Re: [Tagging] country specific scheme - was: Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-16 Thread Pee Wee
Thanks for this information. Openfietsmap contacted me to get more detailed
info. I'll send you an e-mail.

2013/11/15 Masi Master

 Am 15.11.2013, 16:45 Uhr, schrieb Pee Wee

  2013/11/14 Martin Koppenhoefer

 2013/11/14 Ronnie Soak

  For the access tags (and we do discuss access tags here), it is common
 practice to have country-specific defaults on certain highway types as
 listed in the wiki [1] and only tag what contradicts those defaults.

 I'm not sure any of the current routers uses these country specific
 defaults. My guess is that normal roads will always be allowed for
 everybody except specified explicitly differently, and motorways and
 with motorroad=yes will exclude certain slow vehicles. Cycleways will
 cycling and footways walking and usually not cycling. If some country
 specific defaults are different and nothing is tagged, it probably won't
 work. Usually mappers do add default properties explicitly on roads and
 ways, and the more mature a region is mapped, the more of those
 you'd usually find.


  I think many mappers are very happy with these country specific access
 rules. This will prevent an overload of tags on roads. There is only one
 router I know personnaly and that is the creator of the Openfietsmap map. His map (lite version) is
 also worldwide
 He uses this country specific scheme.

 Part of his script is here. I think it makes clear that trunk roads are
 accessabel for bicycles in some countries regardless of any bicycle=no

 highway=trunk  mkgmap:country ~
 DNK|HUN|ROU)' { set highway=motorway }
 highway=trunk  bicycle=no { set highway=motorway }
 highway=trunk { set highway=primary }

 In Germany trunk generally is able to cycle.
 In Germany we tag car-roads/fast-roads with motorroad=yes, this could
 be trunk and primary (and perhaps secondary too?). This roads are forbidden
 (implicit) for bicycles and foot.

 Think the added 2 (and changed 4th) lines are better:

 motorroad=yes  mkgmap:country ~
 '(DEU)' { set highway=motorway }   //think for CH and AT the same
 highway=trunk  mkgmap:country ~
 DNK|HUN|ROU)' { set highway=motorway }
 highway=trunk  bicycle=no { set highway=motorway }
 highway=trunk { set highway=primary }


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Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - bicycle=use_cycleway

2013-11-16 Thread Kytömaa Lauri
when access=destination already exists for exactly this situation.

Besides the other arguments about other users already mentioned, the value 
'destination' would not work in practice either.

For all we know, routing algorithms currently used don't work like a human 
brain, but they handle destination limits differently. When the algorithms go 
through the routing graph, they notice the relevant tag with the value 
'destination', and thereafter refuse to consider any segment that does _not_ 
have the value 'destination'. Once you enter a destination only zone, you must 
find the destination before you leave, otherwise you would be going through. 
(Also, if the route started in a segment with the value 'destination', this 
only starts when it first gets to an edge where there is no longer a relevant 
tag with the value ''destination').

The bicycle=destination tags could not be flood filled to nearby roads 
without a parallel cycleway (there's no cyclist no through traffic on them). 
Likewise, if the tag is not flooded, there is in most cases a long detour to 
get to said tag flooded road without going through the original edge which 
would have been suggested to be tagged with bicycle=destination; then one would 
get a long detour route, because it avoids the bicycle=destination bit (even 
with a better-than-common-practice handling of the value 'destination').


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=highway

2013-11-16 Thread bulwersator
To identify an area of land on which a highway together with any associated 
footways and verges are constructed up to a boundary or barrier separating this 
land from private property. -

It was proposed in 2009 and then proposal died without any obvious reason (link 
to previously started discussion: ).

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