On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 08:19:01PM -0400, Anthony de Boer via talk wrote:
> Might be interesting to do some traffic analysis and find out what it
> actually does.
> Most folk are behind a NAT device of some description or other,
> purporting to only allow outbound connections.  But it turns out that if
> at least one end is behind a really cheap NAT device, it's possible to
> trick it into thinking an inbound connection is outbound and get a
> session going.  See Wikipedia on NAT Traversal and Hole Punching.  Linux
> and BSD NAT implementations are too smart to fall for this, though, and
> denizens of this list might just have a leaning toward Linux devices.
> There's a chance it would fall back to going via a public server if it
> can't open traversal between a pair of endpoints.

They document it here:


Seems if possible they do direct, using upnp to request a port if
needed and possible, otherwise they use TURN relay servers.

Len Sorensen
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