?

The catholic bibles I've encountered "in the wild" are the dutch
Willibrordvertaling of 1975 and the neovulgate.  Both of these appear to
follow canon_catholic3.h everywhere except in Esther, where they have 16

I think at some point it would be nice to have per-book versifications
or some other way to deal with bibles that don't follow a "standard"
versification, but for now we'll have to make do with what we got

Kind regards,

Fr Cyrille  writes:
> Hello,
> Recently a person interested in the Catholic bible in French told me
> about the mapping problems between Catholic versification and the kjva
> concerning Esther. So I'm bringing up the question of a new Catholic
> versification that could better deal with this kind of problem and at
> the same time incorporate some of the errors in current Catholic
> versifications. I should mention that two versifications for French
> Bibles have been added since my proposal for a new Catholic
> versification, which was made long before these versifications were
> added, and which was not favorably received at the time. In our case,
> the number of Bibles that follow this versification is simply
> enormous, since the majority of Catholic Bibles do. I would also add
> that the LXX versification is not entirely correct. There are no LXX
> today that put 16 chapters to Esther. Ralph's already uses letters to
> integrate Greek passages into the text.
> In fact, Catholic versification simply follows Ralph's. So I suggest
> that we seriously reopen this question with concrete suggestions.
> For my part, the suggestion is simple: convert the numbers in the
> Greek passages into verses and offset the numbered verses in the same
> chapters. I'll copy you on what that might look like.
> Br Cyrille
> [2. text/x-chdr; canon_catholic3.h]...
> ___
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> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] Making better use of the CrossWire GitHub project ?

2024-02-18 Thread Michael Johnson
Robert's point about also standardizing Scripture metadata with the 
ScriptureBurrito standard is a good one.

USX's limitations relative to OSIS are both an advantage and a 
disadvantage. Because USX is more focused on primarily Scriptures, it 
has the advantage that the markup is less ambiguous and more likely to 
be understood by someone else who just read the standard, but had no 
additional information. It is clearly better as an interchange format 
between applications. OSIS is probably better for non-Scripture texts, 
or would be if it had enough software support. Ironically, constraining 
the ways in which data can be represented makes it easier to represent a 
richly formatted Bible. Importing from a ScriptureBurrito could include 
not only the USX Bible text, but metadata for our config files.

Both USX and OSIS lack style sheets that say how data should be 
presented, since both are (mostly) semantic markup. Paratext uses 
external style sheets for this purpose, at least for display within that 
program. Various other publishing paths have their own style sheets, 
which are not really standard.

On 2/18/24 11:41, Robert Hunt wrote:

Just to add a little to Michael Johnson's comments below, OSIS can 
include significantly more metadata than USX specifies (which is 
little more than the book code -- not even whether it's an original 
text (Heb/Greek) or what language translation it is). OSIS can specify 
many other things like version number, licenses and contributors' 
names, etc.

So for a fair comparison with OSIS, I think you'd have to specify USX 
*along with ScriptureBurrito metadata*: see https://www.Burrito.Bible 
<> (which is also in the process of being 
supported by the most influential Bible-translation orgs AFAIK).


On 19/02/24 10:19, Michael Johnson wrote:

Thank you, Michael, for the pointer to Jonathan Robie's paper on 
Scriptural markup in the Bible translation community. I think it 
diplomatically states why USX won out over OSIS as the primary and 
best-supported XML standard for representing Scripture.

I really don't expect USFM or USX to go away any time soon, nor do I 
expect OSIS to gain significant traction where it is not in use 
already. I think it is safe to say that Crosswire is the group that 
cares most about OSIS. In many ways, the USX vs. OSIS competition is 
like the old VHS vs. BetaMax video tape competition. (Remember way 
back when video tapes were actually used?) BetaMax was technically 
superior in many ways, but VHS won because of (1) greater support by 
content providers, (2) slightly lower cost of implementation, and (3) 
incompatibility between the formats (i.e. no machine could read both 

I honestly think that fully supporting USX would be a better use of 
limited resources than tweaking OSIS to overcome its current defects.

For those that don't know, USX is an XML representation of USFM.

USX is well documented and actively maintained at OSIS is abandoned by almost everyone 
by Crosswire. Backup copies of the Schema or on and, but there is currently no official pumpkin holder to 
maintain it.

USX is fully automatically convertable to and from USFM with no loss 
or human intervention needed. This is not true of pure OSIS for 
technical and philosophical reasons. This is probably the biggest 
reason that OSIS was never supported natively in Paratext, and most 
likely never will be.

USX is the native format of the Every Tribe Every Nation Digital 
Bible Library, which is the highest-quality and best-supported 
repository of Bible translations in the world.

USX and/or USFM are supported by all of the best Bible translation 
software, including open source options. OSIS has no Bible 
translation software support.

USX and/or USFM are supported by numerous Bible publishing options, 
both digitally and for print. OSIS has no significant Bible 
publishing support outside of Crosswire.

USX has organizational support from the most influential Bible 
translation agencies.

Using USX and/or USFM makes versification mapping easier, because 
someone else has already done the work.

There are currently at least 2 reasonable ways to convert from USFM 
or USX to OSIS with minimal losses in formatting. Neither one is 
perfect, but maybe good enough. There is a lot of code assuming OSIS 
inputs to Sword modules, and that could remain, along with GBF and 
TEI, but I can see better quality coming from direct USX support.

If OSIS is good enough as is, fine. But if it isn't, then I suggest 
that it be phased out rather than modified.

On 2/18/24 09:42, Michael H wrote:

Re: Lack of momentum for OSIS.

OSIS as described on wikipedia is owned by a committee including 
United Bible Societies, SIL Int

Re: [sword-devel] Making better use of the CrossWire GitHub project ?

2024-02-18 Thread Michael Johnson

I suggest it is time to consider an OSIS 3, or at least an OSIS 2.2 
spec that is owned by a successor organization instead of 
organizations that effectively abandoned it. That's the missing link 
which would provide a mechanism to actually make changes to the 
standard.  People (including me) keep doing this search and landing at 
Crosswire Bible society as the best option for a new owner. But maybe 
who OWNS can be one of the topics considered by a committee.

On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 9:47 AM Arnaud Vié <>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Having dived into the whole crosswire ecosystem recently, I'm at
the same time impressed at the quality of the tools provided (in
particular the OSIS standard and the JSword lib, as I've been
working in Java), and worried by what I perceive as a lack of
dynamism around it's development and difficulty to contribute.

By "lack of dynamism" I of course don't mean to criticise the time
anyone spends (as we contribute to a free ecosystem, we all have
lives keeping us busy elsewhere), but rather to highlight how
rough it is for external enthusiastic people to join.
For example, I'd like to contribute evolutions to the OSIS
standard around versification systems, but I have no idea where to
make such proposals, as there is only a mailing list dead since
2015 <>, a few wiki pages
<> and a few downloadable
documents <> which are supposedly the
latest version.

I think a lot of that could be improved by making better use of
the crosswire github project <>, which
is nowadays the first contact most young developers will have with
these crosswire projects.

I'd like to propose a few changes, get your opinions, and
volunteer to execute them if everyone agrees.

  * *Revive the jsword github repository*.
That includes
  o Backporting the relevant changes from the andbible fork
(excluding android-specific stuff - which I already mostly
removed in my last PR there).
  o Setting up a release process to publish the jar on a maven
  o Setting up a clear branching model and writing clear
contribution guidelines.
  o Having a team of several people familiar with Java
development to review PRs or answer questions in the issue
tracker. I obviously volunteer, but more people is always
the best.

  * *Create a new Git repository for the OSIS specification*.
Must contain :
  o In Git, the OSIS XSD schema, and the functional
specification (basically, the contents of the current
manual) in markdown or asciidoc format.
So that contributions to the standard may be opened as
pull requests, reviewed, potentially stored as separate
branches, etc.
  o A wiki tab where all relevant OSIS-related resources from
the crosswire wiki should be copied.

  * Ideally, I'd also suggest *moving the C++ sword code to github*.
Having it only on an old SVN repo
<>, not browsable or
searchable online, really harms its visibility. I used a
little bit of SVN while in engineering school 12 years ago,
but I doubt that most young devs nowadays even know about it.

But for this last C++ part, I suspect it has bigger impact on
current developers, since Troy is still actively developing it and
using the Jira bugtracker for this part - so there is no urgent
need to change.
I'm really more worried about the jsword repo (it breaks my heart
to see it dead since 2019) and having a visible and versioned
location for the OSIS standard.

Please let me know your thoughts !
And whoever is currently admin of the github project, would you be
willing to grant me some permissions on the jsword repo and a new
"osis-spec" repo to start setting up all of this ?


Arnaud Vié
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Catholic versification

2024-01-20 Thread Michael Johnson
Even better than per-book versification, I think that per-translation 
versification makes more sense. That way, no change to the code would 
need to be made to tweak the versification yet again. No matter how many 
versifications we define, someone will find or invent another one.

On 1/20/24 06:06, Michael H wrote:
In my limited study of 'Fixing' versification (meaning parallel 
display across versification...)

Can I recommend revamp to support an additional 'BOOK' level 
versification.  This would pretty much eliminate the need for (yet) 
another versification system, if each book rather than module could 
name its own versification.

So for Cyrille's example the module is 'catholic' (for all 70ish) 
books, but Esther is book versified to 'cath2' or whatever already 
matches it.

On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 7:00 AM Fr Cyrille  

Recently a person interested in the Catholic bible in French told me
about the mapping problems between Catholic versification and the
concerning Esther. So I'm bringing up the question of a new Catholic
versification that could better deal with this kind of problem and at
the same time incorporate some of the errors in current Catholic
versifications. I should mention that two versifications for French
Bibles have been added since my proposal for a new Catholic
versification, which was made long before these versifications were
added, and which was not favorably received at the time. In our case,
the number of Bibles that follow this versification is simply
since the majority of Catholic Bibles do. I would also add that
the LXX
versification is not entirely correct. There are no LXX today that
16 chapters to Esther. Ralph's already uses letters to integrate
passages into the text.
In fact, Catholic versification simply follows Ralph's. So I suggest
that we seriously reopen this question with concrete suggestions.
For my part, the suggestion is simple: convert the numbers in the
passages into verses and offset the numbered verses in the same
chapters. I'll copy you on what that might look like.

Br Cyrille___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] Fw: Is the FTP mirror down -or- did it change locations?

2024-01-17 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
It appears to be up right now.Aloha,Michaelhttp://mpj.usOn Jan 17, 2024, at 20:00, David Haslam  wrote:  -- Forwarded message --From: Jeff Martin Date: On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 02:08Subject: Fw: Is the FTP mirror down -or- did it change locations?To: 'Fr Cyrille' ,'David Haslam' , Cc:   Is the FTP mirror down -or- did it change locations?*.zip   Jeff Martin814-574-7957 cell"I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living," Psalm 27:13. ___sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page___
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Re: [sword-devel] HTTPS Transport

2023-12-16 Thread Michael Johnson
rence to test frontends and can be used as an example 
for remote module installation repository maintainers.

For CrossWire main, #1 is available here, and at the root of this 
location you can also see #2 mods.d.tar.gz and #3 packages/ :

Step 4 can be seen in our master repo list, the first entry under 
[Repos] here:

Any SWORD app compiled against SVN trunk should now only use HTTPS 
when installing modules from CrossWire main.

May I ask to please test and give feedback?  Thank you for all the 
advice and encouragement to add this functionality.  I pray this 
enhances our ability to distribute more Bibles to those who have yet 
to hear the Good New of Jesus Christ and to be used by Him to build up 
His church,


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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] Bishop to-do list

2023-10-27 Thread Michael Johnson

The biggest thing I would like is more stability.

Last time I used Bishop on my Android phone, it crashed every time I 
tried to tap the pull-down list to add a second in the parallel list.

On 10/27/23 09:09, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:

Hey guys,

I just wanted to post here this random list of things I intend to 
update for the next version of Bishop.  If anyone is interested in 
helping or giving ideas, I would love collaborators.


*Bishop todo*



Space between verse number and first character of text for better
copy and paste


Help users know when they should add modules: in commentary view
[Install More Commentaries], strong lex, daily devotional, gen
book view, etc.


Option to migrate data files to different locations.


Option to add augment folders from other apps.


See if there is a way to select down a column for selection of
multiple verses when in parallel view.


Option to backup and restore notes, modules, and bookmarks, Google


Bookmark tree, maybe from BibleCS


ECM preload test and enable menu on Verse Study selection


Manuscripts main menu option and integrate the mobile NTVMR


Option to turn on other VMR sites, like CoptOT, Vetus Latina, etc.


Some visualization for RB


At a glance with a gradient color percentage, over max witnesses
cell (John 18?)


Toggle to pannable grid view with locked 1st row/column. Find a
nice grid control.


Ship INTF current data for RB, show date of data


Tab to show INTF work progress bar chart along with button to
update RB data.


Google Maps integration for manuscripts.


Simple indexing tool.


VMR Login credentials.


Update to best Hebrew and Greek lexicons.


Add "show NT usage" to lexicon entry.


See if there is a Perseus option to facilitate a "show extra
Biblical usage."


See if we can delay load image thumbnails on demand/scroll.


Language assist, 3 panel. Add bottom panel with current verse of
2nd selected Bible and sync word highlighting with dictionary
scroll and primary Bible.


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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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[sword-devel] BISHOP needs a better UX and better recovery from bad connections. Fwd: No modules

2023-06-08 Thread Michael Johnson

Any clues how to help Steve?

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: No modules
Date:   Thu, 08 Jun 2023 04:57:50 +
From:   Steve Lellelid 
To: Michael Johnson 

Hello Michael,
Sorry for bothering so much, but I've just about given up with Bishop. 
.A new bishop, I was even able to find the tdx file after 95 swipes 
upward, twice i installed it with all 6 parts going through, but lo and 
behold it's never in the list of installed, only KJV is there, and I 
choose installed and refreshe, and restart the app, but nothing will get 
that twice installed tdx file to appear in a list to chose it.


Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.

--- Original Message ---
On Thursday, June 8th, 2023 at 4:50 AM, Steve Lellelid 

Thank you,

Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 22:53, Michael Johnson  wrote:

You shouldn't enter that URL anywhere in Bishop. You should delete 
that, and replace it with

On 6/7/23 13:05, Steve Lellelid wrote:

I uninstalled it and under advanced installation, I entered this : <>tdx2023eb

What’s missing it comes up with a long error message .
Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 18:02, Michael Johnson  

Yes. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Bishop.


On Jun 7, 2023, at 08:17, Steve Lellelid  

Hello Michael,
When I specify any other repository: zyphos, Crosswire attic, beta 
and Wycliffe,—but not simply Crosswire— they all pèsent a long 
lost of resources, but eBible says there is nothing in the 
repository and to refresh, but it never populates after the refresh.

Should I reinstall Bishop?

Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 16:34, Steve Lellelid 
Believe me, I do both but it says none installed nd the eBible 
option just comes up with the message I showed you, it says there 
are no modules in that repertory,


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 16:29, Michael Johnson 

When it gives you that message, it has switched the filter at 
the top. Change to "installed" or "".

On 6/7/23 07:23, Steve Lellelid wrote:
When it reneges on updating modules as none are 
there it gives this:

No Modules Available. Try pressing the [↻] button.

And soin go through the lengthy process of updating all 
repositories—can I have any of those removed locally?

For having updated those it concludes with this message:

  No installed resources have updates available. New study
  resources can be added by first selecting an installation
  source at the top

And so the vicious circle


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • 
<> • WorldEnglish.Bible 
<https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • 
<> • WorldEnglish.Bible 
<https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>

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Re: [sword-devel] typo / correction [Luke 9:56, KJV]

2023-06-04 Thread Michael Johnson
Apparently, I was being overly cautious in reporting this, in case it 
was an issue. It is fixed everywhere on

On 6/4/23 09:37, David Haslam wrote:


Out of curiosity, I just installed module enKJV2006eb (18.0) into 

The red letter markup at Luke 9:56 is correct.

What was reported is therefore not a module issue.
Could it be an issue that appertains only to the HTML output from 
Haiola for this work?

Or was it altogether a spurious report?


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 16:27, David Haslam <mailto:On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 16:27, David Haslam <> wrote:

Hi Michael,

The KJV module (2.11) in CrossWire Beta is not in error at this location.
The KJV module (2.10.2) that was previously released is also correct.
Not sure why this was reported here, when it concerns the KJV at


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On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 16:19, Michael Johnson <mailto:On Sun, Jun 4, 2023 at 16:19, Michael Johnson <> wrote:

Thank you.

On 5/2/23 07:54, wrote:

Name-> anonymous
Subject-> typo / correction [Luke 9:56, KJV]
Form URL->
The final sentence in Luke 9:56 ( 
-- "And they went to another village" -- is red where it should not 
be. Thank you.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • 
<> • WorldEnglish.Bible 
<https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] typo / correction [Luke 9:56, KJV]

2023-06-04 Thread Michael Johnson

Thank you.

On 5/2/23 07:54, wrote:

 Name-> anonymous
 Subject-> typo / correction [Luke 9:56, KJV]
 Form URL->
The final sentence in Luke 9:56 ( -- "And they went 
to another village" -- is red where it should not be. Thank you.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] Lost

2023-05-22 Thread Michael Johnson

Dear Steve,

You are right that the Bishop app definitely needs help in making it 
easy to find a specific Bible translation in a very long list of Bible 
translations. The fact that the languages are NOT in alphabetical order 
is not helpful. They are actually ordered by module name, so Tandroy 
would be listed as module name "tdx2023eb", which is only useful if you 
remember the ethnologue code for the language. All modules 
start with the ethnologue language code, but this is not the case for 
all repositories.

Maybe Troy will take the time to improve the UI in Bishop to include a 
search function, preferable searching across all repositories. It would 
also be nice to select the sort order, and default to sorting by 
language name.

On 5/22/23 05:25, Steve Lellelid wrote:
It’s been awhile sinc I updated the Tandrooy Bible in Bishop, but 
after refreshing then scrolling I can’t make head nor tale of the 
arrangement, the Oder is not often alphabetical, but I scrolled until 
my head was splitting but could not locate it.

Could you give me some guidelines, ideally a seek box.

