[Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting Extended - amenity=boat_sharing

2014-03-29 Thread nounours77
Hi everybody,

As discussed in my earlier post, I think voting is important even for specific 
service tags to make them offical. Therefore, I extend the voting period for 
the boat_sharing proposal:


The idea is to replicate the same structure for boats as for cars. To indicate 
where you can pick up a shared boat you reserved. I expect that service 
providers will mostly deliver this information, but we should agree on the 

Thanks for voting.

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] What is OSM: a base layer for individual maps, or a fully featured geobased information system?

2014-03-29 Thread nounours77
Hi there,

Not sure if this is the right place for this philosophical question. But 
starting from the comment of Brycenesbitt to my apartment-proposal I feel this 
will become yet another piece of unmaintanable data in OSM. and several 
comments I got on my boat_sharing proposal just use it, don't go through 
proposal process I think it's a important question. What do we define tags for?

A) OSM is just a base layer
We tag just for general features of the landscape, and maybe roads. This will 
make a beautiful map, which then can be used as a base layer, e.g. for a 
holiday-apartment renting agency, which than can render all there apartments 
from their own private database as an overlay on OSM base layer.
= this will mean, we do not have to maintain the apartment info, nor has the 
provider to bother with OSM. This is much easier. But means that the 
information is only avaible on the agencies website, and thus there will be 
million places I have to look for the info.

B) OSM as a fully featured geobased information system
We see of OSM a a standalone, fully featured geobased information system. I can 
take the map in my pocket (like on the iPhone App PocketEarth, or OsmAnd), 
and will everywhere have any kind of information. I'm driving through a 
village, I like it, and I want to stay. So, where are the next nice 
holiday-apartments around me?
Of course, this only works, if the data is maintained and current. But: I want 
OSM to get important enough that every service provider offering a service to a 
wide enough public is just forced in his own interest to publish it's data on 
OSM and keep it current.

As a conclusion for us this means: Yes, we need a defined tagging (accepted 
proposal) for tourism=apartment, ifnot, never ever all service providers will 
put their apartment on OSM. And never the Apps like PocketEarth or OsmAnd will 
support to render it.
I was advised by several persons that I should just use tourism=boat_sharing, 
and not bother about going through a proposal and voting process. BUT: I asked 
OsmAnd to render the tag, and the answer was - quite understandable: Only 
officially supported tags will be rendered. There we are again with the well 
know snake which bites it's tail: No data - no rendering. No rendering, nobody 
collects data or publishes it on OSM.
My answer to this would be: make a reasonable, understandable, clear and clean 
tagging scheme, discuss it, vote it, document it. If done properly, the data 
will come and the rendering as well.

Please, what is your vision of OSM? A or B?

If A, I will stop bothering about tourism=apartment, amenity=boat_sharing, or 
amenity=nursery, since this are all service informations you can argue you 
can find somewhere else ...
But if it's B), then we need all that to make OSM the best, most complete and 
inevitable geobased information system.

Thanks for your comments, and yes, I reopened the boat_sharing proposal for 
voting, just in case somebody wants to support me!!!

Have a nice week-end,



Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting Extended - amenity=boat_sharing

2014-03-29 Thread SomeoneElse

On 29/03/2014 12:41, nounours77 wrote:

As discussed in my earlier post, I think voting is important even for specific 
service tags to make them offical.

Not really - OSM doesn't have official tags.  It has commonly used 
ones, and people agree not to use the same tag to mean different things, 
but a lack of interest in a proposal is a pretty good indicator that, 
er, no one is actually interested.

If you think that something is important enough to be mapped, then map 
it!  If you think people are using different tags to express what is 
essentially the same concept, discuss it with those people to see if it 
is the same concept or if there are nuances that anyone is missing.  
Please don't expect people who have no knowledge of the real-world 
concept that you're trying to capture to be able to offer a useful opinion.

Re the comments in your parent message:

 Please, what is your vision of OSM? A or B?

It's neither.  It's a big pile of data, which contains things that 
everyone and no-one are interested, but which are _verifiable_.  It's 
easy to combine that data with other data, both on the fly in an 
application or statically beforehand.

