[Talk-us] Fwd: Disaster OpenRouteService

2017-09-08 Thread Blake Girardot
Thank you osm-us for making services like this go so much better doing
your expert road fix ups in the most highly impacted areas.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Griesbaum, Luisa <griesb...@uni-heidelberg.de>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 11:01 AM
Subject: [HOT] Disaster OpenRouteService
To: h...@openstreetmap.org

Hello everybody,

in order to support the ongoing mapping activities we (the HeiGIT team
from GIScience Heidelberg) updated our Disaster OpenRouteService
(disaster.openrouteservice.org) to the following routing regions:
- North America (including Mexico)
- Carribean
- Bangladesh

The data in our service is currently updated every 24 hours (around
21:00 CET - thanks to Geofabrik!)

Best regards,

Luisa Griesbaum, M.Sc.
GIScience Research Group
Department of Geography, Heidelberg University


Berliner Str. 45, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
fon: +49(0)6221 54 19703

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Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Bgirardot
HOTOSM Member - https://hotosm.org/users/blake_girardot
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel - https://hotosm-slack.herokuapp.com/

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Re: [Talk-us] Key:man_made... Outdated language?

2017-03-10 Thread Blake Girardot
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Joshua Houston
<joshuahous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It occurred to me that "man_made" is an outdated term that should be phased
> out from OpenStreetMap language. The philosophy of OpenStreetMap is very
> inclusive and that should be represented even in the way data is tagged. I'd
> like to propose to change the key from "man_made" to "human_made" and start
> a discussion on it. Many parts of society are trying to implement a more
> inclusive language, NASA for instance has changed "manned missions" to
> "crewed missions". I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.
> Thanks!
> Joshua Houston

You bring up a good point of course. It sticks out to me too. I am not
sure what a good alternative is though. human_made is not to bad.

Plus the knee jerk reactions as you have already seen make thoughtful
discussion of being more inclusive difficult and addressing default or
implicit gender biases next to impossible :)

Unfortunately, it is also a reality that changing existing, well
entrenched key names, is probably not very likely to happen.

But none of the above are any reason not to raise the topic for
consideration, and certainly to remind and inform us for the future
if/when choices as to key names or values need to be made.

Thank you for bringing it up Joshua, and I look forward to more
discussion on it and similar, related topics :)

It would be great to hear some women's thoughts on the issue.

> I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.



Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Bgirardot
HOTOSM Member - https://hotosm.org/users/blake_girardot
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] San Louis Obispo CA area - Chimney Wildfire - OSM US Tasking Manager Project

2016-08-18 Thread Blake Girardot
Hi Mike,

HOT has been asked 2 times in the past that I know of to help with US
based incidents that I know of.

One was another CA fire and we were contacted by a local responder who
was already used to using OSM data, knew of its quality and potential
limitations and asked us to fill in/update/review data in the rugged
terrain AoI he was working in fire fighting.

We also did a FEMA related project (Russ Deffner knows more about that
one I think)

And recently we did a project to update the island of American Somoa
for the Red Cross.

I have also personally mapped to support a local rural volunteer fire
department that had no object map of their area of responsibility,
(but I have no idea how or if they used the data I generated for them,
I need to follow up and see if they are using the data, that was a few
years ago when I first got heavy in to OSM). I suspect there are many
many rural agencies just like that of all sorts that would benefit
from OSM data and process if they only knew about them and had someone
to help them benefit from open geo data and tools.

In the developing world/global south context it is easy to recognize
the value of OSM because it is often the most complete dataset
available and is "easy" to get a basemap completed over a very large
AoI, there typically are just very few other options immediately
available or open enough to make use of the raw geo data.

In the more developed countries like the US (and others) there is a
built in bias for "official" data for a number of reasons which
Jonathan Witcoski pointed out in the osm us slack channel from his
experiences. Mainly "cover your butt" reasons. As he also pointed out,
that thinking applies even if those official sources are of less
quality and/or less accessible than the dataset in OSM

But that is changing in my experience. More and more folks who work at
these agencies are seeing the value OSM brings in having so much geo
data all in one place and easily maintained and exported for GIS
systems and personal devices. And typically the osm data is well
curated as well as incorporating and improving the official data.

