[systemd-devel] PCR signing / enrolling on UKI and validation by systemd-cryptenroll

2024-05-25 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

For some time now I have been using UKIs, with SB enabled and tying FDE 
decryption on PCRs 7+11+14, with the PCR 11 being measured during UKI 
creation. Then, I use systemd-cryptenroll to update the secret:

PCR11=$(/usr/lib/systemd/ukify -c /etc/kernel/uki.conf --measure 
--output=/tmp/arch-linux.efi build | grep 11:sha256)
systemd-cryptenroll --unlock-key-file=/root/creds/fdepassword.txt 
--wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=7+11:sha256=d05ee4...+14 

This works, flawlessly. Now, I am exploring the possibility to not bind 
to the value of those PCRS but to their signature, given that I am also 
embedding that in the UKI (the correspondent .pcrsig section is in 
place). However, I am a bit lost:
* in .pcrsig there is only the signature for pcr11, and there seems to 
be no way to embed the signatures for other PCR values.
* when used in cryptenroll, how should I use this? So far, seems should 
be a call like

systemd-cryptenroll --unlock-key-file=/root/creds/fdepassword.txt 
--wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto 

... but then I do not see what should be provided in 
tpm2-public-key-pcrs. The same values I am currently giving to 
--tpm2-pcrs? the signatures that I get from the .pcrsig for 11 + the 
calculated signatures for the current values of the PCRs 7 and 14?

Thank you very much for your time,

Felix Rubio

[systemd-devel] unlocking LUKS volume using PCRs and UKI

2024-01-14 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

Some months ago I tried to learn about systemd cryptenroll, ukify, etc., 
and I managed to get a UKI that gets updated every time the kernel / 
modules change by running:

/usr/lib/systemd/ukify --linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux --initrd 
/boot/amd-ucode.img --initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img \

 --os-release=@$OSRELEASE \
 --cmdline="$CMDLINE" \
--secureboot-private-key=/root/SecureBoot/MOK.key \

 --output=$OUTPUTPATH/$UKIFILE build

To set up the unlock of the disk, I ran the following command (only 
once, as pcrs 7 and 14 have not changed since then):
systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=7+14 

Since then, systemd-cryptenroll has been extended so that literal values 
can be provided, meaning that (*I think*) I can upgrade my previous 
process to:

PCR11=$(/usr/lib/systemd/ukify --linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux --initrd 
/boot/amd-ucode.img --initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img \

 --os-release=@$OSRELEASE \
 --cmdline="$CMDLINE" \
--secureboot-private-key=/root/SecureBoot/MOK.key \

 --measure \
 --phases="enter-initrd" \
--pcr-private-key=/root/SecureBoot/PCRsigning/tpm2-pcr-private.pem \
--pcr-public-key=/root/SecureBoot/PCRsigning/tpm2-pcr-public.pem \
 --output=$OUTPUTPATH/$UKIFILE build | grep 
systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto 
--tpm2-pcrs=7+$PCR11+14 /dev/nvme0n1p5


Do you guys think this is a sensible approach? As I want to bind the 
unlock of the disk to PCR11, I think I only need to get the measurement 
of that PCR register in the "enter-initrd" phase, right? What are the 
implications of providing as well the pcr-private-key parameter? I have 
gone through the documentation of systemd-cryptenroll, systemd-measure 
and systemd's ukify, but is not clear to me if this set of flags will 
(besides providing the measurement I am interested on) also let the 
kernel continue booting only if the signed policy that gets calculated 
out of that register is fulfilled. Should that be the case, this 
additional control will not harm but I guess is a bit redundant for my 
use case?

Thank you very much for your time,

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

[systemd-devel] Help debugging the access to a hashmap object

2023-07-14 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

I am kind of lost, and after some hours giving a look at the issue... 
maybe somebody can give me a hand? I am working on the PR 
https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/28339, to provide a way to 
specify literals for the PCRs. As part of this PR I am creating a 
hashmap of hashmaps, in which keys are strings (for the container 
hashmap, the banks: e.g., "sha256", and for the contained hashmap the 
pcr index: e.g., "11").

My problem is that in my test I populate PCR idx 11 and I get the 
following debugging output from hashmap_get (which I call right after 
storing it):

HM: 0x55b0b5524c88 11 1 1

In which 0x55bc13fc0c88 is the pointer to the bank, 11 is the pcr_idx, 
and 1 and 1 are respectively the hash and idx as found by _hashmap_get  
in hashmap.c:1359 in my branch.