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] AndBible WEBC Daniel

2023-04-24 Thread Michael Johnson
OK, Troy. I hear you saying that it is not "broken", but working perfectly as designed. That is actually worse, because if it were broken, there might be some motivation to fix it. As it is, I have no hope that the World English Bible Ecumenical Editions will ever be properly displayed in any Sword software, at least as far as having both versions of Daniel goes. That isn't important to you. I get that. It is more important to me to preserve the versifications of the original works than it is to support 
Sword, especially if DAN and DAG are not allowed to coexist in the same Bible. Time for a fork?

On 4/24/23 08:47, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:


I would obvious encourage the use of "well balanced" over "broken".

The use cases we need to solve are varied, but the typical cases have to be 

1) Users lookup verses by reference, e.g., for Dan 3:7. What should they get? 
Majority of users don't ask for the Greek or Hebrew version of Daniel or even 
know about the difference.

2) Users want to compare a verse across translations. This is the primary 
motivator for defined versification schemes and maps between them. e.g. when a 
user is reading Ps 10:1, and ask to see it in an LXX translation, we need to 
show them Ps.9.21.

I understand the desire to let publishers flow their texts however they want, 
and we should do better for the publishers, but that is by far not the majority 
use case for users.

On April 24, 2023 9:51:56 AM MST, Michael Johnson  wrote:

Hi Br. Cyrille,

Actually, that work-around might work for Catholic versification, but not 
for the ecumenical versification of the WEB. That is because the World English 
Bible contains both Daniel translated from the Hebrew traditional text (DAN) 
and Daniel translated from the Greek Septuagint (DAG). The USFM markup is 
correct. The ability of the Sword Engine to interpret it is broken.

On 4/24/23 01:43, Fr Cyrille wrote:

Hi Michael,
THe problem is the same with xiphos.
If you want your file readable with the Catholic versification, you need to 
use the DAN \id in your usfm file, and not \id DAG.
It's not a front-end issue but an usfm issue.
@Jon, you probably know, with Andbible in the list of the bible books, the 
DC and accessible with the +.

Le 23/04/2023 à 09:29, Michael Johnson a écrit :

Hello, Jonathan.

WEB and WEBC indeed contain Daniel (Greek). However, I don't know how to 
select a Sword Engine versification that can cause the front ends (AndBible, 
Bishop, Xiphos, etc.) to properly display Daniel (Greek). They can display some 
fragments of Daniel (Greek), like Susanna and Bel and the Dragon, but the World 
English Bible isn't split up that way, and won't be. Daniel (Greek) makes more 
sense when presented as a whole. I'm not sure if this is possible to do within 
the Sword ecosystem.

In the mean time, epub files work well with Google Books and 
Apple Books, among other epub readers, no matter what their versification. You 
can get to any chapter in about 3 taps. The Sword Engine tries to force-fit 
every Bible translation into a small set of predefined, hard-coded 
versification schemes, none of which exactly match the World English Bible. In 
fact, they don't exactly match a very high percentage of Bible translations.

On 4/22/23 19:36, you wrote:

 Name-> Jonathan Faust
 Subject-> AndBible WEBC Daniel
 Form URL->
 Remote IP->
Hi there!

Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I'm not seeing Daniel (Greek) in my bible 
app. It looks like both the WEB and WEBC contain Esther (Greek) but lack Daniel 
(Greek). This would imply WEBC contains no translation of Daniel. I see it on 
browser bible and in the EPUB. Is this an issue with AndBible, the source WEB 
files, or something else?


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] AndBible WEBC Daniel

2023-04-24 Thread Michael Johnson

Hi Br. Cyrille,

Actually, that work-around might work for Catholic versification, but not for 
the ecumenical versification of the WEB. That is because the World English 
Bible contains both Daniel translated from the Hebrew traditional text (DAN) 
and Daniel translated from the Greek Septuagint (DAG). The USFM markup is 
correct. The ability of the Sword Engine to interpret it is broken.

On 4/24/23 01:43, Fr Cyrille wrote:

Hi Michael,
THe problem is the same with xiphos.
If you want your file readable with the Catholic versification, you need to use 
the DAN \id in your usfm file, and not \id DAG.
It's not a front-end issue but an usfm issue.
@Jon, you probably know, with Andbible in the list of the bible books, the DC 
and accessible with the +.

Le 23/04/2023 à 09:29, Michael Johnson a écrit :

Hello, Jonathan.

WEB and WEBC indeed contain Daniel (Greek). However, I don't know how to select 
a Sword Engine versification that can cause the front ends (AndBible, Bishop, 
Xiphos, etc.) to properly display Daniel (Greek). They can display some 
fragments of Daniel (Greek), like Susanna and Bel and the Dragon, but the World 
English Bible isn't split up that way, and won't be. Daniel (Greek) makes more 
sense when presented as a whole. I'm not sure if this is possible to do within 
the Sword ecosystem.

In the mean time, epub files work well with Google Books and Apple 
Books, among other epub readers, no matter what their versification. You can 
get to any chapter in about 3 taps. The Sword Engine tries to force-fit every 
Bible translation into a small set of predefined, hard-coded versification 
schemes, none of which exactly match the World English Bible. In fact, they 
don't exactly match a very high percentage of Bible translations.

On 4/22/23 19:36, you wrote:

 Name-> Jonathan Faust
 Subject-> AndBible WEBC Daniel
 Form URL->
 Remote IP->
Hi there!

Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I'm not seeing Daniel (Greek) in my bible app. 
It looks like both the WEB and WEBC contain Esther (Greek) but lack Daniel 
(Greek). This would imply WEBC contains no translation of Daniel. I see it on 
browser bible and in the EPUB. Is this an issue with AndBible, the source WEB 
files, or something else?


*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] AndBible WEBC Daniel

2023-04-23 Thread Michael Johnson

Hello, Jonathan.

WEB and WEBC indeed contain Daniel (Greek). However, I don't know how to 
select a Sword Engine versification that can cause the front ends 
(AndBible, Bishop, Xiphos, etc.) to properly display Daniel (Greek). 
They can display some fragments of Daniel (Greek), like Susanna and Bel 
and the Dragon, but the World English Bible isn't split up that way, and 
won't be. Daniel (Greek) makes more sense when presented as a whole. I'm 
not sure if this is possible to do within the Sword ecosystem.

In the mean time, epub files work well with Google Books and 
Apple Books, among other epub readers, no matter what their 
versification. You can get to any chapter in about 3 taps. The Sword 
Engine tries to force-fit every Bible translation into a small set of 
predefined, hard-coded versification schemes, none of which exactly 
match the World English Bible. In fact, they don't exactly match a very 
high percentage of Bible translations.

On 4/22/23 19:36, you wrote:

 Name-> Jonathan Faust
 Subject-> AndBible WEBC Daniel
 Form URL->
 Remote IP->
Hi there!

Apologies if I'm mistaken, but I'm not seeing Daniel (Greek) in my 
bible app. It looks like both the WEB and WEBC contain Esther (Greek) 
but lack Daniel (Greek). This would imply WEBC contains no translation 
of Daniel. I see it on browser bible and in the EPUB. Is this an issue 
with AndBible, the source WEB files, or something else?


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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[sword-devel] Update on Tandroy Bible [tdx2023eb] for Madagascar

2023-03-09 Thread Michael Johnson

I have successfully extracted USFM from Steve's InDesign files for the Tandroy 
Bible and made a draft module (tdx2023eb) for it. The master USFM is now in a 
Bibledit cloud instance for Steve to be able to make any adjustments to, and 
from which I can keep the copies updated.

In case anyone is curious, InDesign to USFM is NOT straightforward, but if the 
person creating the InDesign files is consistent enough in the way he uses 
styles for the different kinds of text (Canonical text, verse numbers, name of 
Diety, etc.) and paragraphs (poetry, prose, headings, etc.), it can be done. 
The general process is:

1. Export InDesign tagged text from each InDesign file, verbose tags, Unicode.
2. Convert the Unicode files (UTF-16) to UTF-8. I used UltraEdit for this, but 
other ways are possible.
3. Examine the tagged text in context to determine what style names correspond 
to which USFM tags.
4. Use a chain of regular expressions to convert the tags. (David H. would 
probably use Text Pipe for this, but I used massregex.)
5. Edit the results to merge in more book name data (from a translator-supplied 
table) for book headers.
6. Sanity check the results.
7. Ask someone who can read the translation to check the work.

Note: this is a time-consuming process that is easy to make mistakes in. 
Therefore once the conversion is done, it is best to stick with USFM for the 
original. If InDesign files are needed again, they can be produced easily 
enough with SIL Publishing Assistant.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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Re: [sword-devel] Malagasy Tandroy language

2023-02-13 Thread Michael Johnson

I am also available to help.

On 2/12/23 05:45, David Haslam wrote:

Just to record that I have re-established contact with Steve Lellelid.

cf. My previous contact with him was briefly during 2011.

Best regards,


Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.

--- Original Message ---
On Sunday, February 12th, 2023 at 2:21 PM, David Haslam  

I’ve just sent a Facebook message to my friend Arthur Bolstad in response to 
this email enquiry.


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 20:44, Arthur Bolstad  wrote:

The translator for the Tandroy people in South Madagascar would like to restart 
with those he was contacting a few years ago. He realizes that android phone 
are being ubiquitous in South Madagascar. The dialect is enough different from 
the national dialect that his translation is greatly preferred by the Tandroy 

He is able to help, as I might be, but we need a Xiphos or other collaborator 
to enable useful transition. I can put any one interested in renewing this 
effort in contact with Steve Lellelid, the translator.

I appreciate my use of Bibles on my computer. thank you to all.

Pr Arthur Bolstad
in Missourit for Steve Lellelid in Madagascar..

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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Hawaii Pidgin Bible back online

2023-01-25 Thread Michael Johnson

I have permission to post the Hawaii Pidgin Bible as before. I asked if I the 
copyright owner would be willing to attach a Creative Commons license to it, 
but haven't heard back, yet.

On 1/20/23 17:57, Michael Johnson wrote:

The copyright was transferred, and I lost my permission to post it. Requesting 
permission from the new ministry...


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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[sword-devel] Hawaii Pidgin Bible taken down

2023-01-20 Thread Michael Johnson

The copyright was transferred, and I lost my permission to post it. Requesting 
permission from the new ministry...


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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Re: [sword-devel] Correction for KJV module in 2 Corinthians 1:8

2023-01-16 Thread Michael Johnson

On 1/16/23 06:23, David Haslam wrote:

And yes - it remains the case that the text of the KJV is protected by Royal 
Letters Patent within the United Kingdom, and that in principle, this copyright 
assertion should be upheld by subsequent mutual treaties in those nations that 
were signatories of the Berne Convention.

A minor correction with major implications: The KJV and Book of Common Prayer Letters Patent are NOT a copyright with respect to the Berne Convention. Those have no legal effect outside of the UK. Full stop. BS/BFBS opinions notwithstanding. The latter organization, and especially certain persons within them, have already proven that it is willing to stretch copyright law to the extent of committing copyfraud, so I don't trust their opinions. Case in point: the Beaver Scriptures. One could also argue that 
King James said nothing about digital copies, but only printing, which is not necessarily a lame point. All REAL copyrights expire. The term may exceed a lifetime, but they do expire.

In the unlikely event that I wanted to print KJV Bibles and import them into England or Wales, or if I wanted to print them within those countries, I would care about the very old Letters Patent about that. In no other case do they affect me or my Bible distribution decisions. There is no evidence of anyone trying to enforce those Letters Patent outside of England and Wales, except perhaps in other parts of the UK, let alone succeeding. I have, however, had a two Bible Societies challenge some texts I have 
online. In one case, I produced written permission to share the text. In the other, I produced evidence that the work was permanently and irrevocably in the Public Domain. I'm very careful about copyright law, and fully aware of its extreme complexity in an international context. I'm also not intimidated by copyfraud <>.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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Re: [sword-devel] wiki: osisCore.2.1.1.xsd

2022-10-30 Thread Michael Johnson
For what it is worth, OSIS specifications and Schema are archived at Of course, there it is just static, but at 
least it is protected from going away like the bibletechnologies link did.

On 10/28/22 22:33, Peter von Kaehne wrote:

You are right.

Dear Zdenko

If you liaise with DM (cc’ed) you could join the wiki editors, most if 
us only edit it when using it and finding flaw as you just now. 
 Though David Haslam and I have done some major updating of it a 
couple of years ago.

As such it is as comprehensive as we thought we need to be, though 
both of us are experienced module makers so it is well possible that 
we work on a baseline of common assumptions and things are not clear 
when read from the point of view of someone new to it.

WRT the location of the sheet - bibletechnologies was the caretaker 
which for a recognised standard (OSIS is a properly recognised 
standard, not a home brew)  is a fairly crucial thing, so when their 
website went down we kept the link - in the hope it gets fixed. In 
fact we are now the de facto caretaker and I guess we really should 
link to our copy - which does incorporate various bug fixes.



Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

On 29 Oct 2022, at 09:59, ZdPo Ster  wrote:


as mentioned in
is not available anymore but there are still examples with it on 
wiki/web e.g.:

IMO this should be fixed to 


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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] Message from

2022-10-02 Thread Michael Johnson

The repository is back up and running, and has been for a while. All 
modules were up within 2 hours, but a few of them were older than the current 
source. Those were all rebuilt within 24 hours. There is still a problem in 
that some modules cause osis2mod to fail, but that was a problem before...

On 9/28/22 14:48, Michael Johnson wrote:

The repository is currently broken badly. It will probably take 
24-48 hours to fix it. Sorry.

On 9/28/22 11:19, you wrote:

 Name-> Mike Freeman
 Subject-> Can't update
 Form URL->
I just tried to update a bunch of your sword modules. It gave be an "Update 
failed" message, and removed all of the modules that I tried to update. When I 
looked at the modules that were removed, they all had a 0k file size.

I think we'd run into this problem in the past (I e-mailed you in December of 
last year). It's behaving on my end like it may be the same problem as then.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Message from

2022-09-28 Thread Michael Johnson
The repository is currently broken badly. It will probably 
take 24-48 hours to fix it. Sorry.

On 9/28/22 11:19, you wrote:

 Name-> Mike Freeman
 Subject-> Can't update
 Form URL->
I just tried to update a bunch of your sword modules. It gave be an 
"Update failed" message, and removed all of the modules that I tried 
to update. When I looked at the modules that were removed, they all 
had a 0k file size.

I think we'd run into this problem in the past (I e-mailed you in 
December of last year). It's behaving on my end like it may be the 
same problem as then.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] Module release: WLC

2022-08-20 Thread Michael Johnson

Dear Fr. Cyrille:

If you can convert the latest source to USFM, I can merge the Strong's numbers 
back in. It would be awesome if you would do this, and I would be happy to 
update or create a new module, as is most appropriate.

On 8/20/22 05:09, Fr Cyrille wrote:

Hi David,

Le 20/08/2022 à 16:49, David Haslam a écrit :

None of those suggested options would be my preference.

We should create a new module called UXLC which Obsoletes=WLC
UXLC denotes Unicode XML Leningrad Codex.

Do we agree about this file: ? I prefer to work with the txt file 
and convert it to usfm.
Do you have a way to add the strong numbers?

It should be derived from the most up to date XML files at
Those XML files are TEI and would need to be converted to OSIS.

NB. We would thereby lose Morph Segmentation (which is copyright by the Groves 


IMHO, we should no longer include the notes in the Torah based on what is now 
the discredited Documentary Hypothesis. cf. The scholarly work by Kenneth 
Kitchen and Paul Lawrence demonstrates that the DH is totally untenable. 
CrossWire should not be giving it any further credibility by continuing to have 
these codes in our module.

I agree with this.

NB. Special care must be taken for how we encode the Ketiv / Qere words in OSIS.

Can you give more information.

There are other technical improvements we could & should implement.
One outstanding bug in the WLC module is that there’s a spurious space after 
each MAQAF.

This reply is not intended to be exhaustive.

OK, we can do like this. I'll wait first Michael opinion about his module, and 
the version of his module.



Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 15:27, Fr Cyrille  wrote:

Hi friends,
I'm ready to help. We have three option, first the easy option. Removing the 
module, and keep it to Michael in the ebible repo. Michael (like us) has the 
strongs number in the module. Second option. I can make an update with the 
Michael's module, and adding the missing notes in the Michael's text and we can 
rebuild a new module. Or the third option. I add the notes (or Michael if you 
have an easy way to do that) and I send the file to Michael.
I prefer the third option, because of what we spoke on the sword-devel list 
about duplicated modules.

If nobody react about this. In one week I will begin the work.

Br Cyrille

Le 20/08/2022 à 15:22, David Haslam a écrit :

My experimental module WLCX2 was derived from WLC 4.20 of 21 Feb 2016.

The upstream source has probably changed again since then. I haven’t looked.


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On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 14:18, Fr Cyrille  wrote:

Le 20/08/2022 à 15:15, David Haslam a écrit :

I was doing something experimental in March 2020 but the activity was overtaken 
by my wife’s terminal illness and I have not yet revisited the project.

I can’t yet give a date for when I might resume this work.

Can I help you? I guess you have the source, maybe I can have a look? Can you 
create a git repo?

Best regards,


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

On Sat, Aug 20, 2022 at 12:59, Fr Cyrille  wrote:

If I remember well your were working on this module, do you have any update?

Thank you!

Le 20/08/2022 à 13:54, Fr Cyrille a écrit :

Hi Dom,
Can you rebuild this module without NFC?
It should help for the issue.

Le 20/08/2022 à 11:49, a écrit :

Dear All,

This is to announce that we have just now uploaded WLC
in the CrossWire (main) repository.

## Language:

## Description:
Westminster Leningrad Codex

## Category:
Biblical Text

## Version:
This is an update. Version: 1.9.1

## What's new:
Change Lang to Hebrew Ancient

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

We wish you enjoyable reading,
The Module Team

P.S.: This email is sent automatically on upload of a new/updated module

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*/Michael Johnson/**

Re: [sword-devel] Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese Bible Module

2022-08-14 Thread Michael Johnson

On 8/14/22 15:51, Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA, Leandro wrote:

Il giorno dom 14 ago 2022 alle ore 01:02 Michael Johnson
  ha scritto:

We are working on one. Please see porbrbsl2022eb in the repository 
or Proofreading help appreciated.

Who are the translators, from what are they working?  Seems very interesting.

