Simple Javabean question

2004-10-15 Thread Nic Werner
I have a Javabean I've created that has setters and getters to an array:
public String getPair(int idx) {
   return (pair[idx] == null ?  : pair[idx]);

public void setPair(String[] var) {
   this.pair = var;

My problem is that I don't know how to access the index of the array 
w/JSTL. I can do a regular set and get with just one variable, but how 
do I access this an array index? I've looked all over!

I tried this:
jsp:useBean id=outlet class=com.OutletData scope=session/
c:set var=${sessionScope.outlet.pair[0]} value=Test/
to no avail.
- Nic.
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Re: Simple Javabean question

2004-10-15 Thread Nic Werner
Great, thanks for the pointers. I read the area on EL and that helped, 
but I  am still confused on the 'set' portion. How does the index *and* 
the value get passed to the setter? Using a list, I would need: 

Thanks again for the help, I know this is simple but I'm still trying to 
piece together how these work.

- Nic.
Helios Alonso wrote:
1) If you bean implements List then you could use myBean[0] in EL.
public class MyBean implements List
public Object get(int i)
return getPair(i);
2) Or maybe have a property that implements List myBean.list[0].
public class MyBean
public List getList()
return new List() {
public Object get(int i)
return getPair(i);
At 11:43 15/10/2004 -0700, you wrote:
I have a Javabean I've created that has setters and getters to an array:
public String getPair(int idx) {
   return (pair[idx] == null ?  : pair[idx]);
public void setPair(String[] var) {
   this.pair = var;
My problem is that I don't know how to access the index of the array 
w/JSTL. I can do a regular set and get with just one variable, but 
how do I access this an array index? I've looked all over!

I tried this:
jsp:useBean id=outlet class=com.OutletData scope=session/
c:set var=${sessionScope.outlet.pair[0]} value=Test/
to no avail.
- Nic.
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Custom Tags

2004-10-05 Thread Nic Werner
I'm writing a custom tag, and using 'JavaServer Pages' as a good guide. 
Its helpful, but I'm confused about the difference between Simple Tag 
Handlers and Classic ones.
   The book states that a Simple handler 'cannot contain Java code 
(scripting elements)', but I'm seeing Java in these examples. What is 
the difference between scripting elements and just the straight Java?

- Nic
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Re: Simple select question

2004-10-05 Thread Nic Werner
Why use the otherwise clause? I just  use an 'if' tag inline.
select name=Select Name Here size=1 
 c:forEach var=varNameHere items=${varsVector}  varStatus=current   
 option c:if test=${your_test_here} selected /c:if value=your_value_here   Your Display Text Here /option

I agree, a mod would make this cleaner, but I don't feel it really obfuscates the HTML too much. 

- Nic.

Justin F. Knotzke wrote:
quote who=Don Albertson date=[041005 09:32]/

I need to do that kind of thing a lot.
Here's my boilerplate:
select name=Select Name Here size=1 
 c:forEach var=varNameHere items=${varsVector}  varStatus=current
  c:when test=${your_test_here} 
 option selected value=your_value_here   Your Display Text 
 Here /option
 option  value=your_value_here   Your Display Text 
 Here /option

So you do it by hand. I was hoping that the input taglib would handle
this for me. The Struts taglib does. It knows to compare the values and if the
values equal, it marks it as 'selected'.
   Anyhow, I wrote my own mod for the taglib that seems to work.. 

  Thanks for the reply. It's greatly appreciated.


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JNDI Taglib binding

2004-09-17 Thread Nic Werner
   Has anyone been able to use the JDNI taglib with an LDAP source, and 
actually bind with a DN and password? The 'official' LDAP url does not 
specify a password param, and the JNDI examples demonstrate LDAP, but no 

The other alternative I can see is to create the factory in my 
server.xml, bind there and use the factory in my code. Not sure if this 
is actually possible though.

- Nic
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Re: Looping with paramValues

2004-09-14 Thread Nic Werner
Thanks everyone for the help. I ended up taking your examples, and just 
'on the side' iterating through the paramValues until I found the 
matching one, and then setting a temp flag. Its unfortunate that I 
couldn't just use an index to access the nth param and its nth value.

- Nic.
Helios Alonso wrote:
Oops.  Exactly.
At 11:56 13/09/2004 -0400, you wrote:
Small correction (I think), did you mean ...
c:forEach var='entry' items='${params}'
   c:if test=${entry.key == 'test1'
 c:out value=${entry.value}/
Note: I switched var and items values.

