[Talk-it] Fwd: [HOT] Tasking Manager 4 - Development update, calls to action, and roll-out plan

2019-12-10 Per discussione Marco Minghini
vi inoltro un messaggio dalla ML di HOT per segnalarvi che da questa
settimana si può testare la nuova versione del Tasking Manager (v4)
prevista per febbraio.
Come vedete sotto, occorre compilare il breve questionario disponibile qui:
http://bit.ly/tm4-testing e a breve arriveranno richieste anche per
traduzione e documentazione.


-- Forwarded message -
Da: Felix Delattre 
Date: mar 10 dic 2019 alle ore 12:37
Subject: Re: [HOT] Tasking Manager 4 - Development update, calls to action,
and roll-out plan
To: HOT 

Dear all,

I would like to give you an update on the Tasking Manager 4 development. We
are a bit delayed to the initial plan, I outlined here. This is due to some
additional features we wanted to add to the new Tasking Manager. Soon, I
will share with you a comprehensive list of all changes, improvements and
new features. But we have time. Estimated time for release of the new
version is the mid of February.

But, now the exciting part: We are opening up testing for the Tasking
Manager 4 this week!
Please sign-up to this list if you want to take part in the Tasking Manager
4 testing and feedback: http://bit.ly/tm4-testing

Similar to our earlier plans we are announcing the following three testing
phases, but with an adapted timeline:

*Phase 1:*
>From this week until the Dec 22
General testing, with TM power users, experienced mappers, validators and
project managers.

*Phase 2:*
>From Jan 6 to Jan 18
Verification and confirmation of changes and fixes based on phase 1.

*Phase 3:*
>From Jan 27 to Feb 8
Wider testing with all kinds of users and in groups to check on the
behaviour under heavy load.

We'll keep you updated! And I'm going to send out separate emails to ask
for support on documentation and translation of the tool, once we feel
ready for it.
Many thanks and best regards,

On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 2:22 PM Felix Delattre 

> Dear HOT community,
> Recently, a lot has been talked about the new Tasking Manager and the
> redesign we are currently implementing. I invite you to have a look at our TM
> talk from State of the Map 2019
> , if
> you want to know more.
> This email is to share with you an update of the development progress and
> an expected timeline for the roll-out. A lot of people depend on that and
> we want to make sure you can plan and you are aware of each of the steps.
> We want you to verify and support us to make the transition to Tasking
> Manager 4 a smooth experience for everybody.
> All ongoing work is being discussed in our two working groups, and we
> encourage you to join if you want participate in driving the direction of
> the Tasking Manager:
> - User working group 
> - Developer working group
> This is our *roll-out plan for TM4:*
> *1. Beginning of November 2019: *We plan to have the new Tasking Manager
> version 4 available for testing on a temporary instance: tm4.hotosm.org
> * This opens an intensive testing phase of three weeks, to which all
> people, organizations, developers that rely on the Tasking Manager are
> invited to test the new version, make sure everything works well, give
> input on changes that might effect the workflow. Please sign-up to this
> list if you want to take part in the Tasking Manager 4 testing and
> feedback: http://bit.ly/tm4-testing
> * During these three weeks we also want to activate local HOT and OSM
> communities to contribute with language translations. So far we've reached
> out to some groups, and if you want to support us with translation, please
> sign-up here: https://bit.ly/tm4-internationalisation
> * It is also the time that documentation of the new version can start, as
> only smaller things are expected to change. We are coordinating with
> LearnOSM and ask everybody who wants to help out or maintains Tasking
> Manager documentation anywhere else to sign-up and get in contact with us:
> https://bit.ly/tm4-documentation
> *2. After three weeks:*
> * The development will take an additional couple of weeks to finish up
> issues found during testing and incorporate the feedback obtained from
> everybody.
> * Work for documentation and translation uses these two weeks to finish.
> The phase for creating documentation and translation is going to be a total
> of five weeks.
> *3. After five weeks:* One week of an additional round of last testing
> for confirmation that everything works as expected for everybody involved.
> Allows testing together with documentation and in different languages.
> *4. After six weeks:* Release and deployment of the new Tasking Manager
> on tasks.hotosm.org (and we will shut down the temporary testing instance
> on tm4.hotosm.org)
> Please feel free to get in contact directly in case you have any
> questions, concerns or you want to collaborate m

[Talk-it] Elezioni OSMF Board

2019-12-10 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Per chi non ha ancora votato e ha trovato le risposte originali[1] troppo
lunghi, oppure ne vuole sapere ancora di più e non ha ancora scoperto
questo post di Christoph, questo è il link alla sua analisi delle risposte
dei candidati (in inglese), anche se non siete del tutto d'accordo come
Christoph vede la situazione, penso sia comunque interessante leggere la
sua interpretazione:


C'è anche una tabella die Westnordost che cerca di riassumere le risposte:

Chi si trova meglio col tedesco, c'è inoltre un riassunto di domande e
risposte in tedesco:

Infine vorrei ricordare di votare anche alle proposte modifiche delle AoA
(costituzione della OSMF).


[1] domande e risposte originali
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