Re OsmAnd, if you want an OsmAnd map to contain your tag, then simply 
make your own maps containing that tag:


(from the contents section at the top of the first page of the OsmAnd wiki)

There are as many potential maps as mappers - please don't be 
discouraged that a majority of the extremely broad range of OSM mappers 
don't find some niche feature relevant, as that's true of almost all of 
the long tail of tags that differentiates OSM from top-down-mandated 
alternatives such as Google et al.



Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Post-voting-clean-up: help needed.

2014-03-29 Thread nounours77
hi there, 

sorry for bothering.
I tried to do the post-voting-clean-up on tourism=apartment. I changed the 
status for the proposal page to accepted, a created a new tag page [1]

I thought this will then magically appear in the tourism [2] and the map 
features [3] page, since both of them seem not to be maintained by hand. But it 
does not. I used the templates etc. and tried to do as the other pages - but 
they are listed and mine not.

I search a lot, but could not find a clue??? Am I overseeing something 

Thanks for help!


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dapartment
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tourism
[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Map_Features
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] What is OSM: a base layer for individual maps, or a fully featured geobased information system?

2014-03-29 Thread Dave Swarthout
I am in the B category for my vision of OSM. I had not voted on these
because they aren't important to me and i will never probably use either
tag but the work you've done is good and I just now voted Yes on both.

While I was reading through the table of possible tourism=*_hut I noticed
that you mentioned mountain_hut several times but it was not originally
included in the table. I assumed you meant to say alpine_hut and edited the
proposal replacing mountain_hut with alpine_hut. I am new to this and after
the fact, realized I should have brought it up here first.

Then thinking I'd better backtrack and undo my edits, I checked with
Taginfo and found that mountain_hut is used 7 times — not very often but it
is there. So I took the further liberty of adding it to the list of keys in
the table. My apologies if I was out of line.

But my discovery does point out the need to somehow better define what
these accommodations are and unify the ones we can agree need to be
unified. Those various types of huts need to be either better
differentiated or if that can't be done, put together under fewer keys. I
also agree that the differences between a hotel, hostel, guest_house, and
motel are perhaps to fine to worry about.

More work ahead

Alaska Dave

On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 7:41 PM, nounours77 kuessemondtaegl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi there,

 Not sure if this is the right place for this philosophical question. But
 starting from the comment of 
 Brycenesbitthttps://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Brycenesbitt to
 my apartment-proposal *I feel this will become yet another piece of
 unmaintanable data in OSM. *and several comments I got on my
 boat_sharing proposal *just use it, don't go through proposal process*
 I think it's a important question. What do we define tags for?

 *A) OSM is just a base layer*
 We tag just for general features of the landscape, and maybe roads. This
 will make a beautiful map, which then can be used as a base layer, e.g. for
 a holiday-apartment renting agency, which than can render all there
 apartments from their own private database as an overlay on OSM base layer.
 = this will mean, we do not have to maintain the apartment info, nor
 has the provider to bother with OSM. This is much easier. But means that
 the information is only avaible on the agencies website, and thus there
 will be million places I have to look for the info.

 *B) OSM as a fully featured geobased information system*
 We see of OSM a a standalone, fully featured geobased information system.
 I can take the map in my pocket (like on the iPhone App PocketEarth, or
 OsmAnd), and will everywhere have any kind of information. I'm driving
 through a village, I like it, and I want to stay. So, where are the next
 nice holiday-apartments around me?
 Of course, this only works, if the data is maintained and current. But: I
 want OSM to get important enough that every service provider offering a
 service to a wide enough public is just forced in his own interest to
 publish it's data on OSM and keep it current.

 As a conclusion for us this means: Yes, we need a defined tagging
 (accepted proposal) for tourism=apartment, ifnot, never ever all service
 providers will put their apartment on OSM. And never the Apps like
 PocketEarth or OsmAnd will support to render it.
 I was advised by several persons that I should just use
 tourism=boat_sharing, and not bother about going through a proposal and
 voting process. BUT: I asked OsmAnd to render the tag, and the answer was -
 quite understandable: *Only officially supported tags will be rendered*.
 There we are again with the well know snake which bites it's tail: No data
 - no rendering. No rendering, nobody collects data or publishes it on OSM.
 My answer to this would be: make a reasonable, understandable, clear and
 clean tagging scheme, discuss it, vote it, document it. If done properly,
 the data will come and the rendering as well.