Should I use either a parameter pointer for "11" or a constant, there is 
no difference: it works as expected. So far so good. Now, should I call 
it from another method (in this case, a method I use to generate the 
mask out of all the keys in the map), what I get is quite different:

HM: 0x55b0b5524c88 11 1 4294967295

in which the idx is 4294967295 ==> IDX_NIL. In both cases, I am calling 
hashmap_get like this:

TPM2B_DIGEST *v2 = hashmap_get(bank, "11");

First I thought that somehow the value was being deleted, so then I 
decided to print all the keys for that hashmap (expecting to find none, 
as I only set one entry). In this case, what I run, right after setting 
the element and on the other function, is:

int *k;
_cleanup_free_ char *hex = NULL;
hex = hexmem(v->buffer, v->size);
fprintf(stderr, "%p %d %s\n", bank, *k, hex);

and what I obtained is:
IN : 0x55b0b5524c88 1526739249 
OUT: 0x55b0b5524c88 892625971 

So: I am getting the same pointer for the bank, the hex value for the 
PCR is correct, but the key is different: the entry is not lost, just 
seems to be relocated? How is this possible?

Thank you in advance, if anybody can point out what am I doing wrong... 

Re: [systemd-devel] Systemd-cryptsetup triggers a black screen after upgrading to 6.4.1

2023-07-08 Thread Felix Rubio

Nope: AMD Ryzen 7 6800H,

But thank you for the suggestion!


On 2023-07-07 09:07, Christian Hesse wrote:

Felix Rubio  on Thu, 2023/07/06 18:07:

Using arch linux, I have had my kernel upgraded from 6.3.9 to 6.4.1.
After regenerating the UKI, that works, I get just a black screen when
systemd-cryptsetup should be either using the TPM to unlock the drive 

to ask me the rescue password.

Possibly running on a Framework laptop with Intel 12th gen or later?


[systemd-devel] Systemd-cryptsetup triggers a black screen after upgrading to 6.4.1

2023-07-06 Thread Felix Rubio
Using arch linux, I have had my kernel upgraded from 6.3.9 to 6.4.1. 
After regenerating the UKI, that works, I get just a black screen when 
systemd-cryptsetup should be either using the TPM to unlock the drive or 
to ask me the rescue password.

Luckily I have an old UKI with 6.3.9 (also the correspondent 
/lib/modules) so that I can boot with the old one, but the question is: 
any idea on how to debug this issue? I had the same problem previously, 
which I could trace back to the upgrade of linux-firmware and that got 
fixed two days later when the same package got updated, but now I have 
checked and there's been no update about that.

Is there any way to set systemd in verbose mode, so that I get more 
information before the black screen?

Thank you,

Re: [systemd-devel] Enrolling PCR11 does not work as expected

2023-07-06 Thread Felix Rubio
In order to achieve the check of a number of PCRs, what do you guys 
think of this approach?

1. When running ukify, add the "measure" flag so that the expected value 
of the PCR11 is printed.
2. Then, script the reset of an unused PCR (in my case, 23), and the 
extend it with the current value of PCRs 7 and 14, and the expected 
value of PCR 11

3. Run systemd-cryptenroll against PCR 23
4. add a configuration drop to 
/etc/systemd/system/systemd-cryptsetup@.service.d, so that at ExecPre a 
similar script of that in 2 is run, but in this case resetting PCR 23 
and extending it with the actual values of PCRs 7, 14 and 11.

Do you guys this approach is sound?

Thank you,

On 2023-07-05 14:26, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 05.07.23 13:11, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

For what is explained on the the systemd-pcrphase.service(8) and 
it to what I see in the log of the systemd services, there are three 

in relation to this question:


This means that, indeed, running cryptenroll after the new kernel has 
will never provide the correct PCR registry for 11. But then... what 
do I have? Do I need to choose between having PCRs 7 and 14, so that I 
sure that SB is up and running and all the certs from shim have not 
or to have only PCR 11 so that I know that the UKI has not changed 

SB can potentially be even disabled (please, correct me if wrong)?

The idea is that with systemd-measure you sign the pre-calculated PCRs
for all phases you care about with a key, and then you use enroll the
public key that matches that signature in the disk encryption, rather
than literal PCR values.

Using signed PCR policies enables you to do multiple things at once:

1. You can easily enroll one public key, and have it cover multiple
   phases of the boot, simply by providing multiple signatures for the
   PCR values expected in the various boot phases.

2. You can easily enroll one public key, and then update the UKI and
   still boot up correctly, by providing a new set of signatures for
   the new expected PCR values for the various boot phases.

Hence, the PCR 11 logic we have in place is *not* designed with TPM
policies that bind to explicit PCR values in mind. Instead it is
designed in mind with policies that bind to public keys that match
signatures of those PCR values.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] Enrolling PCR11 does not work as expected

2023-07-05 Thread Felix Rubio
I understand that, but systemd-measure is only about PCR 11. Is there 
any way to provide a list of PCRs, so that additionally can be embedded 
on the UKI?