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Redirect Issues

2004-09-14 Thread Nic Werner
Greetings again,
   I've noticed a problem with redirect if I have a good chunk of code, 
where it won't redirect and I get this log error:

- Root Cause -

.googling this I see its a problem with too much whitespace? I was 
able to correct this once by jamming all my tags together, making it 
fairly unreadable, but this time around I'm trying to find a  better 
pattern to this. Do certain tags cause this problem?

- Nic.

Nic Werner
Sonoma State University
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Re: Looping with paramValues

2004-09-14 Thread Nic Werner
I had to depend on the order in my instance. I had 15 params that were 
repeated three times (each for a different variant), so I wanted to loop 
through each param, and also know if I was on the first,second or third 
set of data. So basically, I wanted param.currentparam[current_set].value.

I couldn't merely name each param with a signifier in front, ie 
X-param,Y-param,Z-param because (as asked previously), there is no way 
to dynamically
create a variable name and then access its data

- Nic.
Helios Alonso wrote:
In this case, ignoring the order the order is not defensive 
programming (avoiding not expectable bad cases) but avoiding coupling 
with the implementation of the server (Tomcat) and avoiding extra 
requiriments for the calling entity (call me with this params *and in 
this order*).

[9] works if the implementation of params implements List (or is an 

At 16:20 14/09/2004 -0400, you wrote:
Defensive programming might suggest that one presume the worst not the
At any rate, presuming you intend and design the nth element is *always*
the one you use from the request, does the following work?
c:out value=${params[9].value} /
I don't use el enough to remember all the nuances.
-Original Message-
From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:02 PM
To: Kris Schneider
Cc: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: Looping with paramValues
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 15:18:24 -0400, Kris Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I was thinking more along the lines of the HTTP spec not guaranteeing
the order.
 So that if you made the same request with parameters foo and bar,
in some
 cases foo might be first and in other cases it might be bar.
Clearly the HTTP spec can't say anything about the order; that
wouldn't be meaningful. However, the HTML spec does state that the
order of parameters is preserved. Taken together with the Servlet spec
requirements, that does state that the order of parameters as received
by the servlet is the same as the order of fields in the submitted
Martin Cooper

 Quoting Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 13:31:22 -0400, Kris Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Well, even if you could do it cleanly, there's no guarantee on the
   request parameters.
  Although the Servlet spec doesn't state it explicitly, it does
  actually specify that the order of values for a given parameter, as
  returned by getParameterValues(), is the same as the order in which
  they are submitted.
  Martin Cooper
   Are you really just checking to see if a particular
   parameter has been passed? If so, you should be able to do that
with just:
   c:if test=${param.nameOfTheParameter}
   Quoting Nic Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Thanks everyone for the help. I ended up taking your examples,
and just
'on the side' iterating through the paramValues until I found
matching one, and then setting a temp flag. Its unfortunate that
couldn't just use an index to access the nth param and its nth
- Nic.
Helios Alonso wrote:
 Oops.  Exactly.

 At 11:56 13/09/2004 -0400, you wrote:


 Small correction (I think), did you mean ...
 c:forEach var='entry' items='${params}'
c:if test=${entry.key == 'test1'
  c:out value=${entry.value}/
 Note: I switched var and items values.
   Kris Schneider mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Kris Schneider mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Looping with paramValues

2004-09-10 Thread Nic Werner
   Is there a '.key' accessor for paramValues? Basically I only want to 
access the variables that match a certain index and do comparison work 
with them
   I'm familiar with accessing data using paramValues.var_name[index], 
and I'm familiar with looping through params with only one value:

c:forEach items=${param} var=params varStatus=status
   c:out value=${params.key} -- ${params.value}/BR
The problem with paramValues is that I have to specify a variable name, 
while params lets me use '.key'.

Thanks for your help,
- Nic
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Dynamic variable names

2004-09-09 Thread Nic Werner
I have incoming params from another page that I want to cycle through,
with one attribute of them that changes.
I want to cycle through all the attributes of type color, basically
checking if the 'old' matches the 'new' for that attribute.
The params look like this old/new-color-attribute name eg: old-B-blade
How would I just drop in the current loop color, a la:
${param.old-current-loop-color-attribute}/ ?
- Nic.
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Re: Nested expressions

2004-08-20 Thread Nic Werner
Wow, thanks Martin and Chris, I fully overlooked the basic logic of 
this. I was staying away from the 'and' because it was cycling through 
each param individually, and so I thought it should be checking for one 
or the other. The 'or' would totally make this not work, and its now fixed!

