I'm working on the LINZ data import, which will bring New Zealand's maps 
forward in a huge leap and includes all roads, streets, various features 
(parks, airports, streams, riverways etc).

LINZ gave OSM permission over a year ago to import the data, provided 
attribution was passed on with the data.  The attribution can be a mixture of 
tags (user id, source, attribution link), some attribution pages online, and 
apparently the ODbL license may help towards this (although I'm unclear as to 
how, in case anyone wishes to enlighten me).  Although I'm interested in this 
and involved with it, it's not the focus of my question.

On the actual import, I have been working on the mp2osm script which takes 
Polish Map .mp format and turns it into OSM data, ready for JOSM.  This is 
because the data files I can get hold of are in that format, and have been 
processed heavily by NZ Open GPS.  The downside is that I can't yet get hold of 
the LINZ data to see whether all this processing (for example of feature types) 
is accurate and for comparison.  It is also broken up into regions, so many of 
the features are obviously not joined together at the borders of the regions.

In the meantime I have been pushing on and creating mappings for the various 
features found, and would like to setup some tests etc so that people can 
review the results in cycles.  Here are some of the questions/issues/things to 
do which I would appreciate some help on:
 * getting a test OSM server setup.   I know about api06.dev.openstreetmap.org, 
but it would be good to have the current NZ data in there to check for 
overlay/conflict/merge results with existing data.   This server should also 
generate tiles for everyone to peruse and check, ie for iterative debugging
 * getting hold of the original LINZ files (I believe a DVD full) for 
comparison with the NZ OpenGPS versions, and to check feature types etc in the 
LINZ data dictionary
 * leads on the Cadastral/Corax data since the stuff I have seems to be missing 
property boundaries, street numbers and so on
 * people who were involved in the TIGER or Dutch data import for their 
experiences and advice (ideally send my your chat/IM handles too)
 * any idea why we can't make NZ a normal mailing list, like the other OSM ones?

Help classifying the data:
 * information on the Garmin types (hex codes)
 * comments on the draft admin_level codes for New Zealand, which I put up here 
in the table http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:boundary
 * help with tagging stuff like mountain ranges, ridges, gully/gorge POIs etc 

As soon as a test area is setup which generates tiles, I will start uploading 
chunks for others to view, comment on and help tweak the import scripts...


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