On 1/28/2012 4:26 PM, Toby Murray wrote:
The other major thing that no existing tools take into consideration
is relations. They are mentioned on the "What is clean?" page but they
aren't being factored into any existing algorithms. Not the easiest
thing to show since some of them aren't even rendered on most maps...

Here there are two issues - membership and tags. Membership should be easy enough to verify due to redundancy (e.g. the I-70 relation should have all ways with ref:"I 70"), and tags are rather standardized. So it should be fine to mark odbl=clean after verifying that it's a complete route (easy to do if it's all dual carriageway or uses forward/backward roles) and checking for nonstandard tags added by ungood mappers.

Relations such as bus routes that are not marked on their children are more complicated.

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