Re: [Tagging] leisure=swimming_pool for the pool or the complex?

2013-07-22 Thread Gerhard Hermanns


I don't agree with the use of the "landuse"-key.

Landuse should be used for larger areas where you need a (generic) term 
for a conglomerate of objects (like "landuse=residential" for an area 
with houses, garages, gardens, streets - each of which can also be 
mapped seperately), but not for single objects like a pool.

Am 23.07.2013 05:23, schrieb John F. Eldredge:
I am saying that the land_use tag makes sense for in-ground pools, 
since they greatly reduce the odds of the land subsequently being used 
for some other purpose.

In that case it would also be valid to use "landuse=building" or 
something like that because the same argument holds here. I don't think 
that the landuse-key should be used in such way. In short, I'm a bit 
concerned about the increasing use of the landuse-key for everything 
that covers a relatively small space, since the key is intended for 
large areas.


Yes, I know such reuse does happen on rare occasions; the city of 
Nashville, TN, closed all of its public pools in the 1960's rather 
than obey a court order to integrate them, and turned at least one of 
the pools into a sunken garden.

Bryce Nesbitt  wrote:

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 7:04 PM, John F. Eldredge>> wrote:

You state "The pool after all is a man-made object that just
sits on the ground". Some pools sit on the surface of the
ground, and so could potentially be moved from one location to
another. Others are built into an excavation, and can't be
moved without demolishing them. They are a permanent change to
the landscape, unless you fill them in.

Surely you don't mean to suggest we need to map a distinction
between movable and unmovable pools?

Last week I watched a building getting moved.

As a kid my parents went to the low rent ski area.  The lift poles
were different colors, sometimes two or three to a pole. The lift
had been assembled from the parts of other lifts decommissioned at
other areas.

Everything in the "man_made" category can be
moved, including at unsustainable cost, the in-ground pools.

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John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than 
not to think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria

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Re: [Tagging] What is and what isn't a valid type=multipolygon relation for osm ?

2012-10-18 Thread Gerhard Hermanns

Am 13.10.2012 20:02, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
* "Exactly two unclosed ways belonging to a role, and no more should 
share an endpoint (eg. the most extreme nodes of a way represented by 
the black dot in the images). If an endpoint is shared by less than 
two unclosed ways, the polygon can't be closed and is ill formed. 
invalid example 1 If an endpoint is shared by more than two unclosed 
ways, it's ill formed and a closed polygon can't be reconstructed 
unambiguously. invalid example 2"

Since the "Valid Multipolygon conditions" section is at the top of the 
page, new mappers are reading this first. And if you don't give examples 
about what that means (or at least provide appropriate links), many will 
stop reading here, bercause they simply can't follow.

I'm in OSM for over a year now and I still shy away from anything 
containing multipolygons because I'm not sure I understand them 
correctly. So, in my opinion there can't be too many examples (both for 
correct and incorrect use of multipolygons).


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Extended Conditions - response to votes

2012-07-05 Thread Gerhard Hermanns
Sorry, I didn't realise I was on the 'Tagging' instead of the 'Talk-de' 
list. And the first link was wrong, too ...   (note to self: drink 
coffee first, write to list afterwards ...)

So, again in English:
/>>Honestly, for me this cause has become too complex, so I won't vote 
(for now).
In my understanding there is one k.o. criterium, mentioned by Walter in 
the German forum ([1], post #81). He objected that there are problems 
with SQL queries and the HSTORE scheme, Georg agreed ([2], Post #89). I 
don't understand much of this but I agree that the queries have to work 
in every case. So my question is: Can anybody solve the problem 
mentioned by Walter in favour of the proposal? I'm talking about a real 
query test, not statements like 'that should work in theory'.<

And now, to make up for my blunder, here is a (rough) translation of 
Walters and Georgs posts in the German forum:

'In Postgresql (the database OSM uses internally) tags are stored in the 
form key=value. In the Simple-/Snapshot scheme the so called HSTORE is 
used for this; that is a data structure for depositing any number of 
information of an object (i.e. the tags of a node/way).
All postgresql specific HSTORE queries, changes, indexing - everything - 
only can work with complete keys, the values can be arbitrary [3].
Queries like "/List all nodes with the key 'maxspeed' or 
'maxspeed:wet'/" are no problem at all, but a query like "/List all 
nodes with 'maxspeed%'/" doesn't work! (% is the wildcard for SQL).
Queries for values (what stands behind the "=") can be done easily and 
with good performance, too.
In other words: *The database the entire OSM data is kept on doesn't 
support variable keys when tagging.* You can save them but you cannot 
query them.'


