Re: t-and-f: What in the world happened?

2001-08-09 Thread Mike Rohl

This is going to  both the T&F list and the race walk list.  For those 
on the racewalk list Randy Treadway is a I-friend of mine.
He wrote:
> Okay, All I have is the "agate" on the IAAF/Edmonton web
> site-> 42 women started the 20K Walk, and FIFTEEN OF THEM
> got disqualified!!!
> Back to the walk-
> one of those DQ'd was Michelle Rohl.
> Fill us in Mike- what happened?
> Outrageous judging?
Well it could have been very strict judging.  Outrageous could be 
the word used but honestly I just don't know.  Michelle has a bad 
habit of not calling me while away - especially when something bad 
happens.  I will say this though, for certain reasons, I had thought 
Michelle might be off her game a bit but we have to get some tests 
done first.  

She will be home tommorrow and when I get a report I'll let you 
know.  Interestingly the last time Michelle got DQed was May of 98 
in her first 20k.  Since that time she has done a great deal of 
technique work and hasn't had any problems, including a world cup 
and the Olympics.  But as I have always said, walking is a tricky 
event, you have to have  be right on to get it right - just imagine 
hitting that long jump board every step.
> A third of the field took a wrong turn and got
> accused of cutting the course?

Don't we wish.   

Talk to you all tommorrow morning.


Re: t-and-f: Sprint Respect

2001-08-06 Thread Mike Rohl

Conway wrote:
> But Mike, I already knew that the walks don't get respect here !!! Just
> didn't know the sprints were in the same boat ... We'll have to start a
> walks and sprints list ! :o) actually I hadn't even looked at the walks
> results yet .. I should be embarrassed :o(

Nah no worries Conway.  A sprint/walks alliance?  That would be 
interesting - almost as good as the Hammer/walks alliance that 
occurred back in the 80's.  I have always thought that sprinters and 
throws guys often respected walks, except Michael Johnson that is.  
My experience in setting where event disciplines have to share a 
track (like Nationals and Olympic Trials.)  I have found folks like Mo 
and Jon Drummond to be very much gentleman and respectful of 
me while I was training.  Even when I did sort of drift into a lane Jon 
was blasting away in.


Re: t-and-f: Sprint Respect

2001-08-06 Thread Mike Rohl

Conway wrote:
>  ... Most likely the only sweep the US will experience in this meet and 
>possibly the only sweep that will occur period ..

hey I thought it was realy cool but Conway... well the Russians 
Already swept the 20k walk. :)


t-and-f: morning Heart Rates

2001-08-06 Thread Mike Rohl


> I've hear that Miguel Indurain has his heart rate in the high 20s.

> No wonder he can pump that bike up the mountains.  I have heard of low 40's but not 
>sure on anyone in
> the thirties.

Interestingly I have recorded my HR in the morning at 38.  But while 
wearing a Heart Monitor overnight I recorded a heart rate of 25 for 
several minutes during the deepest sleep. 

t-and-f: Top NJ HS Milers...WALK or RUN

2001-07-11 Thread Mike Rohl

some how I missed the start of this one not that it really  matters.   But I am wondering how long these kinds of  debates are going to happen.  As events become more  competitive there is bound to be some cross over in  events.  Now I know years ago some thought  that  walkers couldn't run and that is why they walked.  But  time and again we see that walker cross over into  running very well.   Alina Ivanova a 42 min 10 walker and  2:27 marathoner from Russia.  Most of you know about  Michelle's exploits as a middle distance runner (NAIA  champion and 15 time all-american as well as a 2:48  marathon).  A couple of years ago I pointed out that  Justin Easter of Main won the state championship in the  walk, mile run and two mile in the same day.  Many at the  time scoffed that the triple wasn't that hard but really that  is impressive no matter how you look at it - he ran a  4:20.  He won the JN 10 k walk his senior year in HS  and won JN in the steeple the next year. Amber Antonia  a All American cross country runner was second in  Eugene.   Robyn Stevens who is one of the best Junior  walkers has also run 5:12 and will go to Parkside to run  and walk.

How many of you knew that Jerry Lingren tried the walk  in meets?  How about our own list member Floyd  Highfill. ? 

My point is this: the walk is just another endurance event.  That's it.  You train almost the same race the strategic,  get the same HR's same VO2 all the same.  There are  lots of guys I see run that would be just as good or better  walkers and some walkers are solid runners it goes both  ways.

SOme folks, Roger Ruth for example, put out all kinds of  things about the vault.  Mike ROTH puts stuff up about  HS walkers.  Mainstream track writers/list  keeper/whoever sometimes inadvertently forget to  mention good performances by walkers.  Ask Tom  Surber or Glen McClicken how many times I have  drooped them notes about things as reminders.  I am  never upset when I have to do this because I know they  are very busy and they always say thanks.  If all the  events had people doing stuff like that media relations  would be way better.

Anyway I am not sure what happened here but this list is  all about T&F - don't really see why there needs to be a  problem at all.


Re: t-and-f: Re: Jenny Adams

2001-07-11 Thread Mike Rohl

Russ wrote:

> Jenny is being coached by Tom Tellez, who, in my opinion, is the most underrated of 
>all of the great sprint/jump coaches.

Underrated?  Low profile by his own choice maybe but not 


t-and-f: This will scare the hell out of you!

2001-07-01 Thread Mike Rohl


Over the years I have shared some pretty  unbelievable thing that have happened to  Michelle and I as we wind our way through this  rare world we live in.  Of course my closest  friends know i don't have to make this stuff up - you just can't.

