Tom, I’ll try to address most of your points below

Zack LaVergne  |  Kaart <>  | Software Developer |  
501.690.0584  |  <>


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> On Sep 20, 2018, at 5:29 AM, Tom Pfeifer <> wrote:
> On 20.09.2018 07:28, Warin wrote:
>> On 20/09/18 09:26, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
>>> First, how much of a delay is added by the routing engines, have you 
>>> investigated this? If so, this would be a few seconds once-per trip, not 
>>> every 500m like a traffic light. Thus the difference on the calculated 
>>> overall travel time would be insignificant.
>> An old toll both was where I'd have to stop, dig out some money, hand it 
>> over, wait for any change, then I could go on. 30 seconds to 1 minute unless 
>> I drop the money.
>> I think these are all gone now on highways and bridges. They still exist and 
>> are in use for some National Park entries, possibly some parking places.
I have done the research and for example, OSRM (the most prominent routing 
engine for OSM data) adds a minimum 15 second penalty per toll booth and in my 
research I recall (but can’t remember which one) adds a similar penalty for any 
`barrier=*` tag. Driving in Johannesburg, ZA with their new system 
<>, there is a toll gantry 
between every exit on all of the motorways around the city.  If all of them are 
tagged as `barrier=toll_booth` and therefore incurred a 15 second penalty each, 
the routing engine could potentially pick a longer route depending on the 
router setup (shortest time vs shortest distance).
> It's a while since I have seen them in the US for bridge toll, you would 
> through a couple of quarters in a funnel-shaped basket, thus a bit faster. 
> But yes, there is a delay, but not so often on your trip that it has 
> significant impact on your travel time.
> The main advantage of free-flow systems is that you have no breaking that 
> causes a congestion behind you.
>>> Second, the problems described would be more easily and more elegantly 
>>> solved with subtagging the existing barrier=toll_booth, instead of 
>>> inventing a new first level tag. Subtagging preserves backward 
>>> compatibility, while a new tag has to be implemented everywhere,
>> But a toll gantry has no stopping, nor slowing down. A very different beast, 
>> with the ones around here the vehicle is meant to have an electronic device 
>> that the toll thing responds with and the payment is deducted automatically. 
>> If you don't have one of these electronic do dads then you get a letter .. 
>> with a higher fee. Don't know that "toll both" is how they should be tagged 
>> from a human conceptual view point rather than the practical computing one.
> All fine, just we don't need a new high-level tag for that. You can add all 
> free-flow properties, payment methods, average delay times, etc to the 
> existing one. I'm always in favour of some level of structure instead of 
> blatant duck tagging.
I would normally agree that sub-tagging is a better way to go but that wouldn’t 
suffice in this case. I do think that there should be some structured, 
documented sub-tags for `barrier=toll_booth` specifically that describe the 
different options at at toll both structure; but that’s a discussion for a 
later time. This is a different beast.  

The first big issue is that there is physically no barrier in regards to a 
`toll_gantry` where there is in the case of a `toll_booth`. Not tagging for the 
renderer or even software, a `barrier=*` tag doesn’t accurately describe this 
The big problem with adding sub-tags is that there would have to be a major 
software addition for almost all routing engines to be able to accommodate the 
sub tags of a `barrier=toll_booth`. 

The benefits of this tag are that it more accurately represents what is 
physically on the road and (as a side effect of changing the tag) no software 
change needs to happen to allow accurate time estimates. 

I hope this helps clear things up. Thanks!
> tom
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