Martin Cooper wrote:
Uh, your condition is what's wrong. The parameter key is *always*
going to be either not 'view' or not 'perPage' - it can't be both at
the same time. I think you mean AND instead of OR...
Martin Cooper
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 09:33:32 -0700, Nic Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You'd think it would, but JSTL is still allowing them to pass through.
Anyone want to point out where I'm just missing this?
This code is generating the url string to be used later, but stripping
out two of the params. If I don't use the OR, one will always strip out,
but put it in and it ignores it.
c:forEach items=${param} var=params varStatus=status
  c:if test=${params.key != 'view' || params.key != 'perPage'}
  c:set var=urlc:out
value=${url}${params.key}=${params.value} escapeXml=false//c:set
  c:out value=${params.key}=${params.value} escapeXml=false/
%-- Output to test --%
Any suggestions guys? You've never failed me before!
- Nic.

Derek wrote:

You were on the right path.  This should do it...
c:if test=${params.key != 'view' || params.key != 'perPage'}
On Aug 19, 2004, at 7:47 PM, Nic Werner wrote:

I'm sure I'm just looking at this the wrong way, and I can't find it
in Shawns book, but I want to evaluate two variables with an OR
c:if test=${params.key != ('view' || 'perPage')}
Basically, if params.key doesn't equal  the words 'view' or
'perPage', go ahead...
What am I doing wrong here?!
- Nic
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Nested expressions

2004-08-19 Thread Nic Werner
I'm sure I'm just looking at this the wrong way, and I can't find it in 
Shawns book, but I want to evaluate two variables with an OR condition:

c:if test=${params.key != ('view' || 'perPage')}
Basically, if params.key doesn't equal  the words 'view' or 'perPage', 
go ahead...

What am I doing wrong here?!
- Nic
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Adding user input

2004-08-17 Thread Nic Werner
   I have two pages, one with a form to input/update data and then the 
second which 'handles' the data w/logic.

Now, I want to add an intermediary page that looks at the inputted data, 
does some DB stuff etc, and then asks the user if they want to continue 
or go back.

- I could just pass the params from 1st to 2nd to third page, but it 
seems clunky. Any suggestions? Has anybody done any tag work to make 
this cleaner?

- Nic
Nic Werner
Sonoma State University
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Iterating through form parametera

2004-08-17 Thread Nic Werner
   I want to iterate through form parameters that have been passed to 
the page, but using:

c:forEach items=${param} var=params varStatus=status
   c:out value=${params}/BR
Outputs the full value ie: var1=hi
I want to split var1 and 'hi' into two different variables, is there a 
way to access that in JSTL, such as  '.value' or '.name'? I can't find 
any documentation detailing the params

- Nic
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Re: Rotating tables? (slightly OT)

2004-08-10 Thread Nic Werner
David Schwartz wrote:
is this possible/smart in JSTL

May be possible but not smart.
Should be returned by the database  just displayed by JSTL.
You need a crosstab query. Which database are you using?

I'm using Oracle. I've got a crosstab query going now, but what happens 
is that I'm getting getting duplicate rows with one row having a null in 
a certain field and the other with data in the field:

select distinct
decode(b.color,NULL,' ',b.color),
decode(b.switchip,NULL,' ',b.switchip) BSWITCHIP,
decode(b.blade,NULL,' ',b.blade) BBLADE,
decode(b.port,NULL,' ',b.port) BPORT,
decode(b.vlan,NULL,' ',b.vlan)  BVLAN,
decode(o.color,NULL,' ',o.color) ,
decode(o.switchip,NULL,' ',o.switchip) OSWITCHIP,
decode(o.blade,NULL,' ',o.blade) OBLADE,
decode(o.port,NULL,' ',o.port) OPORT,
decode(o.vlan,NULL,' ',o.vlan) OVLAN,
decode(g.color,NULL,' ',g.color) ,
decode(g.switchip,NULL,' ',g.switchip) GSWITCHIP,
decode(g.blade,NULL,' ',g.blade) GBLADE,
decode(g.port,NULL,' ',g.port) GPORT,
decode(g.vlan,NULL,' ',g.vlan) GVLAN,
data b,
data o,
data g,
cablepair d,
new_outlet x
where x.outlet_no = b.outlet_no(+)
and x.outlet_no = o.outlet_no(+)
and x.outlet_no = g.outlet_no(+)
and b.color(+) = 'B'
and o.color(+) = 'O'
and g.color(+) = 'G'
This will give me outlets of three colors, but the phone (dn) from 
'cablepair' will cause duplicate rows. I guess the best way to eliminate 
this is to union this query against itself for each color, which will be 
clunky. Thanks for all your input!

