Hi Arlindo,

very good idea!
I am one of those 'armchair' mappers mentioned.

When using the IBGE data, I found out

- all names are printed in capitals, which results in a problem for me
not knowing the correct spelling rules when typing e.g. „RUA VINTE E
CINCO DE ABRIL" - there are many possibilities to write „vinte“, „e“,
„cinco“, „de“ and „abril“ in capitals or not.

- diacretics are not present in the capitalized words. So I don't know
whether it means e.g. „rua do cimeterio“ or „rua do cimetério“ (well, in
this case, I learned 'cimetério' should be correct)

- there are a number of 'street names' that are not names actually, but
are descriptive, e.g. „RUA SEM DENOMINACAO“ (street with no name) or
„RUA PROJETADA 02“ or „RODOVIA PARA CAJUITA“ (I guess the latter name
means just 'road to Cajuita')

So it would be very helpful to have a web site where one can lookup

- rules how to type Brazil words correctly

- a list of descriptive names which are not actually names and should
not be used as street names in OSM

kind regards
Andreas (Germany)

By the way, just now the IBGE layers are not working in JOSM
Am 08.11.2014 um 07:25 schrieb Arlindo Pereira:
> Pessoal, mandei o email a seguir para a lista
> maproule...@openstreetmap.org <mailto:maproule...@openstreetmap.org>
> para ver o que o pessoal de lá (desenvolvedores do sistema e criadores
> de challenges) acha da tarefa de nomear ruas a partir do mapa do IBGE.
> Hello everyone,
> my name is Arlindo Pereira and I'm a fellow mapper from Brazil.
> First of all, I'd like to thank Martjin for writing the tutorial for
> writing a Map Roulette challenge. And of course, all the developers of
> the system.
> I'd like to share the idea I had to write a challenge (specific only
> to Brazil) and would like your critic about it.
> Here in Brazil we have a government office, IBGE, that releases maps
> in public domain. We already imported some of their files (federal
> roads, states and cities borders, to name a few). One of their maps
> has the street names. It'd be very dificult to import and specially
> make conflation of this data - it wouldn't be a good idea to make a
> direct import because its shapes have low resolution, the ways drawn
> by satellite imagery are way better - but it has the street names. So
> in many areas of our country with no or few mappers, we have an
> armchair mapping system of drawing the streets via Bing images and
> inserting their names via this map.
> This diary page describes the process to add this layer on iD and in
> JOSM: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Eitz/diary/24082 (in
> portugues, but you can catch the idea).
> So, I was thinking of a challenge that detects
> highway=residential|tertiary|unclassified roads and open up the editor
> with this layer already activated on the background, so the user could
> insert the street name, by reading the name and inserting the name=* tag.
> My question is: do you think it is feasible? It seems to be an atomic
> task (name a street based on this other map) and everyone could help
> (even if not being brazilian).
> Thanks in advance.
> 2014-11-03 13:05 GMT-02:00 Erick de Oliveira Leal
> <erickdeoliveiral...@gmail.com <mailto:erickdeoliveiral...@gmail.com>>:
>     Seria ótimo.
>     Em 03/11/2014 12:52, "wille" <wi...@wille.blog.br
>     <mailto:wi...@wille.blog.br>> escreveu:
>         Acho que o MapRoulette é mais útil para corrigir erros que a
>         gente não consegue achar facilmente olhando o mapa. Por
>         exemplo tem uma tarefa lá que é corrigir prédios que se
>         sobrepõem a uma rodovia. Ou por exemplo caminhos que se
>         encontram e tem nomes diferentes, porém parecidos.
>         Poderíamos fazer uma tarefa por exemplo para corrigir caminhos
>         que se cruzam sem um nó em comum e sem diferentes layers.
>         Em 2014-11-02 21:59, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:
>             Acho que criar um desafio para copiar nomes de ruas do
>             IBGE seria uma
>             excelente ideia. Vou trabalhar nisso.
>             []s
>             Em 02/11/2014 20:07, "Wille" <wi...@wille.blog.br
>             <mailto:wi...@wille.blog.br>> escreveu:
>                 Algumas novidades do OSM
>                 Changesets agora possuem o recurso de comentários:
> https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2014/11/02/introducing-changeset-discussions/
>                 [1]
>                 Quem for participar do State of the Map, no próximo
>                 fim de semana
>                 em Buenos Aires, vai acontecer um encontro das comunidades
>                 latinoamericanas. Vai ser no sábado às 14h30. Além
>                 disso, podemos
>                 marcar um horário para nós brasileiros batermos um
>                 papo também.
>                 Não sei se vocês sabiam, mas o MapRoulette possui
>                 tarefas em todo
>                 o mundo. Da última vez que eu havia usado, era apenas
>                 nos Estados
>                 Unidos: http://maproulette.org/ [2]
>                 Foi publicado um tutorial de como criar desafios para o
>                 MapRoulette:
>                 https://gist.github.com/mvexel/b5ad1cb0c91ac245ea3f [3]
>                 até mais,
>                 wille
>                 _______________________________________________
>                 Talk-br mailing list
>                 Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
>                 <mailto:Talk-br@openstreetmap.org>
>                 https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br [4]
>             Links:
>             ------
>             [1]
> https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2014/11/02/introducing-changeset-discussions/
>             [2] http://maproulette.org/
>             [3] https://gist.github.com/mvexel/b5ad1cb0c91ac245ea3f
>             [4] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
>             _______________________________________________
>             Talk-br mailing list
>             Talk-br@openstreetmap.org <mailto:Talk-br@openstreetmap.org>
>             https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
>         -- 
>         wille
>         http://wille.blog.br
>         _______________________________________________
>         Talk-br mailing list
>         Talk-br@openstreetmap.org <mailto:Talk-br@openstreetmap.org>
>         https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
>     _______________________________________________
>     Talk-br mailing list
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>     https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
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