Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-26 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 26 November 2014 19:44:46 Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Now, that's the reason why acquirename/releasename need to be
> implemented client side. With that knowledge we can punch holes in the
> other calls too. For example, the GetConnectionUnixProcessID() call
> you brought up: let's now issue a GetConnectionUnixProcessID() async
> first, immediately followed by an AcquireName() for the same name. On
> dbus this will tell you the old owner, and then acquire the name for
> you. On kdbus with an external driver this would be different
> though. While the GetConnecitonUnixProcessID() is queued and waiting
> to be processed the AcquireName() might already have been executed
> (because it needs to be an ioctl as we have shown above), hence you
> would get your own PID returned, not the old one!
> hence, this calls really should be sync local ioctl()s, not half-half...

Ok, thanks. I understand the issue now. Given that and the fact that there are 
legitimate uses for AddMatch, I am in agreement that bindings need to provide 
the interception themselves.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-26 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 26 November 2014 19:30:16 Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > I must be misunderstanding something.
> The kernel enforces that each bus name is prefixed with "$UID-". This
> is why the system bus is /sys/fs/kdbus/0-system rather than just
> /sys/fs/kdbus/system.
> This makes sure that users cannot play games with other users.

Thanks for the clarification. That tidbit is nowhere in the kdbus.txt docs. It 
should probably be mentioned in the section about creating buses.

Also, shouldn't CAP_IPC_OWNER-privileged processes be able to create a bus 
with an arbitrary  name?

> > My argument was for a more generic name, such as something in the
> > org.freedesktop.DBus hierarchy. That way, if someone else wants to provide
> > kdbus-powered buses, they'd implement that interface instead of trying to
> > emulate systemd and playing catch-up and possibly bug compatibility.
> I am really not keen in defining a new abstract bus interface for two
> functions of which at least one is very questionnable anyway, and
> where it's not clear that there will ever be a second implementation
> of...

I understand that reluctance.

> I mean, the two operations are not even really abstractable since both
> the update-env stuff and the reload stuff have different semantics on
> systemd: they are much more comprehensive and apply to all services at
> once instead of just the bus services. I mean, it sounds OK to me to
> pass this to systemd for compat reasons in a quirky way. But it if we
> define an abstract, well-defined, standardized interface for this with
> inherently unclean semantics this is really nothing I want to do.

Well, whatever it is, we need a sane API. I'm willing to standardise on the 
systemd behaviour if the current one is quirky anyway. If we do that, we'll 
need a new interface name anyway.

> > Further, if it does acquire the org.freedesktop.DBus name itself,
> > libraries
> > won't have to emulate most of the compat behaviour by intercepting
> > outgoing
> > messages. Intercepting means EVERY message needs to be inspected at one
> > point or another, instead of letting it fallback when the call actually
> > happens. In other words, providing a fallback service optimises for the
> > right
> > use-case.
> This kind of half/half solution sounds messy to me. Either emulate it
> or don't. But having some of the calls emulated on the client-side and
> some elsewhere sounds messy.

I don't want to emulate any in the library. Any calls that are made are sent 
to the service. AddMatch and RemoveMatch would reply with error, but most of 
the others should just work.

But given the other email, I guess I am only looking at my own problem. I 
didn't know that other applications, using other bindings, had legitimate uses 
for calling AddMatch directly.

> > Thanks for the clarification. I recommend adding a section on what steps
> > to do to create a bus (including setting up policies, activators), one on
> > creating an endpoint, and then one on how a controlling process should
> > operate to manage the bus/endpoint properly.
> To create a bus you open the "control" file, issue an ioctl (MAKE_BUS)
> on the fd, and the fd is then *converted* into a reference to the
> bus. You can use it then only for updating policy and for eventually
> closing it to make the bus go away.
> To create a bus connection you open the bus file, issue an ioctl
> (HELLO) on the fd, and the fd is then *converted* into a connection
> fd. You can then use that for send/recv messages, or
> acquiring/releasing names.
> To create a bus EP you open the bus file, issue an ioctl (MAKE_EP) on
> the fd, and the fd is then *converted* into a reference to the EP. You
> can use it then only to update the EP's policy, and for eventually
> closing it to make the EP go away.
> The systemd PID 1 instance has only two fds open hence: one bus
> reference, and one bus connection.
> A sandboxing app executor has one, maybe two fds open: the EP
> reference, and maybe a bus connection in case it wants to offer some
> services...