Thank you,

On 2023-07-05 14:26, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 05.07.23 13:11, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

For what is explained on the the systemd-pcrphase.service(8) and 
it to what I see in the log of the systemd services, there are three 

in relation to this question:


This means that, indeed, running cryptenroll after the new kernel has 
will never provide the correct PCR registry for 11. But then... what 
do I have? Do I need to choose between having PCRs 7 and 14, so that I 
sure that SB is up and running and all the certs from shim have not 
or to have only PCR 11 so that I know that the UKI has not changed 

SB can potentially be even disabled (please, correct me if wrong)?

The idea is that with systemd-measure you sign the pre-calculated PCRs
for all phases you care about with a key, and then you use enroll the
public key that matches that signature in the disk encryption, rather
than literal PCR values.

Using signed PCR policies enables you to do multiple things at once:

1. You can easily enroll one public key, and have it cover multiple
   phases of the boot, simply by providing multiple signatures for the
   PCR values expected in the various boot phases.

2. You can easily enroll one public key, and then update the UKI and
   still boot up correctly, by providing a new set of signatures for
   the new expected PCR values for the various boot phases.

Hence, the PCR 11 logic we have in place is *not* designed with TPM
policies that bind to explicit PCR values in mind. Instead it is
designed in mind with policies that bind to public keys that match
signatures of those PCR values.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] Enrolling PCR11 does not work as expected

2023-07-05 Thread Felix Rubio
For what is explained on the the systemd-pcrphase.service(8) and 
comparing it to what I see in the log of the systemd services, there are 
three events in relation to this question:


This means that, indeed, running cryptenroll after the new kernel has 
booted will never provide the correct PCR registry for 11. But then... 
what options do I have? Do I need to choose between having PCRs 7 and 
14, so that I make sure that SB is up and running and all the certs from 
shim have not changed, or to have only PCR 11 so that I know that the 
UKI has not changed although SB can potentially be even disabled 
(please, correct me if wrong)?

Thank you!


On 2023-07-05 10:36, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 05.07.23 08:30, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi everybody,

In my setup (sd-boot+UKI+LUKS) I am using PCRs 7+11+14 to unlock the 
drive. Should I use only PCRs 7+14 everything works, but when I add 11 

need to provide the rescue password every single time I boot.

I have extracted the values of those PCRs using tpm2_pcrread in two
consecutive boots, and they are equal, so at least the issue is

To enroll the PCRs, after a new kernel (and, therefore, the UKI) has 

generated, I run the following command:

systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto 

After reading the documentation on systemd-measure (that I am not 
using at
the moment): could it be that there are events added to PCR 11 after 

unlocking has happened, so that I am enrolling the wrong PCR value?
Otherwise... what am I doing wrong?

We mesaure the "boot phase" into PCR 11 too. See
systemd-pcrphase.service(8) for details.

Generally the assumption is that PCR 11 is used for signed PCR
policies, i.e. under vendor control.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

[systemd-devel] Enrolling PCR11 does not work as expected

2023-07-05 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

In my setup (sd-boot+UKI+LUKS) I am using PCRs 7+11+14 to unlock the 
LUKS drive. Should I use only PCRs 7+14 everything works, but when I add 
11 I need to provide the rescue password every single time I boot.

I have extracted the values of those PCRs using tpm2_pcrread in two 
consecutive boots, and they are equal, so at least the issue is 

To enroll the PCRs, after a new kernel (and, therefore, the UKI) has 
been generated, I run the following command:

systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto 

After reading the documentation on systemd-measure (that I am not using 
at the moment): could it be that there are events added to PCR 11 after 
the unlocking has happened, so that I am enrolling the wrong PCR value? 
Otherwise... what am I doing wrong?


[systemd-devel] How to tie the unlocking of a LUKS device to multiple PCRs, when one of them is calculated?

2023-06-24 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

systemd-cryptenroll can seal/unseal the LUKS key in the TPM predicted to 
the state of some registers, e.g.:
systemd-cryptenroll --wipe-slot=tpm2 --tpm2-device=auto 

The problem is that this requires, when there are kernel / bootloader / 
... updates, to restart the system, unlock manually and run the command 
again to enroll the new pcr values. As discussed in this mailing list, 
the way to go to ensure that both the kernel and initramfs are checked 
is to use UKI, whose expected PCR 11 state can be calculated by 
systemd-measure (examples from 

  * To generate the signature:
systemd-measure sign --linux=vmlinux --osrel=os-release.txt 
--cmdline=cmdline.txt \
 --initrd=initrd.cpio --splash=splash.bmp --dtb=devicetree.dtb 
--pcrpkey=tpm2-pcr-public.pem \

 --bank=sha1 --bank=sha256 --private-key=tpm2-pcr-private.pem \
 --public-key=tpm2-pcr-public.pem >tpm2-pcr-signature.json.tmp

  * To embed the signature on the image:
ukify --output foo.efi --os-release @os-release.txt --cmdline 
@cmdline.txt --splash splash.bmp \
 --devicetree devicetree.dtb --pcr-private-key tpm2-pcr-private.pem 
 --pcr-public-key tpm2-pcr-public.pem --pcr-banks sha1,sha256 
vmlinux initrd.cpio

  * To enroll the PCR policy:
systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto 

This process binds the unsealing of the LUKS decryption key to the PCR 
11, but is not clear how (or even if it is possible) to add other PCRs 
to the mix (those being 7 and 14, in my case).

