On Friday 21 December 2007 09:04:54 Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> Was thinking that it might be an idea to develop an application to allow
> people to set up their own local OSM-based sites for very local areas e.g.
> 20x20 miles - in the UK, that could include, for example, the New Forest,
> the Lake District or Manchester. I was thinking of the scenario where
> people might not want to set up/be able to set up (due to their hosting) a
> full PostGIS database, but could instead run a Mapnik-based site off
> shapefiles - which, if I remember from tests, is efficient enough for a
> small area.
> Does this sound a good idea?

However it is done - yes. The easier we can make it for people to use OSM the 
better, and putting a slippy map like that on your site is a bit of a faff at 
the moment from what I can see.

Kind regards,

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