It is a team of volunteers led by Dave Williams. It started with an 
AI-based translation of the World English Bible. It is now being 
proofread to make sure that we caught all of the AI mistakes. The result 
will also be in the Public Domain.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] Contemporary Brazilian Portuguese Bible Module

2022-08-13 Thread Michael Johnson

Hello, Christian.

We are working on one. Please see porbrbsl2022eb in the 
repository or Proofreading help appreciated.

On 8/13/22 15:36, Christian M. De Britto wrote:

Hi all!

I am a seminary professor and I am using the Ezra Bible app that works 
with Crosswire Bible repositories. Unfortunately we still don't have a 
good and contemporary Brazilian Portuguese version of the Bible 
available in Crosswire repositories.

I'm interested in making some contacts here in Brazil , with Biblical 
Societies, in order to revert this situation. But before that I would 
like to know if anybody has tried this before or have some contact in 

Warm regards.

Christian Britto

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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] IBT repo

2022-06-21 Thread Michael Johnson

If mirroring and/or external hosting outside of Russia and without the .ru 
suffix would be helpful, I can possibly be of assistance. Another possibility 
would be to merge IBT modules into the repository if they become 
inaccessible from their normal home. I'm all for pressuring the Russian 
government to halt aggression, but fail to see how restricting Bible 
distribution would help reach that goal.

On 6/21/22 11:16, David Haslam wrote:

I just had news from JohnAustinDev which indicated that the certificates for 
the IBT server expire tomorrow.

This is a knock-on effect of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing 

Efforts to renew the certificates for IBT have so far hit a roadblock.

Among those things hosted by IBT is the modules repository for Bibles and 
dictionaries for Central Asia languages.

Please pray that a solution can be found.

Best regards,


Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

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*/Michael Johnson/**
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[sword-devel] Cloudflare outage resolved; repository back up

2022-06-21 Thread Michael Johnson

FYI, the https and http repository was down for over half an hour 
due to a Cloudflare outage. It is back up and running, now.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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Re: [sword-devel] English transliteration of Greek or Hebrew words

2022-04-13 Thread Michael Johnson

In addition to the Sword tools, Haiola ( does conversions 
from USFM to various formats, including OSIS.

On 4/13/22 02:28, Kovács Zoltán wrote:

Hi Robert and List,

Kovács Zoltán  ezt írta (időpont: 2022. márc. 24., Cs, 8:57):

Hi Robert, this is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Am Di., 22. März 2022 um 21:40 Uhr schrieb Robert Hunt 

Note that the new SR GNT is coming within the next few months (after 19
years of work -- see
The beta was released today on the website at (Video at It will be open-licensed
(and with downloadable files provided) after its beta which is designed
to get eyes on it and highlight any shortcomings. It contains Strongs
and morphological data, and a lexicon is coming eventually.

I talked to Alan Bunning this Monday and I told him that I would be happy to 
try to create a Sword module,
based on his prototype at He agreed,
with the remark that there will indeed be a final version coming that obsoletes 
the prototype.

As far as I can understand, Sword uses the OSIS format, but it offers several 
tools to convert an existing (U)SMF file to OSIS.
And there are other tools that can convert other types of texts with different 
Maybe you have a hint if I could start writing some code that directly creates 
an OSIS output from Alan's prototype,
or there is a better idea.

Thanks in advance.
All best wishes, Zoltan

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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Sanctions and CrossWire

2022-03-10 Thread Michael Johnson

On 3/10/22 10:33, Peter von Kaehne wrote:

A fair number of our contributors are Russian and might have now difficulties 
accessing usual resources including possibly email and else or might get into 
that place soon enough.

Can I propose that all regular CW programmer and those of sub projects from 
within Russia are offered CrossWire email addresses? I do not think this 
undermines the sanction regime , which I fully support, but keeps those who are 
brothers and sisters together and involved in something which had the greatest 
power to create peace.


That is a nice thought, Peter. However, I discovered years ago that while it is theoretically simple to set up any number of email addresses on a server I operate, keeping them operating through server failures and upgrades plus fighting the increasingly complex spam wars is hard. In almost every case, I found it better to refer people to one of the many free email providers <>. Of course, that might require use of a VPN, right now, to work from Russia, 
which Russia is likely to make more difficult, just like their neighbor, China, does. Another issue is the reduction in bandwidth in and out of Russia due to 2 backbone providers pulling out, which actually makes it harder to use any email.

That said, there are some people in Russia that I wouldn't hesitate to provide emails for on or one of my domains, if I thought it would help. I'm just not sure, right now, if it really would. Russia may regard use of a email address as undermining their government or something strange like that. In hostile government environments, it is often better to use generic email domains, and not to stand out in any way just based on the address. My address would be particularly bad for 
an anti-Christian government, for example. I'm all for punishing the aggressive rulers of Russia for their sins against Ukraine. I just don't want to see this hinder any Bible translation or publication work in Russia. If anything, totalitarian governments tend to be scared of the Holy Bible. We may need to shift communication with some of these brothers and sisters to rely more heavily on secure messaging services.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] Fwd: Message from

2022-03-04 Thread Michael Johnson

The KJV module should be fixed, now.

On 3/3/22 21:29, David Haslam wrote:

The reported issue affects only the eBible KJV module.

The CrossWire KJV module does not have an issue with the red letter markup in 
Mt 19:18


Sent from ProtonMail for iOS

On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 02:14, Kahunapule Michael Johnson  

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Message from
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 11:06:53 + (UTC)

Name-> anonymous
Subject-> reporting typo/inconsistency--
Form URL->

matthew 19:18's red-lettering ( -- after 'Jesus 
said,') is incomplete.

thank you

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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[sword-devel] Fwd: Message from

2022-03-03 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:     Message from
Date:     Thu, 3 Mar 2022 11:06:53 + (UTC)

 Name-> anonymous
 Subject-> reporting typo/inconsistency--
 Form URL->

matthew 19:18's red-lettering ( -- after 'Jesus 
said,') is incomplete.

thank you

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Re: [sword-devel] Modules with deuterocanonical / apocrypha books

2022-02-06 Thread Michael Johnson

See also

I think you will see that versification and even book divisions vary even more 
wildly in the Apocrypha/Deuterocanon than they do in the main 66 books of the 
Protocanon. Still, there are many people who appreciate being able to search 
and read those portions, either because their church tradition supports it, or 
just because they are interested in the historical, literary, and wisdom value 
found in them.

The "Additions to Esther" book is not as common as the "Esther (Greek)" book, because honestly, the portions found in 
the Greek Septuagint that aren't in the Hebrew make much more sense in context than they do separately. The same is true (but to a lesser 
degree) with "Daniel (Greek)" and its additions, like the "Song of the 3 Young Men", "Bel and the Dragon", 
"Suzanna", etc. Still, those options are available and used somewhere, which is why the UBS official book list includes them.

On 2/6/22 07:33, Tobias Klein wrote:

Hi all,

I am adding support for deuterocanonical / apocrypha books in Ezra Bible App. 
Can someone provide me a list of modules to test with?

Currently I am testing with these:

  * KJVA
  * engRV1895eb
  * engasvbt2021eb
  * Vulgate

I didn't find any module that contains "Additions to Esther". Any hint which 
module I could use?

Best regards,

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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
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[sword-devel] Please support HTTPS repositories.

2022-01-15 Thread Michael Johnson

I thank God for you all who volunteer to work on the Sword Project.

I have been upgrading and refining my server layout for and a dozen other Bible sites. Keeping FTP going is becoming harder all of the time. Indeed, HTTP (not S) is getting harder, too. HTTPS is the future-resistant protocol to access a Sword repository. I think this is not a problem for currently updated Sword front ends using current back ends. However, the ancient FTP protocol is a terrible protocol to rely on because by default, there is no security to it at all for authentication or content 
protection. It is easy to abuse. All major browsers have now stopped supporting it. HTTP without TLS is likewise lacking, but at least it is mostly supported by major browsers and libraries. Google and Apple are nudging everyone to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Of course, mainland China often blocks HTTPS traffic, trying to force traffic into the clear where it is easier to spy on and modify. It is a strange political environment, indeed.

THEREFORE, the Sword repository at is the 
preferred repository to use for the modules I maintain.

I try to keep (not https) working, but it is getting hard to 
test that, as most modern browsers "help" me to a more secure connection.

Anonymous FTP does not work on the main (no ftp.) server. It does 
work most of the time on a separate machine named That machine 
is running a software configuration with a known bug that I don't yet know how 
to work around that causes it to go down at seemingly random times, usually 
when I'm asleep or out of my office.

Just FYI...


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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[sword-devel] Oops! repository rebuilding, now.

2021-12-29 Thread Michael Johnson

Aloha! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

While setting up a new workstation, it seems I failed to get osis2mod 
installed when I thought I did. Consequently, with my last rebuild of 
the Bible sites, instead of updating Sword modules, their contents got 
deleted. The process is running again to rebuild all modules from the 
latest source files, which should be completed within 24 hours if all 
goes well.

Also of note, due to a bad case of bit rot, I have shut down use of my 
ftp server EXCEPT for the Sword repository. By bit rot, I mean that all 
major browsers have now dropped support for FTP for (valid) security 
reasons. This made people think that the ftp site was down when it 
actually was. Telling people to use Filezilla or a command line FTP 
client instead is a pretty user hostile approach, so I changed all of my 
internal links to https links instead. I strongly recommend that 
everyone support HTTPS for Sword repositories at your earliest 
convenience. For now, I'll support both HTTPS and FTP, but they are on 
separate machines, and the HTTPS server is much faster. 
( vs. HTTP 
instead of HTTPS should work, now, too, but Google and others are trying 
to strongly encourage replacing HTTP with HTTPS. Of course the People's 
Republic of China has been known to block HTTPS but not HTTP sometimes, 
because they want to see what traffic contains so they can censor it 
more effectively.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> 
• WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible 

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Re: [sword-devel] New shared common SWORD path on Android

2021-09-12 Thread Michael Johnson
My main thoughts on this are:
1. The less we fight the way Google wants Android to work, the better.
2. Within the constraints of the above, backward compatibility is good.

On 9/12/21 3:51 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've been updating Bishop to work on newer versions of Android and have
> found that we are running into problems trying to create the
> "Nonstandard top-level folder" 'sword' at the root of the common storage
> folder.
> Tobias, I know a while back you mentioned that you had to update Ezra
> for Android recently, but it has been a long while since we talked about
> it and I'd like to know if you've had any updated thoughts on what
> you're doing there.
> Any other mobile Android devs have any thoughts.
> For now, I have updated our cordova plugin (and thus Bishop) to check
> and if possible use paths in this preferred order:
> "/sdcard/Documents/sword"
> "/sdcard/sword"
> ((
> app).getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
> And we are augmenting modules from AndBible:
> "/sdcard/Android/data/"
> ... but I'd prefer not to do this any longer, once we all agree and
> implement storing files in a common location.
> Any thoughts?
> Troy
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] down?

2021-07-23 Thread Michael Johnson
Yes, it was. Two more times. Although the second one may not have been noticed 
due to its short duration.

I don't know exactly what happened, but I got a mysterious ECDSA signature 
change on the server ID, then it went down. As I was attempting to recover, I 
made it worse with a one-line configuration file mistake that almost bricked 
the server, and had to rebuild it from the OS up. Remote server administration 
is hard. It is almost back online. In the meantime, is running on 
the hot standby server.

And, yes Timmy, please do include me in notifications when the repo 
goes down. It would be best to monitor both and, as one can fail without the other one failing.

On 7/23/21 5:19 AM, Timmy wrote:
> It seems is down again?
> I have set up a Github repo using "upptime" to monitor some SWORD repo 
> uptimes some time ago ( 
> <>). Did it basically as a test, 
> but am quite happy with how it works.
> This could be set up on CrossWire's github account, or I can also configure 
> this to automatically assign whoever is responsible for each repo to be 
> notified via email etc when their repo goes down.
> Kind regards,
> *--
> Timmy Braun*
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 5:02 PM Michael Johnson  <>> wrote:
> Yes, was down. Sorry about that!
> It seems that two servers simultaneously forgot their IP address 
> configuration.
> The identical repositories on 
> <> and on 
> <> are both available now, each from their 
> respective machine.
> On 7/21/21 10:00 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> > It appears to be down when PocketSword download tries a refresh too.
> >
> > David
> >
> > Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 20:33, Tobias Klein  <> < 
> <>>> wrote:
> >> Hi Michael,
> >>
> >> It seems that is down?
> >>
> >> I noticed this because the repository update in Ezra started failing
> >> most recently.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Tobias
> >>
> >> ___
> >> sword-devel mailing list: 
> <>
> >> 
> <>
> >> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
> >
> >
> >
> > ___________
> > sword-devel mailing list: 
> <>
> > 
> <>
> > Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
> -- 
> signature
> Aloha,
> */Michael Johnson/**
> 26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA
> <> < 
> <>> • < 
> <>> • WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible 
> <https://WorldEnglish.Bible>> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible 
> <https://PNG.Bible>>
> Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
> Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 
> <> 
> < <>>
> ___
> sword-devel mailing list: 
> <>
> <>
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> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] down?

2021-07-21 Thread Michael Johnson
Yes, was down. Sorry about that!
It seems that two servers simultaneously forgot their IP address configuration.
The identical repositories on and on are both available now, each from their respective 

On 7/21/21 10:00 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> It appears to be down when PocketSword download tries a refresh too.
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 20:33, Tobias Klein  <>> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> It seems that is down?
>> I noticed this because the repository update in Ezra started failing
>> most recently.
>> Best regards,
>> Tobias
>> ___
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> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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[sword-devel] & migration complete

2021-07-17 Thread Michael Johnson
The good news: now has MUCH higher delivery bandwidth.

Shouldn't be bad news: anonymous ftp ONLY works on, not just 

Other good news: the Sword repository on https still works on

Note: plain http requests will be redirected to https. This MIGHT break some 
front ends if they have lagged behind on network security. (HTTPS instead of 
HTTP is now required by some app stores.)

This is both a bandwidth and security update. Splitting up and was part of the strategy to do this.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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[sword-devel] server migration

2021-07-16 Thread Michael Johnson

Due to massive traffic, is now running on two different servers. For 
https, the Sword repository should work fine on both. For ftp, it is probably 
best to use, although just plain might work.

If you experience any glitches (besides the missing modules that I can't build 
right now due to osis2mod bugs), please let me know.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] LXX module distributed as public domain ?

2021-05-10 Thread Michael Johnson
We have
BUT, unfortunately, bugs in osis2mod make it unavailable in Sword format, right 

On 5/10/21 6:25 AM, pierre amadio wrote:
> Hello.
> I saw a post on facebook from someone looking for a public domain LXX 
> document:
> I mentionned the source used by crosswire for the LXX module and the
> author of the post think the source document may not be released under
> a public domain copyright (although it grant permission to
> redistribute the data for non commercial purpose):
> """
> (1) Not to use or make available these materials for commercial purposes 
> without
> first obtaining the written consent of the owners/encoders;
> """
> Crosswire mention the LXX module is public domain:
> Should it be something else than "public domain" so that it reflect
> the non commercial restriction ?
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] SWORD Virtual Coffee/Tea

2021-04-16 Thread Michael Johnson
I have Skype and Zoom. I haven't tried Bluejeans, and am too cheap to try it 
when there are good alternatives, unless someone else can pay and host the 
meeting. Skype is free and available for Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS, iPadOS, and 
Android. Zoom has a free version that is good for meetings up to 40 minutes, or 
longer if one person has a paid account (US$149.90/year) and is also very 

I recommend installing Skype, unless someone already has a paid Zoom account.

On 4/16/21 10:58 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> Would ZOOM be better for all ?
> I guess only 3 of us have BlueJeans installed. 
> David 
> Sent from ProtonMail for iOS
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 21:53,  <>> wrote:
>> Sorry, I don't have Skype.
>> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] SWORD Virtual Coffee/Tea
>> From: Tobias Klein
>> To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
>> CC:
>> Those who want to participate on Sunday, April 18th at 9pm CEST, please 
>> send me your Skype ID via email. I will then set up a Skype group.
>> Best regards,
>> Tobias
>> Am 9. April 2021 17:00:27 schrieb Tobias Klein :
>>> The most-popular option is currently Sunday, April 18th with 7 votes so 
>>> far. We’ll probably go for that, unless additional votes change the picture.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobias
>>>> Am 05.04.2021 um 18:10 schrieb Tobias Klein :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Why don't we have a virtual coffee/tea some time soon?
>>>> Would anyone be free for a Skype/Zoom/... call one of the next 
>>>> weekends?
>>>> Here is a doodle poll to see who can do it at what time during the 
>>>> next Saturdays/Sundays.
>>>> I suggest 9-10 PM CEST, which translates to 3-4 PM in the US east 
>>>> coast and a bit earlier further west ...
>>>> Blessings,
>>>> Tobias
>>>> ___
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>>> ___
>>> sword-devel mailing list:
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>> ___ sword-devel mailing list: 
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> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] SWORD Meet 2021

2021-03-30 Thread Michael Johnson
Troy & all:

Meeting up in person sounds awesome, although it also sounds very difficult for 
me to do. May/June is out for me due to schedule conflicts. Of course, even the 
USA mainland is tough for me to get to due to costs and scheduling 
difficulties. I wish I could...

