[Tails-dev] Macbook Air EFI fixed

2015-03-05 Thread Alan Kubiak
There is supposedly a bug with booting Tails on Macbook Air or Macbook 
Pro due to an EFI issue.  According to your support channel, you 
recommend a program to install the Tails ISO on a USB drive.  The 
recommended program does create a Tails/USB drive but it wont boot on a 

The solution is to use a different program called Rufus 2.0 to create 
the bootable USB drive from the Tails ISO.  Simply format as FAT32 and 
install the ISO from RUFUS.   When booting from the Mac, just boot the 
Tails USB drive from the BIOS.
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Re: [Tails-dev] Reducing attack surface of kernel and tightening firewall/sysctls

2015-03-05 Thread intrigeri
intrigeri wrote (18 Jan 2015 21:45:15 GMT) :
> I see this thread has been quiet for a bit more than a month.

> Maybe it's time for someone to sum up whatever consensus was reached,
> and whatever disagreement may still be remaining?

> Jake, maybe?


The next major release is scheduled for May 19, with a freeze early in
May I guess, so we have almost two months to get whatever solution we
choose in a mergeable state.

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Re: [Tails-dev] review and merge feature/6999-compress-png

2015-03-05 Thread intrigeri

[edit: you might want to jump straight to the part about IUKs.]

sajolida wrote (02 Mar 2015 14:53:20 GMT) :
> intrigeri:
>> Another option would be to have ikiwiki recompress these images when
>> building the wiki. This would be a bit costly, so likely not suitable
>> for local builds, but just fine on our production website I guess.
>> Is there any plugin that does something like that? If not, it should
>> be relatively trivial to write.

> Maybe we need to make it more clear what's the objective. To me the
> objective is to reduce the impact of PNG images on the size of our ISO
> images. I don't care so much about online visits to the website, seeing
> that this only bring 15% compression overall.

I didn't get this initially.

How much do we gain on the resulting ISO size (with the default, slow
SquashFS compression settings), thanks to this recompression process?

(It might be that our extreme SquashFS compression settings already
give us just the same as what recompressing images would.
We're talking of a mere 300-400kB anyway.)

> If we agree on that, then maybe that could be hooked in the ISO
> build process (and not in the wiki build process). Could that go in
> auto/build right after build-wiki?

Agreed * 2, except:

> But then, how would that interfere with IUKs? Would non-deterministic
> builds of those images always end up in IUKs?

Good catch. Yes, indeed. So what we gain on ISO images (that might be
downloaded without Tor), we lose it on IUKs (that are always
downloaded via Tor). So, we should really *not* recompress images at
ISO build time, right?

> But I guess that this does not depend on whether this is done at ISO
> or wiki build time...

Indeed, it doesn't.

> If we agree on this, then I'm very sorry to have polluted the Git repo
> with 2MB of compressed binaries right after you cleaned it...

No problem: the improvement for the visitors of our web site still
seems worth it to me, as long as we don't do it again every 6 weeks.

So, I see three options:

 a) Revert all changes to the release process doc, and merge this
branch to improve navigation (especially over Tor) on our website,
at the expense of a 3-4% bigger Git repository.

 b) Delete this branch and hope for Git garbage collection to give us
these 2MB back.

 c) Refocus this effort on website navigation, and try the
web-optimized palette trick that I reported about on
#6999#note-1 (on the image I tested it on, back then I got a 60%
size reduction, compared to the 6.3% we got with optipng+advdef).

Of course it's much more painful than the commands Naar and you
came up with, but in this case it's a one-shot effort, as opposed
to something that should be run for every release and needs to be

Then, if it gives substantially better results, then rewrite the
topic branch's history to replace commit 1a7beb4 with one that
compresses images even better... and merge it!

My (humble) opinion:

  * If someone is excited by (c), please go for it.

  * Else, I don't care much. (a) is good because we get an immediate
benefit from the great work that's been done. (b) is good — if it
actually works in terms of reclaiming space in Git — because it
leaves more room for someone doing (c) later without me
complaining that these images are already stored twice in .git.

Now, regardless of what we do with *existing* images, it would be good
to have "something" that prevents poorly compressed images from being
*added* to Git.