And here Georgs (shortened) reply:

The problem of variable database keys (which coincide with the OSM keys) 
mentioned by Walter persists.
Therefore: Variable conditions in the key prevent meaningful database 
queries [...]. Variable conditions in the value on the other hand remain 
a matter of applications'

Sorry for the mess,


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Extended Conditions - response to votes

2012-07-05 Thread Gerhard Hermanns
Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass die Sache für mich zu komplex geworden ist, 
daher werde ich (derzeit) auch nicht abstimmen.

Nach meinem Verständnis ist aber das Folgende ein K.o.-Kriterium: Im 
Forum hat wambacher (Walter) auf Schwierigkeiten mit SQL-Queries und dem 
HSTORE-Schema hingewiesen ([1], Post #81). GeorgFausB (Georg) hat etwas 
weiter ([2], Post #89) geantwortet und zugestimmt.

Ich habe davon leider nur wenig Ahnung, stimme aber zu, dass die Queries 
in jedem Fall funktionieren müssen. Meine Frage daher: Kann jemand das 
von Walter angesprochene Problem zugunsten des Proposals lösen oder 
nicht? Damit meine ich einen tatsächlichen Query-Test, nicht Aussagen 
wie "das sollte theoretisch gehen".



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[Tagging] Centre for Media Services

2012-05-18 Thread Gerhard Hermanns


I'd like to tag a service centre at a university. They call themself the 
"Centre for Information and Media Services" ("Zentrum für Informations- 
und Mediendienste" in German) and provide all kind of services, like 
maintenance of computer infrastructure, data processing, software 
administration, account managing and so on.

For now, I've tagged it as "amentity=service_centre" + 
"services=multimedia" (with "s" so not to mix it up with "service=*"). 
Does anyone have suggestions for more precise tags?


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[Tagging] University with buildings in 2 cities

2012-01-25 Thread Gerhard Hermanns


I'd like to do some mapping on the university of Duisburg-Essen. As the 
name suggests, this university has buildings in two cities and on 
several locations in each city.

Also, I'd like to use the "type=site" relation for this ( ).

The "amenity=university" and the "name:de=Universität Duisburg-Essen" 
(and corresponding "name:en=*" of course) I'd like to assign only once 
for the parent relation of the university.
But I'm afraid that's overdoing it: I know we don't map for the 
renderer, but in this case the name of the university will probably be 
rendered somewhere in the middle of the two cities - in another city 

The same problem on a smaller scale is within each city.

For now I think I'm going to put the tags on the relations of each 
location, resulting in three to four name and amenity tags in each city. 
But I'm still open for suggestions. Did anyone encounter the same problem?


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Re: [Tagging] Use cases: where would a count of all lanes be useful?

2011-09-19 Thread Gerhard Hermanns

Am 19.09.2011 13:29, schrieb Nathan Edgars II:
Can someone give an example of a case where the number of lanes, 
including turning lanes, on a road would be more useful than just the 
through lanes, and where another tag (such as width) would not be even 
more useful? I'm unable to think of such a case.

Traffic simulation (e.g. by cellular automata) is a use case for this. 
At crossroads it can make a huge difference for traffic engineering to 
know if a (turn) lane can contain 3 or 30 vehicles.
To determine the "capacity" of a turn lane one would need information 
about its length - and one would get this easily if start and end point 
of the lane are known. Otherwise one would have to tag something like 
"turn_lane_left_1=xx" and "turn_lane_left_2=yy" (indicating length or 
capacity or whatever) in case of two turn lanes with different lengths.

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[Tagging] Forestry

2011-07-08 Thread Gerhard Hermanns

Hi all,

I came across forest roads, signposted as follows: "Forest road closed 
for motor vehicles, riders and harnessed teams. Free for forestry".
(Actually the sign is in German: "Forstweg gesperrt für Motorfahrzeuge, 
Reiter und Gespanne. Frei für Forstbetrieb".)

For now they are tagged as:

   * access=forestry
   * bicycle=yes
   * foot=yes
   * highway=track
   * horse=no
   * motor_vehicle=no
   * surface=gravel
   * tracktype=grade2

and I would complement this with "carriage=no".

Now looking at the sign would you recommend
a) "access=forestry"+"motor_vehicle=no" or
b) "motor_vehicle=forestry" so the access-tag becomes obsolete?

Gerhard (Seoman)
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