On 3/28/21 9:26 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Dear fellow CrossWire volunteers,
> It's been a really, really long time since we've had a SWORD Meet.  They
> have always blessed me greatly, getting to meet many of you and having
> the chance to spend a couple days fellowshipping, brainstorming, coding,
> and praying together.  We've had a few unofficial get-togethers, usually
> centered around other events we were already attending together like
> BibleTech, ETS, SBL, Fringe, etc...
> But it has been over 15 years since we have had regular and
> intentionally planned official SWORD Meets...
> ... when I was much thinner.  I miss the personal community closeness we
> had back then.
> I would really like to again offer 2 annual occasions for us to get
> together in person-- once during May/June in Europe and once in November
> in the U.S. 
> U.S. - November
> Many of us already attend the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)
> annual meetings in November, which are conveniently aligned in location
> and time with with the technology sessions of GERT at the Society of
> Biblical Literature (SBL).  Those meetings rotate U.S. cities each year,
> but are always just before Thanksgiving.  I have met informally with
> some of you during these conferences, as well, but I would like to start
> scheduling a U.S. SWORD Meet around this occasion.  I propose either a
> couple days before ETS or the Friday / Saturday between ETS and SBL,
> when ETS is winding down and SBL is still spinning up, and IBR has their
> free annual lecture-- which would be fun for those coming who officially
> are not attending either conference but coming just for the SWORD Meet.
> IBR:
> IBR:
> Europe - Spring/Summer
> Our previous meetings were generously held at Daniel Glassey's apartment
> in Cambridge, UK.  I always enjoyed Cambridge, with the opportunity to
> meet and be encourage by the kind staff and researcher fellows at
> Tyndale House research library.  Daniel has been off serving with other
> ministries for the past decade so we probably need to find a new
> location for our European meetings (unless Daniel reads this and still
> would like to graciously offer his flat).
> It won't have the same opportunities to meet with world class Bible
> scholars that Cambridge / Tyndale House gave us, but we have talked
> about meeting during the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh during August, and
> I have informally met with some of you during this occasion over the
> past years.  That's still an option and provides some fun around our
> meeting.  Hostels often have a common room were we can setup and meet in
> the afternoons.
> Another option is that I can invite you to my small apartment in Siena,
> Italy.  An advantage to this is, like Daniel's apartment in Cambridge,
> we can all sleep on couches and bunk beds and rollout mattresses on the
> floor and not have any accommodation expenses.  I also have fiber
> internet there and can be sure to have desk space and whiteboards handy
> and can take us to amazing pizza and gelato.
> __
> What would be the interest for attending either event and what feedback
> do you have to my suggestions for time and venue?
> Troy
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
Signal/Telegram/WhatsApp/Telephone: +1 808-333-6921
Skype: kahunapule • Telegram/Twitter: @kahunapule • Facebook: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Doing something useful with the OSIS name element?

2021-01-16 Thread Michael Johnson

FWIW, I'm not aware of anyone actually making use of the "name" feature of OSIS 
or the corresponding "pn" feature of USFM/USX in anything but Chinese. There it 
often results in an underline. Of course, I don't know everything...

On 1/16/21 6:25 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> Dear developers,
> A few years back, DM Smith and I discussed the possibility to enhance the 
> CrossWire flagship *KJV* module by marking all *names* therein - each with 
> suitable *attributes*.
> /This is still something I'd like to be involved with when I have more free 
> time for CrossWire activities./
> AFAICT, the SWORD API currently doesn't do anything special with the OSIS 
> *name* element.
> IMHO, we could do something useful here and thereby enhance the understanding 
> of a suitably marked up Biblical text.
> _Suggestions_:
>  1. Provide a new filter to display words wrapped within the *name* element 
> using (e.g.) *bold* font style.
>  2. Support a new module configuration key *GlobalOptionFilter=OSISNames* to 
> allow the front-end to toggle this on and off.
>  3. Add API support to succinctly display *attribute* values for the name 
> element (e.g. by mouseover tooltip, etc).
> _Discussion points_:
>   * There are some words that are used as a *name* in some places but as an 
> ordinary common word in other places.
>   * Although we capitalise names in *English*, we also capitalise the first 
> word of every sentence, thus potentially leading to ambiguities for new 
> readers.
>   * All nouns in *German* are capitalised, so a learner of the language has 
> an even harder job to know which words are names.
>   * There are several writing systems in which there is no visual clue at all 
> to indicate which words are names.
>   * cf. There are even some writing systems in which there is no space 
> between words.
>   * Not all writing systems have font support for *bold* style, so perhaps an 
> alternative display method might need to be defined in the .conf file ?
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • <> • 
WorldEnglish.Bible <https://WorldEnglish.Bible> • PNG.Bible <https://PNG.Bible>
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Re: [sword-devel] osis2mod infinite loop

2020-12-14 Thread Michael Johnson
On 12/11/20 8:37 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> One thing not stated is which version of osis2mod was this with?

 osis2mod: $Rev: 3769 $ (SWORD: 1.9.0)

> And did this also happen with previous versions?


> Not that I could make sense of it even with those details, but I would expect 
> the SWORD developers to ask this anyway. 
> Regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 03:11, Michael Johnson  <>> wrote:
>> Perhaps someone can help me with this. I'm trying to make an English 
>> Septuagint module. The Septuagint, of course, has no Revelation (or any of 
>> the New Testament). So the output I get makes no sense at all. It makes no 
>> difference if I select NRSVA or LXX versification.
>> The command:
>> osis2mod 
>> "/home/kahunapule/sync/BibleConv/sword/modules/texts/ztext/engBrent1851eb" 
>> "/home/kahunapule/sync/BibleConv/output/eng-Brenton/mosis/eng-Brenton_osis.xml"
>>  -z -b 4 -v LXX
>> Results in an infinite loop of:
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
>> Any idea what is causing this, and what to do about it?
>> --
>> signature
>> Aloha,
>> */Michael Johnson/**
>> 26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA
>> <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 
>> kahunapule
>> _______
>> sword-devel mailing list:
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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[sword-devel] osis2mod infinite loop

2020-12-11 Thread Michael Johnson
Perhaps someone can help me with this. I'm trying to make an English Septuagint 
module. The Septuagint, of course, has no Revelation (or any of the New 
Testament). So the output I get makes no sense at all. It makes no difference 
if I select NRSVA or LXX versification.

The command:

-z -b 4 -v LXX

Results in an infinite loop of:

INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1
INFO(LINK): Linking Rev.22.21 to Ezra.11.1

Any idea what is causing this, and what to do about it?


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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[sword-devel] Trying to compile a fresh copy of SWORD -- errors

2020-12-04 Thread Michael Johnson
Perhaps you can help me figure out how to compile the Sword library from the 
tip? I'm getting an error:

libtool: link: g++ -g3 -O0 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -DEXCLUDEBZIP2 
-DEXCLUDEXZ -DUSECXX11TIME -std=c++11 -Wno-address -Wno-nonnull-compare 
-ftemplate-depth=100 -o httptest httptest.o  ../lib/.libs/libsword.a -lz
/usr/bin/ld: httptest.o: in function `main':
/home/kahunapule/sync/source/sword/sword-1.9.0/tests/httptest.cpp:14: undefined 
reference to `sword::CURLHTTPTransport::CURLHTTPTransport(char const*, 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [Makefile:709: httptest] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/media/psf/Dropbox/Michael Johnson 
make[1]: *** [Makefile:905: all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/media/psf/Dropbox/Michael Johnson 
make: *** [Makefile:634: all-recursive] Error 1

I was hoping that the latest version would help me get past some strange errors 
I have been getting with unique versifications-- or at least give me a better 
starting point to debug from.



*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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[sword-devel] Just got some new Bible translation licenses

2020-11-10 Thread Michael Johnson
Greetings friends!

I just got a large set of new Scripture distribution licenses from Wycliffe 
Bible Translators, Inc. for, including distribution on the repository. I will be therefore stress testing front ends' ability 
to find a desired translation among over a thousand translations soon.

Sorry, not sorry. ;-)


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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[sword-devel] Bug in Sword: Psalms with canonical title as verse 1

2020-07-17 Thread Michael Johnson
In wol202KYGeb, verse 1 on many Psalms is getting eaten up after the heading. 
For example, in Psalm 11:1, the text "Aji Sax ji laa làqoo.Ana lu ngeen ma naa: 
«Neel fëyy ni picc, toŋi sa kaw tund." disappears. It seems that the transition 
from canonical descriptive title to a poetry couplet within verse 1 confuses 
something terminally, resulting in the loss of canonical text. This seems to be 
a problem on multiple front ends, so I think it must be in the Sword engine. 
Any ideas?

Paratext USFM

Output in BibleTime

\c 11

\s1 Ma làqoo Aji Sax ji

\d \v 1 Mu jëm ci njiital jàngkat yi, ñeel Daawuda.


\q1 \w Aji Sax|Aji Sax j-:\w* ji laa làqoo.

\q1 Ana lu ngeen ma naa: «Neel fëyy ni picc, toŋi sa kaw tund.

\q1 \v 2 Xanaa du ñu soxor ñaa ngii, bank seen xala…

Psalms 11

*Ma l**à**qoo Aji Sax ji *

1 Mu jëm ci njiital jàngkat yi, ñeel Daawuda.

2 Xanaa du ñu soxor ñaa ngii, bank seen xala…


The part of v1 that comes through is “To the leader of the musicians, this is 
of David.” Then what’s lost there is “In the Most High I hide. Why do you say 
to me..”


Strange is that in just poking around trying to figure out where it is getting 
lost, in KYG_osis.xml it comes through:


Mu jëm ci njiital 
jàngkat yi, ñeel Daawuda.

Aji Sax ji laa làqoo.

Ana lu ngeen ma naa: «Neel fëyy ni picc, toŋi sa kaw 

Xanaa du ñu soxor ñaa 
ngii, bank seen xala,


*/Michael Johnson/
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] The Digital Bible Library® ??? What do you think?

2020-05-24 Thread Michael Johnson
I contribute some Bible translations to the DBL. If there are any in there that 
were submitted by "" with problems, please let me know, specifically, 
what the problems are to correct them. I also get Bible translations from the 
DBL when they are licensed for free distribution. However, if there is a better 
quality source than the DBL, I would use that, instead. Just being in the DBL 
doesn't necessarily make a text perfect, in spite of the many checks that are 
required before submitting them.

There is an old Czech Bible translation which I recently corrected the text 
encoding in, with the help of a volunteer who can read Czech, on the DBL at 
. If you update from there, from, or from what you already have 
makes no difference to me, as long as you pay attention to quality in providing 
God's Word to people in the languages they understand best.

On 5/24/20 10:54 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Maybe I am misunderstanding, but I think Matěj is suggesting that the 
> publisher of the CzeB21 is telling us that our next module update of the 
> CzeB21 should come from their text they have uploaded to the DBL.
> And Matěj is saying that he thinks their text in the DBL is much worse than 
> than what we are current using:
> Maybe I am wrong here, but trying to help the communication along.
> Troy
> On 5/24/20 1:41 PM, wrote:
>> They have not understood what DBL is good for, which us something entirely 
>> different than CrossWire.
>> DBL exists to allow easier sharing between publishing ministries. No "end 
>> users" involved.
>> Peter
>> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: [sword-devel] The Digital Bible Library® ??? What do you think?
>> From: Matěj Cepl
>> To:
>> CC:
>> Hi,
>> what do you think about DBL (
>> Publishers of CzeB21 felt that our module could be replaced by
>> their work for DBL (which I don’t think is very good, their
>> equivalent of CzeBKR is the ancient version of incorrectly
>> digitised incorrect version).
>> Are there any plans to cooperate with DBL?
>> Best,
>> Matěj
>> -- 
>>, Jabber:
>> GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
>> The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore
>> be treated with caution.
>> -- Albus Dumbledore
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Status of OSIS?

2020-05-04 Thread Michael Johnson
FWIW, there is a public archive of OSIS standard information at, but it is not being edited or improved in any way. It 
just documents what the standard was when it was last officially maintained.

On 5/4/20 8:24 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> Have you looked at our Wiki page?
> OSIS 211 CR
> It was even edited again today!
> The Bible Technologies Group has not met for years & the original website 
> went AWOL. 
> It may well be the case that CrossWire is the only remaining de facto 
> maintainer of OSIS. 
> Best regards,
> David 
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 19:07, Michael H  <>> wrote:
>> I've got 40 works and growing that I've been meaning to look at creating 
>> Sword Modules. All of these are genbooks. Almost 100% currently are works by 
>> Andrew Murray (but the list is much bigger.) 
>> But, as I try to make sense of the OSIS spec, I'm facing a 2006 spec in not 
>> very well done PDF, and another one with comments, and an xslt file, and a 
>> mountain of comments on the wiki that span from outright errors, to support 
>> gaps, to wishlist. 
>> What is the status of OSIS? Is there a draft or official source, or even 
>> Crosswire source that we can at least fix typos to? I've started one, just 
>> to turn Appendix F into a real table... but as I read through the wiki, now 
>> it seems I'm going to have to process everything to be able to trust what 
>> I'm reading, and it makes sense that I should be dropping the result 
>> somewhere more official than my google drive. 
>> If we have permission to host the OSIS spec, do we have permission to bugfix 
>> it (at least the spelling gaps, and fixing the tables of information to be 
>> tabular?) 
> _______
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] NA28 shows no verses

2020-05-02 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
Yes, indeed. It is in my work queue, to follow SILE integration with Haiola for 
PDF generation.

On 5/2/20 7:51 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> This underlined the need and urgency for PocketSword development to continue. 
> It’s also 2 years since PS 1.4.8 was released to support iOS 10 and 64-bit.
> Apple is about to release iOS & iPadOS 13.4.2
> Regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 03:19, Troy A. Griffitts  <>> wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> Your frontend needs a fairly new version of SWORD to support the unlock 
>> codes from the German Bible Society. I believe Xiphos is planning a release 
>> soon. Alternatively you can build Xiphos against SWORD trunk. Your key 
>> should work in Bishop for both Android and Apple. I have no idea what 
>> Bibletime is doing. You'll need to ask their team.
>> My apologies frontends aren't caught up yet. It's likely due to my delay in 
>> a SWORD release with the latest unlock code and their rightful reluctance to 
>> release a build against SVN trunk.
>> On May 2, 2020 5:17:31 PM MST, Tom Sullivan  wrote:
>> Y'all:
>> I finally got around to getting NA28, having had NA26 and 7 for a long 
>> time. I downloaded a key and Xiphos appears to have put it in the conf 
>> file correctly - it matches my downloaded text.
>> But xiphos displays no text, only chapters and so on
>> Bibletime asks for a key each time, but displays the key, then crashes 
>> on OK.
>>     BibleDesktop also shows no text.
>> Any ideas anyone?
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Firefox to remove support for the FTP protocol | ZDNet

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Johnson
On 3/20/20 11:32 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Yes, we could do that, but...
> that's the comment I tried to make earlier.  FTP (and SFTP and WebDAV)
> doesn't require any meta information-- it dynamically provides this for
> you from looking at the files in your filesystem.
> If we require each of our repositories to setup a special file before
> they can be used by our applications, we have at least 2 regressions:
> 1) Any working SWORD library is not, by definition a valid repository
> for install.  i.e., 3rd parties or normal users have work now to make
> their installed SWORD library available for other to install from.

Unless we upgrade the Sword library to automatically index the current 
installation, refreshing that index when appropriate.

> 2) We are now trying to delivery information about a filesystem that we
> get dynamically from file transfer protocols (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV) and
> there is a huge potential for inconsistencies between what is in our
> static metadata file and what is actually on the filesystem.

Unless we upgrade our Sword library to automatically index the current 
installation, and when appropriate, the repository.

FTP is dying. Let it go.

> It would be certainly be an improvement though when parsing folder and
> file information over HTML (and not using WebDav).
> Troy
> On 3/20/20 2:13 PM, Michael Johnson wrote:
>> Wouldn't it make more sense, going forward, to make a directory file in a 
>> standard (for us) format on each repository?
>> On 3/20/20 9:40 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>>> Right, the issue is that our HTTP support is implemented as an attempt to 
>>> parse Apache directory listing HTML output.  It almost certainly won't work 
>>> with other web servers and Apache has already changed their output on us at 
>>> least once.
>>> Nick (PocketSword) graciously provided the original support when he was 
>>> having trouble with FTP access over iOS.
>>> Bishop uses SWORD's FTP support over iOS with no issues that I've had.
>>> It could have been a network provider filtering out FTP traffic when Nic 
>>> was doing development.  Not sure.
>>> This is one real world advantage to having another protocol available: if 
>>> network providers babysit their users and try to filter their data for them 
>>> (which would tick me off if my provider did that).
>>> Troy
>>> On 3/20/20 12:31 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 2:25 PM Michael Johnson >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> On 3/20/20 7:44 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > ✔
>>>> > ✔
>>>> > ✗
>>>> > ✗
>>>> > ✗
>>>> Please note that works. You should use 
>>>> <> when using ftp, and just plain 
>>>> <> when using http or https.
>>>> Ah, there it is. I missed that entry in the wiki page. Indeed.
>>>> --Greg
>>>> -- 
>>>> signature
>>>> Aloha,
>>>> */Michael Johnson/**
>>>> 26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA
>>>> <> <> • Phone: 
>>>> +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: kahunapule
>>>> ___
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>>>> <>
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>>> ___
>>> sword-devel mailing list:
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> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] Firefox to remove support for the FTP protocol | ZDNet

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Johnson
Wouldn't it make more sense, going forward, to make a directory file in a 
standard (for us) format on each repository?

On 3/20/20 9:40 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Right, the issue is that our HTTP support is implemented as an attempt to 
> parse Apache directory listing HTML output.  It almost certainly won't work 
> with other web servers and Apache has already changed their output on us at 
> least once.
> Nick (PocketSword) graciously provided the original support when he was 
> having trouble with FTP access over iOS.
> Bishop uses SWORD's FTP support over iOS with no issues that I've had.
> It could have been a network provider filtering out FTP traffic when Nic was 
> doing development.  Not sure.
> This is one real world advantage to having another protocol available: if 
> network providers babysit their users and try to filter their data for them 
> (which would tick me off if my provider did that).
> Troy
> On 3/20/20 12:31 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 2:25 PM Michael Johnson > <>> wrote:
>> On 3/20/20 7:44 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
>> >
>> > ✔
>> > ✔
>> > ✗
>> > ✗
>> > ✗
>> Please note that works. You should use 
>> <> when using ftp, and just plain 
>> <> when using http or https.
>> Ah, there it is. I missed that entry in the wiki page. Indeed.
>> --Greg
>> -- 
>> signature
>> Aloha,
>> */Michael Johnson/**
>> 26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA
>> <> <> • Phone: +1 
>> 808-333-6921 • Skype: kahunapule
>> ___
>> sword-devel mailing list: 
>> <>
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>> ___
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> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

Re: [sword-devel] Firefox to remove support for the FTP protocol | ZDNet

2020-03-20 Thread Michael Johnson
On 3/20/20 7:44 AM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> ✔
> ✔
> ✗
> ✗
> ✗
Please note that works. You should use 
when using ftp, and just plain when using http or https.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Bishop 1.4.0 and SWORD Utility Modules

2020-03-19 Thread Michael Johnson
On 3/19/20 4:41 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Does anyone have a special place in their heart for a favorite font they
> would recommend?  It should be freely usable, have a good coverage of
> Unicode and preferably already converted to a web font.

