Re: [Tagging] Deprecating wikipedia Tag

2015-05-25 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le lun. 25 mai 2015 à 15:08 +0200, André Pirard a écrit :
> On 25 May 2015 at 13:18, Thorsten Alge  wrote:
> > Since wikidata will be the center of all Wikimedia wikis it might be
> > better to link to wikidata items instead of wikipedia article. Thats
> > why I wonder what you think of deprecating the wikipedia tags (NOT
> > DELETING any of them) and focus on wikidata tags 
> I already replied that I wonder what's the idea behind that enforcement.
> Why wouldn't Wikidata be used "also" rather than "instead"?  Is it
> really a goal of OSM insisting to destroy Wikipedia?

Wikidata has one more advantage : sometimes, Wikipedia pages are renamed
(bad initial convention, or real-life renaming, or whatever), whereas
Wikidata items identifiers (Q...), are persistent for unique "concepts".

In WP, renaming is rare, but not very rare, so relying on wikidata would 
the overall robustness of OSM/wiki* integration.

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Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] Crossroad names

2013-04-09 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mar. 09 avril 2013 à 10:56 +0200, Pieren a écrit :

> Note that we have intersections with names and intersections with traffic
> signals. It does not have to be on the same relation types because it is
> imho two different features.

+1; with the increasing complexity in traffic signals to come (rather for
advanced contributors), there is no point in having additional complexity
for naming crossroads too.

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Re: [Tagging] landuse=water_wellfield

2013-04-08 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le lun. 08 avril 2013 à 08:48 +0200, Peter Wendorff a écrit :
> Hi
> Am 07.04.2013 22:25, schrieb Guillaume Allegre:

> I know at least one that's not excluding any other landuse, but has
> apple trees planted sparsely on the grass that covers most of the area,
> the German word for it is "Streuobstwiese", and that's used even in the
> English wikipedia for it [1].

OK, but if I read correctly, your example is a case where a landuse=meadow
would be merged with a landuse=orchard, but not linked to a water wellfield
of any sort. Am I correct ?

> At least that single example, located around here [2] (and not in OSM
> yet), matches that combination, but I guess it's more often the case.
> Of course you are right for some parts of protectioned area for the same
> purpose, but it's not the water well field alone that protects the area
> or excludes different usage IMHO.
No, you could also have a boundary on the same area (or on a larger one),
with boundary=protection_area.

> Nevertheless a tag for that kind might be useful.
> regards
> Peter
> [1]
> [2] 

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[Tagging] landuse=water_wellfield

2013-04-07 Thread Guillaume Allegre

I would like to propose a new tag for discussion, here and on the wiki page:

landuse=water_wellfield, a zone dedicated to water pumping for drinkable water 
networks, generally with the following characteristics:
- surrounded by a fence with locked gates, access reserved to the operator,
- sparsely scattered technical buildings (wells, pumps, power substations), 
linked by service tracks/roads,
- surface generally covered with grass, with rare other vegetation (scrubs, 
wood), since grass is easy to mow and can be used to trap superficial 

A water_wellfiel is a landuse per se, excluding any other activities in the 
same zone. It can be associated with a strict boundary=protected_area, or 
included into a larger, less strict one. 

In France, these landuses are known as "Champ captant" or "Champ de captage". 
The law defines 3 standard protection levels. A "champ captant" is often 
associated with the strictest one. Several examples in France (Google aerial) :
- near Lyon,4.893765&spn=0.006067,0.015707&t=k&z=17
- near Dijon,5.007051&spn=0.002949,0.007854&z=18
- near Grenoble,5.695596&spn=0.006141,0.015707&z=17

Other examples from other countries are very welcome.

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Re: [Tagging] standpipes

2012-12-08 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le ven. 07 d�c. 2012 à 17:07 -0600, Paul Johnson a ecrit :
> As a USian, I've only seen "dry riser" myself for this item...

