Re: [Tagging] Dress Code proposal

2013-10-23 Thread Stefan Tiran

Pieren wrote:
> Why not simply "dress=no" ? ^^

Some people might argue for "dress=dismount".


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Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-16 Thread Stefan Tiran

SomeoneElse wrote:
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> I have no doubt that these situations occur, I was only pointing out that 
>> "bicycle" is not the right key to state anything about "pushing a bike" as 
>> this has nothing to do with cycling.
> What about the equivalent situation for horses?
> Although the horse may have different views on the matter, I'd say that this 
> is 
> very definitely related to horseriding. :)

It's even more interesting to consider dogs. Bicycles and horses can
both be considered as means of transportation. Depending on cultural
differences dogs could be considered as pet, food or object, but
definitely not as means of transportation. Then it will become clear,
that in OSM two things are mixed: $entity=no can refer to a ban of
driving it, if $entity is a means of transportation or it can refer to a
ban of it as object, if $entity is not a means of transportation. We now
have to think of a most general way to tag, how to ban an entity as
object if it can be considered as means of transportation.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-11 Thread Stefan Tiran
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> IMHO we should encourage tagging of the permission of pedestrians to push a 
> bicycle only for those few places where it isn't allowed to do so (and 
> probably 
> in many of these cases it won't just be forbidden to push a bicycle or two, 
> but 
> also to carry it/them, while it might mostly be allowed to carry the bicycles 
> in 
> a box just like you'd be allowed to carry any other big loads).


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-08 Thread Stefan Tiran

John F. Eldredge wrote:
> If you really meant "it is in no way acceptable to require people to dismount 
> their bikes",

Indeed this is what I meant. Thanks for pointing out this ambiguity!

> what about the real-life situation I described earlier, a narrow 
> footway along one side of a bridge, with a railing only slightly above waist 
> level for a pedestrian? A mounted cyclist would have a high enough center of 
> gravity that, should they collide with the railing, they would likely fall 
> off 
> of the bridge.

I do not fully understand your example of the bridge either. Are there
any other roads on the bridge or is it just a pedestrian bridge. If
there are other roads: are bicycles explicitly banned from using the
road or is it just that the drivers of some other vehicle do not like
them to use the road?

But in order to become on topic again: The reason why I wrote this post
was to point out, that this is something, a lot of people have very
strong feelings about and therefore such tags would lead to edit wars in
the database.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-08 Thread Stefan Tiran

fly wrote:
> Hey
> I wonder if it is useful to tag bicycle=dismount on ways.
> At least in Germany there is no official traffic sign despite of the
> existence of some.

Every time I see such a sign, I get very angry about the fucking moron,
who was responsible for this bullshit. Of course, it is in no way
acceptable to let people dismount their bikes. Bicycles are not toys,
they are vehicles of their own right.

That's way I also don't think it is acceptable for a routing service to
suggest a route for a bicycle where one can't use it the way it is
supposed to be.


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