 Please, what is your vision of OSM? A or B?

 If A, I will stop bothering about tourism=apartment, amenity=boat_sharing,
 or amenity=nursery, since this are all service informations you can argue
 you can find somewhere else ...
 But if it's B), then we need all that to make OSM the best, most complete
 and inevitable geobased information system.

 Thanks for your comments, and yes, I reopened the boat_sharing proposal
 for voting, just in case somebody wants to support me!!!

 Have a nice week-end,



 Tagging mailing list

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] What is OSM: a base layer for individual maps, or a fully featured geobased information system?

2014-03-29 Thread Dan S
Hi -

I'm afraid the answer is neither. OSM is a database for geodata that
is open-licensed, publicly verifiable and not short-term. This means
it's more than just a base-layer. But it also means it's not a
database for all possible geodata. We don't include holiday apartment
reviews/ratings because they're too subjective; we don't include the
local temperature because it changes too quickly.

You're going to have to live with the fact that (a) no-one wants to
render your tag until it has some momentum, while (b) rendering
certainly helps a tag get momentum, but that doesn't mean that your
tag deserves that benefit yet. Much better is if you start using
your tag, and then maybe the community of boat-sharing users starts to
use it too, and maybe renders a special boat-sharing map, and the
tagging develops organically. It doesn't make a big difference whether
it's been officially voted in or not.

There will always be geodata that doesn't belong in OSM, such as house
prices, tripadvisor ratings, crime rates. OSM doesn't need to ingest
this data in order to be useful; it needs to be available to get
mashed-up with this data.


2014-03-29 12:41 GMT+00:00 nounours77 kuessemondtaegl...@gmail.com:
 Hi there,

 Not sure if this is the right place for this philosophical question. But
 starting from the comment of Brycenesbitt to my apartment-proposal I feel
 this will become yet another piece of unmaintanable data in OSM. and
 several comments I got on my boat_sharing proposal just use it, don't go
 through proposal process I think it's a important question. What do we
 define tags for?

 A) OSM is just a base layer
 We tag just for general features of the landscape, and maybe roads. This
 will make a beautiful map, which then can be used as a base layer, e.g. for
 a holiday-apartment renting agency, which than can render all there
 apartments from their own private database as an overlay on OSM base layer.
 = this will mean, we do not have to maintain the apartment info, nor has
 the provider to bother with OSM. This is much easier. But means that the
 information is only avaible on the agencies website, and thus there will be
 million places I have to look for the info.

 B) OSM as a fully featured geobased information system
 We see of OSM a a standalone, fully featured geobased information system. I
 can take the map in my pocket (like on the iPhone App PocketEarth, or
 OsmAnd), and will everywhere have any kind of information. I'm driving
 through a village, I like it, and I want to stay. So, where are the next
 nice holiday-apartments around me?
 Of course, this only works, if the data is maintained and current. But: I
 want OSM to get important enough that every service provider offering a
 service to a wide enough public is just forced in his own interest to
 publish it's data on OSM and keep it current.

 As a conclusion for us this means: Yes, we need a defined tagging (accepted
 proposal) for tourism=apartment, ifnot, never ever all service providers
 will put their apartment on OSM. And never the Apps like PocketEarth or
 OsmAnd will support to render it.
 I was advised by several persons that I should just use
 tourism=boat_sharing, and not bother about going through a proposal and
 voting process. BUT: I asked OsmAnd to render the tag, and the answer was -
 quite understandable: Only officially supported tags will be rendered.
 There we are again with the well know snake which bites it's tail: No data -
 no rendering. No rendering, nobody collects data or publishes it on OSM.
 My answer to this would be: make a reasonable, understandable, clear and
 clean tagging scheme, discuss it, vote it, document it. If done properly,
 the data will come and the rendering as well.

 Please, what is your vision of OSM? A or B?

 If A, I will stop bothering about tourism=apartment, amenity=boat_sharing,
 or amenity=nursery, since this are all service informations you can argue
 you can find somewhere else ...
 But if it's B), then we need all that to make OSM the best, most complete
 and inevitable geobased information system.