Understood. My recommendation for clarification in kdbus.txt remains.

> > > Well, but in those cases you can just use the user bus or system bus,
> > > there's no need to create a new bus just for the purpose of P2P...
> > 
> > That implies changes to the user application. I want to provide a
> > replacement API for DBusServer.
> So, if this is about compat with old apps then continue to use AF_UNIX
> for that... No need to push them to something new...

Well, one thing I've just realised is that the other app needs to know about 
kdbus too. S

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-26 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Wednesday 26 November 2014 12:35:33 Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > Aside from the connection-control mechanisms (AddMatch, RemoveMatch), did
> > you see any problems?
> It was primarily about that, but it is easy to construct races with
> this for most of the other driver calls as well.

Can you explain, if you remember, how the race could happen for the other 
driver calls?

Is this one: GetConnectionUnixProcessID could return stale information because 
the process has exited by the time that the reply arrived. If so, this race 
already existed in dbus1.

> > User code usually shouldn't be doing AddMatch and RemoveMatch (the only
> > case I can think of is dconf, which does its own parsing of the message
> > payload). That's the domain of the binding, which will know that it
> > connected to kdbus and won't be making those calls.
> Well, I am sure that in many cases apps want to install their own
> matches, beyond the object model of the used framework. For example, a
> graphical UI for systemd might want to subscribe to all of systemd's
> signals without actually matching on any specific object. Most
> framework object models don#t cover that. Or think of a tool like
> d-feet that wants to subscribe even more liberally, per service...

As I said, the only case I've seen so far was dconf and that's only because I 
allowed it to get access to the DBusConnection pointer that QtDBus uses. And 
that's why I am not worried about its AddMatch use-case because it will get 
broken by not using DBusConnection in the first place.

In all other cases, QtDBus does not allow an application to subscribe to any 
message directly. The only way to subscribe to a set of signals is to use the 
QtDBus API, which means QtDBus will manage the match rules for you and make 
the delivery.

In any case, I am not asking for AddMatch/RemoveMatch.

> No need to involve systemd. Creating additional busses requires no
> priviliges. You can just invoke the ioctls directly.

See other email. I was assuming that /sys/fs/kdbus/control could only be 
opened by root.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-26 Thread Thiago Macieira
 is file descriptor will manage the newly 
created endpoint resource. It cannot be used to manage further resources." I 
guess I read "further resources" as including changing policies on this 

Thanks for the clarification. I recommend adding a section on what steps to do 
to create a bus (including setting up policies, activators), one on creating 
an endpoint, and then one on how a controlling process should operate to 
manage the bus/endpoint properly.

> > > What's the usecase?
> > > 
> > > I mean you can fake p2p connections by allocating a bus and only
> > > connecting two peers to it (busses are relatively cheap now), but I am
> > > not sure why.
> > 
> > Because kdbus has a few extra advantages that sockets don't, like the
> > zero- or single-copy from process to process. And because we can: if the
> > necessary delta to support P2P is minimal, just a convention, then it's
> > more practical to keep everything centralised than to have an AF_UNIX
> > socket handler and a kdbus fd parser.
> Well, but in those cases you can just use the user bus or system bus,
> there's no need to create a new bus just for the purpose of P2P...

That implies changes to the user application. I want to provide a replacement 
API for DBusServer.

> > > Well, I doubt the usecase for direct links.
> > > 
> > > I mean, the reasons for peer-to-peer links I am aware of are:
> > > 
> > > a) performance
> > > b) network transparency
> > > c) IPC before dbus-daemon is around
> > > 
> > > a) and c) don't apply on kdbus anymore. And kdbus is inherently not a
> > > network transport, hence you have to use AF_INET there anyway.
> > 
> > Plus d) connection between processes of different privileges (e.g.,
> > different UIDs)
> Why not use the regular system bus for that?

Because if both processes are unprivileged, neither can own a name in the 
system bus nor send messages to each other.

> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the kernel impose a per-UID limit on
> > the number of FDs open?
> To my knowledge only one per-process.

There's a system-wide limit, but it's much higher. Ok, so there doesn't seem 
to be a problem here.