To compare, this is what I was doing when dealing directly with the TPM 
(so, before switching to systemd), creating two policies and combining 
them with a policyor:

# session for auth based on pcr
tpm2_startauthsession -S session.ctx
tpm2_policypcr -S session.ctx -L regular.policy -l sha256:0,1,7,9
tpm2_policypassword -S session.ctx -L regular.policy
tpm2_flushcontext session.ctx

# session for auth based on rescue password
tpm2_startauthsession -S session.ctx
tpm2_policysecret -S session.ctx -L rescue.policy -c o 

tpm2_flushcontext session.ctx

# compound both policies using OR
tpm2_startauthsession -S session.ctx
tpm2_policyor -S session.ctx -L compound.policy 

tpm2_flushcontext session.ctx

# create the seal object
tpm2_create -C prim.ctx -c key.ctx -u key.pub -r key.priv -L 
compound.policy -i- -p '' -a 

Is there any way to do something similar with systemd-cryptenroll?



Re: [systemd-devel] sd-boot setup and PCRs

2023-06-19 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Lennart, Andrei, Adrian

Understood, and thank you very much :-) then 7+11+14 it is.


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-06-19 17:21, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On So, 18.06.23 20:56, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi everybody,

After some days offline, today I have gone through the emails 
exchanged a
couple of weeks ago and agreed: UKI is the way to go. Last time I 
about it I read about possible problems related to when some modules 

be loaded and so, but I see that my knowledge was outdated.

This said, right now my setup looks like: SecureBoot is enabled, I am 

Shim, Systemd-Boot as shim's second stage, and a UKI. As the disk is
encrypted, for now I am making the decryption predicated to PCRs 7 and 
so that the decryption will only fail when either SB state changes, or 

shim certificates/hashes change. So far so good.

Out of curiosity now, I am wondering: what would happen in case 
boots the system from, e.g., a USB drive that contains a signed image? 
if the shim is the same version, I assume it will fail to unlock 
because the
MOK will not contain my certificate? Should that certificate had been 

and present, be enough to then unlock the disk?

MOK is persisted in an EFI var, hence it doesn't matter what you boot
from, the MOK db will be the same.

Hence if that UKI on the usb drive is signed by some key that is in
your MOK then this will just be accepted and get access to your keys.

I am trying to assess if I should put in the mix PCR 4, so that I can 
track of the UKI image that gets loaded. Do you guys think this would 

needed, or is overkill?

If you use UKIs, bind to the signature for PCR 11.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] sd-boot setup and PCRs

2023-06-19 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Andrei,

In that case, could happen that a malicious actor that has had in the 
past access to the systemd-boot, shim, and the UKI, comes back with 
those 3 on a USB stick and boots the machine? Then it would indeed make 
sense to bind the LUKS key to PCR 4, this making it 4+7+14, so that the 
use of outdated UKI is not possible.

Thank you!


On 2023-06-19 14:04, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 19.06.2023 10:19, Felix Rubio wrote:
"Signed by whom?" - Signed by an actor trusted by Secure Boot, either 

the platform level, or by any of the Shim contributors (I have not
checked yet if it comes with a list of certificates, or only contains
the one I enrolled)

"What is \"your certificate\"?" - The one I generated and enrolled 


In this case PCR 14 will not change. PCR 4 will include measurement of
the binary loaded by shim. So if you place the same version of
systemd-boot binary on USB it is up to the systemd-boot. The shim
readme states that PCR 4 will be extended with "the hash of any binary
for which Verify is called through the shim_lock protocol". So as long
as systemd-boot calls shim to verify UKI you need the same UKI binary
to unlock encrypted device. Which is not much different from simply
booting from hard disk.

I am not familiar with details of UKI implementation, but if it is
possible to override kernel command line, you can trivially boot into
/bin/sh unless you also bind LUKS key to the PCR 12 (or whatever is
used to measure kernel parameters).



On 2023-06-19 06:26, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 18.06.2023 21:56, Felix Rubio wrote:

Hi everybody,

After some days offline, today I have gone through the emails
a couple of weeks ago and agreed: UKI is the way to go. Last time I
checked about it I read about possible problems related to when some
modules would be loaded and so, but I see that my knowledge was

This said, right now my setup looks like: SecureBoot is enabled, I 

using Shim, Systemd-Boot as shim's second stage, and a UKI. As the
is encrypted, for now I am making the decryption predicated to PCRs 

and 14, so that the decryption will only fail when either SB state
changes, or when shim certificates/hashes change. So far so good.

