Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-24 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 10:35 PM, killermoehre wrote:

Am 24.06.2015 um 02:00 schrieb Chad:

On 6/23/2015 4:45 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 1:37 AM, Chad wrote:

Oh, wait this is the reverse of what I want/need (systemd-sysv-generator
goes from init.d to systemd, I need from systemd to init.d).
I have a nagios script that runs something like:
/etc/init.d/httpd status
It then reads the output and makes sure httpd is running, if not it
action depending on the service.
I use that method for tons of services.
I don't want to have to re-write the modules to use:
systemctl status httpd
If I did that then I will not be able to rsync the scripts/configs
and would have to maintain 2 versions of the code.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to create a /etc/init.d/httpd
script that called something like this inside:
systemctl $1 $0
I know it is not that simple ($0 for example is the full path
/etc/init.d/httpd not just the httpd), which is why I am hoping there
is a
tool for this.

If you just want to know if a service is active you can use:

systemctl is-active httpd

If $? equals 0 then the service is active, else it is not :)

If you make your script use this I don't see why you would have to
maintain multiple versions, if your intention is to use systemd

Except that I can not convert all servers I maintain over just like
that, it will take time, probably 1-2 years.

As to: systemctl is-active httpd, that would work sometimes but not
others. For example I check fail2ban by running /etc/init.d/iptables
status which outputs all the firewall rules then check that output to
make sure the chains for fail2ban are there. If you restart iptables
without restarting fail2ban, fail2ban will show as running because the
daemon is up, but since the chains are gone it can not ban bad guys.

Maybe one of you knows a solution to that (iptables restart without a
fail2ban restart), I have not found one for init.d, is this fixed
somehow in systemd?
That would be another advantage.


systemd-devel mailing list

Hi Chad,

why don't make a dependency between iptables and fail2ban? This is really easy 
in systemd with Requires and Wants entries in the services. So you can't 
restart iptables without automatic trigger of a fail2ban restart.


Thank you for your time and reply.

I intend to do exactly that when I start using systemd (I am still using init.d at the moment). In fact I have already 
suggested that very thing on the fail2ban mailing list so that can add it to the tree and no custom rule is needed. To 
my knowlage there is not a built in/standard way to tie init.d/iptables to init.d/fail2ban.

The test for the chains existence is still needed in case the chain is removed by other means (like a manual delete from 
the cli).
I have found that I can trust nothing and that I should check/test everything :) when I think something is impossible or 
so unlikely that it will never happen to me it inevitably is a problem at the worst possible moment. I bet some of you 
know what I mean.


systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

I am sure this is the wrong place to send this e-mail, but I could not find 
another place to send it.
I want to learn and use systemd, but have run into a few problems on my way.
Please don't see this as an attack on systemd, I want to learn something new, 
but change is hard.

I am an old school kind of sysadmin and I am planning on moving from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7, but I am having trouble with 
systemd. I am hoping you know some shortcuts/tricks to help me learn the new way.

1. I can't spell. With init I don't have to know how to spell things because I have tab complete. I use tab complete for 
almost every command I type. For example:

/etab gets - /etc/
/etc/intab  gets - /etc/init
/etc/  gets - /etc/init.d/
/etc/init.d/httab gets - /etc/init.d/httpd
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
So I entered 19 characters and got 25 with tab complete.

The new systemd way would be to type (23 total characters, no tab complete):
systemctl restart httpd
Maybe I could tab complete systemctl, but I don't currently have a CentOS 7 
system to test on.

The real issue is that I have to know (in the above example) that it is httpd 
not http.
With so many systems, distros, and services it is hard to remember every service name exactly (and some names are very 
long). For example ntpd has a d, but nfs does not.

Tab completion fixes this issue for me.

How can I use tab completion with systemd?

2. How to find all possible services:

The init way:
ls -l /etc/init/d

The systemd way:
ls -l /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

This seems WAY harder and I have to remember 2 locations instead of 1.

3. List all services and their start levels:

The init way (all services):
chkconfig --list

The init way (only active services. I use this a lot):
chkconfig --list | grep :on

The systemd way (all services):
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

The systemd way (only active services, I don't know how to do this).
systemctl ???

4. What about the many programs that rely on /etc/init.d/service 
I have many services that are monitored by nagios or cron jobs (like logrotate) that rely on /etc/init.d/service 
I don't want to change them because right now they work on every server and I don't want to have to maintain 2 versions 
of the code or hunt them all down.