> > For non-activatable services, any unhandled calls will get
> > KDBUS_ITEM_REPLY_DEAD sent back to the sender. The only difference from
> > what I was asking is timing: with a KDBUS_CMD_SHUTDOWN, the error
> > condition would come as soon as the message was sent, as opposed to when
> > the receiver closed the fd. I don't think that is a problem.
> But does that timing fix anything? I don't see any race that was fixed
> by such differen behaviour.

I don't think that the timing change makes a difference to anyone.

> > 11.2 Wildcard names
> > 
> > "Policy holder connections may upload names that contain the wildcard
> > suffix (".*"). That way, a policy can be uploaded that is effective for
> > every well-kwown name that extends the provided name by exactly one more
> > level."
> > 
> > As I said, I kind of expect that the normal case is that the policy
> > applies to the entire tree, not just one more level.
> Ah, OK, no I get the context!
> So, dbus1 policy had this concept (see "own_prefix" in the man page)
> and we deemed it to actually be a useful one, given that this opens up
> using names as the synchronization primitive they are.
> I think the reason to limit this to one label only is to keep a clear
> distinction between what is namespace and what is instance. And
> ensuring the instance is just the last label (for whatever you encode
> into it) and the other labels are namespace...
> In general it is always easy to be strict initially and then open
> things up further when there's a strong usecase for it, rather than
> the other way round.

Fair enough. I guess that, if needed, you'll make the "full hierarchy" 
wildcard a double asterisk, e.g. "org.example.**".

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
gt; the VDSO, which is a simple memory read. No trap/syscall is involved.
> Downside is that you loose precision, but that should really be fine
> for this use-case.

I need to read a little more on the coarse monotonic clock to see what cases 
it's applicable for and when you should avoid it.

In this specific case, precision is not required, as a 25-second timeout is 
really long. Currently, QtDBus on dbus1 may get that wrong for as much as one 
full second (less than 5% error).
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
g centralised than to have an AF_UNIX socket handler and a 
kdbus fd parser.

> Well, I doubt the usecase for direct links.
> I mean, the reasons for peer-to-peer links I am aware of are:
> a) performance
> b) network transparency
> c) IPC before dbus-daemon is around
> a) and c) don't apply on kdbus anymore. And kdbus is inherently not a
> network transport, hence you have to use AF_INET there anyway.

Plus d) connection between processes of different privileges (e.g., different 

In any case, applications are already using P2P buses. As a library writer, 
I'd like to provide them with a seamless transition. Applications shouldn't 
have to know whether the main bus is kdbus before deciding how to communicate.

I'm assuming here that kdbus performance is considerably better than P2P dbus1 
on Unix sockets. If that's the case, then applications should prefer to use 
kdbus over P2P Unix sockets for large data transfers because it's now 
If that's not the case, then the only reason to do this would be to simplify 

> > Also, is there any way to ask an endpoint to stop accepting new
> > connections
> > without tearing down the existing ones?
> You could just take away the access bits.


> > Because I thought that the activator may be one process for all possible
> > services. I'm guessing this is not the way you'd envisioned it. Otherwise,
> > if you have 200 activatable services, there are 200 connections by one or
> > more process. There's no bus daemon to run out of fd's here, but they
> > would count towards the user's system-wide file descriptor limit.
> Yes, systemd maintains one fd per bus-activatable name, that is
> correct. And it bumps the NOFILES limits to make sure that works.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the kernel impose a per-UID limit on the 
number of FDs open?

If so, wouldn't a user with tons of activatable services cause a considerable 
consumption of this limited resource because systemd-user opened a lot of FDs?

> > > > The docs say that it only succeeds if there are no more messages, at
> > > > which
> > > > point no further messages will be accepted. There doesn't seem to be a
> > > > way
> > > > of doing a shutdown()-equivalent: stop reception of new messages but
> > > > still process the queued ones.
> > > 
> > > What's the precise usecase for this?
> > 
> > "I've been requested to exit, so I am going to exit now" This tells the
> > kernel to stop sending me messages, so I am able to exit. If there are
> > more after this, they'll be queued for the activator again, if there's
> > one, rejected otherwise.
> Well, but you could just process what you want, and not read from the
> fd anymore. Then you exit, leaving the messages in the fd unread. The
> kernel will then activate the process again and pass the new messages
> to it. I am not really sure what the usecase is for telling the kernel
> explicitly that you don't want more messages...

Right that works for activatable services.