Out of curiosity now, I am wondering: what would happen in case
boots the system from, e.g., a USB drive that contains a signed 

Signed by whom?

Even if the shim is the same version, I assume it will fail to 

because the MOK will not contain my certificate?

What is "your certificate"?

Should that certificate
had been stolen and present, be enough to then unlock the disk?

I am trying to assess if I should put in the mix PCR 4, so that I 

keep track of the UKI image that gets loaded. Do you guys think this
would be needed, or is overkill?



Re: [systemd-devel] sd-boot setup and PCRs

2023-06-19 Thread Felix Rubio
"Signed by whom?" - Signed by an actor trusted by Secure Boot, either at 
the platform level, or by any of the Shim contributors (I have not 
checked yet if it comes with a list of certificates, or only contains 
the one I enrolled)

"What is \"your certificate\"?" - The one I generated and enrolled into 



On 2023-06-19 06:26, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 18.06.2023 21:56, Felix Rubio wrote:

Hi everybody,

After some days offline, today I have gone through the emails 

a couple of weeks ago and agreed: UKI is the way to go. Last time I
checked about it I read about possible problems related to when some
modules would be loaded and so, but I see that my knowledge was

This said, right now my setup looks like: SecureBoot is enabled, I am
using Shim, Systemd-Boot as shim's second stage, and a UKI. As the 

is encrypted, for now I am making the decryption predicated to PCRs 7
and 14, so that the decryption will only fail when either SB state
changes, or when shim certificates/hashes change. So far so good.

Out of curiosity now, I am wondering: what would happen in case 

boots the system from, e.g., a USB drive that contains a signed image?

Signed by whom?

Even if the shim is the same version, I assume it will fail to unlock
because the MOK will not contain my certificate?

What is "your certificate"?

Should that certificate
had been stolen and present, be enough to then unlock the disk?

I am trying to assess if I should put in the mix PCR 4, so that I can
keep track of the UKI image that gets loaded. Do you guys think this
would be needed, or is overkill?



[systemd-devel] sd-boot setup and PCRs

2023-06-18 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

After some days offline, today I have gone through the emails exchanged 
a couple of weeks ago and agreed: UKI is the way to go. Last time I 
checked about it I read about possible problems related to when some 
modules would be loaded and so, but I see that my knowledge was 

This said, right now my setup looks like: SecureBoot is enabled, I am 
using Shim, Systemd-Boot as shim's second stage, and a UKI. As the disk 
is encrypted, for now I am making the decryption predicated to PCRs 7 
and 14, so that the decryption will only fail when either SB state 
changes, or when shim certificates/hashes change. So far so good.

Out of curiosity now, I am wondering: what would happen in case somebody 
boots the system from, e.g., a USB drive that contains a signed image? 
Even if the shim is the same version, I assume it will fail to unlock 
because the MOK will not contain my certificate? Should that certificate 
had been stolen and present, be enough to then unlock the disk?

I am trying to assess if I should put in the mix PCR 4, so that I can 
keep track of the UKI image that gets loaded. Do you guys think this 
would be needed, or is overkill?



Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-06-03 Thread Felix Rubio
Just to close this off, because you guys have spend time in helping me 
navigate through this: Finally I decided to go for FDE based on the TPM. 
Then, most of my concerns where addressed by using PCRs 0,1,7 and 9, so 
that initramfs gets also measured. This allows me to keep a separate 
boot partition, and to not get involved yet with UKI.

Now I am trying to work out a way to smooth the case when after a kernel 
/ modules update the TPM state changes and will not unlock 
automatically... but this for another day, I guess :-)

Thank you very much for you help!

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-27 08:31, Felix Rubio wrote:

Hi Lennart,

I remember having read some time ago that UKI could pose problems with
early-boot modules provided by vendors and so. But... let's give it a
try! Then, the process should be:

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. Generate the UKI
3. rename the UKI image to grubx64.efi so that it gets picked up by 

As a side: the ESP partition is bit small. Do you think if I introduce
systemd-boot I could load the UKI being stored from /boot? In that
case this would be like

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. Install systemd-boot as grubx64.efi so that it gets picked up by 

3. Generate the UKI to /boot/

I will give it a try... and see how it goes.


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-25 10:26, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 24.05.23 19:01, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi Lennart,

"Sorry, but GPG is a no-go. Not in 2023."

Yes, I understand that. What I am trying to get is a simple way to 

that the initramfs has not been tampered with. UKI comes with its own
challenges, using encryption tied to a measured boot looks overkill, 
and I

fully agree in which adding an authentication layer is not

I am not sure what "challenges" you specifically have in mind, but a
UKI with an initrd in a PE envelope (i.e. the "add-on" concept I
mentioned), then you should be pretty close to current behaviour, no?

Then... what alternatives are available for just performing 
verification of
the initramfs? I was giving a look at IMA now, so this could be 
sorted with

a policy... but I think this is not supported in sd-boot.