On the Wednesday before Nationals - 12  days ago - we found a small tick on Michelle's  lat.  It was in fact a bear tick.  Now there isn't  anyone in WIsconsin who doesn't know the  danger of these little bastards and we were on  the look out for any signs of Lyme's disease.   She left the next day and no target rash or  other symptoms began.

Her race went well, no one mentioned but her  10k split (44:52) was faster then the winning  time of any national 10k and she set the AR  for 15k on the way through as well.

The occurrence of Lyme's infection has been  down in this area so since Michelle  manifested no symptoms there was the  possibility the bacteria was not transmitted.

On Wednesday Michelle began to complain  of a back ache - woke me up 3 times to let me  know too.  By Friday the day she was to  resume training she wasn't feeling well at all.   By Saturday she had a Temp for of 102 and  off to the E.R. we went.  By this time a feint  target rash was beginning to appear.

Well Lyme's disease it was and 2 IV bags  later a does of extra strength Tylenol and the  appropriate antibiotic were off.   

The Doc says once the fever is gone she can  train again, which should be in a day or so and  a 21 day block of this stuff will cure it with little  risk of long term problems.

My advice.  If you are outside much in areas  where there might be bear/deer ticks.  Learn  and know the signs of Lyme's.  By knowing  what to look for and early intervention we were  able to save Michelle from the worst of it.

Michael Rohl

Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl

Larry wrote:
You kidding, right? So does MJ have to dominate the world in the 
5000m to
be considered a "leader" in the sport of track & field? 

No, Larry, i am not kidding.  But, You have mis understood what I 
meant by leader.  What the original poster implied that MJ was 
"leader"  as in captain.  The kind of guy others keyed off of for 
performance.  He may have been  a leader in your sense - being 
first on the lists or being the best - but in any other sense of the 
word he was not.  You can't lead some one or a group but making 
public statements that they don't deserve to even exist.


Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl


Ed  Parrot wrote:

"I believe that the relatively small amount of
prize money this year was a good first step." 

Don't be misled here by those press releases - that was not prize 
money.  It was USOC stipends disguised as prize money and 
further not every winner gets one. Its the same as it has been the 
last 4 years with the exception that a 4th place has been added. 
Further not all the athletes get the money you think they have 
earned.  For instance an athlete making more then 80,000 dollars - 
that is "published" does not get the money.  And then neither do 
the college athletes, of course, nor can one do a double and and 
take both.  You only get to keep the one you placed highest in.  
Further the money doesn't always slide down.  For instance Gabe 
doesn't get 500 dollars and it can't go to Webb either.  But whoever 
was 6th in the 1500 will not get it either because  you have the A 
standard to get that money if you are in a position other than1-4.  
WHere does it go?  Back into the events (like the sprints) that have 
the A standards.  So much for development of an event.  Though I 
can't say for sure here are a list of athletes who might not get this: 
MO, Marion, BK, Goucher, Regina  Gail? just for starters.

Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl


Louise Forwarded:

> WHEREAS the start for the sprinter/hurdler is a complex part of the race
> and sprinters/hurdlers are the only athletes symbiotically linked with
> another person, the starter (who is never held accountable)

While I think that whole thing is great I must say I believe that 
racewalk athletes are as symbiotcally linked to racewalk judges as 

Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl


Darrell wrote:

> We are skating the issue here.  Yes, there is the AAC, but they are the same 
> people that feel slighted.  This is exactly what I am speaking about.  The 
> athletes do not feel as though they have an adequate voice in the function of 
> the federation and its decision making, and policy making.
> More specifically the sprinters really feel slighted.  And that becomes a big 
> problem because you are talking about the premier athletes at that point.

You folks are not being told the truth here - I have been through 
those meetings and the sprinters who do show up work hard and 
do feel like they are being represented well. As do all the athletes 
who come to the meetings.   But you have to come and work. 


Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl


Darrel wrote
> A big push for the nationals would be the reestablishment of the relationship 
> between the federation and the athlete.  There is none right now.
> It began decades ago and is now blowing up right before our eyes.  This 
> current wave of rule changes and proposals drove a stake between the two 
> parties.  The athletes feel as though they have a very limited voice, and 
> that voice is often ignored.  We will see a resurgence when the athletes feel 
> as though they have a stake in the program.  Right now they feel like slaves, 
> and clowns performing for the masses.  On top of it all, the athletes are the 
> ones that get criticized, and take the hit, and the federation leaves them in 
> the lurch.  Bad business.

While I don't disagree with Darrell's point about wether a defending 
World Champion who has a bye should or should not be forced to 
compete at a Nationals Championships (I have mixed feelings 
myself).  I do disagree with about athletes feeling they have a 
limited voice.  The AAC is very strong and has Craig's ear - it would 
be stronger yet is the big guns would come and lend support.  As 
for it blowing up - nah 86 was much worse with the whole Good 
Will Games fiasco.  ANd not to start a huge fight but why is it that 
3 rounds of a 100 are more dibillitating then say a 5k/10k double?  
We might note it is always the big time sprinter who want out of 
the Nationals.  Why is that?


Re: t-and-f: a huge loss to the sport

2001-06-29 Thread Mike Rohl


Eric wrote:
> Be it the weather conditions or the athletes feeling the loss of US's track 
> and field leader, 

I must say that there are many, many athletes who in no way think 
of Michael Johnson in anyway a leader in our sport.  He has 
managed to completely alienate himself from just about any event 
longer than 400m and in the field.
