Zip Codes are Not Areas
Specifically for Zip codes, the best you could do is query for addr:postcode.

> On Jun 24, 2020, at 2:33 PM, Ray Kiddy <> wrote:
> Hello -
> I am interested in where people in the US lack internet connectivity and I 
> keep thinking that I should be able to use OSM for some part of this.
> I am recalling (perhaps not accurately) that connectivity information is 
> published by the FCC and I think that at least some of the information is per 
> zipcode.
> This led me into a bit of a rat hole as I sought to find out if there are 
> relations for zipcodes in the US. Does anyone know? I know that TIGER data 
> defines lines that bound zipcodes. But can one craft a query that maps just 
> the edges of a zipcode area? Are there then relations defined for those edges?
> I can keep thematic data on my own database but, so far, I do it by linking 
> directly to a relation or way. If it had to be a set of relations, that would 
> be unfortunate, but possible. But I am not seeing how to make the queries.
> Any ideas?
> cheers - ray
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