There are a lot of candidate solutions, such as documentation for doc
and automated test writers (will be regularly forgotten), a pre-commit
hook that ask you to confirm that you've optimized stuff whenever you
add or update a picture (only works for those who actually bother
setting up the pre-commit hook and reading what it tells them), adding
a check about that in our review'n'merge policy (won't work at all
I bet), or a hook on our main Git repo that tries to recompress
added/updated pictures and, if it can itself improve compression by
some factor, forbids the branch from being pushed (probably the only
really working solution, but it has to be written, and had better be
pretty robust and safe).


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Re: [Tails-dev] How to replace the green onion

2015-03-05 Thread intrigeri
sajolida wrote (05 Mar 2015 17:03:04 GMT) :
> I hereby propose to have the list of circuits accessible directly from
> the green onion as it is the case now in Vidalia. But I'm not sure how
> this fits with your architectural plans and related
> security implications.

It should be no problem: assuming the green onion thingie is a GNOME
Shell extension (this seems to be the only reasonable way to do it
IMO), then it'll run as the `amnesia' users, who should be able to
start Tor Monitor anyway.

> Alan, I'm not sure what are the implications of the deprecation of
> System Tray Icons as I couldn't find anything about that in the GNOME
> HIG.

The HIG apparently doesn't capture everything that the code does.
Let me provide some background. In previous versions of GNOME, there
were two different things:

  * proper panel applets (e.g. NM's one)
  * icons in the notification area (that very often were things that
should really be applets, but their authors were lazy and they
hijacked the notification area -- that's what we did for our own
OpenPGP applet, oops)

While with GNOME Shell:

  * the notification area isn't displayed by default anymore;
  * a third-party extension (topIcons) can be used to restore the old
notification area icons placement; no idea how long this hack will
  * what used to be "proper panel applets" can now be implemented as
GNOME Shell extensions.

> But in Tails Jessie we still have various custom widgets in the top
> bar that expend to more features when you act on them: the Florence
> keyboard and the OpenPGP Applet. So I guess this is still acceptable...

That's a temporary hack, made possible only via a third-party GNOME
Shell extension, and I'd like to get rid of as soon as possible
(https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/8309). Adding more stuff there
would add to the list of things that we'll have to
rewrite/replace later.

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Re: [Tails-dev] How to replace the green onion [was: What do we miss to replace Vidalia]

2015-03-05 Thread sajolida
> intrigeri  wrote:
>> Alan wrote (20 Feb 2015 19:43:10 GMT) :
>>> On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 14:23:03 +
>>> sajolida  wrote:
> sajolida wrote (18 Feb 2015 11:32:17 GMT) :
>> intrigeri:
>>> [About the green onion]
>> but would it be conceivable to have Tor Monitor
>> appear as green onion on the desktop as Vidalia does until now?
>>> I don't think it's the way to go:
>>> - I'd like Tor Monitor to stay a generic application, with a clear
>>>   focus on being a monitor for Tor and showing whatever icon on the
>>>   desktop doesn't look like the same task for me.
>> IMO the "providing feedback regarding Tor connectivity status" feature
>> fits pretty well into the "monitoring Tor" mission. Perhaps we don't
>> put the same meaning behind "monitoring Tor".
> Ok. You have a point here. This could be argued as some "desktop
> integration" of the application.

Meta: it's getting hard for me to follow the technical side of all this.
I'm still maturing the UX side of things... Beware!

Following-up on the ideas of:

- Keeping the green onion as a permanent visual feedback on the desktop.
- Not breaking too much of what people have been used to unless we
  have a good (UX) reason to do so (keeping what works in Vidalia).
- Integrating Tor Monitor nicely on the desktop.
- Considering the green onion and the list of circuits as part of the
  same user task of "monitoring tool".

I hereby propose to have the list of circuits accessible directly from
the green onion as it is the case now in Vidalia. But I'm not sure how
this fits with your architectural plans and related security implications.

Alan, I'm not sure what are the implications of the deprecation of
System Tray Icons as I couldn't find anything about that in the GNOME
HIG. But in Tails Jessie we still have various custom widgets in the top
bar that expend to more features when you act on them: the Florence
keyboard and the OpenPGP Applet. So I guess this is still acceptable...


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[Tails-dev] Tails report from August to December 2014

2015-03-05 Thread Tails developers
As you might have noticed, our last monthly report was a long time ago,
because the people who were doing them had really no time left. Somebody
new finally takes over, let's hope it lasts :)

So, here is a minimal report for the second half of 2014, the next ones
will be more complete.


