[OSM-talk] is there an open database of places?

2010-05-15 Thread Patrick Aljord
Hey all,

I was reading something about that [1] the other day and I was
wondering whether OSM had something like that. I know OSM already has
lots of POI on its maps but it only has the most common ones. Would it
make sense to have a seperate DB that would store all places? Is there
already a project that does that?



1: http://techcrunch.com/2010/05/08/place-database/

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[OSM-talk] Does this mean we could launch our own OSM satellite?

2009-08-02 Thread Patrick Aljord

From the article:

> Total Price of the TubeSat Kit including a Launch to Orbit is $8,000!
>  Examples of add-on experiments or functions include the following:

> ▼ Earth-from-space video imaging
> ▼ Earth magnetic field measurement

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Phone numbers in OSM

2008-08-23 Thread Patrick Aljord
A good starting point for a yellow page site is the wiki company site
as it's the most active. They also provide an RDF dump compatible with


Here is an example:


As you can see, all entries have an email, phone, url and even a Geocode.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ORS: From Italy to Danmark ...

2008-08-23 Thread Patrick Aljord
Looks great!

Are you going to support France and the UK or are there technical
issues to solve?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mailing Lists for MOM development

2008-08-21 Thread Patrick Aljord
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 4:22 AM, elvin ibbotson
> Mom is now on release, but is still being developed too. The first release
> version, at the beginning of May, was v.1.2.3 and I released v.1.2.5 earlier
> this month. I'm not completely up to speed with all the obscure acronyms so 
> mom may or may not be FOSS depending on what it means ;-)

Given its "attribution/non-commercial/no derivative works/unported" it
is definitely not FOSS (Free Open Source Software). May I ask why you
don't put it under a license that allows modifications such as the BSD
or GPL? Do you plan to sell the app and make millions out of it? :D
Cause opening the development might bring contributions and help
improve the app faster much like the very development of OSM by the
way (there's a similar app for windows ce and qtopia that is FOSS by
the way http://code.google.com/p/opencitymap/). It's your app though
so you're the master of your domain ;)



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mailing Lists for MOM development

2008-08-19 Thread Patrick Aljord
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 9:56 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> will you please use one of the nice openstreetmap.org or openstreetmap.de
> or openstreetmap.whatever mailing list services instead of
> some big-brother google mailing list service.
> . o O (§$&*Argg, how can someone even type such a recommendation
> while answering on a OSM mailing list... )

Heh, I forgot about those, you do realize though that even if the
mailing list are not hosted on google, as long as they are public
Google will index them and collect all the data they can as the "Big
Brother" they are. When it comes to public web service there is no way
to avoid the Google (unless you use the robot.txt but that doesn't fly
with mailing lists).



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] latest release of mom

2008-08-13 Thread Patrick Aljord
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:49 AM, elvin ibbotson
> Aha! but you missed the hidden code which causes your computer to explode if
> you just enter '@'.
> elvin ibbotson

Sorry if I offended you Elvin, I don't use mom as I don't own a cell
phone capable of doing so. I was just trying to help Robin. I
personally think though that forcing a form on people trying to
download something is a bit annoying. If you want to alert your user
you could create a mailing list, there are plenty of website that
offer such things starting with google and yahoo
http://groups.google.com/groups/create .

Hope that helps,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] latest release of mom

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick Aljord
By the way Elvin if you want to know where people are from you can
download the free geoip database, it has 99% accuracy
http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecountry and they have binding for
most languages.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] latest release of mom

2008-08-12 Thread Patrick Aljord
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Robin Paulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how do i download it without filling out the form? i'd rather not give
> my details if it's all the same to you

Looking at the html code, all you need to do is visit this page:

Or just submit the form empty with an "@" in the email field, the js
validate function is not stricter than that.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [ANNOUNCE] OSM Peru mailing list

2008-07-30 Thread Patrick Aljord
Hey all,

A new mailing list has been created (thanks Tom) for all OpenStreetMap
hackers in Peru here:


If you feel like visiting Peru (as it's a fine country to visit [1] ;)
), don't forget your GPS!

There is much to be done here.


Hola todos,

Una nueva lista de correo ha sido creado (gracias a Tom) para los
hackers de OpenStreetMap en el Peru.


OpenStreetMap (también conocido como OSM) es un proyecto colaborativo
para crear mapas libres y editables. Los mapas se crean utilizando
información geográfica capturada con dispositivos GPS móviles y otras
fuentes libres. Su cartografía se distribuye bajo licencia Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0.



[1]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/patcito/sets/72157600095072712/

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Join OpenStreetMap group on LinkedIn

2008-07-30 Thread Patrick Aljord
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just to let you know:
> today we have over 200 members on the linkedin Openstreetmap group !

I just signed up so I guess I'm number 200 :D

Anyway, I'm trying to start a community here in Peru, could anyone
help me create the talk-pe mailing list. I was told TomH is in charge
of this on IRC but I couldn't get a clear answer.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] creation of a new list for Peru

2008-07-30 Thread Patrick Aljord
Hi all,

I would like to create a talk-pe list for Peru. I don't know who to
contact so I'm asking here.

Thanks in advance,


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