Is there some trick/3rd party script to create /etc/init.d wrappers/scripts to 
make all the services work with the old path?
Something like:
ln -s /lib/systemd/system/service.service /etc/init.d/service
Or maybe a shell script like:
service=`basename $0`
systemctl $1 $service

So I would like to move forward with systemd (and will eventually have to if I want modern/supported OSs), but systemd 
seems harder to deal with and will break a lot of my existing scripts/cronjobs/monitors.

Thank you all for your work on FOSS, you are making the world a better place!!


Chad Columbus
20 years of application development and sysadmin
Currently maintaining about 30 CentOS 6 servers.
Have maintained over 1,000 linux servers over the years.

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 1:01 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 23.06.2015 um 21:45 schrieb Chad:

The new systemd way would be to type (23 total characters, no tab
systemctl restart httpd
Maybe I could tab complete systemctl, but I don't currently have a
CentOS 7 system to test on.

maybe you should just install CentOS inside a VM and test it

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ systemctl restart h
halt-local.service   haveged.service home.mount 
hostapd-guest-interface.service  hostapd.service httpd.service

The real issue is that I have to know (in the above example) that it is
httpd not http.
With so many systems, distros, and services it is hard to remember every
service name exactly (and some names are very long). For example ntpd
has a d, but nfs does not.
Tab completion fixes this issue for me.

How can I use tab completion with systemd?

as like for any other software - hit the TAB key

2. How to find all possible services:

The init way:
ls -l /etc/init/d

The systemd way:
ls -l /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

This seems WAY harder and I have to remember 2 locations instead of 1

nobody but you installs systemd-units in /etc/ and so you have only one 
location AND customized ones - with sysvinit you
had no way to override /etc/init.d/httpd without doing the work after each 
update again

Thank you for your reply and time.

I will make some time at some point to install CentOS 7 again, I just don't 
have one installed right now.

#1 I did not know you could tab complete that way! i.e. as part of a command 
argument, not just as part of a path.
Guess I learned something new after 20 years :)

#2 I can see the advantages of having a local override just like /usr/bin has 
Out of curiosity is there a reason the team did not follow the local pattern 
with something like: /lib/systemd/local/system?
It is easy enough to create an alias on systems I use often, it will just take time to learn/memorize the new paths, I 
am so used to /etc/init.d.

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

Mr. Chevalier,
Thank you for your time and reply.

On 6/23/2015 1:30 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 9:45 PM, Chad wrote:

I am sure this is the wrong place to send this e-mail, but I could not find
another place to send it.


It is the good place :)

Great, thanks.

I want to learn and use systemd, but have run into a few problems on my way.
Please don't see this as an attack on systemd, I want to learn something
new, but change is hard.

I am an old school kind of sysadmin and I am planning on moving from CentOS
6 to CentOS 7, but I am having trouble with systemd. I am hoping you know
some shortcuts/tricks to help me learn the new way.

1. I can't spell. With init I don't have to know how to spell things because
I have tab complete. I use tab complete for almost every command I type. For
/etab gets - /etc/
/etc/intab  gets - /etc/init
/etc/  gets - /etc/init.d/
/etc/init.d/httab gets - /etc/init.d/httpd
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
So I entered 19 characters and got 25 with tab complete.

The new systemd way would be to type (23 total characters, no tab complete):
systemctl restart httpd
Maybe I could tab complete systemctl, but I don't currently have a CentOS 7
system to test on.

The real issue is that I have to know (in the above example) that it is
httpd not http.
With so many systems, distros, and services it is hard to remember every
service name exactly (and some names are very long). For example ntpd has a
d, but nfs does not.
Tab completion fixes this issue for me.

How can I use tab completion with systemd?

If you use either bash or zsh, systemd provides shell completion for them.

You could do something like:

systemctl start htttab
systemctl sttab

or else, and it will complete it.
I use bash. This is a cool trick that systemd has over init.d. I know not all programs can do that shell completion, for 
example /etc/init.d/httpd restab does not work (I try it all the time out of tab completion habit!).

2. How to find all possible services:

The init way:
ls -l /etc/init/d

The systemd way:
ls -l /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

This seems WAY harder and I have to remember 2 locations instead of 1.

There is:

systemctl list-unit-files

It lists all the units installed on your system. In systemd a unit is
a configuration file that can describe a service, a mount point, a
device,... So a service is a subtype of unit, see man 5 systemd.unit
for more information.

So if you want to only display the services, you just have to specify the type

systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

Ok, so that is a lot more to remember than ls -l /etc/init.d, but I can learn 

3. List all services and their start levels:

In systemd world, start levels equivalent are the targets (see man 5 A target is a synchronisation point between multiple
units. For example, there is which is the
synchronization point for early boot services. This way a unit can ask
to be started only after a specific target, for example.

