The tag aeroway=taxilane has become more popular in the past year,
increasing from 600 uses to 2500, but it's still much less common than
aeroway=taxiway or aeroway=parking_position

The proposal for aeroway=taxilane said this should be used for the
routes followed by aircraft within the apron (the aircraft parking
area), while aeroway=taxiway should be for the main taxiways which
connect parking areas to the runways, more or less.

There was a suggestion to use aeroway=taxiway + taxiway=taxilane or
=apron but this has not been done yet.

There's also a tag aeroway=parking_position which started out on nodes
but now is more commonly tagged as a 2-node way, from the nearest
taxiway/taxilane to the point where the front wheel of the aircraft

Can someone with more knowledge about airport terminology check up on
these tags?

-Joseph Eisenberg

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