I have been using DejaVu Serif a lot. It is plain, very readable, and has good 
Unicode coverage for several writing systems. It is also free.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] PocketSword status

2020-03-13 Thread Michael Johnson
I think that dividing the eBible repository into sub repos is probably not the 
best solution to the problem of finding the particular translation(s) you want 
among nearly a thousand others. That actually becomes a front end problem, 
where better ways of filtering, sorting, and presenting lists by language, 
language autonym, continent, country, etc. could be helpful. Sub repos add 
problems of their own by making it harder to find certain translations.

On 3/13/20 10:30 AM, Michael H wrote:
> Is it possible that the modules and .conf can sunset ... pointing across 
> repositories to the new replacement?  I know there is some facility to name a 
> successor module in the conf/updating process, but can it name one on another 
> site?
> If that is possible, Some of the out of date editions of the WEB should be 
> removed from Crosswire (WMB, etc.) It might help the remaining editions get 
> updated with more frequency. 
> On the other side of that, ebible has added several works from Crosswire onto 
> it's Web directory and I see at least some of these on the ebible sword repo. 
>  However, As far as I can tell, these modules are not actually changing 
> visible content every time they update. It's more that defects introduced by 
> the transfer to ebible have been eliminated, so that they now represent a 
> truer copy of the original at Crosswire. These shouldn't be removed from 
> either, but maybe the ebible repo could be clearer that
> it's presenting content from Crosswire, and not changing it. 
> Is it possible the ebible repository could be divided into sub repos, like 
> the crosswire site has ?  It would be nice to select ebible-english, or 
> ebible-americas and have a list of only 20 or 100 languages to scroll 
> through, vs. selecting ebible creates 1000 entries to search in Bibletime, 
> which seems to have difficulty with that number... so the screen updates get 
> 10 second to a couple minutes behind the keystrokes and mouse clicks when 
> I've selected ebible for downloading? 
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 3:11 AM Cyrille  <>> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Actually my worry was about a question between the module team. We have
> duplicated modules, in Crosswire and in <>. 
> Often the <>
> are updated and not in Crosswire. And we are very slow to update the new
> module in Crosswire. Then I proposed to remove in the Crosswire repo,
> all the old modules with issue reported on the bug tracker. But the
> question was: What to do if the users don't know how to change the repo,
> as it happened in the other post on this list, some of us didn't know
> how to change for IBT in Xiphos.
> I Bibletime, Andbible and Bishop, the repositories are updated all
> together, but not in Xiphos. I opened an issue about this on the xiphos 
> git.
> For this reason I proposed this for Swordpocket, even if it seems to be
> more or less easier than for Xiphos.
> Br Cyrille
> Le 13/03/2020 à 04:14, Nic Carter a écrit :
> > On the downloads screen, tap on the folder icon in the top right 
> corner, then refresh the source list.
> > That will show all servers in the Master Server List.
> >
> > Sent from my phone, hence this email may be short...
> >
> >> On 13/03/2020, at 09:24, Cyrille  <>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Michael,
> >> Maybe add the updating of all the repositories at once, as with 
> Andbible
> >> and Bishop. This will help users who don't know they are other
> >> repository as
> >> My 2 cents :)
> >>
> >> Br Cyrille
> >>
> >>> Le 12/03/2020 à 20:30, Michael Johnson a écrit :
> >>> Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
> >>>
> >>> I just thought I should post a status on PocketSword work. I have 
> started on updating it, but haven't yet gotten to a stable point for testing 
> using Test Flight. Right now, it is, unfortunately, on hold, as I have 
> another task in the foreground. I finished the main editing of the World 
> English Bible, with the exception of still correcting the occasional rare 
> typo. (I found one this morning in Ezekiel.) My foreground task at the moment 
> is integrating SILE into Haiola for better PDF generation,
> especially
> >>> with mixed complex scripts. After that is done, I hope to focus on 
> PocketSword. In its new incarnation, it will generate its own indexes, and 
> won

Re: [sword-devel] PocketSword status

2020-03-13 Thread Michael Johnson
Actually, web servers don't get corona viruses, and people don't congregate in 
crowds around them physically, so COVID-19 has no direct effect on web servers 
or their use. The pandemic, however, does have some serious side-effects due to 
widespread panic, overreactions, shutdowns, shortages, etc., as well as 
increased malware attacks aimed at exploiting people's fear. One or more of 
those could cause a server shutdown. However, in general, electronic Scripture 
distribution is more robust than physical books
with respect to pandemics.

Case in point: Next week, the Nali half-NT dedication is scheduled on Manus 
Island. The printed waterproof books on order from Hong Kong will not be there 
on time. Instead, they will have just 100 print-on-demand paper editions, and 
will have tables set up to help people with smart phones to download the Nali 
Scriptures onto their smart phones. The edition on the repository is 
actually more up-to-date and authoritative than the printed books, anyway, due 
to some corrections the translators sent
to me a few days ago. In that area of the world, it is OK to have the 
Scriptures online (and I do at https://PNG.Bible/nss/), but being able to 
download them and refer to them without Internet access later is great, because 
Internet access in that part of the world is expensive (paid by the megabyte), 
slow (2G), and intermittent.

So, in this case, COVID-19 has indirectly increased the importance of the 
ministry we do together.

On 3/13/20 8:38 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> And having multiple repository servers also makes sense in the context of the 
> Covid-19 pandemic.
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 18:33, Michael Johnson  <>> wrote:
>> I plan to update PocketSword so that it draws from all official 
>> repositories, by default, much like AndBible does.
>> Duplicating works in repositories is helpful, perhaps, for front ends that 
>> only look at one repository at a time, especially if the work is kept up to 
>> date in both repositories. When presented with an aggregate list, the user 
>> would see duplicate or near-duplicate entries. If the UI displays repository 
>> source and date of last update, as well as a full description of the module, 
>> this could help the user decide which one(s) to choose.
>> As far as goes, removing a work from the repository is actually 
>> more work than keeping it there, because of the way the automation is set 
>> up. Therefore I'm disinclined to remove works unless there is a valid reason 
>> other than duplication alone.
>> For the World English Bible and its variants (American/British, 
>> standard/Messianic, with/without DC/Apocrypha), the repository is 
>> the authoritative source with the most current copy. The same is true for 
>> hundreds of other translations. That older revisions are "out there" 
>> including in Crosswire Main doesn't bother me, really, because the 
>> differences generally don't affect meaning, but the English may be less up 
>> to date. Staying updated, of course, is better. I'm disinclined to mark any 
>> translations as obsoleting anything in another repository, absent a specific 
>> request from the appropriate pumpkin holder for that repository, lest 
>> confusion result. There are, of course, some translations where Crosswire 
>> Main is more authoritative. There are also cases where one repository has 
>> permission to distribute but the other one doesn't. We have an architecture 
>> that supports multiple repositories, although it does look like an 
>> afterthought. Still, we can make it work better, either by coming up with
>> standard ways of aggregating them better in the API, or maybe we keep 
>> leaving it up to each front end.
>> Supporting multiple repositories is actually a good thing in terms of 
>> resilience against server outages, censorship, etc. It also gives more 
>> localized control to the various sources of modules. Otherwise, there would 
>> be a temptation to make one big super-repository. Maybe that isn't a 
>> terrible idea if it were just an automated aggregate mirror of all of the 
>> others, and if it could be done without violating copyright agreements. For 
>> fault tolerance and improved bandwidth, there could be more than one such
>> super-repository.
>> Any thoughts?
>> On 3/13/20 7:56 AM, Cyrille wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Le 13/03/2020 à 12:55, David Haslam a écrit :
>> >> Cyrille,
>> >>
>> >> I’m not in favour of removing mod

Re: [sword-devel] PocketSword status

2020-03-13 Thread Michael Johnson
I plan to update PocketSword so that it draws from all official repositories, 
by default, much like AndBible does.

Duplicating works in repositories is helpful, perhaps, for front ends that only 
look at one repository at a time, especially if the work is kept up to date in 
both repositories. When presented with an aggregate list, the user would see 
duplicate or near-duplicate entries. If the UI displays repository source and 
date of last update, as well as a full description of the module, this could 
help the user decide which one(s) to choose.

As far as goes, removing a work from the repository is actually more 
work than keeping it there, because of the way the automation is set up. 
Therefore I'm disinclined to remove works unless there is a valid reason other 
than duplication alone.

For the World English Bible and its variants (American/British, 
standard/Messianic, with/without DC/Apocrypha), the repository is 
the authoritative source with the most current copy. The same is true for 
hundreds of other translations. That older revisions are "out there" including 
in Crosswire Main doesn't bother me, really, because the differences generally 
don't affect meaning, but the English may be less up to date. Staying updated, 
of course, is better. I'm disinclined to mark any
translations as obsoleting anything in another repository, absent a specific 
request from the appropriate pumpkin holder for that repository, lest confusion 
result. There are, of course, some translations where Crosswire Main is more 
authoritative. There are also cases where one repository has permission to 
distribute but the other one doesn't. We have an architecture that supports 
multiple repositories, although it does look like an afterthought. Still, we 
can make it work better, either by coming up with
standard ways of aggregating them better in the API, or maybe we keep leaving 
it up to each front end.

Supporting multiple repositories is actually a good thing in terms of 
resilience against server outages, censorship, etc. It also gives more 
localized control to the various sources of modules. Otherwise, there would be 
a temptation to make one big super-repository. Maybe that isn't a terrible idea 
if it were just an automated aggregate mirror of all of the others, and if it 
could be done without violating copyright agreements. For fault tolerance and 
improved bandwidth, there could be more than one such

Any thoughts?

On 3/13/20 7:56 AM, Cyrille wrote:
> Le 13/03/2020 à 12:55, David Haslam a écrit :
>> Cyrille,
>> I’m not in favour of removing modules from CrossWire simply because one of 
>> the affiliated repositories has a similar module.
> Why not?
>> Nor should it ever be expected that a module published by would 
>> include an Obsoletes key with one of CrossWire’s modules as the parameter.
> Idem why not?
>> Regards,
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 08:11, Cyrille > <>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Actually my worry was about a question between the module team. We have
>>> duplicated modules, in Crosswire and in Often the
>>> are updated and not in Crosswire. And we are very slow to update the new
>>> module in Crosswire. Then I proposed to remove in the Crosswire repo,
>>> all the old modules with issue reported on the bug tracker. But the
>>> question was: What to do if the users don't know how to change the repo,
>>> as it happened in the other post on this list, some of us didn't know
>>> how to change for IBT in Xiphos.
>>> I Bibletime, Andbible and Bishop, the repositories are updated all
>>> together, but not in Xiphos. I opened an issue about this on the xiphos git.
>>> For this reason I proposed this for Swordpocket, even if it seems to be
>>> more or less easier than for Xiphos.
>>> Br Cyrille
>>> Le 13/03/2020 à 04:14, Nic Carter a écrit :
>>> > On the downloads screen, tap on the folder icon in the top right corner, 
>>> > then refresh the source list.
>>> > That will show all servers in the Master Server List.
>>> >
>>> > Sent from my phone, hence this email may be short...
>>> >
>>> >> On 13/03/2020, at 09:24, Cyrille  wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Hi Michael,
>>> >> Maybe add the updating of all the repositories at once, as with Andbible
>>> >> and Bishop. This will help users who don't know they are other
>>> >>

[sword-devel] PocketSword status

2020-03-12 Thread Michael Johnson
Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I just thought I should post a status on PocketSword work. I have started on 
updating it, but haven't yet gotten to a stable point for testing using Test 
Flight. Right now, it is, unfortunately, on hold, as I have another task in the 
foreground. I finished the main editing of the World English Bible, with the 
exception of still correcting the occasional rare typo. (I found one this 
morning in Ezekiel.) My foreground task at the moment is integrating SILE into 
Haiola for better PDF generation, especially
with mixed complex scripts. After that is done, I hope to focus on PocketSword. 
In its new incarnation, it will generate its own indexes, and won't need 
special server support for that. I'll also fix the key problem for when a 
module goes from locked to unlocked, which of course, will happen as copyrights 
expire and/or special permission is granted.

Thank you for your patience.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] NASB, NBLA, LBLA

2020-03-12 Thread Michael Johnson
This is great news, Troy! Praise God!

On 3/11/20 6:42 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> It's been a long long road, but after much negotiation and many
> volunteers contributing to the conversion efforts, we have finally been
> granted permission to distribute Lockman's:
> New American Standard Bible (NASB)
> Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA)
> La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)
> Additionally, a gracious gift from Lockman, they have granted permission
> for CrossWire to distribute all 3 of these modules unlocked, for free.
> The modules are immediately available on swordweb:
> And have been updated in the "Lockman Foundation" repository.  Please
> refresh your repository in your favorite frontend to be sure you have
> the latest module configurations.
> If you have previously installed any of these modules using the test
> unlock keys, you may need to clear out the key for them to work property
> in your frontend.
> May God use these resources to draw people to Himself.
> Praise Him for always providing cool things,
> Troy
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] engNET2016eb / Inconsistent Strong's ids in markup

2019-12-15 Thread Michael Johnson
Yes, this can probably be corrected. It may be a while before I get to this, 

On 12/15/19 12:38 AM, Tobias Klein wrote:
> Dear Michael,
> I found that the engNET2016eb has inconsistent Strong's ids in its markup.
> Example based on Ecclesiastes 2:26. I inserted line breaks for readability.
> only
> to
> give
> it
> to
> the
> one
> who pleases
> God.
> In this example it looks like some of the Strong's lemma's have a leading 
> zero instead of the character 'H'.
> Can this be corrected? I didn't check all the occurances of this issue and I 
> don't know whether this issue is limited to the OT.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] KJV with strong numbers

2019-11-15 Thread Michael Johnson
On 11/15/19 6:56 AM, Michael H wrote:
> However, It's my best interpretation of the sword spec and communication on 
> this subject that all KJV modules which contain red letter encoding would 
> best be represented with the configuration OSISqToTick=false in their 
> respective conf files.

That should not be necessary, but I will add it to Sword modules 
with the next update.

> 1. The ebible module does not contain Chapter titles, while the KJV and KJVA 
> modules do.

Odd, since I thought I started with the same source.

>>> 2. The ebible module has more white space between features 
>>> (pilcrows have trailing spaces, Words of Jesus transitions introduce an 
>>> extra space, etc.) These are not present in the KJV and KJVA modules.
Non-significant white space variation is an artifact of ambiguities in OSIS 

>>> 3. Both the ebible and KJV module display quotation marks where the 
>>> Words of Jesus transitions occur.  This is not present in the source text, 
>>> but is apparently a quirk of OSIS (not sure if it's in the OSIS, or the 
>>> conf file.) However, the KJVA module does NOT contain these quotations 
>>> which is more appropriate. Yet it lists the same source as the KJV module. 
Any quotation marks displayed in the KJV indicate a bug in OSIS interpretation, 
since they all contain the marker="" attribute.

>>> Le 15/11/2019 à 09:08, David Haslam a écrit :
>>>> AFAIK, The OSIS XML files that uses for the 
>>>> engKJV1769eb module are not those that either I or DM used for the 
>>>> CrossWire KJV & KJVA modules.
The KJV is taken straight from DM's source, at least for the 66 
books of the protocanon.

>>> I have the feeling again that we are wasting a mad energy by 
>>> the dispersion of sources and parallel works. Two "identical" modules 
>>> developed from two sources...
I don't think there is any significant waste of resources going on, here. There 
is a lot of cooperation and coordination, though.

>>>> I’ve really not looked in detail at how Michael Johnson 
>>>> maintains his modules with Haiola.
But I have. ;-)

It is highly automated, with periodic regeneration of the modules whether they 
need it or not when Haiola gets updated. The actual text of the KJV in all of 
its output formats is the same as the text of DM's master source.


*/Michael Johnson/**
26 HIWALANI LOOP • MAKAWAO HI 96768-8747*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

Re: [sword-devel] Displaying the chapter and verse in other numbers

2019-07-21 Thread Michael Johnson
    else if (place == 3)
    if (n > 0)
    sb.Insert(0, EthiopicTens[n]);
    else if (place == 4)
    sb.Insert(0, EthiopicTenThousand);
    if (n > 0)
    sb.Insert(0, EthiopicDigits[n]);
    else if (place == 5)
    if (n > 0)
    sb.Insert(0, EthiopicDigits[n]);
    place = 0;
    place = 0;
    sb.Insert(0, s[i]);
    return sb.ToString();

    /// Roman numerals kind of break down after 3,000 (MMM) in terms of 
common use,
    /// which seems to be limited to chapters and years in this decade. 
This function
    /// uses Unicode Roman numerals, but an alternate routine could easily 
be created
    /// that uses plain letters I, V, X, L, C, and M or i, v, x, l, c, and 
m by replacing
    /// or providing choices for the strings in RomanUnits in this method.
    /// string that may have numbers to "Romanize"
    /// string with numbers as Roman numerals
    public static string RomanNumerals(string s)
    string[,] RomanUnits = {{"","Ⅰ","Ⅱ","Ⅲ","Ⅳ","Ⅴ","Ⅵ","Ⅶ","Ⅷ","Ⅸ"},
    {"", "Ⅹ","ⅩⅩ","ⅩⅩⅩ","ⅩⅬ","Ⅼ","ⅬⅩ","ⅬⅩⅩ","ⅬⅩⅩⅩ","ⅩⅭ"},
    {"", "Ⅽ", "ⅭⅭ", "ⅭⅭⅭ", "ⅭⅮ", "Ⅾ", "ⅮⅭ", "ⅮⅭⅭ", "ⅮⅭⅭⅭ", "ⅩⅯ"},
    { "", "Ⅿ", "ⅯⅯ", "ⅯⅯⅯ", "ⅯV̅", "V̅", "V̅Ⅿ", "V̅ⅯⅯ", "V̅ⅯⅯⅯ", 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int i, n;
    int place = 0;
    for (i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (Char.IsDigit(s[i]))
    n = ((int)s[i]) - ((int)'0');
    sb.Insert(0, RomanUnits[place, n]);
    if (place > 3)
    place = 0;
    place = 0;
    sb.Insert(0, s[i]);
    sb.Replace("ⅩⅡ", "Ⅻ");
    sb.Replace("ⅩⅠ", "Ⅺ");
    return sb.ToString();

> On 7/20/19 1:49 PM, Michael Johnson wrote:
>> It is an important question. I have a way to handle it in other formats 
>> using Haiola. I suspect that proper handling it in SWORD will take a design 
>> change. In Haiola, the source chapter and verse numbers are always as in 
>> English. I can select display chapter and verse numbers from many options.
>> Aloha,
>> Michael
>> On Jul 20, 2019, at 10:39, Cyrille > <>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> No body else have a proposition for this question? Should I open a bug 
>>> report?
>>> Is it not an important question?
>>> Best regards, Br Cyrille
>>> Le 17/07/2019 à 23:14, David Haslam a écrit :
>>>> Several other non-Roman scripts have their own digit characters 
>>>> corresponding to our 0-9.
>>>> IMHO the possibilities for using non-Roman digits ought to be facilitated 
>>>> in the back-end.
>>>> Even so, each front-end would then require a new UI control to select 
>>>> which script should be used to display the chapter and verse numbers.
>>>> An alternate idea would be to specify the non-Roman digits as a ten 
>>>> character UTF-8 string in a module .conf file.
>>>> Adapting the back-end to use this module specific configuration key might 
>>>> be much simpler. 
>>>> Front-ends would still require adapting for the UI features that require 
>>>> chapter and verse numbers to be input or displayed or 

Re: [sword-devel] Displaying the chapter and verse in other numbers

2019-07-20 Thread Michael Johnson
It is an important question. I have a way to handle it in other formats using 
Haiola. I suspect that proper handling it in SWORD will take a design change. 
In Haiola, the source chapter and verse numbers are always as in English. I can 
select display chapter and verse numbers from many options.