The init way (all services):
chkconfig --list

The init way (only active services. I use this a lot):
chkconfig --list | grep :on

The systemd way (all services):
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

The systemd way (only active services, I don't know how to do this).
systemctl ???

With systemctl you can provide a filter according to the current state
of a unit. If you want to list all the active service, you can do:

systemctl --state=active --type=service list-units

Ok, again more to type and remember, but memorization is not out of the 

4. What about the many programs that rely on /etc/init.d/service
I have many services that are monitored by nagios or cron jobs (like
logrotate) that rely on /etc/init.d/service status/start/stop/restart.
I don't want to change them because right now they work on every server and
I don't want to have to maintain 2 versions of the code or hunt them all

There is systemd-sysv-generator which creates wrapper .service for
sysv scripts automatically at boot. But you need to specify additional
headers if you want to use ordering. See man systemd-sysv-generator.
That is what I am looking for (systemd-sysv-generator), but does that mean systemd will not use the .service files and 
the system will go back to running all start-up scripts in order via init.d style S01-S99?
I don't really care that much as boot time does not matter (I rarely reboot and always have a secondary server that can 
take the load. I run all clusters or active/backup.)

Is there some trick/3rd party script to create /etc/init.d wrappers/scripts
to make all the services work with the old path?
Something like:
ln -s /lib/systemd/system/service.service /etc/init.d/service
Or maybe a shell script like:
service=`basename $0`
systemctl $1 $service

So I would like to move forward with systemd

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 4:26 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 24.06.2015 um 01:07 schrieb Chad:

You could do something like:

systemctl start htttab
systemctl sttab

or else, and it will complete it.

I use bash. This is a cool trick that systemd has over init.d. I know
not all programs can do that shell completion, for example
/etc/init.d/httpd restab does not work (I try it all the time out of
tab completion habit!)

not true, that's just because you don't use the correct command and call a script which is not known to 
bash-completion directly

[root@honeypot:~]$ service honeypot
restart  startstatus   stop
[root@honeypot:~]$ service honeypot ^C
[root@honeypot:~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)

Name: bash-completion
Arch: noarch
Epoch   : 1
Version : 1.3
Release : 7.el6
Size: 576 k
Repo: installed
Summary : Programmable completion for Bash
License : GPLv2+
Beschreibung : bash-completion is a collection of shell functions that take 
 : of the programmable completion feature of bash.

[root@honeypot:~]$ rpm -q --file /etc/bash_completion.d/service

Mr. Harald,
Thanks again for your reply, I did not have bash-completion installed (and did 
not know it existed).
I installed it on one of the servers and sure enough restab completes to 
restart now!
Cool, I will be adding that to all my servers and to my new server set-up 
scripts and notes.
Super awesome feature!


systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 1:41 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Chad wrote:

On 6/23/2015 1:01 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 23.06.2015 um 21:45 schrieb Chad:

The new systemd way would be to type (23 total characters, no tab
systemctl restart httpd
Maybe I could tab complete systemctl, but I don't currently have a
CentOS 7 system to test on.

maybe you should just install CentOS inside a VM and test it

[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ systemctl restart h
halt-local.service   haveged.service home.mount
hostapd-guest-interface.service  hostapd.service httpd.service

The real issue is that I have to know (in the above example) that it is
httpd not http.
With so many systems, distros, and services it is hard to remember every
service name exactly (and some names are very long). For example ntpd
has a d, but nfs does not.
Tab completion fixes this issue for me.

How can I use tab completion with systemd?

as like for any other software - hit the TAB key

2. How to find all possible services:

The init way:
ls -l /etc/init/d

The systemd way:
ls -l /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

This seems WAY harder and I have to remember 2 locations instead of 1

nobody but you installs systemd-units in /etc/ and so you have only one
location AND customized ones - with sysvinit you
had no way to override /etc/init.d/httpd without doing the work after each
update again

Thank you for your reply and time.

I will make some time at some point to install CentOS 7 again, I just don't
have one installed right now.

#1 I did not know you could tab complete that way! i.e. as part of a command
argument, not just as part of a path.
Guess I learned something new after 20 years :)

#2 I can see the advantages of having a local override just like /usr/bin
has /usr/local/bin.
Out of curiosity is there a reason the team did not follow the local pattern
with something like: /lib/systemd/local/system?
It is easy enough to create an alias on systems I use often, it will just
take time to learn/memorize the new paths, I am so used to /etc/init.d.

for why /lib/ is not used anymore.