IMA verifies files after the kernel is up, not before. It's not
suitable for validating initrds.

Anway, you should really ask yourself what cryptographic key you want
to authenticate against. Local or vendor one, and where shall it be
stored. That dictates your choices more than anything else.

In the case I wrap the initramfs on a PE envelope, as you suggested, 
then its signature be validated automatically? when it gets loaded? 

if so... this would work enough for this use case.

In the "add-on" module for UKIs I mentioned the validation of both the
UKI and the add-ons are done via regular UEFI SecureBoot or via
shim. Both UKIs and add-ons are just PE files after all that thus can
be verified that way. Because the files can be authenticated via shim
you get MOK and so on.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-29 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

Continuing the work/learning path I started last week, I have had a 
development: Still with shim loading systemd-boot, which can read the 
kernel and initramfs from XBOOTLDR partition, I have introduced LUKS to 
encrypt the root partition (XBOOTLDR is not encrypted).

Originally I was planning to move from this to UKI so that I can make 
sure that both kernel and initramfs are checked before booting, but 
today I have considered a different course of action: Should I use the 
TPM to store a key to decrypt the disk like this:

systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=0+1+7+9

Then, by using PCR9 the initrd would be checked before allowing the boot 
sequence to continue. By doing this, then, I do not have to switch to 
UKI until I have learned more about it.

Do you guys think this reasoning is flawed?

Thank you,

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-25 10:26, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 24.05.23 19:01, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi Lennart,

"Sorry, but GPG is a no-go. Not in 2023."

Yes, I understand that. What I am trying to get is a simple way to 

that the initramfs has not been tampered with. UKI comes with its own
challenges, using encryption tied to a measured boot looks overkill, 
and I

fully agree in which adding an authentication layer is not

I am not sure what "challenges" you specifically have in mind, but a
UKI with an initrd in a PE envelope (i.e. the "add-on" concept I
mentioned), then you should be pretty close to current behaviour, no?

Then... what alternatives are available for just performing 
verification of
the initramfs? I was giving a look at IMA now, so this could be sorted 

a policy... but I think this is not supported in sd-boot.

IMA verifies files after the kernel is up, not before. It's not
suitable for validating initrds.

Anway, you should really ask yourself what cryptographic key you want
to authenticate against. Local or vendor one, and where shall it be
stored. That dictates your choices more than anything else.

In the case I wrap the initramfs on a PE envelope, as you suggested, 
then its signature be validated automatically? when it gets loaded? 

if so... this would work enough for this use case.

In the "add-on" module for UKIs I mentioned the validation of both the
UKI and the add-ons are done via regular UEFI SecureBoot or via
shim. Both UKIs and add-ons are just PE files after all that thus can
be verified that way. Because the files can be authenticated via shim
you get MOK and so on.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-27 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Lennart,

I remember having read some time ago that UKI could pose problems with 
early-boot modules provided by vendors and so. But... let's give it a 
try! Then, the process should be:

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. Generate the UKI
3. rename the UKI image to grubx64.efi so that it gets picked up by shim

As a side: the ESP partition is bit small. Do you think if I introduce 
systemd-boot I could load the UKI being stored from /boot? In that case 
this would be like

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. Install systemd-boot as grubx64.efi so that it gets picked up by shim
3. Generate the UKI to /boot/

I will give it a try... and see how it goes.


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-25 10:26, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 24.05.23 19:01, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi Lennart,

"Sorry, but GPG is a no-go. Not in 2023."

Yes, I understand that. What I am trying to get is a simple way to 

that the initramfs has not been tampered with. UKI comes with its own
challenges, using encryption tied to a measured boot looks overkill, 
and I

fully agree in which adding an authentication layer is not

I am not sure what "challenges" you specifically have in mind, but a
UKI with an initrd in a PE envelope (i.e. the "add-on" concept I
mentioned), then you should be pretty close to current behaviour, no?

Then... what alternatives are available for just performing 
verification of
the initramfs? I was giving a look at IMA now, so this could be sorted 

a policy... but I think this is not supported in sd-boot.

IMA verifies files after the kernel is up, not before. It's not
suitable for validating initrds.

Anway, you should really ask yourself what cryptographic key you want
to authenticate against. Local or vendor one, and where shall it be
stored. That dictates your choices more than anything else.

In the case I wrap the initramfs on a PE envelope, as you suggested, 
then its signature be validated automatically? when it gets loaded? 

if so... this would work enough for this use case.

In the "add-on" module for UKIs I mentioned the validation of both the
UKI and the add-ons are done via regular UEFI SecureBoot or via
shim. Both UKIs and add-ons are just PE files after all that thus can
be verified that way. Because the files can be authenticated via shim
you get MOK and so on.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-24 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Lennart,

"Sorry, but GPG is a no-go. Not in 2023."

