Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - migration to use belarusian as default language in Belarus for tagging

2022-10-03 Thread Mariusz

On 02.10.2022 23:44, Paveł Tyślacki wrote:

|There are link to proposal and voiting (belarusian)|

There are many disturbing opposing votes claiming Belarusian language to 
be language of minority,  in many places not present on the ground, and 
Russian language to be widely used and known.
According to Wikipedia, 30% of Belarusian can write Belarusian, 50% can 
speak and read.

How can 70% of the population actively contribute to OSM if they cannot 
write the most frequently displayed text tag (name) in Belarusian?



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Re: [Tagging] How to tag entire group of rentable holiday cottages?

2020-12-14 Thread Mariusz

On 14.12.2020 07:19, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:

There are cases where there is group of multiple holiday cottages,

each rentable independently. I know about cases with just 2 and big 
groups, 25 in one place.

How it should be tagged?

I found
that is for a single one.

There is an old edit error present on this page. The "This could apply 
to nodes (single chalet) or areas (a group of chalets)." is incorrectly 
placed in "Tags used in combination" instead of "How to map" chapter.

See the old version, just before "Tags used in combination"" was added -


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] one feature one element

2019-07-05 Thread Mariusz

On 05.07.2019 07:05, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:

I've removed this statement from the page because it leads to
ambiguous data and directly contradicts the One feature per one
element rule

[Examples of bad situations:] "An area object representing a
single-use building with a point object inside it. Move the tags to
the area object and delete the point."

This is common and widly accepted practice. Don't try to change mappers 
behaviour by editing wiki.

Also, there is no contradiction.  From wiki: "It means one on-the-ground 
real world feature should be mapped with only one OSM element. " That it 
- no multiple osm objects for one real world feature.
It is fine to map multiple real objects with one osm element, especially 
if you don't have enough data to map them seperately.

If the same feature is tagged with building=* and another feature like
shop=* or office=*, it's ambiguous whether other tags like name=*
represent the building itself or the other feature.

Nothing new, this problem already existed with roads and bridges and was 
fixed by putting bridge name into bridge:name tag.

While it's common to tag single-use buildings in this way, it isn't
the best practice, because of this ambiguity. Users should not be
encouraged to delete all single node objects within buildings without
carefully considering each of the tags.

That's true. POI and building may have more identical tags, for example 
"start_date" or "operator".

Moreover, you recently edited many times,_one_OSM_element and 
some newly introduced things are controversial:
*"Ideally, every OSM element or object should be tagged with only one 
main feature tag, to represent a single on-the-ground feature."

I've never heard of such rule. It doesn't seemed to be correct. It is 
against KISS principle and it is not how mappers map.
For example, there is nothing wrong in placing tags "landuse=industrial 
+ barrier=fence" on one osm way. Doing it as 2 ways would even give you 
a warning in JOSM (ways in the same position).

*"For example, use the feature leisure=picnic_site with the property tag 
drinking_water=yes, instead of using the separate feature tag 
amenity=drinking_water on the same node or area."

This example is a bad idea and mappers shouldn't be encouraged to do so. 
amenity=drinking_water is far more popular tag and replacing it with 
drinking_water=yes may hurt data consumers.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Undiscussed changes for wki pages about access mode "designated".

2017-03-10 Thread Mariusz

W dniu 2017-03-10 o 20:25, Frederik Ramm pisze:

As far as I can see the change you are referring to is

before that, "access=designated" wasn't even on the "Key:access" page,

Certainly it was.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Undiscussed changes for wki pages about access mode "designated".

2017-03-10 Thread Mariusz

W dniu 2017-03-10 o 20:25, Frederik Ramm pisze:

As far as I can see the change you are referring to is

before that, "access=designated" wasn't even on the "Key:access" page,
and Verdy_p added it there:

''(disapproved)'' A preferred or designated route for the class of
traffic specified by the tag key, such as {{tag|foot|designated}}. Using
this value with the plain access key, {{tag|access|designated}}, has no
meaning, and should '''not''' be used. ''(see [[#Transport mode

This is obviously incorrect change, as this page is about all access 
keys, not single "access" tag.

The notation he used suggests that the value "designated" is deprecated.
The wording is inconvenient, the strike-through font for designated is 

On, Verdy_p
added a banner saying "NOTE! The exact key/value combination
access=designated should never appear on an object. The value
*=designated must be used with a specific mode of transport. Examples:
bicycle=designated or foot=designated." - he made this change without
any change comment.

The user rafmar (you?) seems to have assumed that Verdy_p wanted to
discourage the use of all "designated" values, but to be fair to
Verdy_p, the banner explicitly says you SHOULD use the "designated"
value, just not with the "access" key.

I'm pretty sure he wanted discouraged only "access=designated", not 
foot=designated or bicycle=designated, but he failed.
Unfortunately, this wiki article is for all *=designated tags, as the 
foot/bicycle/horse tag pages redirect to that page. Some changes are 
necessary, but not that kind.

BUT in this particular case, rafmar's complaint seems to be unfounded
and based on a misunderstanding.

Imagine, you are beginner and want to find if it is ok to use 
foot=designated tag. What wiki page says so now?


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Undiscussed changes for wki pages about access mode "designated".

2017-03-10 Thread Mariusz

Please note that due to recent changes by user Verdy_p the "designated" 
value for various access key has been apparently marked as deprecated.

Pages affected:


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