For non-activatable services, any unhandled calls will get 
KDBUS_ITEM_REPLY_DEAD sent back to the sender. The only difference from what I 
was asking is timing: with a KDBUS_CMD_SHUTDOWN, the error condition would 
come as soon as the message was sent, as opposed to when the receiver closed 
the fd. I don't think that is a problem.

> > Then glibc should be fixed to have _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK set to 200809L.
> > That saves us a sysconf() call to verify whether it's present or not.
> > 
> >
> >
> > #0161
> > 
> > if you know someone influential there to make it happen, it would be most
> > welcome.
> File a bug to glibc.

Right. I was just wondering if you knew someone influential so we can get this 
simple change in quickly.

> > > > === Wildcards ===
> > > > 
> > > > Are you sure that * not matching a dot is a good idea? What is the
> > > > rationale behind it?
> > > 
> > > Hmm, what precisely is this about? wildcards about?
> > 
> > Just wondering why the * does not match the dot. I'd assume the more
> > common
> > case is to match a full prefix and that includes match dots.
> Hmm? * in what precisely? missing the context here...

11.2 Wildcard names

"Policy holder connections may upload names that contain the wildcard suffix 
(".*"). That way, a policy can be uploaded that is effective for every
well-kwown name that extends the provided name by exactly one more level."

As I said, I kind of expect that the normal case is that the policy applies to 
the entire tree, not just one more level.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
> > 
> > Can this be changed?
> No. This was actually recently changed only. The reason here is about
> restartable syscalls: when the blocking method call ioctl() is used,
> and a signal is received, clients must be able to restart the ioctl()
> where it left of, and for that relative timestamps are really awful,
> as the client side could not just invoke the syscall with the same
> args again.

A solution for that is to update the timeout with the remaining time like 
select(2) does (though glibc hides that). This is a Linux-specific syscall, so 
there's no POSIX compatibility to take into account.

> It's actually a strict rule now for userspace interfaces of the
> kernel: all timeouts should be absolute, not relative, and we need to
> follow here, too.

Understood, but coming from userspace's perspective this seems ill-advised and 
optimising for the wrong use-case. The common case is that syscalls are not 
interrupted: with a timeout, there's one clock_gettime() call *after* the 
interruption if any; with the timestamp, there's always one before the 

> > If this isn't to be changed, please change it at least to be a struct
> > timespec, so it's easier to calculate it from the output of
> > clock_gettime().
> Conversion is trivial actually...

timespec→nanosecs is easy, granted (just multiplication and addition). Doing 
the reverse would require divisions and modulus, but I can't think of where it 
would be necessary.

> > PS: the documentation says that it's on CLOCK_MONOTONIC, but glibc does
> > not
> > define _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK to be larger than zero. That implies that
> > there are Linux systems where no monotonic clock is present. Either kdbus
> > or glibc needs to be fixed.
> No, the monotonic clock is *not* optional on Linux.

Then glibc should be fixed to have _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK set to 200809L. That 
saves us a sysconf() call to verify whether it's present or not.

if you know someone influential there to make it happen, it would be most 

> Well, this has been requested before, but this has problems. For
> starters this would mean that each reciever would have to recieve a
> different message, which we currently try to avoid, everybdoy gets the
> same. Also, it means that the kernel would always have to iterate
> through all rules that are installed, instead of being able to return
> quickly if the first rule that matches is found (why? because there
> might be two rules that match the same message).
> Also not that bloom filters are probabilistic anyway, hence you have
> to match in userspace anyway, in order not to get false positives. But
> if you do that you can just build the matching data structure so that
> you also use it to find the appropriate binding for each
> message. sd-bus does that actuallly pretty neatly by building a
> decision tree that solves both problems with the minimal number of
> checks traversing a decision tree.

QtDBus has a hashing table based on the most common rules for dbus1 and then 
does more precise matching. For kdbus support, I suppose we'll use the hashing 
table on the "definite" information and then build the decision tree on the 
rest of the data.

The user cookie would allow us to bypass one or both steps. I understand it 
would require parsing all rules, but is that so bad?

As for having the same message, I was thinking that the cookies should be 
present for all destinations along with the IDs of those destinations. Except 
that that might balloon the size of the message (100 services listening for a 
signal, each matching 4 rules, with 16 bytes per match rule = 6400 bytes of 

See below on the names.

> > === Wildcards ===
> > 
> > Are you sure that * not matching a dot is a good idea? What is the
> > rationale behind it?
> Hmm, what precisely is this about? wildcards about?