Yes, I understand that. What I am trying to get is a simple way to 
verify that the initramfs has not been tampered with. UKI comes with its 
own challenges, using encryption tied to a measured boot looks overkill, 
and I fully agree in which adding an authentication layer is not 
desirable. Then... what alternatives are available for just performing 
verification of the initramfs? I was giving a look at IMA now, so this 
could be sorted with a policy... but I think this is not supported in 

In the case I wrap the initramfs on a PE envelope, as you suggested, 
when then its signature be validated automatically? when it gets loaded? 
Because, if so... this would work enough for this use case.

Thank you

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-24 18:11, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 24.05.23 16:20, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

Hi Andrei, Lennart

@Andrei: Do you think, then, that the same private key used for 
could be used for GPG signing the initramfs? That would be cool, as 
whole boot signing infrastructure would still depend on a single 

@Lennart: I was thinking in using a private key for which I'd enroll 
certificate in MOK (I mean, just following the standard use case for 

Without having much idea about the code base of systemd-boot, I am 
to give it a try (to a GPG with private key from SB) provided you 
think is

something the community might benefit from. What are your thoughts?

Sorry, but GPG is a no-go. Not in 2023.

But also I am not sure I understand what are you trying to do?

Note that shim only authenticates PE binaries, hence you'd have to
wrap your initrd in a PE binary anyway to validate an initrd against

And we really don#t want to add another layer of authentication in
sd-boot, let's leave that in uefi sb firmware + shim. i.e. we
expressly don#t want to embedd a crypto stack like grub. And even if
we could we don't get access to MOK iirc, shim makes that impossible
for later boot components.

If you wrap your initrd in a PE envelope this is pretty much exactly
what UKIs are. – Also note that there's currently a PR pending that
allows wrapping kernel command lines in separate PE files which can be
read by a UKI, a concept we call "add-on", which would we could extend
to initrds too i guess, see


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-24 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Andrei, Lennart

@Andrei: Do you think, then, that the same private key used for 
SecureBoot could be used for GPG signing the initramfs? That would be 
cool, as the whole boot signing infrastructure would still depend on a 
single entity.

@Lennart: I was thinking in using a private key for which I'd enroll the 
certificate in MOK (I mean, just following the standard use case for 

Without having much idea about the code base of systemd-boot, I am 
willing to give it a try (to a GPG with private key from SB) provided 
you think is something the community might benefit from. What are your 


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-24 14:35, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mi, 24.05.23 12:22, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

I agree that having a measured boot, that decrypts the system is a 
solution... but this is, correct me if wrong, still very green: There 
some approaches supported, but none of them seems to be structural: 
rely on the existence of a TPM, introduce additional dependencies on 
update process (when the kernel/initramfs changes the previous 
will not be correct anymore and needs to be updated), etc. On the 
other hand
UKI comes with its own challenges, and also forces the admin to 
rebuild the

UKI any time there is an update.

I feel there should be some middle point in which we do not have to 
rely on

a TPM and a fully measured system, but we can still make sure that the
initramfs is trusted. The question, then, is: Is this something that 
be supported in systemd-boot, or this is something that is considered 
to be

just out of scope?

As in the other mail: Which key do you intend to use for validation?

Note that in systemd git main there's already support for generating
UKIs dynamically when a kernel RPM/DEB is installed (as long as the
"kernel-install" infra is in use). It can be signed with a local key,
that can be enrolled with MOK.

With that we make it reasonably easy to run a setup with a locally
signed initrd – but it means that you'll get a MOK prompt during at
least one boot.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-24 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi Andrei,

Thank you for correcting my statement about Grub2, I did not know that.

I agree that having a measured boot, that decrypts the system is a 
better solution... but this is, correct me if wrong, still very green: 
There are some approaches supported, but none of them seems to be 
structural: they rely on the existence of a TPM, introduce additional 
dependencies on the update process (when the kernel/initramfs changes 
the previous measurement will not be correct anymore and needs to be 
updated), etc. On the other hand UKI comes with its own challenges, and 
also forces the admin to rebuild the UKI any time there is an update.

I feel there should be some middle point in which we do not have to rely 
on a TPM and a fully measured system, but we can still make sure that 
the initramfs is trusted. The question, then, is: Is this something that 
could be supported in systemd-boot, or this is something that is 
considered to be just out of scope?

Thank you

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-23 21:32, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 23.05.2023 21:54, Felix Rubio wrote:

Hi everybody,

I am trying to understand something, and after looking around I have 

found any explicit answer. Maybe somebody in this list can shed some
light on the matter? I have a laptop in which I am setting up the boot
process through systemd-boot, and this works. Now, I'd like to give a
try to enable Secure Boot so that the whole boot sequence is protected
against tampering. As I am still learning about the technology, I 

to land on the use of shim/MOK. For what I have read, the sequence
should be:

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. On that same folder copy systemd-bootx64.efi, renamed to 

(as shim seems to work only with Grub as 2nd stage loader).
3. Sign the kernel with the key for which the certificate has been
enrolled in MOK.
4. Reboot, enroll the keys and... voila.

