Hi guys,

I did some research about the HTTPS problem between the Tasking Manager and
To make it short ... it doesn't work ! (technical details below if you're

So to make our Tasking Manager usable I disabled the HTTPS.
You can access the Tasking Manager here : http://tasks.osm.be/ and HTTPS
requests will be redirected to HTTP.
I do not like it ... at all ... but hey, it's better if users can actually
use the Tasking Manager !

Feel free to contact me if you have any issue with the Tasking Manager. I
will follow https://github.com/hotosm/osm-tasking-manager2 to update it
whenever it needs to !

Now, for the geeky ones, here are some technical details :

First information, it's not (totally) related to the Tasking Manager but
it's rather JSOM related.
Bad news, the issue was raised back in 2014 and apparently, there still is
no fix.

For those who does not know the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, it's
pretty simple : the S stands for SECURED. Everything is encrypted between
the client (you) and the server (the Tasking Manager). In this case, it's
no big deal if it's not encrypted but in my own opinion, in 2016, it's easy
to encrypt so everything should be !

There is actually 2 issues here :
1. When the client use an encrypted connection (HTTPS), the browser blocks
everything that is not encrypted.
2. The browser also blocks everything that is encrypted but not encrypted
witch a certificate trusted by a Certification Authority (CA)

To make the link between the Tasking Manager and JOSM, the Tasking Manager
opens a page with an HTTP request (so NOT secured) []
that asks to JOSM to download data, imagery, ... Since the request is NOT
secured and the Tasking Manager is, the browser blocks the request and then
appears the well known message "Editing failed - make sure JOSM or
Merkaartor is loaded and the remote control option is enabled".
https://www.openstreetmap.org/ found a solution to that problem : it opens
a page with an HTTPS request [] but ...

Here comes the second problem : the browser blocks every HTTPS requests
that uses a certificate that is not trusted by a CA.
There is a solution though : if you manually accept the certificate, it
will work ... but not very convenient for standard users.

I will keep an eye about it and enable HTTPS again when it is fixed (if it
is fixed).

Good night everyone !

Jonathan Beliën
Talk-be mailing list

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