kepa miestų žemėlapius su gatvių indeksu iš
OSM duomenų.  Deja, Vilniaus ten pasirinkti nepavyksta.  FAQ sako:

  MapOSMatic uses the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database and will accept to
  render cities based on their name only if a few criteria are met.
  First, the name requested has to be close to that of a way known to
  the OSM database: we use the Nominatim service for that. Moreover, the
  OSM entry associated with that way has to be tagged with admin_level=8
  and boundary=administrative. So, if you see a result that corresponds
  to what you're looking for but you are not allowed to select it, then
  it most probably means that it does not meet the previous criteria in
  the OSM database. To be able to select these results, you or an OSM
  contributor will have to update the OSM database.

  You can find more information about these tags on

Kaip ten yra su tom administracinėm ribom?  Tas wiki puslapis sako, kad
Lietuvoje 8 lygis nenaudojamas, ir apskritai ten miestai nėra minimi,
tik savivaldybės ir seniūnijos.

Marius Gedminas
Unix gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot.

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