Hi Sorry for late response.

2014-01-28 <d.j....@free.fr>:

> hello,
> > I advise to:
> > - Remove Keyframe, Layer, Tool, Set menus from menubar
> Menu organization
> -----------------
> * What do you think to move Keyframe, Layer and Set has submenu of Edit ?
> * I think it's better to keep Tool menu entry (Gimp, Krita, Toon Boom have a 
> Tool menu; Blender3d, Flash, Inkscape don't have)
> Why, because i think that a menu bar should expose all app's functions
> Because their( Gimp, Toonboom etc.) tools can not be placed/exposed on
toolbar/toolbox totally at the same time. If the menu just duplicates what
toolbar/toolbox already has, then it is not necessary.

In fact, I've been thinking how we can  expose the "Convert" function of
parameter in an easier and more efficient way than the current right-click
menu. besides adding a toolbar for Parameters Panel[1][2], maybe we can add
a "Convert" menu to the menubar, when user select a parameter, the
available convert type will active, and those invalid convert types will
disabled. It will help new comers to know and master this core and powerful
functions of Synfig Studio in a quick and Intuitive way.

To avoid a bloated menu bar, it is necessary to take care of adding menus
on it. And this is another thought that I proposed to remove tool and
keyframe from menubar. Sometimes less is more.

[1] http://www.synfig.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3590
[2] http://www.synfig.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3634

> Accelerators
> ------------
> Yu : Can you, during this menu session, change the first level menu 
> accelerators keys ( _ ) to everythings but Tools default shortcuts
> (A,V,S,T,M,C,R,Q,G,P,B,X,F,E,Z,D,K,W) ?
> For example : Fi_le Ed_it View Ca_nvas Pl_ug-ins Wind_ow Workspace _Help
> We should also put a note somewhere for the translators (into transiflex) : 
> "Pay attention choosing menu accelerator to not use the same has Tools 
> default shortcuts"
> Thanks for pointing it out, I never noticed before. I am still taking my
limited spare time on improving menu and toolbar, will do it.

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