- Nic.
Quoting Helios Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I think he wants a table like this:
+ John (in red)
+ Mark (in blue)
+ Nic (in green)
+ Helios (in red)
+ David (in blue)

If you have an array of 3 colors named colors (I dont know but, maybe the
set tag can build a mapping that works like an array...)
Try this:
!-- initialization --
c:set var=colorIndex value=0/
!-- loop --
td bgcolor=${colors[colorIndex++%3]} 
In the expression you're coding the round robin (increment and modulus 3)
and the selection of the color based on the index.
But, I didn't try it.  I hope the modulus is a valid construction in EL.
At 11:05 04/08/2004 +0200, you wrote:

I'm not exactly sure what you mean with rotate?!
Do you just have a collection that you want to iterate - with each each
entry corresponding to a row in the table? Or shall every row display a
different column of your table? It's hard to understand from your


For displaying tabular data, you should check out the displaytag-library:  - it has nothing  to with jstl, but
gives you everything you will likely ever need for displaying tables...
Nic Werner wrote:

  I have a table of data that I'd basically like to rotate, is this
possible/smart in JSTL?
Basically, I have an attribute with three colors, each one is a
different row in a table.
001 Blue data
001 Green data
002 Purple data
I want to have one row:001 | Blue Data | Green Data | Purple Data.
Any suggestions? Please help by pointing me elsewhere if you can
- Nic
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Stefan Frank
iBioS - Intelligent BioInformatics Systems
DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
69120 Heidelberg
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David Schwartz
Array Software Inc.
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Re: Rotating tables?

2004-08-04 Thread Nic Werner
Actually, I have the table like that currently, which has a common 

To use our running example it looks like:
I want to display like:MALE: John (red) | Mark (blue) | Nic (Green) | 
David (Blue)
FEMALE: Sara (orange)

The color isn't an issue, its basically just grouping by a common 
attribute and displaying it horizontally instead of vertically.

- Nic
Helios Alonso wrote:
I think he wants a table like this:
+ John (in red)
+ Mark (in blue)
+ Nic (in green)
+ Helios (in red)
+ David (in blue)

If you have an array of 3 colors named colors (I dont know but, maybe 
the set tag can build a mapping that works like an array...)

Try this:
!-- initialization --
c:set var=colorIndex value=0/
!-- loop --
td bgcolor=${colors[colorIndex++%3]} 
In the expression you're coding the round robin (increment and modulus 
3) and the selection of the color based on the index.

But, I didn't try it.  I hope the modulus is a valid construction in EL.
At 11:05 04/08/2004 +0200, you wrote:
I'm not exactly sure what you mean with rotate?!
Do you just have a collection that you want to iterate - with each 
each entry corresponding to a row in the table? Or shall every row 
display a different column of your table? It's hard to understand 
from your examples..

For displaying tabular data, you should check out the 
displaytag-library:  - it has 
nothing  to with jstl, but gives you everything you will likely ever 
need for displaying tables...

Nic Werner wrote:
   I have a table of data that I'd basically like to rotate, is this
possible/smart in JSTL?
Basically, I have an attribute with three colors, each one is a
different row in a table.
001 Blue data
001 Green data
002 Purple data
I want to have one row:001 | Blue Data | Green Data | Purple Data.
Any suggestions? Please help by pointing me elsewhere if you can
- Nic
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Stefan Frank
iBioS - Intelligent BioInformatics Systems
DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 42-3612
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Rotating tables?

2004-08-03 Thread Nic Werner
   I have a table of data that I'd basically like to rotate, is this
possible/smart in JSTL?
Basically, I have an attribute with three colors, each one is a
different row in a table.
001 Blue data
001 Green data
002 Purple data
I want to have one row:001 | Blue Data | Green Data | Purple Data.
Any suggestions? Please help by pointing me elsewhere if you can
- Nic

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Search Engine Queries

2004-06-04 Thread Nic Werner
I know this might not be a pure JSTL thing, but if anyone could offer 
some pointers, I'd appreciate it:

