Re: [Tails-dev] Proposal for Anti-Keystroke Fingerprinting Tool

2016-03-23 Thread bancfc


Yeah it looks this is the direction many are leaning. I'll try and 
discuss this with kernel/Wayland/Xorg devs ad see what happens.

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[Tails-dev] Proposal for Anti-Keystroke Fingerprinting Tool

2016-03-19 Thread bancfc

== Attack Description ==

Keystroke fingerprinting works by measuring how long keys are pressed 
and the time between presses. Its very high accuracy poses a serious 
threat to anonymous users.[1]

This tracking technology has been deployed by major advertisers (Google, 
Facebook), banks and massive online courses. Its also happening at a 
massive scale because just using a JS application (or SSH in interactive 
mode) in presence of a network adversary that records all traffic allows 
them to construct biometric models for virtually everyone (think Google 
suggestions) even if the website does not record these biometric stats 
itself.[2] They have this data from everyone's clearnet browsing and by 
comparing this to data exiting the Tor network they will unmask users.

== Current Measures and Threat Model ==

While the Tor Browser team is aware of the problem and working on a 
solution, current measures [6] are not enough. [4][5]

Security distros are designed to protect the user even if an end user 
application is compromised and provide desfense in depth.

The goal is to protect users even in the event of an attacker taking 
over an application running ina VM/Container.

This is valid for systems running in VMs or on bare metal.

== Existing Work on Countermeasures ==

As a countermeasure security researcher Paul Moore created a prototype 
Chrome plugin known as KeyboardPrivacy. It works by caching keystrokes 
and introducing a random delay before passing them on to a webpage.[3] 
Unfortunately there is no source code available for the add-on and the 
planned Firefox version has not surfaced so far. There are hints that 
the author wants to create a closed hardware soltuion that implements 
this which does not help our cause.

== Proposal for a System-wide Solution ==

A very much needed project would be to write a program that mimics the 
functionality of the this add-on but on the display server / OS level. 
Ideally the solution would be compatible with Wayland for the upcoming 
transition in the near future.








This feature request has been mirrored on each project's bugtrackers 
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Re: [Tails-dev] [Whonix-devel] Persistent Tor start in Tails vs location aware Tor entry guards (LATEG)

2016-02-07 Thread bancfc

On 2016-02-06 23:14, intrigeri wrote:


[can you please decide what mailing-list this discussion should happen
on, and then we can stop cross-posting over 4 mailing-list?]


I'm not sure I understand the problem you mean to raise, though.
Can you please elaborate what problem you see if users do exactly this
("click through whatever hoops required to make the WiFi connect
again", which I agree is very likely)?



The problems in LATEG/AdvGoalTracking go deep enough that TPO is 
investigating how to solve them in Tor's codebase:

A wider effort to think about usability of the user facing part of this 
(is any at all) is good too.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Secure way to set time using Hidden Service descriptors

2015-06-10 Thread bancfc
Hi Intrigeri, a lot has happened in this space since I last posted.

The Hidden Service descriptor proposal didn't make sense so we query
Hidden services directly and extract timestamps from their HTTP headers.

At the moment in Whonix, we use reputable Onion Sites exclusively for
time syncing purposes. The reason we stayed away from clearnet + HTTPS
is because its almost certain NSA and friends have burrowed their way
into CAs trusted by browsers. These guys bribe their way into companies
and deploy field gents to sabotage and steal keys. Its a given that they
go after CAs. With clearnet SSL being useless, they can manipulate
system time, or worse, exploit the system if there’s a bug in

You can see the list of sites we are now using over here:

We integrated anondate (our version of tordate) in our timesync process
but only as an extra plugin for time sanity checking. The plugin is not
operational yet AFAIK.

On 06/10/2015 04:48 PM, intrigeri wrote:
 [please don't Cc me, I read the list]
 It seems that this has slipped through the cracks... sorry! wrote (12 Sep 2014 01:04:41 GMT) :
 The current secure timesyncing solution has some serious implications for 
 because they rely on an untrusted model using clearnet servers. Even though 
 SSL is
 used, the broken CA model negates its protection and the adversary could 
 easily MITM
 requests and send fake replies or potentially exploit the time synchronizer 
 running on the system.
 I assume you're talking of the htpdate part of our current time
 synchronization solution, since it's the only part where your note
 about the CA cartel makes sense as far as I understand it.
 Note that those connections go through a Tor SocksPort that thas the
 IsolateDestAddr and IsolateDestPort options enabled. So, to perform
 such an attack via MitM against htpdate's connections, an adversary
 will need to do that in several places at the same time; quoting the
 corresponding bits of our design doc:
   It also uses several different pools of time sources, and if there
   are too many that fail for any given pool, e.g. because of failed
   certificate checking or being unreachable, the pool is considered to
   be potentially compromised and htpdate aborts.
 I easily admit I didn't think very hard about it, but given this,
 I fail to see how an attacker can easily MITM those requests in
 a way that effectively affects a running Tails much. Am I missing
 something, or did you overlook this aspect?
 Use of Hidden Service descriptors to obtain more accurate time: [...]
 Thanks a lot for thinking through this potential other solution.
 How does it play with the next-generation (ahem) time sync'ing
 design we have in mind? It's described there:
 Note that in this new design, htpdate is only used to detect replayed
 Tor consensus.
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[Tails-dev] Secure way to set time using Hidden Service descriptors

2014-09-11 Thread bancfc
The current secure timesyncing solution has some serious implications 
for security because they rely on an untrusted model using clearnet 
servers. Even though SSL is used, the broken CA model negates its 
protection and the adversary could easily MITM requests and send fake 
replies or potentially exploit the time synchronizer process running on 
the system.

