Full list of programmes is (with key words), 3-45 to 4pm Radio 4 each day:
Mon 22nd - Map makers - OS
Tue 23rd - Mapping the metropolis - Manchester and A-Z London
Wed 24th - Motoring maps - road atlases and satnavs
Thu 25th - Social mapping - mashups and crowdsourcing
Fri 26th - The lie of the land - borders, stats, politics
Mon 29th - World View - territories, travel
Tu 30th - Off the map - military
Wed 31st - Whose map is it anyway - future of OS
Thu 1 Apr - Digital maps - OpenStreetMap and the future
Fri 2 Apr - Maps of the Mind - Archers, mental maps

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Nick Millea [mailto:nick.mil...@bodleian.ox.ac.uk] 
        Sent: Fri 19/03/2010 09:13 
        To: lis-m...@jiscmail.ac.uk; carto-...@lists.shef.ac.uk; 
        Subject: [carto-soc] Maps on Radio 4

        Dear All,
        Apologies for cross-posting.
        Starting on Monday, 3.45pm for 15 miniutes every day for 2 weeks(?) ...
        'On the map', presented by 'Map addict' author, Mike Parker
        Details of the first five programmes only are currently on the website
                Mon 22nd - Map makers
                Tue 23rd - Mapping the metropolis
                Wed 24th - Motoring maps
                Thu 25th - Social mapping
                Fri 26th - The lie of the land
        With best wishes,
        Nick Millea
        Nick Millea
        Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG
        Tel:      01865 287119
        Fax:     01865 277139
        Email:  nick.mil...@bodleian.ox.ac.uk
        Homepage: http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/guides/maps/
        Temporary move of Special Collections:
        More information at: www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/scmoves

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