That is one of the main reasons I was so happy to work with Jon on
wildfire related support. I am quite convinced that OSM data and the
OSM platform are uniquely useful and this "grass roots", bottom up,
trend of agencies of all types using OSM data and workflows will
continue. I hate to say it, but I think "build it and they will come"
applies here as I am already seeing it happen in a limited way.

One place you might look for another pretty amazing example of OSM
data in official use is on the OSM Canada-talk list. StatCan, a huge
government agency in a well developed nation, is making a major effort
to incorporate OSM data, processes and community into their "official"
data and workflows. (I have not followed the thread, I hope it is
still as on track as it was when we initially spoke to them a few
months back :)

I would also just point out, the wildfire support in CA is an OSM-US
community member driven effort (3 of us at last count, maybe it grew
some this week, I hope), not a HOT effort. It makes use of OSM-US's
installation of HOT's OSM Tasking Manager tool and some of us
OSM-US'ers are also HOT community members and so bring a lot of
enthusiasm for, and first hand knowledge of, OSM's value in crisis
response. But so far it is up to us as the OSM-US community to make it
as successful as it can be.

Thank you again to everyone who has pitched in on these wildfire
projects, it is a slow process but the awareness and respect for OSM's
data, workflows and community continues to grow and projects like
these I think really contribute to that goal in addition to their
primary purpose: the good they potentially/hopefully do for people
affected by these wildfires.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 3:35 AM, Mike Thompson  wrote:
> Blake,
> It is great to see OSM being used in disaster response within the US.
> 1) Will there be more such tasks, either associated with this fire, or with
> other events?
> 2) Are there other cases where OSM has been used like this in the US? I am
> scheduled to give a talk about OSM to the Wyoming GIS Conference and it
> would be great to cite some additional such examples.
> Mike
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 11:41 AM, OSM Volunteer stevea
>  wrote:
>> Thank you for setting this up, Blake.  I've never done a HOT task before,
>> and since this is my backyard, I dove right in.  And it was FUN!  (BTW, it
>> is San Luis Obispo).
>> A couple/three years ago I made contact with Joe Larson, a SLO-county
>> based firefighter and OSM volunteer who used County GIS data to add all
>> buildings (and most if not all associated address data) to SLO.  He and his
>> team also completed TIGER updating of roads.  (These are still not perfect,
>> as many roads are tagged tiger:reviewed=yes, which is superfluous and can be

[Talk-us] evacuation_center=yes

2016-02-04 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi all,

What tags are we using in the US for disaster evacuation centers for 
like hurricanes and things?


Shows none in the US but I know we have a lot.

I am looking for the right tag to use but am just so shocked we don't 
use that tag in the US, is there another one I should be looking at?


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Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

2015-12-15 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi all,

The change that Dirk thinks caused this issue has been reverted so this 
problem and error should be fixed for now.


On 12/15/2015 12:38 AM, Clifford Snow wrote:

I had the problem and created a bug report.

JOSM is running the latest 9117 version. Version 9102 on another machine
did not have a problem.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Steve Friedl > wrote:

Me too! Me too!

__ __

I’ve been using 9092 from home for several days, and it started fine
this morning, but now it’s objecting. 

__ __

I’m on a stable home network with a quality commercial firewall and
no proxies.  Win 7

__ __


__ __

*From:*Mike Thompson [mailto:miketh...@gmail.com
*Sent:* Monday, December 14, 2015 3:24 PM
*To:* Greg Morgan >
*Cc:* Alan Bragg >; talk-us@openstreetmap.org
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

__ __

I too am now getting the problem (but am on a corporate network at
the moment, will try from home later):

Version 8969 

Last change at 2015-10-29 22:15:23 +0100 (Thu, 29 Oct 2015) 

Java Version 1.8.0_65 

Windows 7

__ __

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Greg Morgan > wrote:

__ __

Checking the certificate[1] via a web browser says that the
certificate for
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/StartupPage is valid 

I get the same results from a web browser as you, it is valid.