> On Jul 20, 2019, at 10:39, Cyrille  wrote:
> Hello,
> No body else have a proposition for this question? Should I open a bug report?
> Is it not an important question?
> Best regards, Br Cyrille
>> Le 17/07/2019 à 23:14, David Haslam a écrit :
>> Several other non-Roman scripts have their own digit characters 
>> corresponding to our 0-9.
>> IMHO the possibilities for using non-Roman digits ought to be facilitated in 
>> the back-end.
>> Even so, each front-end would then require a new UI control to select which 
>> script should be used to display the chapter and verse numbers.
>> An alternate idea would be to specify the non-Roman digits as a ten 
>> character UTF-8 string in a module .conf file.
>> Adapting the back-end to use this module specific configuration key might be 
>> much simpler. 
>> Front-ends would still require adapting for the UI features that require 
>> chapter and verse numbers to be input or displayed or adjusted by controls. 
>> Best regards,
>> David 
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 22:00, Cyrille  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm still working on a modern NT-Ps-Pr translation in Burmese. My friends 
>>> from Myanmar send me the text. But they don't use the arab numbers, they 
>>> hava their own numbers.
>>> It could be very important for them to write in they own numbers (If I had 
>>> tu use their I will be lost ;) ).
>>> Is it possible to add this possibility to the frontend, or this should be 
>>> in sword directly?
>>> Need I to open a new issue on the bug tracker?
>>> Example of text, in bold the chapter and verses:
>>> ၃ ၁။ ထိုနေ့ရက်တို့၌ ယောဟန်ဘတ္တိဇံသည် ရောက်လာ၍ ဂျူဒေးယပြည်၊ တောကန္တာရတွင် ဟော
>>> ၂။ ပြောသည်မှာ၊- နောင်တရကြလော့၊ အကြောင်းမူကား ကောင်းကင်နိုင်ငံတော်သည် 
>>> ရောက်လုနီးပြီဟူ၍တည်း။-
>>> ၃။ ပရောဖက်အီဇာယဟောထားခဲ့သည့်အတိုင်း၊ ထာ၀ရ 
>>> ဘုရားသခင်ကြွလာတော်မူမည့်လမ်းကိုပြင်ဆင်ကြ လော့၊ ကိုယ်တော်၏ လမ်းများကို 
>>> ဖြောင့်တန်းစေကြ လော့ဟူ၍ တောကန္တာရ၌ ကြွေးကြော်သောသူ၏အသံသည်ကား 
>>> ဤသူပင်ဖြစ်သတည်း။-
>>> ၄။ ယောဟန်သည် ကုလားအုတ်မွေးဖြင့် ရက်လုပ်သောအဝတ်ကိုဝတ်ဆင်ကာ ခါး၌ 
>>> သားရေခါးစည်းကြိုးကိုစည်းထား၏။ သူ၏အစာသည်ကား ကျိုင်းကောင်နှင့် 
>>> တောပျားရည်တို့သာဖြစ်၏။-
>>> ၅။ ထိုအခါ ဂျေရုဆလင်မြို့မှစ၍ ဂျူဒေးယနယ်တစ်နယ် လုံးနှင့် 
>>> ဂျော်ဒန်မြစ်တစ်လျှောက်ရှိဒေသမှ လူအပေါင်း တို့သည် သူ့ထံသို့ လာကြ၏။-
>>> ၆။ ထိုသူတို့သည် မိမိတို့၏ အပြစ်များကို ထုတ်ဖော်ဝန်ခံကြလျက် ဂျော်ဒန်မြစ်တွင် 
>>> သူ့အားဖြင့် ဆေးကြောခြင်းကို ခံယူကြ၏။
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Re: [sword-devel] How to deal with invalid markup?

2019-07-17 Thread Michael Johnson
Mea culpa. Sorry about that. The engNET2016eb module has been updated to get 
rid of some residual XHTML notes at ends of chapters that were missed in the 
first filtering process. Oddly enough, the result was actually valid XML 
syntax, but its semantics were wrong.

On 7/16/19 9:36 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> OSIS Modules submitted for release by CrossWire should always be validated 
> prior to submission. They would be rejected if the XML cannot be validated to 
> one of the OSIS schemas that SWORD supports. All the more so if the input 
> file fails to pass an XML syntax check. 
> CrossWire has no control over the preparation of modules for the associated 
> repositories such as
> Such errors should be reported to the repository owner, in this case 
> Kahunapule Michael Paul Johnson. 
> He is a member of this mailing list. 
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 07:13, Tobias Klein  <>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Is there a recommended way on how to deal with invalid markup (in a 
>> frontend) when using the text from a Sword module?
>> To me invalid markup is basically invalid XML.
>> You find an example below (Exodus 3:22 / engNET2016eb).
>> Are Sword modules validated with standard XML validation tools before being 
>> published?
>> Best regards,
>> Tobias
>> Module: engNET2016eb
>> Mark-up text of Exodus 3:22 (module->getRawEntry()):
>> Every woman > lemma="strong:H7592">will ask her neighbor 
>> and the one who happens to be  staying > lemma="strong:H1004">in her house for items 
>> of silver and gold 
>> and for clothing. You 
>> will put these articles > lemma="strong:H5921">on your sons > lemma="strong:H1323">and daughters – thus you
>> INVALID section starts here:
>> will plunder Egypt*!” ‘*span class=”footnote” 
>> id=”footnote-65”*’‘*span class=”key”’65‘
>> a**href=”#note-65” 
>> class=”backref”’*3:19‘/a’‘*span class=”text”’ tn: > type="italic">Heb “
>> and not > lemma="strong:H1004">with a mighty hand.”
>> ...
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Re: [sword-devel] Eclectic Questions re: CLI, OSIS markup of Trinitarian referents, and the 1662 BCP as a module

2019-07-08 Thread Michael Johnson
Actually, the Letters Patent (not an actual copyright) that cover the KJV and 
Book of Common Prayer are not included in the Berne Convention and the DMCA. 
Those books are in the Public Domain in the USA. Full stop.
Now, if you want to print copies of either of those books and import them into 
England or Wales, you need permission from the Crown Printer. It seems that 
King James failed to mention exclusive rights for digital publishing, though. 
Therefore, if you want to create a module for the 1662 BCP, go for it. As a 
courtesy, you could ask for the blessing of a Royal printer if you like.

On 6/28/19 6:16 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> The 1662 BCP is indeed copyright under Royal Letters Patent in the same way 
> as the KJV. 
> The main concern of the UK publishers that have a Royal warrant to distribute 
> the KJV is to ensure that it is faithfully reproduced and that copyright is 
> duly acknowledged. 
> The KJV is not Public Domain everywhere outside the UK either. In the USA 
> (eg) it’s copyright because of treaty obligations within the terms of the 
> Berne Convention and the DMCA. In theory, copyright responsibity in the USA 
> still belongs to the American Bible Society. 
> It’s a tricky topic, but not one we could possibly manage by restricting 
> downloads to outside the UK, given the fact that user location can be 
> anonymised by using a VPN service. 
> If we were to create a module for the 1662 BCP, we’d probably need to clear 
> it with at least one of the Royal printers such as CUP or OUP. 
> NB. This is not legal advice. 
> I am not a copyright lawyer. 
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 00:38, Justin Bellars  <>> wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> I have known Troy for quite some time, but have only recently made any 
>> effort to get involved with the Sword project. I have some newbie questions. 
>> Troy suggested I pose them to the list, so here goes...
>> 1. When using the Sword CLI (diatheke), I'm not sure how to download/install 
>> new modules (other than the defaults)... I can't find anything on the Wiki 
>> that speaks to this either. Can someone direct me to common CLI commands for 
>> module management everyone should know?
>> 2. I'm also wondering about OSIS markup...
>> I'm fairly certain that the NASB is the only (en-US, en-UK, en-CA, etc.) 
>> translation that seems to capitalize pronouns where a member of the Trinity 
>> is the referent. Are there tags/XML constructions that can be added around 
>> pronouns or inflected verbs that indicate that the subject is a member of 
>> the Trinity (e.g. in the event you were performing a search about the 
>> attributes of God or want to toggle capitalization in a given language to 
>> make it more obvious who the "He" is?)?
>> 3. And now a Sword module question... I believe the 1662 Book of Common 
>> Prayer falls under the same restrictions as the KJV - in the UK, the rights 
>> are owned by the Crown, but everywhere else, it seems to be considered 
>> Public Domain... is it cool to markup a copy in OSIS for creating a Sword 
>> module? Or only if it isn't distributed in the UK?
>> If you can answer any of these questions, I would appreciate the info.
>> Best regards,
>> Justin
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Re: [sword-devel] ESV

2019-06-06 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you, Troy, for letting us know what is going on with the ESV.
As the copyright owners for the ESV, Crosswire has the legal right to deny use 
of the ESV with our software, as disappointing as that is. Apparently, they 
only want to give it away for free for use with their own proprietary software.
On the bright side, the World English Bible is free, and always will be. So is 
the Unlocked Literal Bible. The ESV might have better marketing and more print 
options, but it isn't any higher quality than either of those two.

Crossway denied me a license to display the ESV on as 
well, but the Lockman Foundation did allow me to display the NASB and 
Amplified, there, as well as 2 of their Spanish translations. I probably 
wouldn't have bothered with the NASB if it weren't for the value of the Spanish 
at the time, and it was as easy to ask for all of them at the same time as to 
ask for one. Crossway's rationale to me was that they didn't want their 
proprietary Bible displayed along side so many free Bibles.

So... I have started ignoring the proprietary Bibles for the most part, except 
where that is the only choice in a given language; and even then, given a 
choice between working hard on permission to distribute a proprietary Bible 
translation and working on a free (Public Domain or Creative Commons) Bible 
translation, I'll do the latter. So far, I haven't run out of work to do on the 
free Bibles.

On 6/6/19 7:18 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hi Tuomas,
> Yes, Crossway has decided to ask us again to stop distributing the ESV.  We 
> deal with new people there all the time and explaining to them how we work 
> and our "family" of applications, and that open source software does not mean 
> open source Bibles, is a challenge.  For the past 10 years, we have tried to 
> get the ESV distribution off of our server onto Crossway's server into their 
> own SWORD remote module installation repository, so as to not require from 
> CrossWire a license from Crossway (and all Crossway
> requires of a license, including a nominal annual fee, renewing the contract, 
> providing regular download stats, etc.).  Crossway has expressed desire to do 
> this in the past, which we hoped would happen soon and hadn't been paying 
> their licensing fees in the hopes that they would take over their own 
> distribution, but they have never follow through with this.  The most recent 
> person in charge of digital licensing has now sent us a bill for $1400 for 
> past licensing dues and is sending mixed signals:
> "Crossway does not wish to have you do this [distribute from CrossWire 
> servers] with our content, as we have our own servers.  We also do not want 
> to make your software or the data files that work with our [sic: your?] 
> software available on Crossway's site, as we have our own proprietary API, 
> apps, software, and systems."
> ...
> "Crossway is not interested in granting you a license to distribute the ESV 
> from your server, nor do we wish to distribute your data files and software 
> from our site."
> ...
> "If in the days to come you wish to use the ESV again, we would welcome a new 
> proposal from you regarding your desired use."
> I sent the new distributions rights "VP" all the threads of discussion we've 
> had over the past 18 year with Crossway.  I am sure it was probably too much 
> to be useful, but have quoted relevant sections of those discussions.  It all 
> comes down to the fact that we have 2000+ Bibles available for our tools.  
> For no other Bible do we have to pay an annual licensing fee or regularly 
> deal with demands from some new person in charge of digital rights to cease 
> distribute of their text when someone from our
> community emails them and asks about their new SWORD frontend having access 
> to the ESV.  It has become exhausting.
> I am sad it has come to this,
> Troy
> On 6/4/19 11:44 PM, Tuomas Airaksinen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> And Bible user notified me that popular ESV module has disappeared and I 
>> checked that it indeed is not listed in AB module listings at the moment. 
>> What happened?
>> -- 
>> T: Tuomas
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Re: [sword-devel] Ezra Project 0.8.0 released

2019-06-03 Thread Michael Johnson
chnical database. I could implement 
> a simple JSON or XML export/import to support such a feature.
> There's other features besides tagging that I have on my mind. Generally 
> I want to support the user in creating material based on the bible that is 
> not "separate" (like separate text documents), but rather directly linked 
> with the text.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> -- 
> Message sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity.
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Re: [sword-devel] Sidebars

2019-05-22 Thread Michael Johnson
A study Bible with extensive sidebars is really two books presented in 
parallel: The Holy Bible and a commentary. The best way to do it for electronic 
presentation is exactly that, as two volumes that get presented together.

You can try to shoehorn sidebars into the same USFM as the Bible text itself 
using some USFM 3.0 features, but those are not well supported in publication 

On 5/21/19 8:41 AM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> Dear All, 
> A study bible I am currently working on, written in USFM has a feature
> not currently covered by our software: "sidebars". 
> These are small mini documents, in-depth explanations of a feature
> covered by the text. They have titles, they have paragraphs, they have
> inline crossreferences, they might contain images, they could in theory
> have footnotes etc. 
> Right now they are simply as a div type=x-sidebar chucked into the
> text. 
> Any suggestion as to how we could represent them graphically? 
> Options coming to my mind are 
> - extended footnotes (and then work on frontends to support graphically
> more challenging footnotes). This will require work in engine and
> frontends
> - inline. This should probably happen just now without any extra work
> - floating text popups via CSS +/- some javascript which come up on
> mouse hover. This will require some work in engine and possibly
> frontends too and will only be available in XHTML based frontends.
> I am happy to have a go at the work within the engine and think options
> (2) and (3) at least should largely be within my ability to fix. 
> Any alternative suggestions or thoughts? Any strong views wrt
> preference of these? 
> Peter
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Re: [sword-devel] Door43

2019-04-05 Thread Michael Johnson
Yes. I already have a few of them imported. I plan to import the rest to the repository.

On 4/5/19 8:37 PM, Michael H wrote:
> There are currently 44 Bible Text projects on Door43 (Unfolding word).  Is 
> any repo willing to host these?
> Here's a list of the projects: 
> Most of these these use a simple USFM markup with a single custom tag (s5) 
> which is used to align parallel displays and must be stripped from the text. 
> There are a few (both English, Greek, Hebrew, and possibly Russian) which 
> include strongs or a strongs-like markup, and will need a bit more effort to 
> host.) 
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Re: [sword-devel] New/modern (copyrighted) bible translations

2019-03-13 Thread Michael Johnson
On 3/12/19 8:58 PM, Tobias Klein wrote:
> Regarding the "repeatable conversion process". I think a key is that this 
> conversion process does not have to be re-invented for each and every single 
> copyright holder.
> If I understood the "Digital Bible Library" correctly, they do have the data 
> of all the major copyright holders in their database and they do offer a 
> technical interface (REST API) to access that data in a standard way. So, 
> once the negotiations are there, the same "conversion script" could be used 
> for any of the copyright holders (in theory at least). And that could 
> dramatically reduce the technical work necessary to work with multiple 
> copyright holders.

Yes, indeed! All of the DBL texts are in .zip files with USX files in bundles. 
Start with making sure you can process the bundles with open access licenses, 
since you can access those, now. I do that with Haiola (, 
which is free and open source, but not the most user friendly software 

> Thanks for encouraging me to start with one specific copyright holder, that's 
> what I was thinking. I may start with the German Bible Society then.
Sounds good. I would encourage you to make sure your technical processes are in 
place before starting, though, so that you can act quickly when you get 

And, if you get rejected, don't give up too easily, but try to learn and move 


*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] PocketSword progress

2019-03-13 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you, Manfred and Troy. :-)

I'll keep these in mind as I update PocketSword.