I've got a search page thing going on in JSP (JSTL), and I want to be 
able to search on any of the fields that are entered, basically an AND 
filter. So as to not create dynamic SQL queries, I use the below SQL code:

query part here...
and nvl(d.cable,' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( d.pair , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( to_char(d.prefix) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( upper(d.lname) , ' ') like upper(nvl(?,'%')) and
nvl( upper(d.fname) , ' ') like upper(nvl(?,'%')) and
nvl( to_char(d.DN) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')   and
nvl( to_char(d.TN) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')and
nvl( upper(d.DEPT_CD) , ' ') like  nvl(?,'%')
sql:param value=${param.cable}/
sql:param value=%${param.pair}%/
sql:param value=${param.prefix}/
sql:param value=%${param.lname}%/
sql:param value=%${param.fname}%/
sql:param value=%${param.dn}%/
sql:param value=%${param.tn1}%${param.tn2}%${param.tn3}%${param.tn4}%/ 
sql:param value=${param.dept_cd}/

This works well, except all the 'like' statements really bog down the 
Oracle system. Can anyone suggest a way to dynamically create the above 
query portion, only putting in the statements that actually have data?

I don't know much Java, but this seems like an applicable language 
to create the text, but PL/SQL seems viable also. JSTL might be 
inappropriate for this. Any thoughts? Am I reinventing the wheel?

- Nic.
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Url Decoding

2004-05-06 Thread Nic Werner
I've setup two pages where I can basically type a query in, and the 
second page does the sql work. However, I'm trying to use the URLDecoder 
statement to format my query, and it throws an error whenever I have a 
query with the '%' sign:

URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input 
string: ')

Is there a workaround  or JSTL equivalent for this? Here is the 
formatting code, I'm not too strong in this area, so any help would be 

- Nic.
%-- The query comes in here, and we format it appropriately --%
c:set var=query%= URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter(query)) 
%-- Then we drop it into a sql query command, once again formatting --%
c:set var=newqueryc:out value='${query}' escapeXml=false//c:set

c:catch var=error
sql:query var=searchc:out value=${newquery} 
c:out value=${query}/
c:out value=${error}/

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HTTP Headers

2003-12-15 Thread Nic Werner
Is there a way to send HTTP headers w/JSTL?

I want to send a header to the browser to invalidate (close) a session and
I couldn't really find anything w/google.

 - Nic Werner

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Re: c:out Default Value Escaping

2003-12-08 Thread Nic Werner
I had fun with:

c:choosec:when test=${empty main.outlet_no

- Nic Werner

 Request for a new feature, I think:

 I'd like to be able to turn off escaping for the default value in the
 c:out tag, but not the regular value if it exists.

 Here's what I'm trying to do:
 When displaying HTML tables that contain CSS borders, I need to put a
 blank  value(nbsp;) in those cells that contain null values, otherwise
 the  borders won't appear correctly. This is a common requirement.

 With JSTL 1.0, there's a problem if I try to use this pattern:
 tdc:out value=${someVariable} default=nbsp;

 The problem is that I want escaping turned on for the regular variable
 value, if it exists. Perhaps there should be two new attributes for the
 c:out tag: valueEscapeXml and defaultEscapeXml.

 - Jim

 James Watkin
 ACIS Software Development
 The Anderson School at UCLA
 Voice: 1-310-825-5030
Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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Capturing URL

2003-11-01 Thread Nic Werner
Is there any way to capture the current URL? I want to be able to take
the parameters passed to the page, add some extras and then resubmit
without creating an individual hidden field for each specific param.


- Nic


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Accessing outside of current index with forEach or forTokens

2003-11-01 Thread Nic Werner
   I've got a drop box that has two values, the one being printed, and the
value being passed. I wanted to do something like this:


and have in the option tag the value be the numeric and then use the text
to display.

Is there any way to access an 'i+1' type of thing, where if I was
currently at index [0], I could access the next one without actually

I'm sure this is just my lack of EL knowledge, if someone could help me
out I'd really appreciate it.

Nic Werner

Link11 Systems

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Simple iteration

2003-10-12 Thread Nic Werner
This is a simple question, but is there any way to count *backwards* in JSTL?

Using the forEach tag, if begin=10 and end=0, I get an: 'end'  0 error

I've also tried using step=-1 to no avail.

Basically, I want to create a year pulldown box which starts at the
currentyear and then displays the previous twenty years.

 c:forEach begin=${currentYear} end=${currentYear-20} step=-1
var=year option c:out value=${year}//option /c:forEach

- Nic

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Re: My favorite tag is

2003-10-10 Thread Nic Werner
This tag looks great, but I haven't been able to find any documentation on
using this with JSTL!

