Re: [Tagging] kind of a shop=ticket

2015-01-13 Thread k4r573n
I created a feature proposal on this topic

I'm happy to get your feedback


On 12.01.2015 10:48, althio althio wrote:
> This is very related to
> amenity=vending_machine (taginfo = 54 000)
> with its associated key:
> vending=* (taginfo = 50 000)
> Maybe we could come up with something that unite the used keys.
> On 12 January 2015 at 09:55, k4r573n  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder how to map the kind of a ticket shop.
>> It would be practical to see ticket shops for concerts on a culture map
>> and such shops for aerialway on a skiing map.
>> for now I've 2 ideas
>> tickets:ski=yes/no
>> tickets:concert=yes/no
>> tickets:public_transport=yes/no
>> ...
>> or
>> ticket=ski
>> ticket=concert
>> ticket=public_transport
>> ticket=...
>> tagwatch lists
>> 49 entries of ticket=*
>> 48 entries of tickets=*
>> 15 entries of tickets:public_transport=*
>> 16 entries of tickets:bus=*
>> 10 entries of tickets:subway=*
>> this wiki page [1] recommends to use tickets:*=*
>> What should I document in the wiki?
>> ___
>> Karsten
>> [1]

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] kind of a shop=ticket

2015-01-12 Thread k4r573n
sure the problem with vending_machines exists as well

amenity=vending_machine   |
vending=tickets   | Taginfo=101
+ maybe a tag for more details


vending=public_transport_tickets (taginfo=6 705)
vending=parking_tickets;public_transport_tickets (taginfo=138)
vending=train_tickets (taginfo=12)

I would prefer the first variant - it's more structured
but unluckily the second is already common.

On 12.01.2015 10:48, althio althio wrote:
> This is very related to
> amenity=vending_machine (taginfo = 54 000)
> with its associated key:
> vending=* (taginfo = 50 000)
> Maybe we could come up with something that unite the used keys.
> On 12 January 2015 at 09:55, k4r573n  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder how to map the kind of a ticket shop.
>> It would be practical to see ticket shops for concerts on a culture map
>> and such shops for aerialway on a skiing map.
>> for now I've 2 ideas
>> tickets:ski=yes/no
>> tickets:concert=yes/no
>> tickets:public_transport=yes/no
>> ...
>> or
>> ticket=ski
>> ticket=concert
>> ticket=public_transport
>> ticket=...
>> tagwatch lists
>> 49 entries of ticket=*
>> 48 entries of tickets=*
>> 15 entries of tickets:public_transport=*
>> 16 entries of tickets:bus=*
>> 10 entries of tickets:subway=*
>> this wiki page [1] recommends to use tickets:*=*
>> What should I document in the wiki?
>> ___
>> Karsten
>> [1]

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] kind of a shop=ticket

2015-01-12 Thread k4r573n

I wonder how to map the kind of a ticket shop.
It would be practical to see ticket shops for concerts on a culture map
and such shops for aerialway on a skiing map.

for now I've 2 ideas




tagwatch lists
49 entries of ticket=*
48 entries of tickets=*
15 entries of tickets:public_transport=*
16 entries of tickets:bus=*
10 entries of tickets:subway=*

this wiki page [1] recommends to use tickets:*=*

What should I document in the wiki?


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Climbing access path

2014-08-08 Thread k4r573n
concluded there are areas where behavior guidelines (see links below)
introduce paths not for general public but for climbers.
(Tom thanks for the links)

therefore we definitely should use:

This single tag might be sufficient. And an other tag would just
simplify rendering...
Anyway - what are your thoughts about
path=climbing_access (about 391 occurrences according to taginfo)

it might be used to show a main usage of a path


On 08.08.2014 13:38, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> Tobias Knerr wrote, on 2014-08-08 12:55:>
> > access=destination makes sense. That second tag isn't established,
> > though, nor is the concept of "explaining the details" through a
> > destination=* subtag.
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote, on 2014-08-08 13:01:>
>> If there are legally binding signs, yes, if the legal significance of
>> the signs is
> > something like:"it would be kind if you won't use this path, because
> it is narrow
> The legality would come from the code of conduct in the National Park
> not to leave
> the marked paths, thus no need for physical signs,
> [3]
> however there might be unambiguous signs as well:
> [2]
> Tom
> (just learned the difference between the green and the black triangle)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Climbing access path

2014-08-08 Thread k4r573n
On 08.08.2014 11:51, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> Am 08/ago/2014 um 11:31 schrieb Dan S :
>> I'd vote for the first one (destination). I'm not keen on the third
>> one since climbing=* would need to become widely recognised as an
>> access tag, which doesn't feel very scaleable.
> I agree mostly, from these suggestions it seems the best alternative, but 
> generally I am not convinced that any of these are actual legal restrictions 
> (climber is not a category of users foreseen by the law in Germany). I also 
> believe that climbers are indeed a subgroup of the general public (it is 
> sufficient to declare yourself a "climber" and you will be entitled to use 
> the path, but you generally won't do this nonetheless for the practical 
> reason that the paths will normally be dead ends, and this is also a reason 
> why these paths won't create much trouble for routing regardless of their 
> access tags)
especially in this area [1] climbing paths are often beautiful bypasses,
so I think we need some access tags to distinguish. But you are right if
you want to use them you just need to carry some climbing equipment with

In my opinion these paths shouldn't be used by default and we need a tag
to ensure routers and renders have a possibility to do so.


seams to be the best possibility



Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Climbing access path

2014-08-08 Thread k4r573n
On 07.08.2014 12:05, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> If I understand Karsten correctly, the limitation is not about payment,
> it is to limit the number of people using this path. This would be
> typical for climbing crags in
> areas.
> A typical example is the sandstone climbing in Saxonia/Germany, which
> is in
> a national park that even has a core zone.
> The agreement between the protectionists and the climbing associations
> is that only people "destined" to climb should leave the hiking paths
> marked for the general public and use those narrow access paths.
> Thus it would be possible to tag
> access=destination
> which could then be specified with
> destination=climbing

Tom - yes you understood me right :)
There is no one who check whether your a climber or not or want to have
a fee - but these path are not aimed to be used by the general public.

I admit that access=customers doesn't fit here so
summed up we have these approaches:



I'm ok with each of them but which one should be documented in the wiki


Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Climbing access path

2014-08-07 Thread k4r573n
I would like to distinguish between hiking paths and climbing_access paths.
In my area only climbers are allowed to use the paths to access the cliffs.

Therefore I thought of this tagging for climbing_access paths:

what I found so far:
  taginfo found 391 items
  eg here:

any suggestions how we should map this?


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