 Thanks for your comments, and yes, I reopened the boat_sharing proposal for
 voting, just in case somebody wants to support me!!!

 Have a nice week-end,



 Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Post-voting-clean-up: help needed.

2014-03-29 Thread John Packer
Personally I don't think it's obvious how to add/edit itens in pages like *Map

For example, to edit the Tourism section, you have to go to
and *repeat* the information about the tag, such as which objects it can be
applied to, description, photo, etc. (but using a different syntax)
I have no idea why we have to repeat such information there instead of
simply adding a reference. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this data is

2014-03-29 10:20 GMT-03:00 nounours77 kuessemondtaegl...@gmail.com:

 hi there,

 sorry for bothering.
 I tried to do the post-voting-clean-up on tourism=apartment. I changed the
 status for the proposal page to accepted, a created a new tag page [1]

 I thought this will then magically appear in the tourism [2] and the map
 features [3] page, since both of them seem not to be maintained by hand.
 But it does not. I used the templates etc. and tried to do as the other
 pages - but they are listed and mine not.

 I search a lot, but could not find a clue??? Am I overseeing something

 Thanks for help!


 [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dapartment
 [2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tourism
 [3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Map_Features
 Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Coastline-River transit placement

2014-03-29 Thread Christoph Hormann


i put up a proposal for specifying somewhat tighter limits on where to 
place the transit between the coastline and the riverbank polygon at 
the mouth of a river:


Currently there are essentially no rules at all on this matter and it 
appears to me this is not really helpful for mappers.  Cases of extreme 
placement are rare but when they occur they often have a high impact 
since they involve large scale features usually prominently shown in 
maps.  The limits i drafted are fairly loose and should cover most 
opinions on where the transit should best be placed in individual 

I do this as a proposal since it at least formally affects the meaning 
of an existing tag although practically there would only be very few 
places where changes would need to be made to comply with it.

Christoph Hormann

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Driving side

2014-03-29 Thread John Packer
I removed the value opposite from the page.

2014-03-28 19:27 GMT-03:00 Tobias Knerr o...@tobias-knerr.de:

 On 27.03.2014 16:11, Pieren wrote:
  But you force the QA tools to search and load country relations even
  if they just have to check locally a way. This is not a problem for
  tools like osmose or keepright but it is a problem for tools like JOSM

 There are other reasons why JOSM and its plugins should ideally have
 access to the driving_side (implicit or explicit) of each way anyway.
 Other functionality affected by it includes the Lanes Details style
 and the Turn Lanes plugin.

 And this functionality is not made easier by the new value. Introducing
 a value just for the sake of one test case within a subset of the
 available validators isn't worth it imo, especially as it only detects
 unnecessary rather than wrong data.

 Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] fundamental structured tagging principles (was: ... amenity=boat_sharing)

2014-03-29 Thread André Pirard
On 2014-03-29 13:41, nounours77 wrote :
 Hi everybody,

 As discussed in my earlier post, I think voting is important even for 
 specific service tags to make them offical. Therefore, I extend the voting 
 period for the boat_sharing proposal:


 The idea is to replicate the same structure for boats as for cars. To 
 indicate where you can pick up a shared boat you reserved. I expect that 
 service providers will mostly deliver this information, but we should agree 
 on the format.
Don't believe those who advocate lack of coordination and chaos, they
might be paid by Google ;-)
Go ahead with your standardizations! Nice to vote.

But I think that general principles must be respected. A more structured
approach might me more rewarding.

A map feature must be made of an object having attributes.
An object is the more generally a building=yes or a shack=yes, an open
place or whatever physical (meadow, forest, landuse, tower, ...): it
is what is represented by the node, way or relation and that needs to be
rendered on the map.
amenity, shop, rental, hairdresser etc... are not objects but the
activity or other attribute taking place at the object.
There can be several attributes (e.g. shop and rental activities) for
the same object, not no two objects for the same map feature.
As discussed before, a building may be both a castle (château) and a hotel.
I have recommended that the wiki should clearly classify objects and
People have advocated that the street number is the object and that the
house (and roof) are the attributes of the number.
This is of course nonsense. The object is what is represented by the map
node, way or relation and that is a house or land ...
One may be interested in building a view (in SQL sense) by street
number key, but that does not make a closed way a number.
Or several numbers being represented by the same closed way.
Well known objects have a well known rendering, which solves the problem
of those complaining that amenity=their_invention is not rendered. 
building=yes must always be rendered and it may be rendered differently
according to its attributes, e.g. amenity.