Can someone help me out with this or point me somewhere? There appears to
be a lot of work and suggestions, but little on implementation

- Nic


 I have use many tags, such as JSTL, etc.

 I just want to say, this is my favoirete tag!!!


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Re: Handling null dates

2003-08-01 Thread Nic Werner
Well, what I'm trying to nail down also is how empty values are passed
across a submit form.

I have a drop down, and one of the options is:
option value= /option
Which, if the name of the input is 'datemonth', then the GET says


Now, when I have my handler jsp pick this up, will it take that as null or
empty? This is what trips up fmtDate and if someone knew what JSTL did with
this, I would appreciate it. If it was null, as someone mentioned earlier,
the spec would be able to handle it.

- Nic Werner

- Original Message -
From: Narayan, Anand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tag Libraries Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: RE: Handling null dates

 The problem I am encountering seems to be with the JDBC driver.
 Acc. to the release note for JSTL 1.0 on the jakarta site one should
 be able to use the EL ${null} for the value parameter of
 sql:param or sql:dateParam but some drivers do not support the
 underlying implementation by jakarta.

 Heres the exact text:
 Use of null with sql:param and sql:dateParam
 The Standard 1.0 taglib utilizes the
 PreparedStatement.setObject(parameterIndex, null) when specifying the
 sql:dateParam value=${null} type='date'/ or sql:param value=${null}
 / actions. Not all JDBC drivers currently support the passing of null to
 the PreparedStatement.setObject() method. If you encounter a failure with
 your JDBC driver, please execute a SQL DML statement which does not
 sql:param or sql:dateParam to specify a null value for a given column.

 -Original Message-
 From: Siggelkow, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 3:12 PM
 To: 'Tag Libraries Users List'
 Subject: RE: Handling null dates

 Are you parsing the dates using fmt:parseDate?  If so, then according to
 the spec, the if the input value is null or  the variable specifed by
 will be removed.  You could then use the empty operator to check for a
 value.  Hope this helps.

 -Original Message-
 From: Narayan, Anand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:27 AM
 To: 'Tag Libraries Users List'
 Subject: RE: Handling null dates

 Same issue here with null dates.
 I need to set the value of a date field to null.
 How can I create an object that equates to null?
 The JSTL spec for dateParam says that if the value equates to null
 the column will be set to null but i have not figured out how
 to create a null object in JSP.
 Any ideas??

 Anand Narayan

 -Original Message-
 From: Nic Werner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:27 PM
 To: Tag Libraries Users List
 Subject: Handling null dates

I have a form that has a lot of date fields, they represent dates
 attempted to take a test.

 There are multiple sets of these for each attempt they have taken, but I
 into trouble if there is only one test attempt, meaning there are blank
 dates for the other attempts.

 Is there any way I can have the form send over the blank values and JSTL
 will just update the database with these blank values? I've tried to
 if the date is empty and just set the variable to be updated to be blank
 with c:set value= var=datetaken/
 but I get invalid column type.


 Nic Werner


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Count number of weeks between two dates

2003-08-01 Thread Nic Werner
Does anyone have any idea of how to implement this in JSTL? I looked through the 
taglibs but didn't really see a function for counting. I suppose I could add up the 
number of days based on what month it is, but I'd rather keep it simple!


- Nic Werner


Re: Why no exception with missing accessor?

2003-07-30 Thread Nic Werner
I definitely agree with you on this point. While I like how JSTL doesn't
dump error messages in the page, I've spent many bleary-eyed hours trying to
troubleshoot code only to find I was missing something simple like the
example below.

Tracing through code is a bummer and being able to have a little more
feedback is invaluable. Can someone shed some light on why an accessor
function would be a bad thing?

- Nic Werner

- Original Message -
From: Eric W Hauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tag Libraries Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: Why no exception with missing accessor?

 While discussing JSTL with some others developers today, a question came
 up about the lack of helpful errors when using JSTL incorrectly.  If I use
 the following line of code:

 c:out value=${sessionScope.mybean.value}/

 and there is no accessor method of value, then JSTL just returns nothing.
 Others said they though it would make more sense if a JspException was
 thrown because you were attemping to access an accessor that did not
 exist.  We have a number of custom tag libraries in which I would like to
 add the ability to exception EL expressions, but I'm getting some
 resistance because of this issue.  Any thoughts?

 Eric Hauser
 (317) 679-4766

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