Hi. One of the users from my local users' group wrote to us about some issues she was experiencing using Window-Eyes and Windows Live Mail. I wrote the following message and wanted to post it here to see if others can confirm my findings.

This is regarding some messages regarding using Windows Live Mail and Window-Eyes. I did a bit of exploration with this combination of software. What I'm finding is that, when I am in the message composition window of WLM, Window-Eyes says the word "pane" and not "edit" or words to that effect. When I'm in the to: cc or subject fields Window-Eyes correctly identifies the control as an edit control and says the word "edit", which is what I'd expect. However, in spite of this bug I am able to use the cursor to freely navigate and edit the text in this message composition window. This odd "paine" message is spoken regardless of whether I am replying to a message or just creating a new one. As I said, I'm still able to use the cursor to review what I've written. This is a glitch which, while harmless, is something that AI Squared should consider correcting. I tried using the insert-R command to reclass this window as either an edit or richedit control. When I did this, I was unable to use standard navigation keys to navigate within this window and pressing insert-ctrl-C did not locate a cursor. I will send a copy of this message to the Window-Eyes mailing list to see if others can confirm this behavior.

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