In practice, amenity, for example, is all-right, but it should not be
considered a mistake but rather a requirement to add building or meadow
or landuse, an object to it.

Semi-colon value separator
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Semicolonexplains that
what;some;taggers;are;doing and that talking about it here are sins.
I'm nut sure I agree, but it suggests namespaces: a good idea because
it's more general and because it's already used.
So, we can have:


So, for your boat business, we would have things like:

building=yes | wharf=yes | whatever
shop:life-jacket=yes   (rent or buy)
shop=yes   (used alone for surprise selling)
and, of course, not excluding
and the beat goes on...

So, regarding your 1-2-3 choice, I think that # 3 is the good direction.
Please note that, regarding searches, shop, rental, boat, car, ... are
different words.
One may search for rental = anything to rent or car = any way to use
a car or car rental or car sharing specifically.
life-jacket, on contrast, is a single word.

Tags like car_rental, car_pooling, boat_rental etc... are annoying
because they multiply the same kind of wiki pages and propositions.
For example, I need tags to indicate places where subscribed pedestrians
can stop a subscribed car).
Do I really need to create a new car_riding_on_subscription page,
nobody would discuss that and I understand,
or would the following two riding:*, very agreeable additions to that
general framework suffice:

Logically, following that and one's reasoning:
post=yes   (or stop-sign=yes, or whatever (to be discussed), that's the
map feature where the service takes place)
get-a-vehicle=yes   (if felt needed, generic term for all those kinds of
activities, term off my improvable invention)

I would love to see you propose this general framework allowing your
boats as well as my kayaks and car riding.
As well as Trains and boats and planes to Paris or Rome with Billy and
Dionne :-)
I think you would be heard.

Hoping this can help,

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Coastline-River transit placement

2014-03-29 Thread Richard Z.
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 03:44:17PM +0100, Christoph Hormann wrote:
 i put up a proposal for specifying somewhat tighter limits on where to 
 place the transit between the coastline and the riverbank polygon at 
 the mouth of a river:
 Currently there are essentially no rules at all on this matter and it 
 appears to me this is not really helpful for mappers.  Cases of extreme 
 placement are rare but when they occur they often have a high impact 
 since they involve large scale features usually prominently shown in 
 maps.  The limits i drafted are fairly loose and should cover most 
 opinions on where the transit should best be placed in individual 

looks a bit complex and still doesn't mention some issues which might be 
important as well:
* coastline is foremost a geographical shape, so whatever the reasoning 
  the results should be so that the coastline looks intuitive
* this shape is used in special ways by some tools and renderers so we should
  keep an eye on that
* coastline should be somewhere in the brackish water separating freshwater
  and saltwater
* if part of the rationale is to determine whether some city is on the coast 
  than that would typically be better defined by harbor or other properties.
  Any such application will require a more fine-grained approach anyway.
  Is there a harbor? Can I swim or surf there?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Coastline-River transit placement

2014-03-29 Thread Malcolm Herring

On 29/03/2014 20:29, Richard Z. wrote:

Currently there are essentially no rules at all on this matter

Nor will there ever be. OSM mappers are free spirits!

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Coastline-River transit placement

2014-03-29 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 29 March 2014, Richard Z. wrote:
 * if part of the rationale is to determine whether some city is on
 the coast than that would typically be better defined by harbor or
 other properties. Any such application will require a more
 fine-grained approach anyway. Is there a harbor? Can I swim or surf

This was meant as an example - i did not specifically have this 
application in mind.  Using the coastline to determine the distance of 
some object to the coast would be equally suited.

The point i am trying to make is that for applications other than map 
rendering consistent placement of the coastline-river transit is 
important as well.

Using water salinity as a criterion will not work since there often is 
no continuous transit from freshwater to saltwater but a layering with 
freshwater on top and the heavier saltwater below.  Apart from that 
fast flowing rivers can reduce the salinity quite far out into the 

Christoph Hormann

Tagging mailing list