* Tails 1.1.1 was released on September 2, 2014. (minor release)
* Tails 1.2 was released on October 14, 2014. (major release)
* Tails 1.2.1 was released on December 3, 2014. (minor release)
* Tails 1.2.2 was released on December 15, 2014. (special minor release
  for security reasons)


For details, see each release announcement. Notable changes include:

* 1.1.1: I2P now needs to be enabled with a boot option. We made this
  choice after a security hole affected I2P ; this problem is now
  fixed, but if any other is discovered in the future, it won't affect
  Tails users who don't use I2P.


* 1.2: Tor Browser replaces the previous Firefox + Torbutton setup.
  This allows us to work more closely with Tor people and provide a
  more unified experience to the user.


* Several major applications are confined with AppArmor. This improves
  the overall security provided by Tails, and AppArmor work is going on
  to confine more applications :)


* 1.2.1: finally removes TrueCrypt. It was abandonned upstream since a
  long time, and it's safer to use maintained, reviewed encryption
  methods, like LUKS (that's what the persistence. You can still open
  your TrueCrypt volumes, but we recommand you switch to LUKS volumes as
  soon as possible.



- We passed a call for donations on our website which was quite
successful. Donations are still welcome though :)


- The grant proposal that we submitted to the Digital Defenders was
approved. It will fund part of our activity over 2015:

  - Build our capacity to provide same-day security updates:
- Increase the test coverage of our automated test suite to cover
  most of our remaining manual tests.
- Write automated tests for the new features to be developed during
- Buy dedicated hardware to allow core developers to be able to run
  the test suite locally.
  - Streamline the installation process for less tech-savvy people:
- Have Tails Installer available in Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives.
- Write a Firefox extension to automate the ISO verification at
  download time.
- Rework our download and installation instructions as a web
  assistant to guide new users step-by-step through the process.
  - Provide one year of help desk.


- We submitted a full proposal to the Open Technology Fund. It passed a
  first round of review and is now waiting for the approval of their
  final committee.



- Several Tails contributors attended the 31C3 in Hamburg. We held a
  Tails table where many people came to ask questions, get Tails
  installed, start to contribute or just say thank you. We even had some
  origami folding moments :)


- We passed a call for help on porting Windows camouflage to GNOME 3.14.


Press & Testimonials

For more information concerning the second half of 2014, see our press page.


* 2014-12-29: In Reconstructive narratives at the 31th Chaos
  Communication Congress, Jacob Appelbaum and Laura Poitras explained
  that properly implemented encryption technologies such as Tor, Tails,
  GnuPG, OTR, and RedPhone are some of the only ones that can blind the
  pervasive surveillance of the NSA. They are rated as "catastrophic"
  by the NSA itself.


* Tails is being used in the film Citizenfour by Laura Poitras and
  appears in the credits.



- We documented a workaround to empty the trash of the persistent



In August 2014:

* Tails has been started more than 287,156 times in August.
  This makes 9,263 boots a day on average.
* 19,910 downloads of the OpenPGP signa

Re: [Tails-dev] [Tails-support] PGP MIME is insecure (for me)

2015-03-05 Thread sajolida
Jeff Anderson:
> === quote ===
> Brian Morrison   2014-07-15 17:14:27 CEST
> The way to fix this is to create a local MH mailbox on your machine
> and point the sent and queue (and any others you want) to that local
> mailbox. Then your encrypted mail will not be stored on the IMAP server.
> === end quote ===
> This worked very well and was easy to setup. It allows you to continue to
> use "MIME" instead of "inline" PGP with claws, and stores the Drafts or
> Queue/Outbox messages locally.

This reminds me of
but I'm not sure whether this warning is complete correct and could be

I know that BitingBird has been working on the email client
documentation, see #7694): https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7694

So maybe now is the time to improve on this. The current development
draft is accessible on

> I spoke with someone at claws and they told me that this is a known issue.

Is it well documented on their side?

> It has something to do with the fact that once you encrypt a message for
> the receiving party, you may not be able to decrypt it yourself. A message
> in the 'drafts' folder is incomplete by definition and may need to be
> re-opened by the sender in plaintext to make adjustments. So the message
> cannot be fully encrypted while in the draft section.

A usual trick to prevent this is to encrypt messages for yourself as
well as for the receiver. Is there any option for that in Claws maybe?

> Anyhow, the best solution is to create a local mail folder and redirect
> drafts and queued messages to this. It may be a good idea to mention this
> somewhere in the Tails docs, as I think most users of Tails will probably
> want their emails to be encrypted prior to leaving their local box.

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