To overcome this, here is a suggestion for a reassessment of the tordate 
approach, to overcome the problems mentioned above and the shortcomings.

Use of Hidden Service descriptors to obtain more accurate time:

There are some problems with using Directory Authority consensus data, 
the only one IMO is the fuzzy window of three hours which makes it 
harder to set a realistic time.

My proposal is to have a time synchronizer daemon query the DHT for 
specific Hidden Service descriptors from the HSDir Authorities without 
actually connecting to them and calculate a more finegrained time to 
set. Here is why i think its a good idea:

* Descriptors contain a timestamp field which shows the time they are 
generated. Time reported is number of microseconds since 1970.
* Descriptors are signed by the HS and cannot be spoofed by the 

* Descriptors are refreshed hourly. [1]
* A malicious HS that want to fool our time check has to go out of its 
way and forge the timestamp in its descriptor. If they are doing this by 
just running with a wrong clock, they will make themselves inaccessible.

* According to rend-spec, the damage is much limited (only and 18 hour
window) before HSDir Authorities reject these forgeries. [2]
* There does exist stable, available and friendly HS besides the TPO one 
that was taken down. The only addresses that will be used are those of 
trusted organizations that will not carry out the forging attacks 
described above. These will be Whistleblowing and Freedom friendly 
sites. Some suggestions: Wikileaks, RiseUp (each service they provide 
has a unique HS address assigned), TheNewyorker's SecureDrop service and 
probably more.

* The way to go about this is to fetch descriptors without connecting.
* The timestamps will be averaged to get a more accurate reading.

A high time resolution is possible, we can pinpoint within that one hour 
range the probable time because each server was started at a different 
time than the other so it uploads its descriptor at asynchronously.

With 1400 HSAuth Dirs on the network, I don't think there will be much 
of a load problem.

Problems and solutions:

Couldn't the consensus data be replayed?

Not possible if forcing Tor to depend only on verified consensus data. 
Tor doesn't depend on CAs and SSL is safe from cryptanalysis meaning no 
MITM attack is possible when communication with DirAuths

But what if a bridge feeds the client a stale consensus?

We have come up with a technique to check against this very kind of 
attack. In short, it involves fetching consensus data through the Tor 
bridge connection and cross referencing it with what the bridge gave us. 
If its off, the user will be warned and the stale data will be replaced 
by the fresh set. Then after Tor connects the time is further adjusted 
using HS descriptors.

Won't this give off a fingeprintable network pattern when Tor restarts 
after a failed connection because the fresh consensus hadn't been 

There is no reason to believe that these actions are different from any 
Tor that is used in common setups. If someone suspends their machine and 
Tor is running, there will be TCP connections are frozen in the middle. 
And by the time they continue after a resume, the other side will 
receive unexpected packets and reject them. (It thought the other side 
timed out, now suddenly a closed connection wants to continue as if 
nothing happened.) Freezing a TAILS session should result in the same 
situation as freezing TBB on any other supported host.


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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-17 Thread bancfc

On 2014-08-16 14:00, wrote:

On 2014-08-16 00:38, wrote:

On 2014-08-15 15:22, wrote:

On 2014-08-14 23:26, wrote:

Hi. I found out why onioncat wasn't working and configured it
accordingly with help from Bernhard. It was a peculiarity that had 

do with our specific two machine design.

Now VOIP works. Linphone is what we'll be using. Thought I'd tell 

so you guys can add that too.


Unfortunately the Linphone version in Debian stable does not have 

support. But wouldn't Hidden Services and onioncat be providing the
authentication layer?

Note that Linphone does have a text messaging mode but its completely
plaintext. Again it shouldn't matter if what I'm saying about Hidden
Services is correct.

More interesting information on the functionality of VOIP clients. you
might like to factor them into your blueprint,407.msg3396.html#msg3396

You are right. Please make a backport and I will work on instructions
for authentication.

Here is what Bernhard says about authentication:

A backport is necessary to take advantage of it. A backport of linphone 
is nice too, but not strictly necessary as the first. Even if untested 
your linphone backport is very likely to work so please include it too.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-16 Thread bancfc

On 2014-08-16 00:38, wrote:

On 2014-08-15 15:22, wrote:

On 2014-08-14 23:26, wrote:

Hi. I found out why onioncat wasn't working and configured it
accordingly with help from Bernhard. It was a peculiarity that had to
do with our specific two machine design.

Now VOIP works. Linphone is what we'll be using. Thought I'd tell you
so you guys can add that too.


