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Balco Twist Puts U.S. Track on Defensive

April 21, 2004


In three months, Olympic trials will determine the United
States' track and field team for the Summer Games in
Athens. In four months, the Games will begin. No team is
historically more powerful than the Americans in track and
field, the Summer Olympics' most important sport. But no
team is more unsettled at the moment, given the possibility
of continuing fallout from the Balco steroids scandal. 

Already, four American track and field stars face
suspensions after testing positive for the designer steroid
THG, or tetrahydrogestrinone. National and international
Olympic and track officials are tensely waiting to find out
whether other athletes will be prohibited from competing in
Athens because they used illicit performance-enhancing

A potential twist in the case is this: Athletes do not have
to test positive to be considered doping cheaters. The
United States Anti-Doping Agency, which oversees drug
screening in Olympic sports, can sanction athletes if they
admit to having used banned substances or if other
evidence, including documents, statements and witnesses,
can prove drug use beyond a reasonable doubt. 

As Olympic and track officials await a resolution of the
Balco case, which may not go to trial until the fall, they
face the potential embarrassment of sending cheaters to
Athens and then having to force athletes to return tainted
medals after the Games end. Sports officials would like the
Balco issue settled quickly, but they are powerless to
resolve matters themselves. 

"We have to wait; there's nothing we can do, really," said
Nick Davies, a spokesman for track and field's world
governing body, known as the I.A.A.F. "It's something we
have to live with." 

Terry Madden, chief executive of the American anti-doping
agency, said in February that he expected investigations by
the federal government and the anti-doping agency "will
lead to the initiation of more doping cases against
athletes and others." 

How does the anti-doping agency build its case against
athletes who may be implicated in the Balco case but who
have not tested positive in drug screenings? One clue is a
meeting tentatively scheduled for today between officials
of the anti-doping agency and Victor Conte Jr., founder of
Balco, the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative. He is one of
four men in the case charged with distributing steroids and
laundering money. It is not certain whether the meeting
will occur, Robert Holley, who is Conte's lawyer, said

Presumably, the anti-doping agency would seek firsthand
knowledge about doping and corroborating documents from
Conte. But it is not clear that such a meeting would be
beneficial to either side. It remains uncertain what Conte
would offer to the anti-doping agency, or what the
anti-doping agency could offer him. 

Conte would be unlikely to admit anything to the United
States Anti-Doping Agency without first securing a deal
from federal prosecutors, lawyers familiar with the case

"Any plea negotiation or any negotiations of any kind of
disposition short of trial would have to go directly
through the U.S. Attorney's office and the Justice
Department, period," Holley said. "And U.S.A.D.A. isn't
part of that." 

It is possible, officials involved in the investigation
said, that Conte's cooperation with the anti-doping agency
might be viewed favorably in a plea negotiation with the
United States attorney's office in San Francisco, which is
prosecuting the case. Conte is also scheduled to meet today
with prosecutors to examine evidence, Holley said. 

"Victor Conte has information that he would love to be of
service to the Olympic Committee, if that were something
that were a viable option, given the charges pending
against him," Holley said. But, he added, "We cannot do
anything to hurt his position." 

The anti-doping agency has worked with federal
investigators on the Balco case, but it is not known how
much evidence the Justice Department would share as it
builds its own criminal case. Matthew J. Jacobs, an
assistant United States attorney in San Francisco, declined
to comment on the Balco case yesterday. In general, he
said, rules of criminal procedure prohibit the disclosure
of grand jury material. It is also the practice of the
Justice Department not to disclose the names of potential
witnesses who have not been charged with a crime, Jacobs

But the anti-doping agency has other potential evidence
that it could explore, such as e-mail messages to and from
Conte involving track and field athletes and checks written
to Conte by athletes, including one described as an Olympic
gold medal winner. The existence of such documents were
made public in government affidavits, with the names of
athletes edited out. 

The anti-doping agency could receive assistance in this
evidence search from the Senate Commerce Committee, whose
chairman is John McCain, Republican of Arizona. Two weeks
ago, McCain subpoenaed documents related to Olympic
athletes from the Justice Department. 

Athletes might also find themselves vulnerable to perjury
charges if they were found to have lied last fall to the
federal grand jury investigating the Balco scandal, lawyers
have said. 

What Conte and others may be able to prove about doping is
certain to send shivers through the American track
community. For years, the sport has existed in an
atmosphere tainted by drug scandals and international
accusations that American officials had covered up positive
drug tests. The legitimacy of any great performance comes
under suspicion in such a cynical setting. 

Marion Jones, the Olympic sprint champion, and Tim
Montgomery, the world-record holder at 100 meters, each
testified before the Balco grand jury. Each has denied
using banned substances. Neither has been charged with any
crime. But that does not rid the sport from a dark cloud of

Last weekend at the Mount San Antonio College Relays in
California, talk swirled around the Balco case and its
potential implications. "It's time for a lot of positive
things to happen, because a lot of negative things have
been happening," said Maurice Greene, the Olympic champion
at 100 meters. 

Just yesterday, four American track athletes - Chryste
Gaines, Eric Thomas, Chris Phillips and Sandra Glover - got
public warnings, but were not barred, after testing
positive for the stimulant modafinil. 

Jill Geer, a spokeswoman for USA Track & Field, said the
national governing body had confidence in the anti-doping
agency's investigation and hoped it would be resolved
quickly. "It is in no one's interest to have any innocent
athlete competing under suspicion, nor is it in anyone's
interest to have cheaters competing," Geer said in a

Because the United States Olympic Committee is committed to
sending a clean team to Athens, it is willing to absorb
more unfavorable publicity in the Balco case, Jim Scherr,
the committee's chief executive, said. "If someone ended up
indicting competitors, that's a price we're willing to pay
to do what's right," Scherr said. 

Liz Robbins contributed reporting for this article.


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