So far, so good... until we hit the initramfs wall: the efi's and 
signatures are verified, but not that of the initramfs. I have seen 
grub2 does not do it (it relies in GPG signatures, in which seems to 
a workaround), and I have not found any place stating that 

GPG is independent alternative method of verifying files and most
certainly not a workaround (it was implemented in grub2 long before
Secure Boot support).

does it. I have seen however, some steering towards the use of UKI...
but this comes with its own problems about out-of-tree kernel modules
and so.

So, the question is: why the kernel image gets verified but not the
initramfs? Is this mandated by some standard, or is an engineering

Kernel image has verifiable origin (it is signed by the same entity
that provides your distribution). It is static and does not change on
end user system which makes it possible to sign by maintainers of
distribution by a secret key that is hopefully kept secret.

initrd is volatile, it is usually generated on the same system where
it should be verified which means the key to sign it must be kept on
the same system as well. Which makes it more probable that secret key
will be leaked if system is compromised. And leaked secret key allows
installing an arbitrary malware as part of initrd.

Measured boot does not have this problem. If you encrypt your root and
only allow decrypting if initrd (and kernel and any other data used
during boot) has known content then initrd will be implicitly verified
and if it is changed system simply fails to boot. This does not
require any key management or storing any persistent secret on end
system. Downside is that it requires TPM (or some other tamper
resistant way to store hashes) so not universally applicable.

Thank you very much!

[systemd-devel] why systemd-boot (seems as everyone else) does not check the signatures of initramfs?

2023-05-23 Thread Felix Rubio

Hi everybody,

I am trying to understand something, and after looking around I have not 
found any explicit answer. Maybe somebody in this list can shed some 
light on the matter? I have a laptop in which I am setting up the boot 
process through systemd-boot, and this works. Now, I'd like to give a 
try to enable Secure Boot so that the whole boot sequence is protected 
against tampering. As I am still learning about the technology, I prefer 
to land on the use of shim/MOK. For what I have read, the sequence 
should be:

1. Install a version of shim signed with MS keys.
2. On that same folder copy systemd-bootx64.efi, renamed to grubx64.efi 
(as shim seems to work only with Grub as 2nd stage loader).
3. Sign the kernel with the key for which the certificate has been 
enrolled in MOK.

4. Reboot, enroll the keys and... voila.

So far, so good... until we hit the initramfs wall: the efi's and kernel 
signatures are verified, but not that of the initramfs. I have seen that 
grub2 does not do it (it relies in GPG signatures, in which seems to be 
a workaround), and I have not found any place stating that systemd-boot 
does it. I have seen however, some steering towards the use of UKI... 
but this comes with its own problems about out-of-tree kernel modules 
and so.

So, the question is: why the kernel image gets verified but not the 
initramfs? Is this mandated by some standard, or is an engineering 

Thank you very much!

Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

Re: [systemd-devel] setting up systemd-boot with separate EFI and boot partitions

2023-05-23 Thread Felix Rubio
Thank you Lennart. When I separated the /boot from /boot/efi I 
formatted /boot partition with ext2. After reading your answer I 
reformatted it to FAT and... all works.


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."

On 2023-05-23 10:51, Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Mo, 22.05.23 14:26, Felix Rubio (fe...@kngnt.org) wrote:

I have installed arch linux recently, with systemd-boot as boot 
manager and
the EFI partition mounted on /boot. I am wondering how can I mount the 
partition on /boot/efi,  while vmlinuz-linux and initramf remain in 

Currently in my /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf I have the following:
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /amd-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=PARTUUID= rw

On this setup, I guess amd-ucode.img must remain in /boot/efi, but how 
can I
specify that vmlinuz-linux and initramfs-linux.img are in another 

if possible at all?

sd-boot is an EFI program that uses EFI APIs to access file systems,
hence it only generally supports FAT. It will look in the ESP as well
as in XBOOTLDR. Thus is you mark your /boot/ partition as XBOOTLDR and
format it is vfat it should just work.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

[systemd-devel] setting up systemd-boot with separate EFI and boot partitions

2023-05-22 Thread Felix Rubio
I have installed arch linux recently, with systemd-boot as boot manager 
and the EFI partition mounted on /boot. I am wondering how can I mount 
the EFI partition on /boot/efi,  while vmlinuz-linux and initramf remain 
in /boot?

Currently in my /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf I have the following:
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /amd-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=PARTUUID= rw

On this setup, I guess amd-ucode.img must remain in /boot/efi, but how 
can I specify that vmlinuz-linux and initramfs-linux.img are in another 
partition, if possible at all?


Felix Rubio
"Don't believe what you're told. Double check."