Re: html:img, onclick and bean:message

2004-11-11 Thread Ben Anderson
alright, I flubbed you up yesterday.  That's what I get for trying to
give advice even though I haven't used the framework much recently. 
But this one I'll get right...
You can't define an xml element as an attribute of another element. 
This is an xml rule - nothing specific to struts or whatever other
taglibs you are using.  Now this is where the el can come in handy:

c:set var=deletebean:message key=delete//c:set
html-el:img src=normal.gif border=0 alt=


On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 10:31:22 -0800, Cook, Lori A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone help with this? I'm using Struts and am having difficulties
 getting the result of a bean:message into an 'onclick' of an
 html:img tag.
 Here's the markup in the jsp for img:
  img src=normal.gif border=0 alt= onclick=confirm('bean:message
 The (correct) result is:
  img src=normal.gif border=0 alt= onclick=confirm('Delete?');/
 When I change to using html:img instead of img the result is:
  html:img src=normal.gif border=0 alt=
 As you can see, while the bean:message was retrieved and the 'onclick'
 value correctly created. But the html:img was not transformed to an
 img tag.
 Why not? What am I doing wrong? At some point I'm going to want to
 retrieve a pointer to a localized graphic and alternate title for the
 html:img so the use of bean:message is not specific to 'onclick'.
 Any help is greatly appreciated.
 Lori Cook
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x:out error

2004-10-05 Thread Ben Anderson
I'm battling what seems to be a pretty elementary problem:
x:parse var=xrpcResponse
firstname nickname=falseBen/firstname
x:out select=$xrpcResponse//firstname/
This should work, correct? I've been trying so many variations of this 
and nothing seems to work. I'm on Resin 2.19, but am using jakarta's 
standard taglibs.
Any ideas?

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Re: x:out error

2004-10-05 Thread Ben Anderson
Thanks for the sanity check.  I got it fixed.  It was a dependency 
issue.  For someone reason I had placed jaxen in one of the 
classloaders.  Not too sure why I did that - but deleting it fixed my 

Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Ben Anderson wrote:
I'm battling what seems to be a pretty elementary problem:
x:parse var=xrpcResponse
firstname nickname=falseBen/firstname
x:out select=$xrpcResponse//firstname/
This should work, correct? 

Confirmed that it works on Tomcat 5.0.28 using 2.4 spec/JSTL 1.1 :-)

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last element in collection

2004-09-22 Thread Ben Anderson
Is there a way for me to tell when I'm in the last iteration of a forEach?

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
jsp:useBean id=myList class=java.util.ArrayList/
c:forEach var=entry items=${myList}
!--  This is the last time through
  c:if test=
do something special
  c:out value=${entry}/
  br /

I know it'd be better if my logic didn't need to know this, but I'm just
wondering if there's a way to do it.  I thought maybe I could get the size
and stick it in a var like
c:set var=size
c:forEach var=entry items=${myList} end=${size}

but the size() method on java.util.Collection is just that, not getSize().
Any ideas?

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RE: EL not being evaluated?

2004-02-05 Thread Ben Anderson
el has been incorporated into JSP 2.0 which is what Tomcat 5 implements.  
So, you no longer need the c:out tag. Just do:

p1 + 2 + 3 = ${1+2+3}/p

Check out Tomcat's default pages to see more cool things you can do with 
Tomcat 5 (JSP 2.0/Servlet2.4).

From: David Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: David Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: EL not being evaluated?
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 09:44:28 -0800
I've installed JDK 1.4.2_03, Tomcat 5.0.18 and Apache's JSTL 1.1 on RH 

My XHTML JSP contains a simple construct:   p1 + 2 + 3 = c:out
But the expression is not being evaluated, yet the c:out tag is being
processed fine.  The output just looks like:
1 + 2 + 3 = ${1+2+3}

Is there a trick to getting the expressions configured to work with Tomcat
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RE: how to use methods with parameters

2004-02-05 Thread Ben Anderson
Here's a little tester jsp that demonstrates one way to do it:

%@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %

jsp:useBean id=endDate class=java.util.Date
jsp:useBean id=startDate class=java.util.Date/
   %-- this sets the startDate to one year ago --%
   c:set target=${startDate} property=year value=103/
startDate: c:out value=${startDate}/br/
endDate: c:out value=${endDate}/br/
%-- of course it would probably be better to actually perform this 
and insert it into the code --%
calcDate:c:out value=${(startDate.time - endDate.time) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 


From: Just Fun 4 You [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: how to use methods with parameters
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 17:38:14 +0100

is it possible to use JSTL for an expression like

%=calculateDays(startDate, endDate) % ???

probably not, but I am too new to JSTL to figure it out by myself. Could
someone advise me?
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Re: c:forEach, c:import and variable scope?

2003-12-09 Thread Ben Anderson
How bout this:
c:forEach var=foo items=${bars}
   c:import url=some/page.jsp
   c:param name=foop value=${foo}/

c:out value=${param.foop}/

  [c:forEach var=foo items=${bars}]
[c:import url=some/page.jsp/]
  In this page.jsp I try to access ${foo}, like so:
  [c:out value=${foo}/]

Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: c:forEach, c:import and variable scope?
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 11:27:54 -0800
I don't have my code in front of me, but I am pretty sure that is exactly
what I do for my client.  I don't even recall having to set request scope,
but I'm not positive there.
Tomcat 5.x/JSTL 1.1


- Original Message -
From: Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: c:forEach, c:import and variable scope?
 I can't see how that could work.  The c:import operation is processing
 that URL in an external context.  You'd probably have to use
 jsp:include for that sort of thing.

  -Original Message-
  From: otisg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Here is the problem (using [] to avoid problems with email
  clients not handling HTML well).
  c:forEach loop, inside it c:import, but the c:import-ed JSP does
  not see the var from the c:forEach loop.
  [c:forEach var=foo items=${bars}]
[c:import url=some/page.jsp/]
  In this page.jsp I try to access ${foo}, like so:
  [c:out value=${foo}/]
  No go.  ${foo} seems undefined there :(  page.jsp does not see
  it.  Scope issue?
  I then tried adding the following inside that c:forEach:
  [c:set var=newFoo value=${foo} scope=request/]
  However, that c:import-ed page.jsp does not see ${newFoo}
  either. :(
  I am using jakarta-taglibs 1.0.3 with JBoss/Jetty.
  Is the above supposed to work?
  How do I get the import-ed page.jsp to see a variable defined in
  the page that imported it?
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well-known URI's

2003-11-28 Thread Ben Anderson
I'm not clear on how well-known URI's are defined.  The specifications 
don't seem to have much info on this.  I'm wondering if it is possible for 
my own custom tag library to be used without specifying the taglib in the 

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