Unfortunately the Linphone version in Debian stable does not have zrtp
support. But wouldn't Hidden Services and onioncat be providing the
authentication layer?

Note that Linphone does have a text messaging mode but its completely
plaintext. Again it shouldn't matter if what I'm saying about Hidden
Services is correct.

More interesting information on the functionality of VOIP clients. you
might like to factor them into your blueprint,407.msg3396.html#msg3396

You are right. Please make a backport and I will work on instructions 
for authentication.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-15 Thread bancfc

On 2014-08-14 23:26, wrote:

Hi. I found out why onioncat wasn't working and configured it
accordingly with help from Bernhard. It was a peculiarity that had to
do with our specific two machine design.

Now VOIP works. Linphone is what we'll be using. Thought I'd tell you
so you guys can add that too.


Unfortunately the Linphone version in Debian stable does not have zrtp 
support. But wouldn't Hidden Services and onioncat be providing the 
authentication layer?

Note that Linphone does have a text messaging mode but its completely 
plaintext. Again it shouldn't matter if what I'm saying about Hidden 
Services is correct.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-15 Thread bancfc

On 2014-08-15 15:22, wrote:

On 2014-08-14 23:26, wrote:

Hi. I found out why onioncat wasn't working and configured it
accordingly with help from Bernhard. It was a peculiarity that had to
do with our specific two machine design.

Now VOIP works. Linphone is what we'll be using. Thought I'd tell you
so you guys can add that too.


Unfortunately the Linphone version in Debian stable does not have zrtp
support. But wouldn't Hidden Services and onioncat be providing the
authentication layer?

Note that Linphone does have a text messaging mode but its completely
plaintext. Again it shouldn't matter if what I'm saying about Hidden
Services is correct.

More interesting information on the functionality of VOIP clients. you 
might like to factor them into your blueprint,407.msg3396.html#msg3396

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-14 Thread bancfc
Hi. I found out why onioncat wasn't working and configured it 
accordingly with help from Bernhard. It was a peculiarity that had to do 
with our specific two machine design.

Now VOIP works. Linphone is what we'll be using. Thought I'd tell you so 
you guys can add that too.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-09 Thread bancfc
I'm currently working on getting UDP based chat clients like Linphone 
working over Onioncat using Whonix.

At the moment I simulated a two part chat each running their hidden 
service and instance of Onioncat but they are not seeing eachother when 
configured to use IPv6 to do direct IP chat.

Since you will be using UDP settings anyway, then IMHO concentrating on 
serverless options are probably the better way forward as it lessens the 
burden on users. I tried Jitsi and its IPv6 support seems broken as it 
doesn't recognize such addresses for contacts. Its also more resource 
heavy than Linphone.

1. Can you please tell me if there is any additional configuration that 
you did to your firewall to make Onioncat work?

2. From looking at this: I got the 
impression that anyone running Onioncat can connect to anyone else that 
has it too. I don't know if the version currently available in Debian 
stable has the authentication features in r555. What firewall 
precautions are needed to cope with this situation if necessary?

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Re: [Tails-dev] Why OnionCat + Mumble - why not just Mumble?

2014-08-09 Thread bancfc

On 2014-08-09 18:10, intrigeri wrote:

Hi, wrote (09 Aug 2014 16:41:54 GMT) :
I'm currently working on getting UDP based chat clients like Linphone 
working over

Onioncat using Whonix.

Great news! I'm very glad to see someone working on this, which I've
been wanting to do for years, but clearly failed to. Woohoo :)

Since you will be using UDP settings anyway, then IMHO concentrating 
on serverless
options are probably the better way forward as it lessens the burden 
on users.

Full ACK. I'm personally wary of encouraging users to put trust into
yet another server, hence my interest in OnionCat: I've been
maintaining it in Debian for years, in the hope it can be useful for
such uses; glad to see someone trying it out!

1. Can you please tell me if there is any additional configuration 
that you did to

your firewall to make Onioncat work?

We've made it work 2-3 years ago in Tails, but I'm afraid I don't
remember any of the details. Are you actually seeing reject logs from
the firewall, that indicate it's the culprit?

2. From looking at this: I got
the impression that anyone running Onioncat can connect to anyone else 
that has it
too. I don't know if the version currently available in Debian stable 
has the

authentication features in r555.

As one can see in the source package, Wheezy's 0.2.2+svn553-3 doesn't
apply any patch on top of the upstream source. If needed, I can
rebuild and upload Jessie's 0.2.2+svn559-1 to wheezy-backports.

What firewall precautions are needed to cope with this situation if 

No idea. I would instead look into handling the authorization and
authentication in the VoIP client instead.


My status report so far: The conflict is not caused by the firewall form 
the logs I checked. However onioncat keeps complaining about not finding 
a peer to forward to. Any idea what this is about or what I need to do?

From what I understand using Onioncat is as simple as running it with

ocat MyHiddenServiceID

and then connecting to the IPv6 address of the other endpoint with the 
software in question. In this case its the local Linphone client calling 
the user@[IPv6] address. Correct?

As an aside, The Linphone version in Wheezy does not support ZRTP. 
Suppose I get this working, will that be a problem?

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