On 29/3/21 3:58 pm, scsijon wrote:

On 29/3/21 12:39 pm, scsijon wrote:

On 29/3/21 6:30 am, scsijon wrote:

Sorry for the bad news, but neither of the http://dl.t2-project.org/binary/2021 X86-64 versions will build a current T2, both fail at 1-glibc so something's gone wrong somewhere with your changes.

And my own version, that previously built (last year), but without ninja, is now failing at 1-ninja with an error as >

./ninja: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by ./ninja)

even though libc.so.6 seems to be in the correct build directory. I even linked it to the /usr/lib and the two lib64's in case it was being looked for elsewhere. I will look into it but wonder if it's looking outside the T2 build system as my local is version 2.31 as we have had this type of problem before.



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Having a hunt onĀ  the web, it seems there are a lot of problems with a number of packages and glibc version 2.33 installed. Basic sugestion from most is to step back down to 2.32, and that seems to fix it, so i'm going to do that and start again. I'll report the result in a day or so when back on.

Just a quick note that the T2 has now past 1-ninja using glibc 2.32 instead of 2.33, also there are a few notes in the develoment LFS (8.5) that may be of assistance, something about needing to set slibdir to /lib not /lib64 for a number of packages (at least ninja, yasm, nasm, rust and something else (forgotten the name) require it).

And a note that other than what i've already commented about in messages, it seems the only other problem is libusb (an easy one, when you read it) and 20-minimal has been built.

And now on to 40-minimal-xorg



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