Re: [Talk-us] Standard (mapnik) toolchain/processes: can we teach these better?

2014-05-26 Thread stevea
I appreciate Simon's response that it seems that the really coolish 
(people, processes...) happen in what often seems like a bubble: 
that is exactly what I was referring to.  It's like the Cool Kids 
have their insider club, a world of their own, THEN there are The 
Rest of Us.  The +1 responses I got indicate I'm not the only one who 
feels this way.  Again, I don't think Andy and the other 
clockmakers are a secret society -- indeed I have written a few 
emails to Andy personally and he has very kindly responded to my 
pointed questions with aplomb and grace, so I see no ill will being 
harbored, nor does it seem he/they wish to remain in the shadows (if 
they do, please remedy that!).  But how they document their processes 
might either be done more openly, or just more, period.  Especially 
the why, beforehand and decision-making part of it.  Maybe they 
just need to point to comprehensive block diagrams or something 
loosely resembling the guts of OSM for Dummies that The Rest of Us 
can easily find and digest.  I realize this is a bit of a wish, but I 
think it is a high-value effort that would pay dividends in the near 
future:  such sunshine in a project like ours seems a bit overdue, 

Simon's description of future wishes for what can realistically be 
achieved with Standard rendering is excellent, and again, very much 
appreciated.  I crave conversations about OSM like this.  I just wish 
there were a better method to pull it out of the greater/wider 
knowledge of OSM than by a grumpy talk-us post complaining about what 
amounts to a poor map to how our map works.

I also appreciate Martin's +1 about this lightweight way to push 
such information out to our contributors...(yet we) haven't developed 
a culture of actively informing before the fact.  YES!  EXACTLY! 
Let us endeavor to do exactly this.  And Thank You, Martin, for the 
Wochennotiz.  I have recently discovered the Weekly OSM Summary, 
which feels like a good start in this direction:  like a small 
newsletter about people in OSM and the technical, social and 
interesting things they are doing RIGHT NOW in the project.  This can 
only help gear up the inevitable even more questions than it answers. 
Now, we just need a forum (wiki pages?  not really the best venue) 
where we can discuss such things.  In my opinion, this is a 
critically missing component of a rich and vibrant project like OSM. 
I like our Help forum, with its interactive feel, I just wish there 
were a place we might discover intentions of what the future will 
bring:  THAT seems to be the missing component.  Simon did just that, 
but it felt like I was tugging on wild horses to learn it.

In the hobby of amateur/ham radio, the usually older fellows who just 
know everything that you could talk to at a meet or on the air are 
called Elmers.  I know Elmers exist in OSM, I just don't want to 
bother them with every little question, patient as they usually are 
in answering each one I might allow to rise high enough to be worthy 
of asking them.  If you are an Elmer, and have the time to spare, 
please help our community develop a way to share your deeper 
knowledge, feeding the cravings of intermediates like me looking to 
grow into more advanced contributors.  If you are such a growing 
contributor (and who isn't?!) please help us to channel our questions 
and thirst for specific knowledge into better sub-communities of 
sharing, especially the one regarding future directions of our 

Thank you to everybody who read and participated in this thread!


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Standard (mapnik) toolchain/processes: can we teach these better?

2014-05-26 Thread Richard Weait
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 2:24 PM, stevea wrote:
 I appreciate Simon's response that it seems that the really coolish
 (people, processes...) happen in what often seems like a bubble: that is
 exactly what I was referring to.  It's like the Cool Kids have their
 insider club, a world of their own, THEN there are The Rest of Us.

[ ... ]

Pssst.  Hey, You.  You over there feeling left out.  Want to know the
secret to joining the cool kids?

The secret is, you're already a cool kid.

Disappointed?  Don't be.  You're already one of a small percentage of
the world population who knows how to improve their local geo data and
share it through OpenStreetMap.  Think that isn't a select group?
Think again.  Only 30 - 50% of those who think they might like to
contribute by signing up, actually contribute their first changeset.
Only a few thousand people per day contribute, out of a planet of 7
billions.  Pretty cool.

Want to be even cooler?

Become a coder of some sort.  Contribute code to one or more
OpenStreetMap-related software projects.  You think mappers are a
select group?  They are.  Now let's count coders who contribute on a
daily basis.  It isn't a few thousand per day.  More like a few
dozen[1].  And those are divided among dozens of projects.

So pick a project that interests you; any one you like.  Rendering,
storage, UI, translations, accessibility, web site, QA, anything at
all in the huge and varied OpenStreetMap tool chain and contribute.

- find a long outstanding bug and check to see if it is (still) reproducible.
- write some documentation for a beginner.
- improve performance.
- test a patch on different hardware.
- triage a new bug.
- compare some similar applications and write a review.

Or even pick a project that you think needs to do more outreach, and
help it do that outreach.  Follow their project communication
channels, and translate their bug reports, feature requests and design
discussions into something suitable for a wider audience, then publish
it to the appropriate wider comms channels.

Learn more about what interests you. Share what you learn with others.

An OpenStreetMap tag line from some of the early mapping party banners read,
It's fun. It's free.  You can help.

[1] /me waves hands to distract from wild guess number.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] ODBL for Spatial Analysis

2014-05-26 Thread Richard Weait
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 11:40 AM, William Morris wrote:
 Please let me know if I should direct this at a different list, but I
 have a basic question about the implications of the ODBL:

 OSM is brimming with great POIs and network features; I'd like to use
 some of these categories to answer broad questions like How far is
 this customer from the nearest park/school/whatever? Unfortunately,
 I'm not precisely sure of my legal obligation once I've answered that
 question. Specifically, would I be required to contribute the location
 of the customer back to OSM? If not, does that still hold when I
 upscale it to millions of customers?

 Thanks for the assistance, in any case. I know this is a somewhat
 contentious issue for the community, and I'd rather not make any

ODbL isn't contentious among OpenStreetMap contributors at all.  We've
all agreed to ODbL as a matter of course, in getting our contributor
accounts. Sounds like you've been mislead by somebody with a bone to
pick.  Ignore them.  :-)

The right mailing list for license-realted questions or discussions is

On the face of your question, I would be surprised if OpenStreetMap
would want to know the current location of an individual.  That seems
to fly in the face of the respect for individual privacy that
OpenStreetMap demonstrates.  I've presumed that your customer is a
person, as they go about their day.  That presumption could be way off

It could go the other way, I suppose.  If your customer is a business
or POI that isn't included in OpenStreetMap, well then, yes
OpenStreetMap would like that data.

But again, you should have this discussion on legal-talk@.


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