__ __

__ __

If the issue is a proxy problem as Mike pointed out, then I
recall that you have to add -Dhttp.proxyHost=yourProxyURL to
your JOSM arguments before you can change the proxy settings in
your preferences.

That is correct, but if web traffic is being filtered I don't think
there is anything that can be done within JOSM to fix the problem.
The problem for me in the past has been that the filter returned a
response like "are you sure you want to go to xyz.com
", which normally in a browser would be displayed
and you would have an opportunity to say "yes", but JOSM didn't know
what to do with that response, hence the error.  That isn't the
problem for me today as I can go to josm.openstreetmap.de
 (and directly to its IP address)
without a warning from a browser.

__ __


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OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

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Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

2015-12-14 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi Alan,

Dirk did make a change to server certificates today I think.

It is possible this is related to that change.

If you could please provide your OS version, JOSM version and Java 
version, that would really be helpful.

JOSM -> Help menu -> Show Status Report provides all that info right up 
at the top of the resulting dialog box.


On 12/14/2015 9:49 PM, Alan Bragg wrote:

At 3pm EST JOSM is refusing to start. I getting this message.
​If I ignore the message I can continue to use JOSM as usual.


 JOSM tried to access the following resources:

  * https://josm.openstreetmap.de/maps
  * https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/StartupPage

but *failed* to do so, because of the following network errors:

  * sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable
to find valid certification path to requested target

It may be due to a missing proxy configuration.
Would you like to change your proxy settings now?

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[Talk-us] Long way in Lake County, CA no tags - broken boundary or other relation?

2015-09-17 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi all,

Could someone with some knowledge or expertise please investigate this way:


I think it part of broken boundary relation or something, but it has no 
tags and does not seem to belong to any relations.

I only have the vaguest idea how boundaries and relations are used so I 
do not mess with them and when needed, find a more experienced mapper to 
help me with them.

I already left a note on the last changeset to modify this way as well:


But I can't do anything to fix it and it happens to be in the middle of 
a current wildfire area (Valley Fire in CA) so will be seen and/or used 
by lots of people in the near and long term future.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Viewing Zoom Levels

2015-08-26 Thread Blake Girardot

Hi Alan,

In addition to how Clifford explains below, you can also double click on 
the coordinates in the lower left of the JOSM screen. The resulting 
dialog will have the same type of url with the zoom level in it in the 
bottom field.

You can also edit that url to change the zoom level and then click Jump 
there and you will zoom to that zoom level.

But wait there is more :)

You can copy/paste the standard OSM urls from and into that url field in 
JOSM to share and trade locations with others.


On 8/26/2015 3:12 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Alan Bragg alan.d.br...@gmail.com
mailto:alan.d.br...@gmail.com wrote:

How can I view the current zoom level​ in the JOSM editor or at
the basic OSM website openstreetmap.org http://openstreetmap.org

Zoom levels are defined as numbers (1-19) at

I read a lot of messages talking about viewing details at at
specific zoom levels.

The zoom level is displayed on OSM in the url. For example,
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/48.46099/-122.33798 the zoom level
is 17. Notice when you zoom in or out, the map= changes each time.

JOSM is a little more hidden, a right click on the background image
gives the option of Show Tile Info with the zoom level indicated in
the Tile Name.


osm_seattle.snowandsnow.us http://osm_seattle.snowandsnow.us
OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

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Re: [Talk-us] New JOSM RasterFiltersPlugin

2015-08-25 Thread Blake Girardot




Note it has a two step process, install the plugin, restart, go to 
preferences and download the filters in the Map project tab (3rd from 
top in mine, has a grid pattern). Clicking the download button there 
doesn't have a visible effect, but you probably have to do it.

After that it works as advertised now.


On 8/25/2015 4:03 PM, Alan Bragg wrote:

Can someone explain
​or point me to documentation on ​
how to use the
​ new​
JOSM RasterFiltersPlugin?
The only documentation I can find is  The RasterFiltersPlugin allows to
choose and apply some images' filters to some layers
I loaded the plugin and see no tools, I'm feeling like an idiot.

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