On 3/13/19 12:01 AM, Manfred Bergmann wrote:
>> Am 13.03.2019 um 09:46 schrieb Troy A. Griffitts :
>> In addition, there are new Swift bindings which work against that Universal 
>> binary for both MacOS and iOS. They were done for the Cordova plugin, but 
>> most of the code could be used standalone if anyone is interested in writing 
>> a Swift UI.
> That might be a nice option to checkout instead of the Objective-C wrapper 
> classes.
> Manfred
>> On March 13, 2019 12:44:08 AM MST, Manfred Bergmann 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> When Nic started developing this I had suggested to collaborate in the SWORD 
>> backend both used in MacSword/Eloquent and PocketSword.
>> Unfortunately PocketSword then used its own baked backend with modifications 
>> to the MacSword code (at the time).
>> I’m still thinking that there should be collaboration and a common code base.
>> Eloquent uses the ObjCSword code as in here:
>> I’m not sure about the changes, there might be a lot.
>> But moving forward it should be considered.
>> Manfred
>> Am 13.03.2019 um 04:03 schrieb Michael Johnson :
>> So far, on my copy of PocketSword I have:
>>  * Updated to the latest Sword engine.
>>  * Switched from downloading indexes to generating them. (The time consumed 
>> is not unreasonable for this, now. Apple doesn't support the old, slow 
>> hardware that made this seem necessary in the first place.)
>> The list of stuff left to do is long, but at the top of the list is trying 
>> to correct the problem with the Crosswire Main repository not working. The 
>> index generation also needs some UI feedback. (It currently just appears to 
>> be frozen while generating the index, which is not very satisfactory.) Once 
>> I get those things done, and maybe a couple other tweaks, it might be worth 
>> an incremental release...
>> -- 
>> signature
>> Aloha,
>> */Michael Johnson/**
>> PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA
>> <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 
>> kahunapule
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>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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[sword-devel] PocketSword progress

2019-03-12 Thread Michael Johnson
So far, on my copy of PocketSword I have:

  * Updated to the latest Sword engine.
  * Switched from downloading indexes to generating them. (The time consumed is 
not unreasonable for this, now. Apple doesn't support the old, slow hardware 
that made this seem necessary in the first place.)

The list of stuff left to do is long, but at the top of the list is trying to 
correct the problem with the Crosswire Main repository not working. The index 
generation also needs some UI feedback. (It currently just appears to be frozen 
while generating the index, which is not very satisfactory.) Once I get those 
things done, and maybe a couple other tweaks, it might be worth an incremental 


*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] New/modern (copyrighted) bible translations

2019-03-12 Thread Michael Johnson
For what it is worth (probably not much), I have a repeatable conversion script 
from Lockman markup (latest edition), and have converted the NASB 1995, the 
Amplified Bible, and 2 of their Spanish translations to Sword format and 
Browser Bible format. I threw the former away, for lack of permission to 
publish, and posted the latter on and 
https://cyber.Bible/study/. The impression I got from Pike Lambeth was that the 
long delays and history with CrossWire had kind of soured things,
so I just dropped it with him and thanked him for the permission I got, which 
was only for those two specific web sites and that particular format. Anyway, 
the moral to this story is that we should not waste Bible copyright owner's 
time or promise to do something we cannot deliver in a timely manner.

I appreciate the ability to display a proprietary translation alongside the 
others on the same web page, but honestly, it kind of leaves me filling empty 
compared to what you can do with the freely distributable and sharable Bible 
translations that are Public Domain, Creative Commons licensed, or otherwise 
explicitly permitted for use in all Bible study apps and formats.

On 3/12/19 3:29 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Finally, I reluctantly bring up one very sore point of example:  Years
> ago Lockman was happy to sell their NASB Bible for our software with the
> process as described above.  They gave us their data, including a
> Spanish translation and their Greek and Hebrew lexicons, which they
> wanted us to convert.  Years went by with the conversion process
> changing at least 3 hands.  We attained a reasonable conversion for the
> Bible and permission to display this on our web study tool:
> My requirements before release were:
> 1) a repeatable conversion script from Lockman provided data to SWORD module
> 2) successful conversion of all 4 data modules, as mentioned above
> 3) reasonable functionality on SWORDweb, BibleDesktop, Xiphos, and
> Bibletime.
> Each person taking up the conversion effort, including me at one point,
> stalled somewhere along the line.  I still have my repeatable conversion
> process for what you see at the link above (I am not sure if my effort
> was mod=NASB or mod=NASBnew or one other attempt), which works
> relatively well in SWORDweb.  I never worked on the lexica.  I think my
> script should work on the Spanish Bible.  I don' t remember which
> frontends reported that things were working.  At lease one person after
> me took up the effort when I stalled (Greg maybe?), Chris and DM had a
> go before me, I think.  This might be a bit of an exception, as the data
> Lockman gave us had a super odd encoding, especially for the lexica.  My
> personal feeling with regard to our failure as a team is that, to my
> knowledge, no one taking up the task reused the code from those who had
> gone before.  My conversion would have been make + sed + C++, I would
> guess DM would have used Java, Chris: perl, Greg... ???  Anyway, it
> wasn't an issue with the publisher.  They were happy to sell their text
> for our software.  They didn't even mind the single unlock key mechanism
> for all users, before we added the ability to generate unique keys for
> each user.
> Hope this explains a bit and doesn't open old wounds too widely,


*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] New/modern (copyrighted) bible translations

2019-03-12 Thread Michael Johnson
On 3/10/19 7:56 PM, Tobias Klein wrote:
> On 10.03.19 21:50, Michael Johnson wrote:
>> I am well aware that this does not address the preference majority language 
>> speakers may have for certain modern copyrighted proprietary Bible 
>> translations. The best solution for access to those is to figure out a way 
>> to pay for those. This is not unreasonable. One of my few contributions to 
>> the Sword Project code was the encryption code used for locked modules for 
>> sale. However, the current model for selling modules excludes the Crosswire 
>> Bible Society, which actually doesn't handle money. I could through
>>, but I would need help with that.
> Thanks for the clarification regarding DBL, Michael - that is very helpful! 
> Do you know of any projects that sell non-free translations for the purpose 
> of using them in an open source product?

Those exist, but are rare. In general, proprietary Bible translation copyright 
owners are wary of anything open source. I can think of a couple of examples 
off of the top of my head: the NASB on, the NIV and 
NASB on These are open source software (InScript, AKA 
BrowserBible) hosting some commercial Bible translations. In the case of the 
NIV, some money changes hands, but not from the end user.

There is some software that is given away at no cost to the end user, but which 
is not open source, that has had greater success, like YouVersion. YouVersion, 
however, does cost a great deal of money, and there are some back room deals I 
don't know the details of to get some of the translations on there. Much of it 
is bartering translation use for customer contact information and advertising 
value. This is a reasonable approach for a segment of the Bible study app 
"market". It just happens to not fall
within the scope of what I do with and CrossWire, which is all about 
free, unencumbered access to the Word of God in as many languages as we can 
provide, with special attention to those in creative access areas and those who 
may have Internet access, but no credit cards.

> I have only seen non-free translations in commercial bible software so far.
> So, if I understood you correctly, the availability of specific non-free 
> bible translations for use in an open source product would still depend on 
> individual negotiation efforts with the respective bible societies?


> If I and/or others would want to pursue that route - do you have any other 
> recommendations, specifically regarding the negotiation process?

Use godly wisdom. I'm too tired of the rejection to do much more of that. I 
have had some great successes, like with the Tok Pisin Bible, but that took 
literally years to do and is not something that is repeatable in the same way 
due to changes in the organizations and personnel.

If God is calling you to do that, though, don't let me dissuade you. Just don't 
expect me to join in that particular battle with you. ;-)


*/Michael Johnson/**
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[sword-devel] Please pass the PocketSword pumpkin.

2019-03-11 Thread Michael Johnson
Hello, Nic & all.

I downloaded the PocketSword source code, updated it so that it would compile 
with the current XCode and run on an iPhone XR simulator, and started fixing 
some of its issues. This seemed to me to be preferable to seeing that program 
fade away due to not keeping up with the ever-changing environment. I'm pretty 
sure I can come up with an update that is helpful.

Nic, I understand that you are busy with other priorities, now, but please know 
that many of us greatly appreciate the work you have done in the past on 
PocketSword. I don't know how much involvement you would like in the 
transition. It can be pretty much as little or as much as you like. If I just 
fork the code and rebrand it, then you really don't need to do anything at all.

Your thoughts?


*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] New/modern (copyrighted) bible translations

2019-03-10 Thread Michael Johnson
Hello, Tobias & all.

I would like to clear up a misconception about the Every Tribe Every Nation 
(ETEN) Digital Bible Library (DBL). Getting admitted as a library card holder 
does not give you access to any Bible translations you cannot access without 
such access. Read that again. Getting admitted as a library card holder does 
not give you access to any Bible translations you cannot access without such 
access. All it does is give you a channel to negotiate individually with all of 
the Intellectual Property Contributors (IPCs)
in the DBL, more or less like you would without the DBL. It does provide a more 
consistent platform for doing so than not having the DBL, and it does help 
encourage people to provide Scriptures in a common format (USX).

ALL of the Bible translations you can access by default as a DBL library card 
holder (LCH) are available at
Note that periodically, I update my collection at from that source, 
so that these Bible translations are available on the sword 
repository as well as at (My position as a DBL LCH 
isn't all in vain. I lobbied for that kind of access for you.)

There is another place were DBL Bible translations can be accessed for LIMITED 
use at This is where you can get free access to 
some modern copyrighted translations, provided you don't cache it very long, 
don't access it too often or with too many copies, and use it online only with 
their web bugs enabled.

For what it is worth, as an organization is a DBL LCH. It doesn't 
help much. It does give me the ability to negotiate pay for Bible access, if I 
had money to do so. Honestly, if I had a significant amount of money to spend 
on Bible translation access, I would prefer to spend it on facilitating Bible 
translations where the translators and supporting organizations are committed 
to free/libre licensing of the resulting copyrighted texts. See

I am well aware that this does not address the preference majority language 
speakers may have for certain modern copyrighted proprietary Bible 
translations. The best solution for access to those is to figure out a way to 
pay for those. This is not unreasonable. One of my few contributions to the 
Sword Project code was the encryption code used for locked modules for sale. 
However, the current model for selling modules excludes the Crosswire Bible 
Society, which actually doesn't handle money. I could through, but I would need help with that.

On 3/10/19 1:38 AM, Tobias Klein wrote:
> Hi,
> Has there been any discussion on how to get newer/modern (copyrighted) bible 
> translations into the "Sword ecosystem"?
> Users are of course more interested in modern/current translations than very 
> old ones that do not reflect today's language anymore.
> Of course this may require some licensing/payment system, but that shouldn't 
> be a too big impediment, huh?
> Do you guys know the digital bible library 
> (
> They provide access to all kinds of modern translations, but only to "Library 
> Card Holders". I believe this is used by the "YouVersion Bible App" - which 
> is extremely popular (but not open source ...). It's possible to "apply for a 
> library card" for "qualified ministries". On their website it says: "Other 
> organizations may apply for a library card through this website. Approved 
> card holders gain access to the digital files through establishing license 
> agreements with IP contributors."
> Maybe there are other possibilities besides this "digital bible library"?
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Fwd: Pwo Karen

2019-01-16 Thread Michael Johnson
Hello, Paul.

I would be happy to help you with this Bible translation. Can you get it into 
USFM? Is it OK to publish this Bible translation under a Creative Commons BY-SA 
license? If not, what license? I assume you have rights to license it. If not, 
who does?

Any questions?

On 1/14/19 1:41 AM, Tuomas Airaksinen wrote:
> Dear Paul, Forwarding your message to Crosswire's mailing list. 
> Sword developers: This email came to And Bible support.
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: *Paul Rich*>>
> Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 12:35 PM
> Subject:
> To:>>
> Greetings.
> About 30 years ago, my wife and I worked for several years with refugees on 
> the western border of Thailand. 
> I employed several native speakers to transcribe their poorly reproduced 
> bible onto disk using DOS and a program supplied by Wycliffe. 
> The translation is Pwo Karen and has been proof read by several people.
> My task has been to migrate the data to Windows, and more recently to 
> Unicode, again using Wycliffe/SIL utilities.
> I'm looking for assistance to publish this resource using CrossWire.
> I'm prepared to do the bulk of the work myself but need guidance, as my 
> programming skills are self taught and limited.
> Thank you for any assistance. 
> Sincerely, 
> Paul Rich.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Tuomas
> -- 
> T: Tuomas
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] down?

2019-01-05 Thread Michael Johnson
Thanks for the outage report, Tuomas, and the confirmation of being up again, 
David. I have a monitoring service checking the status of the server, but 
sometimes something goes wrong that the monitoring service misses. Although I'm 
off visiting my parents, I was able to remotely restart the server, yesterday. 
I didn't put an update here in real time, though, as I was rushing off to see 
my Dad in his hospital room. Please pray for him for peace and wisdom. May God 
bless you.

On 1/4/19 3:16 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> It’s up again. 
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 11:08, David Haslam  <>> wrote:
>> I'm sure that Michael Johnson will attend to it as soon as he can.
>> I can confirm that the repo does seem unavailable just now, 
>> having tried from PocketSword.
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 09:29, Tuomas Airaksinen > <>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Not sure who is responsible for this, but And Bible uses also this 
>>> repository and users now need to wait for http timeout before they can 
>>> download any documents.
>>> Best regards, Tuomas
> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] down?

2019-01-04 Thread Michael Johnson
The server was not down due to module rebuilding. It is just a bit 
overloaded. I'll be migrating it to a newer, faster server in a few days. 
Hopefully that will improve its uptime. The migration itself won't involve any 
downtime if it goes well, as the new server will be completely set up and ready 
before the DNS is switched to the new IP address, and the old server will 
remain operational at least until the DNS propagation is complete.

On 1/4/19 3:28 PM, wrote:
> EBible seems to frequently down. I think you would fare better if were not to 
> rely upon it being up. All servers do go down from time to time, but EBible 
> has a particular issue in that Michael rebuilds his whole module set quite 
> frequently I think.
> Peter
> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: [sword-devel] down?
> From: Tuomas Airaksinen
> To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
> CC:
> Hi,
> Not sure who is responsible for this, but And Bible uses also this 
> repository and users now need to wait for http timeout before they can 
> download any documents.
> Best regards, Tuomas
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: BlaMat

2018-12-16 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
I would be happy to generate indexes for the repo if (1) I knew how, 
and (2) I knew that PocketSword would actually look on the 
repository for them in a location both I and PocketSword know about. I'm not 
quite flush enough with volunteer time to reverse engineer the answers to these 
questions, but if I were, it is more likely that I would just modify the source 
of PocketSword to generate indexes locally like the rest of the front ends. Or 
maybe just enhance Bishop/Crosswire Project
for Apple so that it displays footnotes, etc. I'm sure iOS devices that are 
currently supported by Apple are all powerful enough to generate indexes 
locally without any major problems.

On 12/16/18 12:02 PM, David Haslam wrote:
> As regards defining and documenting the requirements, CrossWire has never 
> made anything clear to provide adequate guidance to repository owners. 
> This sorry state of affairs has been allowed to slide for several years. 
> PocketSword users are still losing out. 
> If Karl could get it working for his repo, what’s hindering Michael from 
> following suit?
> Lack of knowledge or an unidentified  technical issue ?
> btw. Nic Carter has recently moved to New Zealand to take up a new teaching 
> post. 
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 21:53,  <>> wrote:
>> No one is fobbing you off, David. Not answering on the mailing list is 
>> normal if you are not able
>> There are two separate issues here. For one reason the indices I produce for 
>> CrossWire are sometimes visible and sometimes not. I am clueless why, but 
>> presume the two servers are the problem. I have not looked into that further 
>> due dM gave me some hints.
>> EBible is a separate matter. In short , this is Michael's repo and he needs 
>> to produce indices or find a way to produce them automatically.
>> Peter
>> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
>>  Original Message 
>> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: BlaMat
>> From: David Haslam
>> To: SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum
>> CC:
>> I keep pushing at this issue and I get fobbed off repeatedly. 
>> None of the modules have an installable search index for PS. 
>> Why is nobody seeking to fix this?
>> Where does PS look?
>> Which server?
>> Which path ?
>> What protocol?
>> Who maintains such a sync ?
>> Has it ever been tested ?
>> The requirements are not transparent. 
>> We ought to document them in our wiki. 
>> If modules on the Xiphos repo do have a search index, why not 
>> too?
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 21:32, > <>> wrote:
>>> I think the sync script runs only once every so often..
>>> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird 
>>> autocorrects.
>>>  Original Message 
>>> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: BlaMat
>>> From: David Haslam
>>> To:
>>> CC:
>>>     Installed bla1890eb from to PocketSword. 
>>> No search index available!
>>> Is anyone working on providing all these for this repository? 
>>> What’s the main stumbling block?
>>> Where does PS look?
>>> Still no Blackfoot language or equivalent found in CrossWire Main. 
>>> Peter - what’s making it invisible?
>>> David
>>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 19:52, Kahunapule Michael Johnson 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you very much, David, for pointing out that there was a 
>>>> problem with the repository. It turns out that the ftp server 
>>>> was failing to follow a symbolic link, probably due to a "security" 
>>>> update. (Yes, following symbolic links CAN be a security risk, but this 
>>>> was a breaking change that I wasn't aware of until just now.) Anyw

Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: BlaMat

2018-12-16 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson
Thank you very much, David, for pointing out that there was a problem with the repository. It turns out that the ftp server was failing to follow a 
symbolic link, probably due to a "security" update. (Yes, following symbolic 
links CAN be a security risk, but this was a breaking change that I wasn't 
aware of until just now.) Anyway, we are back in service. The Blackfoot Matthew 
module is listed under the language autonym (Siksika).