Just wondering why the * does not match the dot. I'd assume the more common 
case is to match a full prefix and that includes match dots.

> > 
> > Documentation for metadata says that userspace must cope with some
> > metadata
> > not being delivered. Can we at least require that KDBUS_ATTACH_NAMES be
> > delivered if requested? If the cookie in the match rule isn't provided in
> > the message reception, having the source's names would help solve the
> > problem of the signal delivery.
> > 
> > The timestamp should also be mandatory.
> Yes, they are mandatory. process credentials might be suppressed
> hwover, for example if they cannot be translated due to namespaces.

Thanks. Could you clarify in the docs?

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Compatibility between D-Bus and kdbus

2014-11-24 Thread Thiago Macieira
 actual timeout. I would much prefer it be provided in number of 
nanoseconds to wait, since that's the normal use-case (25 seconds). To do it 
the way that it's proposed would require a call to clock_gettime() and some 
math before every KDBUS_CMD_MSG_SEND in order to calculate the deadline.

Can this be changed?

If this isn't to be changed, please change it at least to be a struct 
timespec, so it's easier to calculate it from the output of clock_gettime().

PS: the documentation says that it's on CLOCK_MONOTONIC, but glibc does not 
define _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK to be larger than zero. That implies that there 
are Linux systems where no monotonic clock is present. Either kdbus or glibc 
needs to be fixed.


Clarification: the docs say that this call cancels a blocking wait. Does it 
mean that this command is to be used from a different thread to cause the 
blocking call to return? If it has other purposes, this needs documenting.


These calls could allow multiple names to be requested or released in one go. 
Low-priority future improvement, I guess.

I also don't see anything specifying how a connection is notified that it got a 
name it had queued for. Should it use KDBUS_ITEM_NAME_{ADD,CHANGE} and look 
for its own connection ID?

If one requests a name and allows queueing, is there any way to tell from the 
return value whether the acquisition happened immediately? Not that important, 
I guess, since queueing implies async anyway.

=== kdbus_cmd_match user data ===

One of the problems we have in userspace bindings is to figure out what to do 
with a message that was received, especially broadcasts. It would really, 
really help us if we could specify some user data in the match rule and have 
that be provided by the kernel when the message is received.

A single u64 per match rule would be enough, since we can store a pointer 
there (i.e., the cookie that is already there). The received message should 
contain a list of user data (cookies) that it matched.

This could be a future improvement, since right now we make do without it.

=== kdbus_policy_access ===

After reading through the description, you can be sure that there will be a 
request to add the ability to match a given SMACK label, not just UID or GID. 
Hopefully a patch will be sent alongside it, but please make it possible to 
pass labels not just IDs.

=== Wildcards ===

Are you sure that * not matching a dot is a good idea? What is the rationale 
behind it?

Can I suggest using IMAP wildcard matching instead? * matches anything 
including dots, % matches everything except dots.


Documentation for metadata says that userspace must cope with some metadata 
not being delivered. Can we at least require that KDBUS_ATTACH_NAMES be 
delivered if requested? If the cookie in the match rule isn't provided in the 
message reception, having the source's names would help solve the problem of 
the signal delivery.

The timestamp should also be mandatory.

The docs say it reads "DBusDBus", but on little-endian systems it actually 
reads "suBDsuBD" :-)

Not relevant, though.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Can apps ship their own copy of libudev?

2013-10-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
On sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013 11:57:25, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> >The drawbacks of this solution are:
> > - no link-time dependency for packaging tools to detect and create the
> >
> >   package dependency without intervention
> Given most .run-type software bypasses package tools already,
> there is not much more to lose.

Good point. I was thinking of the case of distributions that potentially 
forgot to enable direct linking and instead fell back to the dynamic loading 
code. We probably have to make our code smart enough so that this won't 

> > - sub-optimal resolution and calling (hand-written code worse than linker-
> >
> >   generated PLT)
> How worse is it, actually?
> 5   void *h = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
> (gdb) n
> 6   int (*scmp)(const char *, const char *) = dlsym(h,
> "strcmp"); (gdb)
> 7   return scmp(argv[0], "x.c") == 0;
> (gdb) p scmp
> $1 = (int (*)(const char *, const char *)) 0x77953c40 <__strcmp_ssse3>
> So even though I used the, as you call it, "suboptimal" dlopen mechanism,
> I do get the SSSE3-optimized variant. Can't be _that_ bad.

