2009/1/7 David Lynch <djly...@gmail.com>

> There's a bulk import happening of data in Massachusetts, USA, and
> Maplint is flagging every single node with not-in-map-features because
> of the "attribution" tag applied to these nodes (see
> http://server.tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/?layer=maplint&z=12&x=1239&y=1518
> for an example.) This causes Inkscape to use enormous amounts of
> memory when rendering these tiles -- last night, I had a render fail
> because the Inkscape processes rendering z12 and z13 managed to fill
> all 6 GB of RAM+swap on my system.
> Is this a big enough problem to worry about, when Maplint is doing
> what it's supposed to do?

Interestingly, the tags for different features are different...

Building way:
source=MassGIS Buildings (http://www.mass.gov/mgis/lidarbuildingfp2d.htm)

Building nodes:
no tags

Road way:
attribution=Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS)

Road node:
attribution=Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS)
(sometimes has created_by=JOSM, sometimes not)

POI node (Fire station):
attribution=Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS),
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

It looks like it's only the buildings being uploaded at the moment, and they
don't appear to have anything that should upset maplint...

The roads appear to have been there since October 2007, though in addition
to the tag issues mentioned, there is some nasty overlapping on bits I've
seen of objects with different 'source' dates...

I think it would be nicer if the road ways were modified to move the
attribution content to the source tag and the current source string to a
note/created_by tag... But... it's been like this for over a year...

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