Anyway, /usr is considered to be vendor specific (what your distro
provides you) and you should not modify it. /etc, in the other hand,
is entirely for you. If you want to override a unit configuration, you
do not modify /usr/lib/systemd/system/foobar.service but you put your
version in /etc/systemd/system/foobar.service. Then you reload the
units via systemctl daemon-reload. systemctl also provides a simple
tool to do this:

systemctl edit --full foobar.service

It will copy the unit in /etc and open your editor. When you save and
quit, it will automatically run systemctl daemon-reload. You can also
only modify just one directive of a unit file by using:

systemctl edit foobar.service

It will create /etc/systemd/system/foobar.service.d/override.conf and
open your editor. In this file you just have to put the
lines/directives that you want to modify from the original one,
without having to edit the entire unit.


systemd-devel mailing list
I guess I am used to /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/src, /lib/local, etc. So I wondered why /usr/lib/systemd for system 
files and /etc/systemd for local files as opposed to something like /usr/lib/local/systemd or maybe 
/usr/local/lib/systemd. I don't have strong feelings about it and I did not know any of the history until I read your 
reply and the link you sent. I know that as a group developers normally have a reason for what they do so  I was curios 
why the move away from the local dir standard. I use /etc/service all the time as you know tons of stuff follows that 
path, so that one is no big deal.


systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 4:25 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Chad wrote:

Mr. Chevalier,
Thank you for your time and reply.

On 6/23/2015 1:30 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 9:45 PM, Chad wrote:

I am sure this is the wrong place to send this e-mail, but I could not
another place to send it.


It is the good place :)

Great, thanks.

I want to learn and use systemd, but have run into a few problems on my
Please don't see this as an attack on systemd, I want to learn something
new, but change is hard.

I am an old school kind of sysadmin and I am planning on moving from
6 to CentOS 7, but I am having trouble with systemd. I am hoping you know
some shortcuts/tricks to help me learn the new way.

1. I can't spell. With init I don't have to know how to spell things
I have tab complete. I use tab complete for almost every command I type.
/etab gets - /etc/
/etc/intab  gets - /etc/init
/etc/  gets - /etc/init.d/
/etc/init.d/httab gets - /etc/init.d/httpd
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
So I entered 19 characters and got 25 with tab complete.

The new systemd way would be to type (23 total characters, no tab
systemctl restart httpd
Maybe I could tab complete systemctl, but I don't currently have a CentOS
system to test on.

The real issue is that I have to know (in the above example) that it is
httpd not http.
With so many systems, distros, and services it is hard to remember every
service name exactly (and some names are very long). For example ntpd has
d, but nfs does not.
Tab completion fixes this issue for me.

How can I use tab completion with systemd?

If you use either bash or zsh, systemd provides shell completion for them.

You could do something like:

systemctl start htttab
systemctl sttab

or else, and it will complete it.

I use bash. This is a cool trick that systemd has over init.d. I know not
all programs can do that shell completion, for example /etc/init.d/httpd
restab does not work (I try it all the time out of tab completion habit!).

2. How to find all possible services:

The init way:
ls -l /etc/init/d

The systemd way:
ls -l /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

This seems WAY harder and I have to remember 2 locations instead of 1.

There is:

systemctl list-unit-files

It lists all the units installed on your system. In systemd a unit is
a configuration file that can describe a service, a mount point, a
device,... So a service is a subtype of unit, see man 5 systemd.unit
for more information.

So if you want to only display the services, you just have to specify the

systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

Ok, so that is a lot more to remember than ls -l /etc/init.d, but I can
learn it.

3. List all services and their start levels:

In systemd world, start levels equivalent are the targets (see man 5 A target is a synchronisation point between multiple
units. For example, there is which is the
synchronization point for early boot services. This way a unit can ask
to be started only after a specific target, for example.

The init way (all services):
chkconfig --list

The init way (only active services. I use this a lot):
chkconfig --list | grep :on

The systemd way (all services):
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service

The systemd way (only active services, I don't know how to do this).
systemctl ???

With systemctl you can provide a filter according to the current state
of a unit. If you want to list all the active service, you can do:

systemctl --state=active --type=service list-units

Ok, again more to type and remember, but memorization is not out of the

4. What about the many programs that rely on /etc/init.d/service
I have many services that are monitored by nagios or cron jobs (like
logrotate) that rely on /etc/init.d/service status/start/stop/restart.
I don't want to change them because right now they work on every server
I don't want to have to maintain 2 versions of the code or hunt them all

There is systemd-sysv-generator which creates wrapper .service for
sysv scripts automatically at boot. But you need to specify additional
headers if you want to use ordering. See man systemd-sysv-generator.

