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From: Yohan Boniface <yohan.bonif...@hotosm.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 4:00 PM
Subject: [HOT] HOT/HDM web rendering
To: "h...@openstreetmap.org" <h...@openstreetmap.org>

Hi Hotties,

It's time to introduce the work being done on a humanitarian (HDM) specific


The Humanitarian Data Model (HDM [1]) is the name of the HOT initiative
aiming to integrate humanitarian tagging scheme in OSM. As part of the
CAP103 project (Northern Haiti), we took the opportunity to refine it.
There are four components to this work:
- clean the HDM preset, ensure it is well integrated with OpenStreetMap
tagging habits [2]
- develop an extension of the HOT export tool which allows to transform OSM
tags into attributes values from reference existing schemas used by
humanitarian and development field workers
- work on a JOSM style to ease use of the preset [3]
- create a web rendering that highlight the HDM

I will now share with you the work in progress on the web rendering step.

This web rendering has several goals:
One is simply to give editors a way to see the HDM OSM data without having
to use JOSM or a SQL console.
Another is to give humanitarian actors and developing countries a web map
that gives them the information they need, making OSM more and more useful.
Finally, this is the occasion for HOT to have its own rendering, a nice way
to illustrate its work!

What does "highlight the HDM" means for a rendering? The main principle is
that each tag considered meaningful for the HDM should be rendered. Here
are some examples:
- road surface and smoothness are rendered (eg. http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/*
a piece of the primary road is unpaved)
- water well are rendered (eg. http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/**
icons work in progress ;) )
- street lamps are rendered (same link)
- The craft tags are rendered (http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/**
- NGOs have their icons, for example: http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/**
- terrain data is included (will be colorized: http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/**
- zoom until 20 is allowed: the goal is to enable mapping in very detailed
instances. For example, camps (fire hydrants are already rendered:

You can use this link to compare the HDM styling with the official OSM
rendering: http://compare.fluv.io/

All the work is of course open source, hosted on Github [4] (note that the
name is temporary, any thoughts on what the name of the rendering should
eventually officially be is welcome -- HOT Style, perhaps?). It's a
TileMill/CartoCSS project.
Regarding the icons, we are using the Maki [5] project when possible, plus
the OCHA humanitarians icons [6] and Noun Project icons with compliant
license (CC0). Otherwise we design them. In each case, we follow the Maki
design rules [7].

As you can see, the actual demo tile service is focused on Haiti. This is
for two reasons: firstly, this work is part of the HOT current haitian
project (CAP103); secondly, the cleaned HDM has been first tested/used on
the Haitian Northern corridor. We will add more countries ASAP.

Thanks in advance for your feedback on the work. The preferred way for
giving feedback is to open issues on the Github page, but emails and IRC
(#hot) are also good. Regardless of the source, we'd love feedback  :)


Yohan, for the CAP103 team

[2] http://hot.openstreetmap.org/**updates/2013-06-07_**
[5] http://mapbox.com/maki/

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