I do not know what is the right term to use as main tag, but I think
the distinction wet/dry, if available, should be a subkey like :

In french (France at least), the official terms are "colonne sèche" (dry) and 
"colonne humide" 
(wet) and visible on labels, so the distinction is common and should be well 

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Re: [Tagging] Proposed feature - age groups in schools / ISCED update

2012-11-28 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mer. 28 nov. 2012 à 19:35 +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer a ecrit :
> 2012/11/28 Guillaume Allegre :
> >> I happen to think the existing ISCED proposal is easy to use and provides
> >> more relevant information than the age groups proposal.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I agree, as ISCED is an international proposed standard, from UNESCO,
> > which is specialised on this topic.
> I don't want to question the usability of tagging the ISCED-level, but
> for German schools it doesn't provide the necessary information (but
> age groups wouldn't provide that either): the main three types of
> schools (Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium) do all get the same
> ISCED tag [1], and two of them also belong to two isced-levels.

In France, we decided to add a national school:FR tagging scheme.
not to supersede the international scheme, but to keep it parallel.

(by the way, in France, the ISCED levels fit perfectly the national school 
but that's not the question)

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Re: [Tagging] Proposed feature - age groups in schools / ISCED update

2012-11-28 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mer. 28 nov. 2012 à 12:06 -0500, Phil! Gold a ecrit :
> * Svavar Kjarrval  [2012-11-25 00:08 +]:
> > The RFC process has started for my proposal to tag the age groups
> > schools offer education for. More information is on the wiki page.
> > 
> > The proposal is at
> > .
> I happen to think the existing ISCED proposal is easy to use and provides
> more relevant information than the age groups proposal.

I agree, as ISCED is an international proposed standard, from UNESCO,
which is specialised on this topic.

But beware, ISCED standard, originally designed in 1997, has been updated in
september 2011, from 6 levels to 8 levels.
Apparently, the wiki refers the 1997 standard. It should be updated too,
and the reference tag should be isced1997: or isced2011:, not isced: only.

See reference,

Could be time to update the wiki, too, if we agree on the tagging.

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Re: [Tagging] on the name of a tag for landcover

2012-08-15 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mar. 14 aout 2012 à 20:18 +, Johan Jönsson a ecrit :

> If we replace "herbaceous" with "grass" you don´t have to know much about 
> biology. 
> FAO's idea is also to avoid biological and geological terms.
> The FAO-system relies on that a couple of different data is added, all of 
> them 
> is not needed, it could be refined later. Based on these they can categorize 
> the landcover.

Could you please give a link to the FAO schema you are
referring to?

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Re: [Tagging] Proposal for some additional power line tags

2012-04-10 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le lun. 09 avril 2012 à 22:23 +0200, Ole Nielsen a ecrit :
> On 09/04/2012 21:11, Guillaume Allegre wrote:
> >Please add a tag to specify that a specific tower is the point where the line
> >comes from underground to aerial. I previously proposed "raiser=yes", but it 
> >didn't
> >seem to match exactly what I meant.
> Somebody has already proposed 'tower=air_to_ground' and
> 'pole=air_to_ground', see

thanks, I didn't notice that.

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreOpenStreetMap France
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Re: [Tagging] Proposal for some additional power line tags

2012-04-09 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le ven. 06 avril 2012 à 23:50 +0200, Ole Nielsen a ecrit :
> Please see
> for some additional tags for advanced tagging of transmission
> towers.
> I intend to add these tags to the
> feature page
> but first I would like to receive any comments you may have to these
> proposed tags. Please add any comments on the discussion page.

Please add a tag to specify that a specific tower is the point where the line
comes from underground to aerial. I previously proposed "raiser=yes", but it 
seem to match exactly what I meant.

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreOpenStreetMap France
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Re: [Tagging] Named railway locations

2012-02-20 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le lun. 20 f�vr. 2012 à 08:13 -0800, Richard Fairhurst a ecrit :
> Richard Mann wrote:
> > Maybe railway=location?
> Or even railway=locality, to tie in with the well-established place=locality
> for tagging a 'lieu-dit'.
railway=locality makes perfectly sense, indeed.

As a railway user, I found this a nice feature of your rail network. 
I'd be habby to find the equivalent here in France, but to my knowledge we
have only PK (kilometer point) signs.