That is what I am looking for (systemd-sysv-generator), but does that mean
systemd will not use the .service files and the system will go back to
running all start-up scripts in order via init.d style S01-S99?
I don't really care that much as boot time does not matter (I rarely reboot
and always have a secondary server that can take the load. I run all
clusters or active/backup.)

No, systemd-sysv-generator will read init scripts and generates
equivalent services (a systemd unit). Then systemd will load this
services like it loads every other units and infer what needs to be
started first according

Re: [systemd-devel] How to get used to systemd vs init

2015-06-23 Thread Chad

On 6/23/2015 4:45 PM, Ronny Chevalier wrote:

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 1:37 AM, Chad wrote:

Oh, wait this is the reverse of what I want/need (systemd-sysv-generator
goes from init.d to systemd, I need from systemd to init.d).
I have a nagios script that runs something like:
/etc/init.d/httpd status
It then reads the output and makes sure httpd is running, if not it takes
action depending on the service.
I use that method for tons of services.
I don't want to have to re-write the modules to use:
systemctl status httpd
If I did that then I will not be able to rsync the scripts/configs around
and would have to maintain 2 versions of the code.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to create a /etc/init.d/httpd
script that called something like this inside:
systemctl $1 $0
I know it is not that simple ($0 for example is the full path
/etc/init.d/httpd not just the httpd), which is why I am hoping there is a
tool for this.

If you just want to know if a service is active you can use:

systemctl is-active httpd

If $? equals 0 then the service is active, else it is not :)

If you make your script use this I don't see why you would have to
maintain multiple versions, if your intention is to use systemd

Except that I can not convert all servers I maintain over just like that, it 
will take time, probably 1-2 years.

As to: systemctl is-active httpd, that would work sometimes but not others. For example I check fail2ban by running 
/etc/init.d/iptables status which outputs all the firewall rules then check that output to make sure the chains for 
fail2ban are there. If you restart iptables without restarting fail2ban, fail2ban will show as running because the 
daemon is up, but since the chains are gone it can not ban bad guys.

Maybe one of you knows a solution to that (iptables restart without a fail2ban restart), I have not found one for 
init.d, is this fixed somehow in systemd?

That would be another advantage.


systemd-devel mailing list

[systemd-devel] Service is ignoring dependencies

2013-05-09 Thread Chad Anonymous
I have an issue where the postgresql.service is being started and does not
appear to be obeying the dependency ordering that is specified using a
Before= entry that is in another oneshot service file.

After turning on systemd debug it appears that the postgresql.service is
being enqueud with the ignore-dependencies setting. I have no idea where
this is coming from as it is not explicitly set anywhere that I can find.
Does systemd implicitly do this in certain scenarios?

systemd log:

May  9 14:33:01 host-1 systemd[1]: Trying to enqueue job



Description=PostgreSQL database server


ExecStart=/usr/sbin/postgresql start
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/postgresql reload
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/postgresql stop

Software version info:
OpenSuse 12.1


systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Service is ignoring dependencies (suse)

2013-05-09 Thread Chad Anonymous
Thanks, that looks to be it. /usr/sbin/rcpostgresql has an explicit
--ignore-dependencies in there that I somehow missed. It would be good to
know why exactly that was done but that is another search...

Thanks for the pointer.


On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Colin Guthrie wrote:

 'Twas brillig, and Chad Anonymous at 09/05/13 20:13 did gyre and gimble:
  I have an issue where the postgresql.service is being started and does
  not appear to be obeying the dependency ordering that is specified using
  a Before= entry that is in another oneshot service file.
  After turning on systemd debug it appears that the postgresql.service is
  being enqueud with the ignore-dependencies setting. I have no idea where
  this is coming from as it is not explicitly set anywhere that I can
  find. Does systemd implicitly do this in certain scenarios?
  systemd log:
  May  9 14:33:01 host-1 systemd[1]: Trying to enqueue job

 I could be wrong but I believe OpenSuse has patches to their wrapper
 scripts which call systemctl with --ignore-dependences.

 So i'd guess some other script in the startup process is calling some
 generic wrapper to start prostgres or something similar to that.

 I doubt this is an upstream issue tho' (tho' some suse folks will
 hopefully see here and answer - added it to the subject for better



 Colin Guthrie

 Day Job:
   Tribalogic Limited
 Open Source:
   Mageia Contributor
   PulseAudio Hacker
   Trac Hacker

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