Michael Patrick <geodes...@gmail.com> writes:

> There are international taxonomies that define standards for the various
> terms involved in healthcare provision ( like
> *https://www.hl7.org/about/index.cfm?ref=nav*
> <https://www.hl7.org/about/index.cfm?ref=nav> ). These are important for
> many reasons, like Drs Without Borders may draw personnel from many
> countries and integrate with local medical staff. For example:

I'm really glad to see you posting definitions from a relevant
international professional body.   I think in general OSM should pay
more attention to such things.

As I see things around me, there is


  urgent care - takes walk ins

  doctors' office group practice in general practice (perhaps as many as
  30 doctors, and may have xray, lab, etc. -- but it's still basically a
  doctor's office in that you make appointments to see your primary care
  physician or someone covering for unscheduled needs)

  doctors' office group practice for a specialty such as eye care

  single doctor's office (or therapist, etc.)

  day surgery center (minor surgery and colonoscopy are popular)

  standalone MRI/CAT-scan facilities

and I don't see any of them called clinic in any meaningful way.  Some
of them may call themselves clinic, but I view this as more or less
content free, in that if they simply didn't self-describe that way,
nothing that mattered would be any different.

So I don't think tagging as clinic is useful, absent a definition that
allows separating from group practice in a fundamental kind of way.

If it's about having xray, lab, etc., it seems obvious those things
should just have extra tags, rather than changing the type.

It's possible that there are things that are sort of like doctors' group
practice in how they function medically but which take unscheduled
patients because of the population they are serving, but I don't see
that as changing the main tag - perhaps it deserves a
walkins_accepted=yes subtag.

I do hear the word clinic used as in

  The [town name] Medical Reserve Corps will be holding a flu clinic at
  [community center] on [date/time].

which means they are setting up to provide immunizations in bulk, but
this is an event, not a place.

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