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Re: [Tagging] power=tower enhancement

2011-12-14 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mer. 14 d�c. 2011 à 12:50 +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer a ecrit :
> 2011/12/14 LM_1 :
> > tower:riser=yes seems good and in need it could be enhanced with yes
> > being replaced by power, telecommunication etc. For basic processing
> > it is simple (any value but "no" means some sort of riser) if more
> > precise info is needed, the information is there.
> Is this really a feature of the tower or is it a particular line?

Not a simple question : it concerns a particular line, but it takes
place a the ground of the tower.

The alternative would be to have another node, tagged power=riser,
which would represent the point where the cable passes underground.
But this seems a bit over-engineered for me.

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Re: [Tagging] power=tower enhancement

2011-12-13 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mar. 13 dec. 2011 à 14:13 +0100, Erik Johansson a ecrit :

> I would really like you to expand on why adding
> "riser=power_line;tele_communication"  would make things difficult to
> map. Though I think it might be hard to visualize making accidental
> deletions a worry.
> Risers seems to be pretty easy to map, but underground cables might
> not be quite as easy (since even tunnels are hard).

My proposal is for riser, primarily to help quality analysis tools to 
detect inconsistency on power lines, whithout emitting false positives.
We have the Osmose tool, covering only France for the moment, 
with this analysis (Power lines) :

I think mapping underground cables could be an option for the future, but
not for the moment.

Le mar. 13 dec. 2011 à 15:14 +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer a ecrit :
> +1
> I'd suggest to use
> power:riser=yes instead of riser=power (to remain compatible if we
> should decide to map telco lines as well in the future, so we could
> use telecommunication:riser for those).

yes! power:riser=yes seems a simple and good solution.

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreOpenStreetMap France
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Re: [Tagging] power=tower enhancement

2011-12-13 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le lun. 12 dec. 2011 à 20:12 +, Nick Austin a ecrit :
> Hi,
> I've heard the term riser used before but only in the context of
> getting pipes and cables into tall buildings. I can't offer an opinion
> as to whether it's the right term or not.
> As far as the UK is concerned this won't help much for many reasons:
> 1) Poles are often shared with telephone and fibre optic cables and
> these also have their own risers.

OK, but I think it's well adapted to towers for high voltage lines,
which are always independent from other networks, I suppose.

> 2) Smaller power lines (up to 11kV) often go down one riser, cross a
> road (or other obstruction) then up another riser to continue their journey.

I don't see this as a problem : 2 close poles or 2 close towers with risers
are not an inconsistency.

> 3) Where three cables meet one of two of them may come up a riser and
> it's impossible to tell which is the supply cable and which is leading
> to a destination.
OK, but same thing : the fact that the tower/pole is linked to a riser from 
underground keeps his sense, even on triple points.

> 4) When underground cables fail they are often abandoned and left in
> place. The ends of the cable are disconnected at the top of each
> riser.
I don't see the point here.

> And finally I think that it's going to be difficult for many people to
> verify that the information is correct. I'm not keen on having
> information in the OSM database that can only be checked and updated
> by very few people.
OK, for this my local experience ; in France, the operator (RTE - Réseau de 
Transport d'Electricité) has installed a label on every tower, with general
information (line name, tower ref...)
In addition, the ones with risers are labelled with :
Remontée aéro-souterraine : (NAME)
L'autre extrémité de ce cable est située à : (NAME)
Meaning :
- riser (more or less) :
- the other end is located at : 
I think that is explicit enough and largely checkable.

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreOpenStreetMap France
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[Tagging] power=tower enhancement

2011-12-12 Thread Guillaume Allegre

I would like to propose a new tag on a power=tower (or power=pole) node.
to explain that the power line comes up from underground at this tower/pole.

This would be an equivalent to noexit=yes for the roads, and would allow to
quality analysis tools to better handle this situation, where a power line
apparently stops.

By the way, I'm not a native english speaker. I found this term "riser" on
this technical documentation here :
but maybe there exists a better term for this.

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