On 12/16/18 9:01 AM, Kahunapule Michael Johnson wrote:
> Aloha!
> A Blackfoot Matthew module is in the repository as bla1890eb, 
> sourced from Jon Bitgood's digitization. (Duplication of Public Domain texts 
> doesn't bother me, by the way, but it might be worth checking before working 
> on a module if duplicated effort might bother you.)
> I am trying to figure out what is going on with the repository, 
> right now. It looks like it is visible via ftp, http, and https, but 
> refreshes on some front ends come up empty. Investigating...
> On 12/16/18 7:28 AM, David Haslam wrote:
>> Thanks Peter. 
>> I was aware of Jon Bitgood having several projects on GitHub. I’ve even 
>> commented on some of them during 2017.
>> Here’s my problem:
>> The language Blackfoot does not appear, nor does any unknown language code, 
>> looking at the CrossWire Main repo from PocketSword. And that’s after a 
>> contents refresh. 
>> NB. Michael Johnson works closely with the Digital Bible Society. He knows 
>> Jon Bitgood. Are we potentially duplicating content that would ordinarily be 
>> hosted on the rep?
>> Btw. It looks right now as though the repo has become 
>> unavailable. Is this the case for all users? Hopefully, this is merely a 
>> temporary outage. 
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 16:19, Peter von Kaehne > <>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2018-12-16 at 14:28 +, David Haslam wrote:
>>>> Please tell us additionally in these announcements
>>>> Module type
>>>> Language
>>> Added to work list
>>>> I’ve not yet been able to find BlaMat.
>>> It is Jon Bitgood's effort to digitise the Blackfoot Gospel of Mark.
>>> Blackfeet are one of the First Nations of Northern America.
>>> I found his work on GitHub and started taking it on. There are some
>>> problems with it still and i have opened issues but I think it is
>>> worthwhile to start publishing.
>>> I am far from sure how many Blackfoot speakers still exist but how ever
>>> few, I do think we owe them. Them and all other decimated First
>>> Nations.
>>> Peter
>>> ___
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>> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] Module upload: BlaMat

2018-12-16 Thread Kahunapule Michael Johnson

A Blackfoot Matthew module is in the repository as bla1890eb, 
sourced from Jon Bitgood's digitization. (Duplication of Public Domain texts 
doesn't bother me, by the way, but it might be worth checking before working on 
a module if duplicated effort might bother you.)

I am trying to figure out what is going on with the repository, 
right now. It looks like it is visible via ftp, http, and https, but refreshes 
on some front ends come up empty. Investigating...

On 12/16/18 7:28 AM, David Haslam wrote:
> Thanks Peter. 
> I was aware of Jon Bitgood having several projects on GitHub. I’ve even 
> commented on some of them during 2017.
> Here’s my problem:
> The language Blackfoot does not appear, nor does any unknown language code, 
> looking at the CrossWire Main repo from PocketSword. And that’s after a 
> contents refresh. 
> NB. Michael Johnson works closely with the Digital Bible Society. He knows 
> Jon Bitgood. Are we potentially duplicating content that would ordinarily be 
> hosted on the rep?
> Btw. It looks right now as though the repo has become unavailable. 
> Is this the case for all users? Hopefully, this is merely a temporary outage. 
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 16:19, Peter von Kaehne  <>> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2018-12-16 at 14:28 +, David Haslam wrote:
>> > Please tell us additionally in these announcements
>> >
>> > Module type
>> > Language
>> Added to work list
>> > I’ve not yet been able to find BlaMat.
>> It is Jon Bitgood's effort to digitise the Blackfoot Gospel of Mark.
>> Blackfeet are one of the First Nations of Northern America.
>> I found his work on GitHub and started taking it on. There are some
>> problems with it still and i have opened issues but I think it is
>> worthwhile to start publishing.
>> I am far from sure how many Blackfoot speakers still exist but how ever
>> few, I do think we owe them. Them and all other decimated First
>> Nations.
>> Peter
>> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
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Re: [sword-devel] Verse number markers

2018-11-26 Thread Michael Johnson
This sounds like a good conversion for the USFM \vp and/or \va markers.

On 11/23/18 10:02 PM, wrote:
> This is a proposal which I think I can largely do at the library end myself, 
> but as it reflects a significant change I would like to have some input and 
> discussion. 
> I want to introduce verse number markers as a element separate from the verse 
> tag. By default these should not be shown, but showing them in parts or all 
> can solve all kind of vexing issues. 
> 1) reversified verses. We have plenty texts were at least some verses will 
> need recertification. This is unsightly and confusing for the reader. By 
> adding verse markers we can reduce the ghastliness. We do add new 
> versifications probably for a while longer but there are clear limits how 
> many we want to maintain. And unless we allow and provide the infrastructure 
> for dynamic av11n this will stay so. Note that I am not by necessity 
> convinced by dynamic av11n
> 2) reordered translations. Every so often I encounter texts where the 
> translator has in order to improve understanding reordered verses. This is 
> usually captured currently in a verse range, which will then loose the link 
> to the source text somewhat. By providing verse number markers we can reduce 
> the divergence from the print. Underlying the text will still be an OSIS 
> range, but the reordered marker tags will make this more slightly
> 3) alphanumeric verse and consequential  numbers. Esther has this a lot and 
> it is a mess. We could have a numeric counter underneath and whatever above 
> it. 
> 4) ad hoc module maker fixes. To deal with our limitations as described above 
> module makers have produced all kinds of inconsistent "fixes", dropping 
> bracketed numbers or similar in the text. By using a set of agreed and 
> consistent tags we can sort this. 
> In short the verse number mark tag shall have no structural meaning, it shall 
> be simply a tag somewhere which says, if you want you can _present_ here a 
> specific and given verse number. It will carry a number of attributes which 
> will allow ingrained CSS and possibly conf file option etc control and 
> switching on or off.
> The changes this requires are limited and I think I can already more or less 
> see them. I think they should be possible to do that they have no or only 
> limited front-end implications and in particular do not block or duplicate 
> front-end ordinary verse numbering. The changes should also be non disruptive 
> in terms of coexistence of old and new modules. 
> The disadvantages are all about user expectation, a request for a particular 
> verse may still produce a verse range in cases of reversification blobs or 
> reordered ranges. In Greek Esther even more so. But to be frank, what we do 
> now is not less messy.
> What do you think?
> Peter
> Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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[sword-devel] THANK YOU for the Sword Project for Apple!

2018-06-21 Thread Michael Johnson
The link to the iOS app store for this app is:

The SWORD Project for Apple by Troy Griffitts

Your partner in electronic Bible publishing,

PO BOX 881143
PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*
USA <> <>
Mobile: +1 *808-333-6921*
Skype: kahunapule

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Re: [sword-devel] Bishop 1.1.4

2018-06-18 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you, Troy, for persevering in this!

On 06/18/2018 11:42 AM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> The SWORD Project for Apple 1.1.5 (a.k.a. Bishop) is now awaiting review
> in the Apple App Store.  We'll see how it goes.
> On 06/16/2018 08:45 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I have finally gotten around to bringing Bishop on iOS up to parity with
>> Bishop on Android.  In the process I tried to make the menus look a
>> little prettier and fixed a couple bugs-- specifically now Language
>> Assist always uses the displayed module instead of any chosen Preferred
>> Word Study Bible from Settings.
>> I have tried to take Michael P. Johnson's advice and just throw it into
>> the Apple Store under an individual account while we still try to get a
>> "CrossWire" organization account, but this process is gruesome.  I got
>> bogged down in creating the necessary screenshots for each supported
>> platform.  Anyone running Bishop on iOS wanna help with that?  I don't
>> actually have an iOS device and don't know how to create screenshots
>> from the emulator in the exact dimensions Apple wants for each supported
>> device.
>> In the mean time, all locations have been updated with 1.1.4:
>> Google Play Store:
>> Direct Install Android:
>> Direct Install iOS: and
>>  (I actually don't know what
>> this .plist file is for if you can just use the first list but Apple
>> says if I upload it, then a user can install directly from the web. 
>> I've not heard of any actual confirmations that anyone has been able to
>> do this.)
>> If you've sent me your Apple device UUID, I believe I've added them all
>> to the manifest build file, so if you still have no luck installing for
>> iOS, please ping me again with you UUID and I'll be sure it's in there. 
>> If you haven't given me your UUID and would like to try it out, please
>> send, as well.
>> Let me know if I've screwed anything up or if you have other feedback.
>> Blessings,
>> Troy
>> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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Re: [sword-devel] Xiphos not seeing repository?

2018-06-14 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you for the clarification! Now if we could just get a more recent Sword 
engine into distribution on Ubuntu, that would be nice...

On 06/13/2018 12:56 PM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
> On 06/13/2018 06:49 PM, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
>> Xiphos' MinimumVersion support was added Aug 2017, released in 4.0.7, Sep 
>> 2017.
> BTW, this explains the variability of success from testing:
> Xiphos
>   4.1.0
>   1.8.1
>   Windows 10
>   PASS
> Xiphos
>   4.0.7
>   1.7.3
>   Ubuntu 18.04
>   FAIL
> Xiphos
>   4.0.4
>   1.7.3
>   Ubuntu 16.04
>   PASS
> 4.0.4 did not do MinimumVersion testing, so it accepts anything. 4.0.7 is 
> where MinimumVersion support was released, so it refuses anything too "new." 
> 4.1.0 needs Sword 1.8, so its Minimumversion testing is happy with anything 
> needing 1.7.x.
> ___
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*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

sword-devel mailing list:
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Re: [sword-devel] Xiphos not seeing repository?

2018-06-14 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you, Michael. Sorry I didn't act on your prior email. I get way too much 
email to properly deal with it all. Anyway, since front end developers are so 
slow to upgrade their sword engine use, I downgraded my module generation to 
specify a minimum sword version of 1.7.0. The downside of this is that any 
recently added versification options will be ignored, but of course, they are 
being ignored anyway until there is widespread adoption of the latest version 
of the sword engine. I'm not holding my breath
waiting for that to happen, since I, too, am one of the busy (with other 
things) volunteers. ;-)

In the mean time, the immediate problem of the repository being 
inaccessible on the front ends and platforms where it failed seems to be solved.

On 06/13/2018 12:38 PM, Michael H wrote:
> Kahunapule, 
> I sent you an email about this about 9 months ago: 
> The issue might be that all of the modules on <> 
> have a minimum requirement for sword 1.7.4 in place, regardless of actual 
> module content vs. sword engine capabilities. (I did not validate ALL, but I 
> have tested ~20 or so modules to import them into Bibletime.)  You can make 
> modules appear by manually adjusting the minimum sword requirement in the 
> conf file. That's what I've been doing to get ebible texts into Bibletime 
> 2.10. 
> It appears that Xiphos and Bibletime are properly testing the module minimum 
> requirements against the sword engine available to them. If a module has a 
> need for a higher sword engine, it is being excluded from the list of 
> available texts. Since no module on ebible has a minimum sword engine 1.7.3 
> or lower, none are available to Xiphos or Bibletime that use that engine. 
> ...
> Snip---
> [engKJV1769eb]
> Abbreviation=KJVD
> Description=King James Version + Apocrypha
> DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/engKJV1769eb/
> ModDrv=zText
> . . . SwordVersionDate=2018-06-06 Version=26.4 History_26.4=Automatically 
> generated on 2018-06-06 from source files dated 2017-12-21 by 
> ( with funding through World Outreach Missions 
> *MinimumVersion=1.7.4*Category=Biblical Texts LCSH=Bible. English. Lang=en 
> InstallSize=4323176 OSISVersion=2.1.1 Copyright=PUBLIC DOMAIN 
> CopyrightNotes=This work is not copyrighted. It is in the Public Domain. You 
> may copy and publish this work freely, but you may not claim copyright on it.
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 4:49 PM, Gary Holmlund  <>> wrote:
>     I will add this case:
>     Bibletime
>             2.11.1
>             1.8.1
>             Ubuntu 18.04
>             PASS
>     Bibletime
>             2.11.1
>             1.7.3
>             Ubuntu 18.04
>             Fails
> The pattern seems to be Sword 1.81 pass, Sword 1.7.3 fail.
> Based on how BibleTime failed, I would guess the issue is in Sword and 
> how it handles languages that don't have a specific locales.d/*.conf file.
> Gary Holmlund
> On 06/13/2018 11:55 AM, Michael Johnson wrote:
> Thank you, Pierre.
> The two installmgr commands you suggested worked on Ubuntu 18.04. 
> Xiphos still failed.
> On 06/13/2018 08:47 AM, pierre amadio wrote:
> Hi there !
> I do not have a Ubuntu 18.04 ready to try out, but you should be 
> able to check wether the problem is within the sword library itself by trying 
> to perform the same task with installmgr.
> installmgr -r
> installmgr -ri fraLSG1910eb
> If this did not work, double check if you have write permission 
> in all the directory tree under your $SWORD_PATH directroy (i guess you have 
> this permission ok otheryise no module would install though).
> On 13 June 2018 at 20:33, Michael Johnson  <> < 
> <>>> wrote:
>      I'm looking for a pattern in what works and what doesn't. 
> Here is the test: install a Bible unique to
>      Front end
>              version
>              Sword version
>              OS
>              Result
>      Xiphos
>              4.1.0
>              1.8.1
>              Windows 10
>              PASS
>      Xiphos
>              4.0.7

Re: [sword-devel] Xiphos not seeing repository?

2018-06-13 Thread Michael Johnson
Thank you, Pierre.

The two installmgr commands you suggested worked on Ubuntu 18.04. Xiphos still 

On 06/13/2018 08:47 AM, pierre amadio wrote:
> Hi there !
> I do not have a Ubuntu 18.04 ready to try out, but you should be able to 
> check wether the problem is within the sword library itself by trying to 
> perform the same task with installmgr.
> installmgr -r
> installmgr -ri fraLSG1910eb
> If this did not work, double check if you have write permission in all the 
> directory tree under your $SWORD_PATH directroy (i guess you have this 
> permission ok otheryise no module would install though).
> On 13 June 2018 at 20:33, Michael Johnson  <>> wrote:
> I'm looking for a pattern in what works and what doesn't. Here is the 
> test: install a Bible unique to
> Front end
>         version
>         Sword version
>         OS
>         Result
> Xiphos
>         4.1.0
>         1.8.1
>         Windows 10
>         PASS
> Xiphos
>         4.0.7
>         1.7.3
>         Ubuntu 18.04
>         FAIL
> Bibletime
>         2.11.1
>         1.8.1
>         Windows 10
>         PASS
> Bibletime
>         2.11.1
>         1.7.3
>         Ubuntu 18.04
>         FAIL
> Xiphos
>         4.0.4
>         1.7.3
>         Ubuntu 16.04
>         PASS
> Bibletime
>         2.10.1
>         1.7.3
>         Ubuntu 16.04
>         FAIL
> Bibletime
>         2.11.1
>         ? "About" blank
>         Mac OS 10.13.5
>         PASS
> It looks to me like the conditions for failure are running Ubuntu 18.04 
> Bionic Beaver OR running Bibletime 2.10.1. Presumably the latter problem can 
> be safely ignored, since it appears to have been fixed in the current 
> version. However, it seems to me to be worth investigating what it is about 
> Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver that is causing a module manager failure in both 
> Bibletime and Xiphos. Is it the older version of the Sword engine? If so, why 
> does that version work on the previous LTS version of Ubuntu?
> This seems to be a worthy puzzle to solve. Ubuntu LTS releases are the 
> ones supported by UBS and SIL for Bible translation use, and the Bible 
> translations in the repository are frequently used as reference 
> works by Bible translators. Not only that, but for many end users, the only 
> Bible in their own language is in the repository.
> Any clues?
> On 06/13/2018 12:16 AM, Robert Hunt wrote:
> > Seems I can't get either http nor ftp eBible repository on Xiphos 4.07 
> on Ubuntu Bionic.
> >
> > Robert.
> >
> >
> > On 13/06/18 15:36, Michael Johnson wrote:
> >> Yes, I refreshed the standard list of sources and manually refreshed 
> I got a blank list.
> >>
> >> On 06/12/2018 05:14 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> >>> Did you go through the normal path of refreshing the standard list of 
> sources?
> >>>
> >>> --Greg
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 10:03 PM Kahunapule Michael Johnson 
> < <>>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>  I just set up a new Linux (Ubuntu Bionic Beaver) system for 
> someone, including an install of Xiphos. When trying to preload a few Bible 
> translations, I noticed that Xiphos couldn't see the repository. 
> However, I can see and use it just fine from some other front ends. Is anyone 
> else having this problem? Is there anything I can do about it, or is this 
> something that needs to be fixed in Xiphos?
> >>>
> >>>  --
> >>>  signature
> >>>
> >>>  Aloha,
> >>>  */Michael Johnson/**
> >>>  PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA
> >>> <> <> 
> <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: kahunapule
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  ___
> >>>  sword-devel mailing list: 
> <> <mailto:sword-

Re: [sword-devel] Xiphos not seeing repository?

2018-06-13 Thread Michael Johnson
I'm looking for a pattern in what works and what doesn't. Here is the test: 
install a Bible unique to

Front end
Sword version
Windows 10
Ubuntu 18.04
Windows 10
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 16.04
? "About" blank
Mac OS 10.13.5

It looks to me like the conditions for failure are running Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic 
Beaver OR running Bibletime 2.10.1. Presumably the latter problem can be safely 
ignored, since it appears to have been fixed in the current version. However, 
it seems to me to be worth investigating what it is about Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic 
Beaver that is causing a module manager failure in both Bibletime and Xiphos. 
Is it the older version of the Sword engine? If so, why does that version work 
on the previous LTS version of Ubuntu?

This seems to be a worthy puzzle to solve. Ubuntu LTS releases are the ones 
supported by UBS and SIL for Bible translation use, and the Bible translations 
in the repository are frequently used as reference works by Bible 
translators. Not only that, but for many end users, the only Bible in their own 
language is in the repository.

Any clues?

On 06/13/2018 12:16 AM, Robert Hunt wrote:
> Seems I can't get either http nor ftp eBible repository on Xiphos 4.07 on 
> Ubuntu Bionic.
> Robert.
> On 13/06/18 15:36, Michael Johnson wrote:
>> Yes, I refreshed the standard list of sources and manually refreshed 
>> I got a blank list.
>> On 06/12/2018 05:14 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
>>> Did you go through the normal path of refreshing the standard list of 
>>> sources?
>>> --Greg
>>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 10:03 PM Kahunapule Michael Johnson 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>  I just set up a new Linux (Ubuntu Bionic Beaver) system for someone, 
>>> including an install of Xiphos. When trying to preload a few Bible 
>>> translations, I noticed that Xiphos couldn't see the repository. 
>>> However, I can see and use it just fine from some other front ends. Is 
>>> anyone else having this problem? Is there anything I can do about it, or is 
>>> this something that needs to be fixed in Xiphos?
>>>  --
>>>  signature
>>>  Aloha,
>>>  */Michael Johnson/**
>>>  PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA
>>> <> <> • Phone: 
>>> +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: kahunapule
>>>  ___
>>>  sword-devel mailing list: 
>>> <>
>>>  Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
>>> ___
>>> sword-devel mailing list:
>>> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page
> ___
> sword-devel mailing list:
> Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page


*/Michael Johnson/**
PO BOX 881143 • PUKALANI HI 96788-1143*• USA <> • Phone: +1 808-333-6921 • Skype: 

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