That's not what I meant. Yes, both variants will call the same function. 

I meant that the code you wrote above (dlopen-dlsym-call, plus handling dlopen 
failing) is worse than the equivalent solution generated by the linker and 
dynamic linker for the case when we are allowed to link directly.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Can apps ship their own copy of libudev?

2013-10-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
On sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013 10:36:12, Greg KH wrote:
> Then, as others have stated, be like a distro and use their tools to
> build your packages.  OBS can build stuff for every major distro except
> Gentoo, so you should have no problem at all to use that.
> And that's the "real" solution you should be using here, as that will
> resolve issues that you will have if you don't that are bigger than just
> the minor udev library issue.

We'll do that and packagers do help us with final versions. Kai already 
explained where we have problems and where distro packages aren't enough.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] Can apps ship their own copy of libudev?

2013-10-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
On sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013 10:20:46, Greg KH wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 08:39:49AM +, Koehne Kai wrote:
> > Finally, just searching for '' on the web shows that we're
> > far from the only ones who ran into problems because of this ...
> > Learning that the differences between and
> > are very minor somewhat helps (we can e.g. dlopen it),
> Even if it isn't that "minor" of an issue, the correct thing to do here
> is to dlopen it, as that removes this type of issue completely.  It's
> what a number of other programs have done for years to deal with "core"
> system libraries and is a valid solution for Linux.

That's what we'll do. It's just a sub-optimal solution, compared to direct & 
normal linking -- which is something we need to enable for distros to do.

The drawbacks of this solution are:
 - no link-time dependency for packaging tools to detect and create the
   package dependency without intervention
 - sub-optimal resolution and calling (hand-written code worse than linker-
   generated PLT)
 - two separate codepaths for us to maintain
 - need to scan for both and

I understand the long-term need to break binary compatibility. It's just 
annoying when it happens...

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT)
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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systemd-devel mailing list

Re: [systemd-devel] [HEADSUP] libsystemd-bus + kdbus plans

2013-03-25 Thread Thiago Macieira
On segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013 13.06.57, Simon McVittie wrote:
> Please talk to the D-Bus maintainers about any reimplementations or
> replacements for D-Bus; we are on
> (Cross-posted.)

Thanks for the cross-posting, Simon. I have now found the thread on systemd-
devel showing the plans for kdbus.

I'm wondering only why the plans for kdbus were never posted to the dbus@fd.o
mailing list... I'll just attribute that to a minor "oops".

Anyway, here's the original for those in the D-Bus list and not in the systemd
list (trimmed to the relevant parts about D-Bus):

==kdbus is a new kernel implementation of D-Bus that Kay and Greg have
been working on. The userspace component of it will live in systemd, and
libsystemd-bus is the first step towards it.

This library will speak both kdbus and traditional dbus (we need this,
in order to allow tools like systemctl -H to work, across hosts via a
stream connection). Currently, the code I just pushed only does the

Moving things onto kdbus/libsystemd-bus is going to be a step-by-step
process, happening over the coming year or so. We will try hard to make
this transition smooth for distributions. Our rough plan is:

a) stabilize what we have now

b) port over systemctl and the other client side tools to
   libsystemd-bus, to see if it all works, and give the API a bit of a
   real-life check-up. When finished we will drop the dependency on
   classic, but will still use dbus-daemon.

c) Finish up kdbus and port libsystemd-bus over to it. Get kdbus merged.

d) Port gdbus + classic to become clients for kdbus, too.

e) Flag day, switch over the system bus to kdbus, leave session bus as
   dbus-daemon. At the same time we will no longer support
   dbus-daemon for the system. This will add a hard dependency of
   systemd on a very new kernel version. However, to make this palatable
   we will try hard to keep kdbus.ko compilable out-of-tree and easily

f) Flag day, switch over the session/user bus to kdbus too. dbus-daemon
   is not used anymore now.

All three client libraries will be able to talk to either the new or the
old server, so that apps don't really have to care. At least in the
ideal case. We try hard to keep breakage minimal, but we might not be
able to avoid it entirely.

The userspace part for setting up the busses will live in systemd. kdbus
is not going to be available for non-systemd systems unless somebody
sits down and writes an entirely independent bus userspace.

kdbus is entirely different from AF_BUS.
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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